>What's wrong with eating moderate carb, moderate fat, and low protein as I'm doing?
you can't 'moderate' all three.
and 50/50 carb/fat is the worst combination, if we are talking about a single meal.
eating a coconut and three fish on one day in one month would clog your arteries and cause some inflammation, but you would have time to recover.
statistics say that people get problems when their fat goes as high or higher than (i don't know exactly, where the mark is) about 20% and that people are excellent and can even reach ages like 120 when their fat is lower, 10% or less. those are not daily ratios, but totals.
it's more logical to look at what you need and eat it, instead of looking at what you could get away with. the latter strategy would be pleasure based thinking. but the pleasure seeking problem arises from addictions and from compensating for chronic lack of nutrients (i grew up with insane addiction to sweets and junk). when plenty of fruit is eaten, the pleasure problem will be forgotten.
you may need a little fat for hormones and what not, plants like beans and omega 3 rich greens should already have enough, but if you are insecure add some seeds and nuts or avokado or coconut. it's unlikely that you need extra protein, but if so, make the bean portions larger or more frequent. now you may have 500kcal. you also need vitamins and energy. add fruit or potatoes or rice until you have enough of both. maybe add vegetables for extra micronutrient. done.
loading up glycogen stores with slowly digesting cooked carbs in the evening and skipping breakfast is a common strategy, i do it too. i know, the mind feels very awake in the morning, i often find myself working while fasting and getting really hungry and ignoring it. it's probably not ideal for weight loss to eat most carbs in the evening though, as the night is the only time window, when body fat is really lost. but it sort of works for lean roman warriors who march all day. i really doubt that raw carbs from ripe fruit make you tired. (unripe fruit can make tired). if you avoid cooked carbs in the morning, because they are tiring, you don't have to replace them with fat, you could replace them with raw carbs. you may find that your office performance is even better or perhaps more friendly, when your blood sugar is no longer at night level or when you don't need to rely on stress hormones, to raise your blood sugar a bit to a day level.
also, carbs make especially tired, when they are dry and you are too. because they can't be digested like that. carbs float on water, so to say. first thing in the morning should be drinking 1 liter of water, anyhow. have a proper glass of water with every carb meal. that's essential.
the only reason i go 100% vegan is that i have the feeling, that the body is reacting to complete absence of problematic food with giving up odd adaptive process layers that are suppressive somehow. all those denatured proteins fucking with the immune system. i might even eat some meat or fish some day, maybe when going out, but i will absolutely stay away from milk. i had some dark chocolate lately and it has really fucked my blood sugar up like crazy (i know, cocoa is also involved) and caused a clogged nose and i was swollen the next day. this swelling is the natural reaction to pasteurized milk and it will be suppressed, when you have milk daily or weekly. eggs are probably the same.
if i remember correctly, okinawa people have virtually no dairy. they have significantly less meat and fish than their neighbours. i am too demented to remember if the neighbors in question are japanese or chinese. other aspects of the diet are very similar. life expectancy is hugely different.
have a look at this
legumes are not ideal and should be limited, but history has shown, that with proper preparation, no real problem arises. soaking and perhaps even sprouting. sprouted mung beans taste okay, raw.
personally i reject grains because of opioids, because i can't have addictive crap in my diet. and my sister claims to have stomach issues with gluten, so i might as well follow her in that. i also had leaky gut and processed gluten is the most likely offender, but i have no proof. i'm pretty sure the only negative thing about rice is it's lack of vitamins and perhaps pollution from dirty ground in china or whatnot. potatoes have vitamins but may have some toxins. somehow my body just likes rice more than potatoes. sweet potato and quinoa are really cool foods, unfortunately expensive. i look at those foods as back up foods. bananas are first choice but it's good to have something that can be stored longer.
i consume neither oil nor salt.
only trace amounts of pepper or chilly (it's also involved in leaky gut).
i use some tumeric, medicinally.
but you see, when i am eating 20 brazil nuts, 10 walnuts and a spoon full of sunflower seeds per week (not at once) i am not going to count the omega 6 involved and eat so much flaxseed, that i make up for it with omega 3. i haven't seen any evidence for problems occurring from consuming so little fat.
i can only tell you that i had psychotic nightmares from 250ml of ultraheated (long lasting) cream, in my low carb days, probably because of those proteins that break into halves and one half turns into a drug. it appears that the ultraheating made it worse, compared to say cheese, which is also psychotropic, but never gave me a nightmare with violent egoloss, like someone smashes your consciousness into a meat grinder, like a psychedelic trip.
and the calcium from dairy? people who consume dairy have osteoporois, dairy has been shown to deplete the body of more calcium than it gives. people who don't consume dairy have lower calcium needs. vegans populations don't suffer from a lack of calcium and don't bulk up on nuts either. did you assume i HAVE to eat tons of nuts for calcium?
and about those nutrient loaded organ meats: i will only say, that inuit don't get very old and are not healthy at all and do have osteoporosis.
to summarize my typical shopping list:
bananas, dates, grapes, apples, mangos, raisins, melon, oranges/clementines
(and i would eat any fruit, but i can't afford all of them, or find them in good quality, etc)
rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, quinoa, beans, (if i can't afford enough fruit to get all of my calories from fruit)
any vegetables that i know how to handle, but no onion or garlic or peppers.
brazilnuts, walnuts, coconut meat. because i can limit those.
it's difficult not to eat a whole bag of cashews or roasted pistachios or roasted almonds - raw almonds give me allergy). so i don't buy these.
i eat 80 10 10 or actually more like 85 10 5. (carb/protein/fat/percentage)
if i had more money, i would eat better and more vegetables and even more fruit.
bad things i consume occasionally: fruit juice. rice waffles. occasionally brown sugar. (the chemical bleaching in white sugar appears to be immune system reducing factor, in my experience - i never woke up with a cold or herpes, after consuming a ton or brown sugar, but it happens for white sugar. still, brown sugar is bad for fat loss).
i avoid some things, because i react to them. i don't consume soy, peanut or buckwheat or hazelnut. vegetables that have minty oils are also taboo for me.
i'm a fan of the gabriel method, even though john gabriel doesn't recommend veganism, he understands more about weight-loss, than anyone else. he recommends live foods. which is a logical contradiction to not going vegan. cooked eggs are in no way live food and he likes them for breakfast too. however he eats lots of live food, much more salads than i can afford and so he looks healthier. that healthy glow comes from how much money people can invest in organic produce. and he can afford raw fresh self made wheat grass. fucking millionaire. i can't even afford organic and that makes a huge difference. a few animal products do not ruin the glow that comes from live food and any heart disease or clogged arteries are invisible. so is dementia.