I'm with Jennywocky, it is more interesting to play different characters even if they are a bit clumsy.
About a quarter of my characters are male (I'm female). Sometimes it fits the game system better, sometimes it fits my mood better. No one in my group has any problem with characters of any gender or orientation. I think all but one of us has played both male and female characters, at least.
I agree, the point of RPGs really is to try stuff you couldn't do in real life. Violence is one, and it certainly can be fun. I have certainly had very violent characters. But there are so many other things I don't do in real life, which I have had characters try. A pushy salesman, a bureaucrat, a drug dealer, a religious fanatic, a bear, a person who heard voices and sometimes couldn't tell what was real (due to a severe allergy in an SF game), an adrenaline junkie, a traitor, a semi-ethical doctor, and a socialite. They were all playable characters, surprisingly. Getting them right, making them feel like real people with convincing motives and actions, is very satisfying to me.
Using Smithers' distinction, I pretty much only play the kind with mages and elves, or possibly engineers and aliens.