A couple days ago I was on some MBTI page and it had a list of things each personality type should do to grow. For INTPs it recommended to travel. I am an INTP and I have some experience in this area. I'm normally not into sharing stuff like this unless people ask, but this forum seems to be a pretty open place for sharing your thoughts.
Back in 2013 my friend was me visiting from out of town. After talking with him for about 20 minutes he just randomly said "Hey, I'm going to Costa Rica in a few months, do you want to go?". Without really thinking about it or asking any questions I said "sure". Oddly enough, every once in a blue moon I find one I those "Fuck it.. Why not?"' moods, and he caught me right in the middle of one. Is that just a me thing or is that normal for an INTP?
Over the next few weeks, I started researching hotels and sent him some links. His reply was something like "No dude, we are not gonna goto hotels or resorts. It's hostels and buses for us. We are backpacking" Up until that moment, backpacking meant going into the woods and sleeping in tents (I'm showing my Missouri roots here) and hostels were places where people got murdered and had their organs harvested.
In the end, my friend and I ended up going to like 8 cities in Panama and Costa Rica. After that trip, I was completely hooked on backpacking. So hooked that as soon as I got my first paycheck after the trip, I bought a ticket to Cancun and a return flight from San Pedro Sula in Honduras for 4 months later. When buying the ticket I assumed I could talk at least one of my friends or family into going. I ended up going alone which was the best thing that could have happened to me.
I know there is an endless supply of articles (sponsored content) online about traveling and it benefits. I haven't found anything that pertains specifically to INTPs. Actually, most of those articles get my eyes rolling. When I see a headline like "How traveling the world made me a better person" what I as an INTP really see is "How traveling the world made it socially acceptable for me to publicly imply that I'm better than everybody else".
It is hard to put into words why I think it is so good for an INTP to travel but I wil try my best. When you travel, there is a seemingly endless supply of mental stimulation. All you have to do is walk around a new place for an hour or two by yourself. As an INTP you are absorbing all this data about the new culture which then of course you get to analyze and expand knowledge upon for much time to come. You are figuratively that kid in a candy store who wants to try everything. When you are traveling you can be whoever you want to be (most likely you will never see these people again) so you can experiment. You can say those quirky things you normally wouldn't say to strangers at home without worrying about running into them again. The world becomes your psychological laboratory. Also, you meet a wide variety of personalities completely different to the ones you know at home and they love having their brain picked. There are no rules of traveling, just guidelines which you can chose to follow if you wish. I rarely run into INTPs in my travels, but you meet a lot more people that appreciate and are intrigued by us.
I know many people have preconceived notions that it is expensive. I thought this as well but I found that it is not at all. There is a lot to learn about how to do it cheap, but once you do the research and go on a few backpack trips you quickly learn to be an expert at stretching that dollar. I warn you it is extremely addictive. So much so that 6 months after the second backpack trip, I sold most of my shit, got a plane ticket and left the USA with about 3k in my pocket to travel the world for the rest of my life. That was over 16 months ago.
Before all this I was completely miserable. I couldn't find any meaning in life. I felt like I was Neo, endlessly searching for something and had no idea what it was. It's like I have escaped the matrix and have found a true means to happiness and fulfillment. I wanted to share this because I have got the feeling from reading through these forums and watching INTPs in YouTube that others have that Neo feeling in life. Maybe this could bring the same satisfaction for you guys like it did for me.
If this is something that truly interests you guys, I would be more than happy to answer any of the million questions I'm sure you have.
Also would like to hear comments or feedback as well. Thanks for listening to me ramble you guys
Back in 2013 my friend was me visiting from out of town. After talking with him for about 20 minutes he just randomly said "Hey, I'm going to Costa Rica in a few months, do you want to go?". Without really thinking about it or asking any questions I said "sure". Oddly enough, every once in a blue moon I find one I those "Fuck it.. Why not?"' moods, and he caught me right in the middle of one. Is that just a me thing or is that normal for an INTP?
Over the next few weeks, I started researching hotels and sent him some links. His reply was something like "No dude, we are not gonna goto hotels or resorts. It's hostels and buses for us. We are backpacking" Up until that moment, backpacking meant going into the woods and sleeping in tents (I'm showing my Missouri roots here) and hostels were places where people got murdered and had their organs harvested.
In the end, my friend and I ended up going to like 8 cities in Panama and Costa Rica. After that trip, I was completely hooked on backpacking. So hooked that as soon as I got my first paycheck after the trip, I bought a ticket to Cancun and a return flight from San Pedro Sula in Honduras for 4 months later. When buying the ticket I assumed I could talk at least one of my friends or family into going. I ended up going alone which was the best thing that could have happened to me.
I know there is an endless supply of articles (sponsored content) online about traveling and it benefits. I haven't found anything that pertains specifically to INTPs. Actually, most of those articles get my eyes rolling. When I see a headline like "How traveling the world made me a better person" what I as an INTP really see is "How traveling the world made it socially acceptable for me to publicly imply that I'm better than everybody else".
It is hard to put into words why I think it is so good for an INTP to travel but I wil try my best. When you travel, there is a seemingly endless supply of mental stimulation. All you have to do is walk around a new place for an hour or two by yourself. As an INTP you are absorbing all this data about the new culture which then of course you get to analyze and expand knowledge upon for much time to come. You are figuratively that kid in a candy store who wants to try everything. When you are traveling you can be whoever you want to be (most likely you will never see these people again) so you can experiment. You can say those quirky things you normally wouldn't say to strangers at home without worrying about running into them again. The world becomes your psychological laboratory. Also, you meet a wide variety of personalities completely different to the ones you know at home and they love having their brain picked. There are no rules of traveling, just guidelines which you can chose to follow if you wish. I rarely run into INTPs in my travels, but you meet a lot more people that appreciate and are intrigued by us.
I know many people have preconceived notions that it is expensive. I thought this as well but I found that it is not at all. There is a lot to learn about how to do it cheap, but once you do the research and go on a few backpack trips you quickly learn to be an expert at stretching that dollar. I warn you it is extremely addictive. So much so that 6 months after the second backpack trip, I sold most of my shit, got a plane ticket and left the USA with about 3k in my pocket to travel the world for the rest of my life. That was over 16 months ago.
Before all this I was completely miserable. I couldn't find any meaning in life. I felt like I was Neo, endlessly searching for something and had no idea what it was. It's like I have escaped the matrix and have found a true means to happiness and fulfillment. I wanted to share this because I have got the feeling from reading through these forums and watching INTPs in YouTube that others have that Neo feeling in life. Maybe this could bring the same satisfaction for you guys like it did for me.
If this is something that truly interests you guys, I would be more than happy to answer any of the million questions I'm sure you have.
Also would like to hear comments or feedback as well. Thanks for listening to me ramble you guys