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Search results

  1. Firehazard159

    Stumbled upon Segmented Sleep!!!

    I've actually been intensely curious about an alternate sleep schedule, I really want to try one specifically, but you have to sleep deprive yourself for about 5-7 days, if I remember right, and then have access to a quiet place for 30 minutes every 4 hours. A 30 minute break in ones day isn't...
  2. Firehazard159

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    I just had this wicked dream. I wasn't in it at all, there were all these different, widely varied characters, I can't remember the exact number, but anywhere from 7+, ranging from every skin color from old to young (The youngest was about 13-14, oldest I specifically remember was 50's.) And...
  3. Firehazard159

    Type Description on CPP Results

    Not really any right or wrongs, just clarification / communication / furthering understanding, though, by your post it does seem like you got bored of this :P haha. I think you take a much more strict / limited view of computers than I am. I imagine my mind to be more like how a computer is on...
  4. Firehazard159

    It's Gone

    This is grand, I may make this into a 'philosophy to live by' kind of thing, hahaha. It makes me feel like I'd be a bit insane, my overactive imagination is having quite fun imagery at this concept!
  5. Firehazard159

    Type Description on CPP Results

    See: You're a lot more well read on the subject than myself... It's just something I was considering and wondered about :P ^ Is the reason I was thinking what I was. You say you're not computer like... I feel like my decisions are very dry, logic based, lodged in thinking, rather than based...
  6. Firehazard159

    INTP Plus Multi Intelligences

    Mm... I was actually curious about this very thing myself, so contributing (also helps the music gain more staying power XD) See sig...
  7. Firehazard159

    Best places to live with INTP?

    Just to give you an idea of CO, at least Denver, it took me about 2-3 months to find an entry level job when I moved here a year ago, and that was with 2-3 apps going out a day... well, that might be a little exaggerated, but I tried to make that my goal :P (I totally don't have that much...
  8. Firehazard159

    o.O I'm curious as to what you're referring to specifically :P

    o.O I'm curious as to what you're referring to specifically :P
  9. Firehazard159

    Sacred Home of Dragons

    and your inner dragon is a .... Mithril Dragon In the war between good and evil, Mithril Dragons take the side of the noble and good. When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos. As far as magical tendancies...
  10. Firehazard159

    Which INTP type are you?

    Yeah, I don't really give this any more credit than a Facebook quiz quickly thrown together. I still just find it fun to think about, maybe we could theorycraft some of our owns. It was mostly just a point of reference to get an interesting discussion on :P I think we can all agree it's...
  11. Firehazard159

    Best places to live with INTP?

    I don't mean to deter anyone from moving to the Dakota's by any means, either, I just wanted to put up a fair warning, having experienced living there. I really am not fond of the Rapid City area, but I didn't spend much time nearer the Universities. There is definitely a divide between West...
  12. Firehazard159

    Type Description on CPP Results

    I definitely fit all of those quite well, and I've always thought of myself as being very "Vulcan" or like "Data" from star trek. Before I really knew those characters, I'd always say I work like a computer... heh. Just curious, are you maybe borderline F? (like, 55% T 45% F?) My other...
  13. Firehazard159

    Which INTP type are you?

    I am: TNIP-"the global paradox" This is the first of the two flipped rationals. From a long tradition of having their N destroy the workings of their T, the TNIP has found a way to boil anything down to a single metaphorical paradox.
  14. Firehazard159

    Which INTP type are you?

    I thought this was pretty intriguing at the very least, might be fun to see which 'types' we are by whoever created this... doubtful on it's precision, more makes me think of one those facebook quizzes. (Original link: http://forums.intpcentral.com/showthread.php?t=36491) P-type "The...
  15. Firehazard159

    MBTI an Illusion?

    I thought this was interesting, probably not too solidly accurate, but could be developed into a well structured theory. It's the initial breakdown of the 16 to 256 types, but it's only for INTP's :D http://forums.intpcentral.com/showthread.php?t=36491 Started a new thread at...
  16. Firehazard159

    You know you're an Intp when...

    I tend to do that and forget that there is other people with me >.> ...If I do remember they're there, they get pulled into my world destruction/changing fantasy, if I like them, they're joining me, as a minor background character... if I dislike them, they're amongst the ones being...
  17. Firehazard159

    WoW Screenies.

    I'm too lazy to upload, but I have some classic ones... me running around in judgment with unstoppable force XD as well as that fiery halberd from ZG. Oh god... too many memories... hardcore missing my online friends and those good times :(
  18. Firehazard159

    How do you feel emotions?

    Though I'd add my perspective to this thread; sorry it it's repetitive, as we can think quite a like :P For me, emotions are always present, just muffled. It's like a simmering fire, becoming oxygen deprived as I relentlessly hold them down. I've always like the dam analogy. Usually what...
  19. Firehazard159

    Your username

    We should totally play FPS's together. Drumfire Firehazard Though, really we'd both be doing kind o fthe same thing. I'm sure we'd inevitably end up slaughtering everyone though, right? :D And as long as you never get out of my sight, I won't confuse you as the enemy!
  20. Firehazard159

    Best places to live with INTP?

    Just an FYI, I'm from South Dakota. Pretty much, everywhere that's not Sioux Falls is a bunch of bible thumping hill billy type people. You might get some saving grace from college students, but as far as adults and teens go... It's all about being drunk, bars, and hunting. Not much for...
  21. Firehazard159

    INTP soundtrack

    YouTube - Daft Punk - Da Funk (Daft Punk - Da Funk - I've always described this as my personal theme song, the whole video just kinda hits home, and the music, just fits me :P) YouTube - people are strange - infected mushroom & the doors (Infected Mushroom Remixing the Doors People are...
  22. Firehazard159

    INTP and ENTP

    I just met an ENTP in real life, she's pretty cool, but she's entirely unargumentative with me, mostly because I think she agree's with me most of the time, we can have some interesting discussions. She strikes me as a introvert, but I've only hung out with her and her best friend, they're both...
  23. Firehazard159

    Can you read eyes?

    31, though should've been 32. I decided to change one last moment when I knew my first answer was right -_-. I shouldn't give in to those urges... haha. The others I got wrong I was genuinely baffled on. I got all the fantasizing / flirtatious ladies right though... :D
  24. Firehazard159

    The Ultimate Guide To INTPness

    The search function isn't terribly useful I've found in most situations... I was curious if anyone had brought up any astrology comparison to mbti, I did end up finding the threads on it, but since it's mentioned so often there was a lot of other junk I had to sift through... And now, this...
  25. Firehazard159

    Gamer type

    Your BrainHex Class is Mastermind. Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Mastermind-Conqueror. You like solving puzzles and devising strategies as well as defeating impossibly difficult foes, struggling until you eventually achieve victory, and beating other players. According to your results, there...
  26. Firehazard159

    IPIP-NEO Test Results

    Extraversion...............1 Friendliness.............2 Gregariousness...........1 Assertiveness............1 Activity Level...........2 Excitement-Seeking.......37 Cheerfulness.............1 Agreeableness..............21 Trust....................5 Morality.................65...
  27. Firehazard159

    Concentration and Focus

    Seducer, I totally relate to that :\ (And a lot of what else has been said.) I actually did take the AP classes, they were a breeze for me. I ended up being kicked out of most of them my senior year, because they increased the homework load. ......But not the difficulty. Which, in the end, I...
  28. Firehazard159

    Your username

    My name comes from my initial jumping into computer gaming, namely counterstrike. Archpaladin has always been my roleplay name, but it never really fit while I was playing FPS's, so I named myself based on my play style. I had trouble discerning which uniform was which, and which team I was...
  29. Firehazard159

    who are you newbies?!

    Ok really now, that's not seductive :( rofl! Anyways, I'm just some living-with-family-in-the-basement-dwelling INTP living in Denver. Beyond that, well, my names Chris, as with like apparently a large portion of the people who hang here / in IRC. I may be joining the air force in the near...
  30. Firehazard159

    who are you newbies?!

    I'm homeless, and have a strong desire to be seduced :(
  31. Firehazard159

    I feel stupid here

    Heh. I have no real contribution other than to say, I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way, and thanks to everyone who's posted wise comments reinforcing those of us with low self-esteem. I will inevitably mostly only post my own experience and ask questions, until I feel more...
  32. Firehazard159

    Military Service

    I was actually reading some things on slashdot.org (comments left by military people vs civilians arguing), and from what I got out of it: People of our type tend to really suffer in the initial phases of military stuff (the mindlessness of it all really, and the incessant beating people into...
  33. Firehazard159

    Sleep Deprivation and INTPs

    I have a tendency to have zero attention span to the time, whether in the span of years or minutes or hours. The last 4 years of my life, don't really feel like they've gone by, I still feel like I'm fresh out of high school. I never really feel like I leave any moment in time really... but I...
  34. Firehazard159

    What it is homie

    Weird. I never understood the "What it is" phrase. A bunch of my coworkers who are really old say it (like 50+). It's like common to them... any idea where it originated? Also, welcome! Quick google search explains it :P Was too lazy to do it before, haha...
  35. Firehazard159

    Military Service

    I've actually been strongly considering the US Air Force. A better environment for more computer-nerd oriented people, from what I've gathered. I'm in the same boat as Toad though, not sure I want to be so tied down, I think I could force myself to tolerate it well enough though.
  36. Firehazard159

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    I fully understand that, and agree actually. (Though, I know I've suffered from dillussionment more than once.) That's what's weird though, about this specific girl. She's not at all like my mother, though other girls have been. I always figured if I ever got to know this girl personally, I'd...
  37. Firehazard159

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    Note: This does refer back a little to the first dream I posted, which is only potentially relevant, due to the centerpiece of the dream being the same. There's also not a lot of detail to the dream, because the dreams are never detailed themselves, it's more of an emotional experience. So all...
  38. Firehazard159

    Wasted potential and squandered intelligence

    I'm your guys' triplet >.> Rofl. I had planned to start college this year, but made some stupid financial decisions that have set me back, I'll probably start next year or the year after, though I'm contemplating joining the air force... I just know military isn't a great place for INTP's to...
  39. Firehazard159

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    It's a trap! Trust me, I'd know.
  40. Firehazard159

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    Mostly, I was sharing for the sake of sharing; these are just three dreams that particularly stand out for me, two of them being reoccurring and all. I'm starting to realize that I have a lot of 'movie' type dreams, and I think that's what my second dream is. That one just particularly...
  41. Firehazard159

    o.O I want to learn Cello, I don't currently know it, sadly. Also, getting a strong sense of...

    o.O I want to learn Cello, I don't currently know it, sadly. Also, getting a strong sense of deja vu right now X.x
  42. Firehazard159

    Doing well :) join IRC more imo! <3 haha.

    Doing well :) join IRC more imo! <3 haha.
  43. Firehazard159

    New and Learning to be Social

    I've been strongly contemplating joining the military, air force ideally, simply because I struggle to take care of myself and figure the military does that as long as I do my job... as an INTP with direct experience, do you recommend it or think it's a bad idea? o.O haha. Also, welcome! Also...
  44. Firehazard159

    Do you find WoW boring?

    Darkfall is kind of the FPS / MMO thing. Imagine Oblivion engine/gameplay combined with ultima online ideology, and you have Darkfall online. It does have a little bit of a grind to it, but not as bad as other games. The problem is it's full loot PVP, so you almost have to have a group to be...
  45. Firehazard159

    How important is eating healthy to you?

    I also avoid gluten when I can, but I can't stay away from my pasta's, I do tend to use more rice noodles, or udon / soba noodles, stuff like that. Avoiding gluten is what's contributed to a lot of healthy weightloss for me though.
  46. Firehazard159

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    This is going to be a rather long post for me, recounting some dreams here: First off, I had this reoccurring childhood dream. It'd start off with me playing in my room, eventually I'd start jumping on the bed (which I never did IRL, oddly enough.) While jumping, I'd see this vent up in...
  47. Firehazard159

    Heya :D!

    Heya :D!
  48. Firehazard159

    Woman - The Root of all Evil

    So I read the first page and skipped to the last, and we're talking about risk now?! lol. I want to play risk :\ I had the board version and the computer version, one of the few mac games there were beyond blizzards stuff :D
  49. Firehazard159

    What to do when you don't want to do anything?

    I'm essentially exactly the same as the OP, only instead of alcohol I tend to overdose on monsters, while eating PB and chocolate chips (looks in his bag of groceries... it's another one of those nights :\ ) I quoted Ermine because my 'fixes' are the same. If I know a day is empty, I try to...
  50. Firehazard159


    I find it funny that you say this. I agree with everything you said, only I have no SAT experience. My ACT's I didn't study for at all, I got a 27 (not amazing, but far better than the majority of my classmates.) My GPA in highschool was shit as well, 2.8 due to not doing any homework...
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