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Search results

  1. Firehazard159

    What to do?

    Personally, I'm a fairly kinesthetic person, and the two best things I've found, is to either: A. Work out, intensely. You'll generate endorphins, which will make you feel happier, plus you'll exhaust any rage out, through the intensity. That's how I function, at least. B. Sleep. It's like...
  2. Firehazard159

    INTP terrible at algebra

    I had a miserable high school experience with most classes, but especially math. I had an extremely dogmatic, cruel teacher that required your full attention on her for the entire class, no working on assignments in class. You had to sit and listen to her terrible grammar, extremely bad lisp...
  3. Firehazard159

    Why Ayn Rand?

    Hey now :P I drive a toyota corolla, right at the speed limit, usually with all organic produce in my passenger seat, cellphone in one hand, cursing the other drivers! Of course, I'm shifting music on my cellphone, and text at red lights / stop signs :P Sometimes while driving, but generally...
  4. Firehazard159

    What Happens When You're Awake?

    Heh, well I'm only 22 myself, and I did debate posting that simply because I often don't feel as refreshed, per say, but I do feel emotionally reset generally. IE: If I go to sleep really pissed off / depressed / upset, I'll wake up feeling fairly neutral, and upon remembering the upsetting...
  5. Firehazard159

    What Happens When You're Awake?

    Usually, when I go to sleep, dreams are fresh to me, whatever I was feeling as I go to sleep, I do not feel in the dream (that I can remember, at least.) However, I've felt intense emotions upon waking up in the real world, caused by the dream world, very often. Although, generally, when I...
  6. Firehazard159

    What Happens When You're Awake?

    I know I've had at least one pre-cognitive dream, which really weirded me out. But, you've got me wondering now, if I have more (but tend to fail to realize them / remember them). Reason being, I have deja vu happen ridiculously often, things that I know weren't even remotely similar to any...
  7. Firehazard159

    The N/S Divide and Following Through

    Well said yellow XD Usually for me it follows this line of thought: "Ok, seriously, pay attention, it's important, stop letting your thoughts wander." - and just that line alone, is a doorway back into my own little world, and I start pondering the meanings behind the phrase, what it means...
  8. Firehazard159

    How's your eyesight?

    My eyes are probably the worst of anyone here >.> lol, -7.5 and -8. I relate to the same thing as Adaire, my pupils seem to be unnaturally dilated, so I avoid light often. Like Snik, people have asked if I'm on drugs, when I have never used -_-
  9. Firehazard159

    Flashdrives vs. Paper

    Leave the desktop at home, use it as a quasi-server, hosting all your info. Take your netbook with you, access and transfer files using that. XD
  10. Firehazard159

    This weird "favourite number" research

    72 was my first number. I didn't really pick a second, but the obvious number is 42 XD
  11. Firehazard159

    Well, looks like we know where the 9th chevron goes! Honestly, kind of disappointing, but still...

    Well, looks like we know where the 9th chevron goes! Honestly, kind of disappointing, but still neat.
  12. Firehazard159

    Do you chew pens?

    I chew on ice. No pens.
  13. Firehazard159

    What should, in your opinion, be taught first ?

    I guess on topic, I feel like children really shouldn't be taught anything specifically. They should be encouraged to explore, they should learn by the example you set for them. If a child shows an interest in music, encourage it by giving them a musical instrument and lessons, if they...
  14. Firehazard159

    What should, in your opinion, be taught first ?

    One thing I cannot fathom, is why there has to be a separation of "we" and "me", I see some of you arguing that the society identity is more important than the individual identity, and vice versa. But to me, it's all the same. My individual identity creates positive feedback in a community...
  15. Firehazard159

    How much do you spend on clothes?

    10 or less for shirts, 20 or less for pants, and less than 40 for shoes. I pretty much do most/all my shopping at target or kohls, lol. I've come to find that I really like mossimo's plain t shirts, they're fitted nicely to me.
  16. Firehazard159

    Which is your dominant eye?

    I'm left eye dominant, right handed, (thought my left arm is stronger than my right, and I continually arbitrarily work on being ambidextrous XD). I've never had any issues with the things you've listed; I've been able to do them all, and do them quite loudly o.O
  17. Firehazard159

    What type is most likely to type Dvorak?

  18. Firehazard159


    I'm so in! Do we bring our own Mecha, or are they supplied?
  19. Firehazard159

    What type is most likely to type Dvorak?

    I'd like to use a dvorak keyboard, but it's just impractical, since anywhere you go currently will have qwerty. I wouldn't want to get confused between swapping keyboards constantly, but then, I'm not sure I would get confused necessarily. It just doesn't seem worth the effort, unless it...
  20. Firehazard159

    Where do INTP's begin?

    I have to ask this question at my workplace to customers (though I'm not a cashier.) However, whenever people say "Do you really want to know" I tend to respond with a yes in some sorts, like "If you'd like to share, sure, I'm willing to listen." Most of the people who ask generally don't...
  21. Firehazard159

    Core Style

    I love hiking boots / heavy shoes of any sort, wearing a hat of many varieties, though as of now it's a bucket hat and fedora. Beyond that, it's usually just dark or neutral colors. Blue, Green, and Brown are the only colors I really wear, and they're all very dark. The rest are black /...
  22. Firehazard159

    My walls being assaulted by blue text! Must alternate!

    My walls being assaulted by blue text! Must alternate!
  23. Firehazard159

    I have a knack for them, apparently ;)

    I have a knack for them, apparently ;)
  24. Firehazard159

    Famous Experiments (what are the people factors?)

    I have a lot to think about and respond to on this, I find it equally as intriguing, especially considering how the tests might've turned out with personality profiles in mind. But I'll leave on this for now: Almost 80 percent. Think about that when you're walking around the mall: Eight out of...
  25. Firehazard159

    how do I know if..

    Rather than challenge, I'd expand upon your theory, as I've been thinking along these lines myself. People who fall 50/50 on every category are either A. Extremely well balanced and developed in all sets, or B. Completely undeveloped in any set. If I recall correctly, the MBTI is simply a...
  26. Firehazard159

    Why I am not here (but through a chain of strange events am)

    Sounds like an interesting experience, to say the least. That's become my determination in life, because it seems like no matter what goes on, life continues to be miserable for me. So, I just experience things and analyze them as detached as possible. And then, move on. It makes me feel a...
  27. Firehazard159

    Dwelling on problems doesn't help

    ^ This. As tough as it is to do, even if I *am* dwelling on something, just try to push past that barrier, no matter how foreign it feels and act. It still takes me a ridiculous amount of courage to do it most of the time, and I usually procrastinate until the very last second, but once I...
  28. Firehazard159


    I voted yes, but I'm not sure if I should have or not. My philosophy isn't to be entirely without meat, but to reduce consumption. As in, 90% of my diet (or more, never less) is vegetarian. I actually don't like eating meat though, I just am too lazy to monitor my diet to make sure I get all...
  29. Firehazard159

    Serenity Now

    I'm surprised you didn't see me in there, but I guess we have to share now! ...ok, maybe not quite ;) But oddly enough, uncomfortable places are generally comfortable for me. I'm usually the first to volunteer for the odd sleeping spots when there's limited capacity, or I'll climb up into...
  30. Firehazard159

    Internal Emotional Personification

    Ah, so I'm not alone :) And wasn't too long for me, haha. I actually quite enjoy your world, and could see my own having been similar to it, were my interests / fantasies not so embedded in the world of medieval fantasy.
  31. Firehazard159

    You too? Or just me?

    http://twitter.com/andersenc159753 - I rarely use it, and rarely say anything useful or poignant, haha. If I had something worthy of saying I'd use it more often.
  32. Firehazard159

    Internal Emotional Personification

    My emotions actually very rarely manifest physically, the turmoil is always internally, it only really affects me by putting me into a brooding mood. If I'm under a lot of stress, mainly financial, loneliness and other factors can cause me to break down and cry, but that's extremely rare, and...
  33. Firehazard159

    You too? Or just me?

    Muahaha. Thanks for the tip ;) lol. Also, just, derailing the thread somewhat, but I tend to enjoy following you on twitter / your blog, you tend to speak what I think, a little more eloquently, and seem more well read and express thoughts I haven't thought of yet, but would've gotten to...
  34. Firehazard159

    Type Description on CPP Results

    My apologies, Zero. I feel like I'm missing something, and like I'm continually insulting you / putting you on the defensive, and it's not my intention. -_-
  35. Firehazard159

    Internal Emotional Personification

    I know there's been quite a few threads on how we perceive and interact (or don't interact) with our emotions, and this thread will be similarly along those lines, but slightly different. In my head, there is an entire fantasy world. I rule from a large castle, but the world is empty, and so...
  36. Firehazard159

    You too? Or just me?

    I've been moving down a similar path, i think i'm still in the existential stage but transitioning to the indi/transhumanist stage :P But I absolutely cannot view life as a game, for some reason, this concept really upsets and jars me. Like, the point of, if the ever fully convince me of it, I...
  37. Firehazard159

    You know you're an Intp when...

    Modification: You wish you could be invisible and could just observe, as an immortal, with the ability to perceive every event happening at once.
  38. Firehazard159

    What I hate about modern science fiction

    Oh, you're talking more physical than philosophical, or whatever the term would be. I can see that, then. My post feels silly now :( ^sad face should not = bawling face. : ' ( should be bawling, : ( should be sad -_- haha.
  39. Firehazard159

    What I hate about modern science fiction

    Is it really like that? Maybe I'm just too new to the genre, but in my exploration of the superhero world, good guys either just want to live 'normal' lives or they want to improve themselves through hard work / standard means. Bad guys usually want to skip ahead, usually at the expense of...
  40. Firehazard159

    So I just noticed via your avatar how many chevron-keys there are (9) on the stargate, and I was...

    So I just noticed via your avatar how many chevron-keys there are (9) on the stargate, and I was just thinking "Hmm... 7 Chevrons to gate to another world, 8 Chevrons to gate to another galaxy (atlantis / pegasus galaxy). Where does the 9th activated chevron take you? Another universe? Time...
  41. Firehazard159

    You too? Or just me?

    On a side note: I'm not sure if the trolls I've seen were just trolls or actual INTP's, but I'm starting to think that, if indeed they were INTP's, there are two types... the more aggressive, hostile type (or simply abrasive), and the more relaxed, casual, conflict avoidant type. I know I can...
  42. Firehazard159

    You too? Or just me?

    Interesing enough, I was about to post a new thread involving my personal demon, it's not anything like this thread, but you might find it, well, interesting, as annoying as it is to use that twice in one sentence. I've felt the way you do, I still do quite often even. It infects every...
  43. Firehazard159

    Gamer type

    <3 That's so true for me. haha.
  44. Firehazard159

    Xbox Live?

    firehazard159 ...*shifty eyes*
  45. Firehazard159

    Procrastination or more?

    I feel the same way as the OP too. My workspace that other people need to rely on to find things in is extremely well organized, to the point where I impressed my coworkers and the corporate office, I guess. It all just made a ton of sense, and my store was the only one out of 25+ that was...
  46. Firehazard159

    Diablo II

    I can't honestly play the game anymore, lol. The controls annoy me too much, but I used to play it way too much.. Not sure I could find my CD's anymore though, much less CDKeys. Else I'd at least try the game again :P
  47. Firehazard159

    Type Description on CPP Results

    I thought that was what they meant by dissonant... minor key / gloomy (and eerie) is always how I described my taste, but to get those sounds you need a certain dissonance to the music, that's what makes that sound...
  48. Firehazard159

    INTPs and Leadership

    This is exactly how I feel. I've always mentioned to people that I never want to be in a fullon leadership position. I *can* do it, if it's needed, but really, I function best being 'second in command' so to speak. Advising the leader of possibilities but letting them make the official...
  49. Firehazard159

    Type Description on CPP Results

    I don't think there's anything in that link that doesn't fit me, I'd have to read it again to be sure, but the first time I came across it I was pretty astonished :P
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