I feel no desire to get along in society, within reason. Of course, I understand that without society, I wouldn't have my apartment to live in, wouldn't have a job, wouldn't have my books; however, at the moment I feel somewhat content to live on the fringe, so-to-speak.
I harbor no lasting animosity towards society or those who seem entirely wrapped up in it. My hope is that if I largely ignore society, society will largely ignore me. I've learned, over the years, that this is partially true, and partially false. There are some things that must be done to blend into society, and thus not draw attention to myself. It would've been nice to have figured this out in high school.
My hope is for society to find me useful enough to cut me some slack and give me enough independence that I'll remain content. But, of course, society is an intangible social construct/force and doesn't have desires or goals, so that idea is just silly.