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Search results

  1. Black Rose

    The Cause of All the World's Problems

    The religious say it was original sin and or ignorance. The solution to them was Jesus and or meditation. But then nihilists took over and killed god. So the scientists said it is the evolutionary struggle for survival. The solution to them was education. The problem is they educated people...
  2. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    I did not hear him say that exactly but it is true. Teaching only facts and not how facts go together is a problem. The reason I think is that the people who are coming up with the curriculum do not understand science or systems thinking themselves and they think kids are too stupid to...
  3. Black Rose

    Cannot stand Kdramas

    Your point was that things that women want as known by common society (money, /security) are not what they want. So other than biological factors what do women want? If they don't need money and they don't need security then biological factors are the only reason left for women to choose men and...
  4. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    IQ as a construct is about the ratio or proportion in the ability of humans to use memory in relation to other humans. So it is like height, there is no perfect measure of height but we can say with rough estimation that we have one in ten, one in a hundred, in a thousand, in a million, and one...
  5. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    The basics are good for people to know. But what is the point of exams if you cannot solve real problems? What is an exam really? it should show you can do what you can do. In the military, you can die for example if you cannot do your job. And I want my medical doctor to pass medical exams...
  6. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    University has levels. To get to a certain level you need certain mental abilities. If you can't do it then you can't do it - this is even with the best-case scenario it also matters what you want to study for
  7. Black Rose

    Cannot stand Kdramas

    What I mean is that in the wild people who hunt are the good ones to mate with for women but not the ones who are abusers. So muscular guys are the type to be with most times for protection and food. If women today only want a man for the best life possible then it will be for biological reasons...
  8. Black Rose

    Cannot stand Kdramas

    the guy my sister was with recently got physical with her. she is attracted to all the wrong people and she leaves them all the time. my niece's father left because he was a jerk also so I do not know why she likes jerks so much men who cannot fight will just let the kids die by not...
  9. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    You posted this later so it is kind of what I had thought of. In my discussion with someone in a video chat, I had this to say: Intelligence is three things: working memory stored memory speed but these are just about the bandwidth or the ability to compute The one thing about giftedness is...
  10. Black Rose

    Cannot stand Kdramas

    all that comes down to then is physical and mental biology what kind of guy is the best specimen I can bone? one that is strong handsome and will not kill my kids.
  11. Black Rose

    Call of the Void

    I do not find contentment in death. Seems those that do have no purpose in life or are trying to escape it. All I want is to learn things and not feel bad. I want to be content as I am now but why I am not seems to be because of loneliness and a lack of ability to use my mental abilities. I...
  12. Black Rose

    No such thing as 'Nothing' per Quantum Physics

    A lie-to-children is a simplified, and often technically incorrect, explanation of technical or complex subjects employed as a teaching method. Educators who employ lies-to-children do not intend to deceive, but instead seek to 'meet the child/pupil/student where she is', in order to facilitate...
  13. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    that is what gifted is not but what IS giftedness in relation to the non-gifted? exams are for selecting problem solvers to go to high-end universities.
  14. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    gifted = ? iq = ? and this relates to university entrance in what way? I went one semester and dropped out because they would not tell me what to do.
  15. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    The only reason exams exist is to find high-IQ people. It is a talent search for top universities but for the general public, it is pretty useless. If you cannot solve problems on your own then they do not want you.
  16. Black Rose

    Health Articles

    The Thyroid Gland, Liver, Pancreas, and Fat Metabolism The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism and fat metabolism. Thyroid hormones influence the breakdown and storage of fats, as well as the production of bile acids, which aid in fat digestion and absorption. Thyroid...
  17. Black Rose

    My argument against David Hume's take on causality

    "You see oneself as a phenomenon rather than an agent of oneself" I think onestep is saying you become a solipsist. But this is the exact same thing as religion in my opinion because you can say schizos believe in god so anyone who is believing in god thinks god can change causality. When god...
  18. Black Rose

    Call of the Void

    Is there a reason you believe this? Why will technology not allow life extension? I get the same feeling from people ten years older or younger than me who do not understand how powerful computers have become. They are so powerful I would not be surprised if we live in a simulation. I saw a...
  19. Black Rose

    Power and will

    as you do stuff, as you do anything, just look at what you are doing and be aware you are doing it. it does not matter what you do as long as you increase your awareness.
  20. Black Rose

    Power and will

    Then the mind is paying attention to itself. mind paying attention to mind, attention paying attention to attention. The ego is just the eye of the being's attention mechanism so the ego is attention. developing attention develops the ego so a mastered ego is about being able to pay attention...
  21. Black Rose

    Power and will

    That would be in developing a skill. When you develop a skill you need to have a wide scope of attention to do it. It is about taking it all in at once so the body and mind come together.
  22. Black Rose

    Power and will

    just everything your entire body all at the same time, all the time
  23. Black Rose

    Power and will

    zen feel the body as it experiences everything
  24. Black Rose

    Intpforum Trackers

    artificial intelligence (name test) facebook NameTests is a Facebook quiz app that offers quizzes like "What Would You Look Like As a Drawing?" and "What Will You Leave behind You in 2018?" . The app has 26 million players
  25. Black Rose

    Power and will

    and by paying attention to it watch it move and watch whatever it does
  26. Black Rose

    Power and will

    Power can be defined in many ways but it is really about being able to "do". do = get energy into a new location to change something into a desired reality so power is used to get something and the better you can get something you have more power in that sense.
  27. Black Rose

    Power and will

    I would say that Buddhism is a good start. In the warrior sense, you need to have self-control. So the mind must be controlled and that means your body is part of the mind. I have come to think that emotions and self-discipline are related. For me, I need to learn how to pay attention so that...
  28. Black Rose

    Movies have lost their charm to me (mostly)

    "Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) is the director's cut of the 2017 film Justice League. The film is also known as the "Snyder Cut". It was released on HBO Max on March 18, 2021." ^movies are good if they tell the story correctly. The Snyder cut is an example of how movies can be good just...
  29. Black Rose

    My argument against David Hume's take on causality

    Yes but do you realize how powerful computers are today and will be in 2-3 decades? I had a thought in 2011: When I am out of this place, this place I am vacuuming, what will my future self think of me? I had the same thought in 2007 walking in the mall. What will it be like when I have money...
  30. Black Rose

    My argument against David Hume's take on causality

    So long as the constants of reality remain constant. sure causality holds. But what reality do we exist in? Each world may only be consistent with the rules it was given. Sure a base reality exists with base rules but we may not live in base reality. I could walk through my door and find...
  31. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    I like simple integrated models. So far I learned more about the brain than I did in school or during my whole life. What I put together is not that informative of how children get from infancy to adulthood but it's the basics so I could not make it that long like a book is. You can infer...
  32. Black Rose

    INTJ or INTP: How did you know?

    I do not think it is about dichotomy questions. You need to understand what NiTe is and what TiNe is. INTJ - observe what works and know when to apply what they know works. INTP - contemplates ideas and mentally tests them to their core foundations. So to know if you are an INTJ or INTP just...
  33. Black Rose

    Power and will

    The claim in the video is that to be an uberman you should not replace God with some external savior to replace God such as with science or conspiracy theories. A person should decide for themselves what they want and get it themselves and that is how new values are created. It is as I said with...
  34. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    We all have our personal meaning in what we do. So for some thinking is a reward for its own sake. But also thinking and learning can be used in the real world. I was thinking a lot and so I ignored my own situation. That is why I said math and such is a tool. We all need tools and so my time...
  35. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    The school system is better now that YouTube exists and that is where I learn things. Important things. Not just facts that have no abstract meaning that cannot be applied. In order for my ideas to have value I require certain tools. Those tools are available but I also need money for them and...
  36. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    The reason I did not understand calculus was because I did not know what it was for. Isaac Newton needed a way to sum quantities faster, calculus is a tool to get a result. All math is shape quantity and symbol. Symbol most of all has the power of creating and measuring shapes. No one told...
  37. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    You learn the basics by age 16. If not you are not intelligent or had poor teachers/schooling. I was unable to understand calculus until age 33 so that is basic to maths but not required to work at Walmart. All calculus is good for is computer programming. At age 36 I cannot get a job in...
  38. Black Rose

    Mirror Test Fails

    Do you have Prosopagnosia?
  39. Black Rose

    Levels of Awareness

    Infant Attachment: 1) The infant is left alone, they do not play but remain still The mother returns and the infant hesitates to approach the mother. 2) The infant is left alone and cries constantly The mother returns and the child cries when being held 3) The infant is left alone, does not...
  40. Black Rose

    Is school worth it ?

    If they had a valid way of measuring intelligence / cognitive abilities then that would be worth more than just a diploma. They do not have those except at high-level university research centers so it is usually too expensive and not worth it to jobs people to do it and it is illegal to give IQ...
  41. Black Rose

    Learning from MBTI perspective

    The control part is correct but I think this portrait diminishes how Te is done. Te is empirical so if a person is controlling people or things it matters what the aim is. ENTJ just wants to know what is the best production of said aim so telling people what to do is part of it but if ENTJ...
  42. Black Rose

    Power and will

    Do You Have a God Shaped Hole? Wisecrack channel
  43. Black Rose

    Levels of Awareness

    The one thing about anger is that it is scary to be vulnerable because that is not a safe place to be around others who will push you down because of it. So being sad, crying, showing feelings, or just telling people your problems is hard. It is easier to yell and be destructive than to be...
  44. Black Rose

    Levels of Awareness

    I cannot help how my emotional state came to be. But then it cannot be fixed just by "manning up". That won't heal anything. What is needed is love. And that is what I lack.
  45. Black Rose

    INTJ or INTP: How did you know?

    INTJ = Anticipitory Synthesis INTP = Analytic Novelty INTJ creates things by knowing what is needed before they create it and for every possible turnaround that may impede the process. With INTJ they want to get somewhere, in their heart they have something they value and must bring to life...
  46. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    And neurophysiological conditions must be in place to commune with it. Those conditions are not met by certain persons and they do not commune with it. Under grace, a person finds peace and love from that person (The Holy Spirit).
  47. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    You need to take into context everything I said in that post and the post where I responded to @onesteptwostep Anything spiritual cannot happen without some basic physiological condition in place. If you experience God or whatever spiritual force there is then it is in relation to having the...
  48. Black Rose

    My Theory of Free Will

    I think that in reflection as Buddhism is about mentality or the science of mind, I am not saying other minds don't exist but that you cannot get in touch with a diety if you do not have the physiological ability to. You do not run fast if muscles are atrophied. Or if you are dehydrated you can...
  49. Black Rose


    Intersubjectivity means we can have separate minds but that does not mean we really have anything that is concrete like dirt being hard balls or Greek atoms. I can see green and you can see green but would green be anything like hard balls? Everything could just be flux - waves with no...
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