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Search results

  1. Proletar

    Why did you choose your avatar?

    I seriously have no idea why i picked this one. I like the game and this picture got stuck in my head, maybe. Help?
  2. Proletar

    Healthy diet *not any!*

    Oh snap! You ISTPs are all right.
  3. Proletar

    Best comedians?

  4. Proletar

    Healthy diet *not any!*

    I know that there are three kinds of digestable types of energy (or four with alcohol) - carbohydrates, proteins and fats. I also know that the consumption of fat has decreased in the past century, whilst the consumption of carbohydrates has increased along with obesity and all kinds of...
  5. Proletar

    Healthy diet *not any!*

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-carbohydrate_diet The way to go. Seriously.
  6. Proletar

    The Smart Pill?!

    A lot of valid points made here. Kudos to this discussion. This is the sort of thing I want to see on this kind of board. Give yourself a round of applaus. I'm not even being sarcastic. "I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such...
  7. Proletar

    New INTP obsessed with Hegel here !

    Nice. I'm into dialectics too. Marxist dialectics.
  8. Proletar

    The Smart Pill?!

    Great. Now our fine politicians and corporate bosses can get us to work 24/7. "I see you haven't taken your provigil the past week. Do you enjoy your current employment?"
  9. Proletar

    To love is to suffer

    I would do anything for someone I love. Bullet to the head, her or me? Well, me. That's what love is. To completely lose yourself in endless torment and limitless suffering, as well as complete beauty and ultimate bliss. It's too bad that it inevitably ends with suffering, but that makes you...
  10. Proletar

    League of Legends

    Oh God why.... I logged in once today for summoners rift to refresh my skills after an abscense of 8 months or so. My computer sucks, and my internet sucks. Lagspikes, FPS of 3 every time someone got hit on screen. Ended up killing 0 and a death of 15. I used to be extremely good at games, but...
  11. Proletar

    Songs that get you laid (either sex)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgmhJQ9p-xQ Or so people seem to think...
  12. Proletar

    fellow INTP males

    In school, many girls (I think) were actually into me. I just didn't see it. It was well into my first relationship that I actually was able to notice attraction in girls... And then I suddenly had to say no. I THINK women needs not just hunky pieces of flesh, but are actually equal, or very...
  13. Proletar

    I'm starting to doubt that I'm an INTP

    Doubt is a mark of the INTP. It's like a matryoshka doll. :storks:
  14. Proletar

    INTP work process

    Took me some time, but I think I've got your message. I've seen the introverted functions as tied mostly to memory. E.G: Ti is to catch up with previous thoughts, Si is remembering sensations, Fi is feeling while about previous experiences and Ni is... Well, constantly guessing until you find...
  15. Proletar

    redbaron analyzes intpz

    I agree with this. Like I said. This is a board. Don't like it, don't read it. If no one cares, those topics fade. It's like water in a lake. Naturally balanced.
  16. Proletar

    INTP work process

    Well let's see now. INTJ: Ni Te Fi Se. Right? So they are actually introverted percievers first hand, the same as we are introverted judgers. But hold on. Who classified the introverted mirrors of the extraverted P/J abilities? Isn't it possible that introverted S N T F doesn't hold those the...
  17. Proletar

    INTP work process

    Oh my... This changes everything. Like watching a piece of string and suddenly see that it's a braiding.
  18. Proletar

    So If Einstein Was Wrong...

    Well what's the alternative? You being non-existant and ponder about how perfectly logical it is for you to not exist? We've been over this before. To ask the question of life, there has to be life. This transforms the posed argument from "the universe is [X]" into "intelligent life is an...
  19. Proletar

    INTP work process

    Wait. What? So this means that IP-s have a dominant judging function and EJ-s have a dominant percieving one? This does not make sense. The way I saw it until now was that Ti, Ne, Fi and Se were percieving ones and the opposites were the judging one. Since we are percievers and NT:s, our two...
  20. Proletar

    Soviet Russia

    In Soviet Russia, God prays to you.
  21. Proletar

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Light-hearted and catchy. Not my style at all, but still far from mainstream-pop. 3-7 depending on mood. Here is the poetry of Jim Morrison accompanied with the music of The Doors: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wr_i3Y9_c4
  22. Proletar

    Untrustworthy types

    Naah, not really. Easily offended, sure, but not untrustworthy. face to face, I can debunk you people easily. And I can tell with my eyes closed when You resort to rethorics. Able to fool some other types, yes, but not us. We know exactly what You are up to. ;)
  23. Proletar

    redbaron analyzes intpz

    Yeah. Now that I think of it, the last time someone called me immature, it was a 14 year old girl.
  24. Proletar

    redbaron analyzes intpz

    "This forum isn't the way I want it to be. Let's change it by flaming people that submit different kinds of threads instead of stearing it in a direction that I want by posting content that I find interesting." redbaron: This is a board. If someone has something that they think is worth...
  25. Proletar

    Grand truth

    The Great Purpose I seek would probably be a method of actually being able to reach The Grand Truth. A way of thinking that tunes in with the key of the universe. (Music:) Thinking in A when the universe plays in E wouldn't give me anything in the end. As of now, I'm down jazzing it up with the...
  26. Proletar

    Soviet Russia

    Nope. But if you are, we share a mediterranean sea together... And I've got most of the coast-line.
  27. Proletar

    Soviet Russia

    In soviet russia, women rapes rapists and children take pictures of strange men at the beach.
  28. Proletar

    How do you sleep?

    Irregular. In fact, no one would know where I am from by merely look up the times of my posts. It could be China, Iraq or Colombia, with my sleeping patterns.
  29. Proletar

    who wants to talk? (intp social thread)

    Meatmate! Yes, the low carb (/high fat, can't be stressed enough) diet is the way to go. I've been on it myself for a couple of years now, more or less, during periods when my wallet allows me to. Sometimes, no veggies/sources of carbs whatsoever. If adapting to a low carb diet is a detox...
  30. Proletar

    I Love My Dog More Than I Love Anyone

    Well... Love, sure. Unconditional love (no strings attached). I've had dogs in my family on various occations, and I like them. But then again, they've ceased to be and I don't really miss them. That's what pets are for. That's what's healthy.
  31. Proletar

    intp right brain v left

    Your Brain Usage Profile: Auditory : 62% Visual : 37% Left : 44% Right : 55%
  32. Proletar

    "But he's told me so!"

    "My friend told me that this is true, and he is studying to become a doctor at one of the most prestigeful institutions in this country. I think you are being rude to talk about this when he's not even here." Yes. I FUCKING HATE THAT.
  33. Proletar

    Should I buy an electric violin or?

    Yeah sorry about that. No better to be found though.
  34. Proletar

    Any smart and creative suggestions are welcomed!

    And Affinity goes for the money. I hang out with music-people. I love music, and so do they. Unlike pretentious shit like visual art, you can actually have an opinion. And unlike precise shit like sports, you can actually have an opinion. Therefore, an exchange can occur between me and my...
  35. Proletar

    Should I buy an electric violin or?

    Some late progressive rockers doing their deed to society in a jazz-club in stockholm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OI1b11drJQ Really brings out the rock element of the electric violin. Gopher, what kind of music do you play? Myself, guitar, and really geeked into harmonica the...
  36. Proletar

    Should I buy an electric violin or?

    Try the trombone. No but seriously. String instrument, yes? Well, then there is only two or three choices for you. That would be the guitar, the violin or the cello. Electric violin is cool though.
  37. Proletar

    The effects of marijuana on an INTP

    It's a matter of balance of course, as with most things in life. It highlights the present at the expense of the past. (Meaning in the extreme that you don't remember what happened five seconds ago in the extreme... But fuck, what a crunchy groove.) Creativity is a bitch. It's only there when...
  38. Proletar

    What's a Genius and Do You Consider Yourself One?

    For the last time intpz, I'm not interested in attending an orgy along with you and your collective of vile homosexuals. (Like the ones from mad max 2) Sorry. I was just reading your post in a specific way. :cool: Edit: Would be cool to be a genious/innovator of sex though. What can you add...
  39. Proletar

    Ask me any question and I'll answer it.

    So.... 16? Great for answering by the way, both of you. :)
  40. Proletar

    What's a Genius and Do You Consider Yourself One?

    This thread is spinning out of control. Only those mad enough to think that they can change the world, or the course of history, actually end up doing it. Did Jesus or Napoleon suffer from illusions of grandeur? PROBABLY. Of course, so does many hobos and lunatics, but it's needed to have in...
  41. Proletar

    Ask me any question and I'll answer it.

    You have one match, and are trapped in a cold dark room, you have an Oil lamp, a gas heater and a gas stove, which one do you light first if all of them have to be lit? You have 80 potatoes. You take the potatoes and divide them by half then add 6, multiplied by 5. How many potatoes do you...
  42. Proletar

    hello introverted intuitive thinking percievers

    Greetings titus. Welcome to the blast furnace of knowledge and understanding in the modern world.
  43. Proletar

    Dante's Inferno Test

    6. Don´t see any real suffering on this one...
  44. Proletar

    You are in a low security prison for 20 years

    I find this very offensive. Where do you live? What is your adress? What is your weakness? Are the jails comfy in your country?
  45. Proletar

    What's a Genius and Do You Consider Yourself One?

    I have the potential to be one. As of now, I'm just a keen observer.
  46. Proletar

    You are in a low security prison for 20 years

    I wouldn't really be any different. Just with more time on my hands... And routines. Holy shit. I should totally go to jail.
  47. Proletar

    Should I grow a beard?!

    Beard. Most definitly. And a bit longer hair, too. You look way cool in that second picture.
  48. Proletar

    Anyone else an Angry Video Game Nerd fan?

    I'm almost as much of a fan of avgn that I am of retro gaming itself. I play loads of such games, and gets loads of pointers from him regarding what to avoid and what to play.
  49. Proletar

    Sex Should Be Banned?

    higs: Rule nr 1: Do not talk about fight clubs. Of course this is ridiculous. Everything can be abused at some degree. Some things more than others. All it takes is for them to fulfill a need in us, and sex is a pretty basic need. Sure it can lead to damages, but maybe keeping the government...
  50. Proletar

    Asian Test

    I took the 'send your information to okcupid and become a member'-test. I failed it.
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