You sound naive and lacking in emotional maturity.
Could you answer these questions: how do you see me naive, what is emotional maturity according to you, what exactly do you see in me that says contradicts your definition of emotional maturity?
You seem to have a lack of maturity in dealing with any opinion that contradicts yours. I have specifically observed you draw conclusions about someone's personality based on something as innocuous as earrings. You often create threads about your day-to-day interactions, and how you struggle to understand the motivations behind your mother, uncle, teachers and colleagues.
You seem to have a genuinely pathetic desire to be, 'right' and to, 'win' in situations of simple discussion and sharing of ideas.
I've observed you struggle to do so on numerous occasions, which resulted in you resorting to the assertion that the other person's argument sounds like something an 'insert xSFx MBTI personality type here' would say - and is therefore incorrect on that basis.
I saw your response to my initial comment of your emotional immaturity coming from a mile away. I expected you to demand clarification on my behalf, so that you could then go on to prove how I'm totally wrong and that you are an emotionally stable and mature individual.
I've observed the same emotionally-driven retaliation numerous times. You respond to any sort of criticism by first demanding that the other person makes clear every specific reason they have for making that criticism and then - going to great lengths to refute them all.
You consistently allude to the fact of your being poor and that your intelligence goes to waste because of external factors. You have specifically created threads about how you are often frustrated by the perceived closed-mindedness of your family or colleagues.
Your seeming inability to keep your personal opinions of someone's character out of any debate leads me to believe that it bothers you greatly to be contradicted. You think of yourself as highly intelligent and anything that could be construed as undermining it (your intelligence) often results in a vehement response.
Or I observe the others in the same way you say you've observed me, and point that out without mentioning all the other observations, instead taking something as insignificant as earrings.
I don't have collegues, I haven't posted about teachers as a new thread (and rarely overall, especially if being specific), I haven't mentioned my uncle, and I don't believe I even know who he is. Mom, yes.
I don't believe I've seriously said that he is incorrect because I think he is an xSFx. I have made a few comments like that, yes, but they shouldn't have been considered as serious ones, you shouldn't take everything people say directly.
Wouldn't you ask for why someone thinks you're "insert adjective here?" I think you would, and most of the people around here would as well.
I don't see how asking questions is emotionally-driven, especially when someone "accuses" you of something.
So wait, are you saying that I shouldn't create threads about specific situations? That's interesting.
It's a debate, we are supposed to say our opinions... That's the whole point of the debate - to say what we think, our ideas and opinions!![]()
Yes you are correct in saying that what you do is similar (it isn't quite the same) to what I am currently doing. Context however, is important. As said, I will cover this later in the post*.
redbaron;311461Alas the point is not who the threads are about. The fact of your constantly creating these threads about yourself and your struggle with people on a day-to-day basis is. It seems as though you are either seeking advice or validation for your actions from people who you view as intelligent. While I have no problem with people doing this said:constant[/B] sharing with the forum information and asking for their input about how they sleep, eat, walk, stand, sit, talk, dress etc. seem to indicate that you have serious insecurities.
A conveniently easy way of trying to understate the consistency with which you resort to Ad Hominem attacks during debate. If not for the context with which you made these statements in, it would be believable.
I am unsurprised that you would respond with this rather than admit to fault.
Ironically though, if your response was more along the lines of, 'Yes that was admittedly childish', it would have been more convincing than to flake on your own previous convictions by saying that you were only joking.
If indeed true (that you were joking), I wonder how many people who read that statement will ever take you seriously now that they know that at any point in time during a debate you might just arbitrarily decide to start trolling them.
I know that I personally wouldn't bother debating with anyone who I thought would do that.
For what purpose? I don't feel the need to refute criticisms of my intelligence or character.
If your intention is to refute their accusations to establish that their criticism is incorrect, then it is.
No, that's not what I said.
But the fact that you do constantly create threads and the topics of those threads give the impression that you highly value the attention and external recognition you receive.
In a debate, you are supposed to give your opinions on the topic in a formal manner in relation to the topic. Opinions on the topic are valid and appreciated.
Opinions based on how you personally view the other person is not a part of debating. That is quarrelling.
*You are of course free to hold and express those opinions, but if you are going to do so, understand that you are not contributing to the debate. You are turning it into a quarrel.
However if the topic of debate is an actual person, opinions of them are valid within the realm of the debate and are not necessarily quarrelling. However this has not been the case when you have done it.
You seem(blah blah blah)...
Should I just randomly mention them in some thread? "Oh, hey dude, some of your posts are XXX."
Everyone has day-to-day issues with people, unless they don't meet anyone.
Or I'm simply interested in what other people do. It seems to me, that once again, you are trying to see something that isn't there. You're too suspicious towards people you don't approve actions of.
I didn't say I was always joking. Again - seeing what's not there...
Aren't you curious what caused to them to think that way?
Read above: curiosity. Depression can cause one to be not curious.
Either you have no curiosity, or you're trying to find things you think aren't right with me.
Part of how I personally view the means of the topic is a part of the debate, so instead of creating a new thread, or posting in a random topic where the person hasn't even posted before, why can't I say something about his/her consistent behavior?
^ Please hurry up and evolve, for the Gates of Enlightenment will soon slam shut, leaving people like yourself to trade useless banter with the Jehovah's Witnesses, whilst we and our canine companions move forward hand in paw into the Great White Light of Higher Evolution.
I have no problem with you mentioning your opinions of a persons character. I have a problem when you try to use it as a form of evidence to support your claim in a debate.
Furthermore, whether or not you feel that you should be able to mention your personal opinions of someone, is entirely unrelated to the point that it is fallacious to use those opinions to try to further your cause in a debate.
I work with roughly 20 people every day. I visit family and socialize regularly.
I can't recall any day-to-day issues with any of them. There are issues, but they are far from a daily or even regular occurrence.
Bolded part is irrelevant.
You are attempting to negate the claim of your emotional immaturity, by claiming that I am too suspicious towards people whose actions I don't approve of. Even if you were able to demonstrate it, you wouldn't be any closer to disproving the claim.
I didn't say you're always joking either. However you admitted to the possibility that you don't take debate seriously, and that you have in the past, made fallacious arguments that were not intended as serious.
I have seen you defend a position with the claim that the other person is irrational (Ad Hominem) and turned the debate into a quarrel about how them sounding like an 'xsfx' is evidence of their irrationality (Red Herring as well as Correlation Fallacy).
You launched a personal attack on the forum member, turning what had initially been a productive debate into a petty quarrel. Whether serious or not, that was the outcome.
If at any point you'd like to change your mind and simply admit that you have on occasion (knowingly or unknowingly) let your emotions get the better of you, feel free to do so. Trying to rationalize your reasons for making snide and fallacious attacks on people isn't the best way to demonstrate your rationality or emotional stability.
No. Why would I be? It only matters if the criticism is correct or not. Even then the things I'm criticised for I'm usually already well aware of.
Very rarely if ever (I can't remember the last time) have I received criticism for something that I wasn't already aware of myself. If you understand yourself and others on an emotional level, criticism should not come as a surprise, only a reminder.
So no. I see no reason to even be curious about why you'd receive criticism unless you're inattentive to the emotional and mental state of yourself and others.
If criticism comes as a genuine surprise to you (it shouldn't), perhaps you should pay more attention to what you say and do, and understand how it could be perceived by other people.
This is not to say you should change your behaviour just because others don't like it, but you shouldn't exactly be surprised that you're being called emotionally immature given the way you present yourself on the forum.
I know I won't be surprised if I'm considered the biggest douche-bag on the forum for taking this discussion this far, and that maybe I'm the one with the insecurity. If that's the conclusion others are going to come to, I won't be making any effort to change their minds. I simply don't care.
The potential effects of depression on curiosity is irrelevant to your emotional immaturity.
Neither of these is correct. You've created a false dichotomy again.
You can say anything you want about how you perceive someone's consistent behaviour.
I am simply informing you that to then try and use it as a form of evidence against someone in a debate that was initially unrelated to their behaviour is a fallacy within the context of the debate.
When I'm doing that, the point of the comparison is not to say that they are acting like someone else and therefore are irrational, it's to illustrate the point that they are acting irrational. Have you ever heard of metaphors?![]()
Perhaps you don't spend enough time with some of them, or perhaps the rest aren't that different from INTPs. The person who I mention most often, my mom, I spend a lot of time every day with. The other people weren't mentioned too often, therefore I'm not commenting on that.
In that case, most of your posts directed to me are irrelevant in this thread.
If at any point you'd like to admit that you killed 13 people and raped 6 women, feel free to do so.
I agree. A christian criticizing you for believe in evolution instead of god should only remind you how stupid you are for believe in evolution instead of god, because you are aware of yourself and him on an emotional level.
I see an implication that I'm trying to change someone's (your's?) mind[/B], and yet I've explicitly mentioned that I am curious on what you have to say. You shouldn't ignore points made by others in a debate, you know.
However it's relevant to your conclusions, which is why I'm adding your personality to the discussion. And once again, I'm not trying to disprove anything.
Which means the latter is correct: can you see beyond your point of view? There are more curious people than you. Actually I've had a classmate who wasn't curious in anything, never asked any questions, to further any arguments or explanations, conclusions. The only thing he did was looking for "the right one" and pretending to be an idiot when something's said to him (a form of humor).
P.S. You've inspired me to create a new thread.![]()
Bolded part.
Whether you believe they're acting irrational or not is irrelevant to the topic of debate. It is Ad Hominem.
It is also a fallacy to assume that their conclusions are wrong because (you believe) the argument is based on emotion, or the argument is initially flawed.
As I said, you are free to state any opinions of their personality, I'm just pointing out that they aren't valid in the realm of debate and don't add any weight to your arguments.
I spend 8 hours or more with some of them. I also lived with a few of my cousins for a year, some of whom are the 'dreaded' SF type. Yet never have I had day-to-day issues with any of them. We held radically different views about many topics, yet we were able to express our thoughts amicably.
I am truly sorry that your emotional immaturity prevents you from finding a solution to your perceived predicament.
Nice try, but no.
This topic of debate is directly related to your personality, specifically your emotional immaturity. Therefore any arguments made that highlight your emotional immaturity are not fallacy, and are instead pertinent to the debate.
If I was to attack a factor about you that was unrelated to your emotional maturity, for example how you're poor, then that would be considered Ad Hominem and irrelevant. However I have not done so.
Even If I did do that, it wouldn't discredit the argument that you're emotionally immature?
Another example of Ad Hominem, could also be construed as poisoning the well in a certain context.
P.S. It was 14 that I killed.
You have posted entirely outside of context and made an irrelevant argument that doesn't support your claim. You've created a Straw Man that is unrelated to the point I made.
No, there is no implication of that. I mean what I have specifically said:
That you are emotionally immature, as highlighted by your consistent use of (among other often fallacious arguments) Ad Hominem attacks, Straw Man arguments, attention-seeking behaviour and the apparent difficulty you often express in simply dealing with people on a day-to-day basis.
By asserting an implication that you see and refuting the implication you created - as opposed to refuting my initial claim, you've created another Straw Man.
No. This is fallacy.
It holds no bearing on the debate of your emotional immaturity. Even if you were to veritably demonstrate that I am depressed, you still would not have shown that you are not emotionally immature. What you are doing is (once again) this:
No. As already said, you have created a false dichotomy. There are more possible outcomes than just the two that you gave.
I'm not surprised. You seem to create a thread about every other emotional experience you have, why not this one.
You seem to have a lack of maturity in dealing with any opinion that contradicts yours. I have specifically observed you draw conclusions about someone's personality based on something as innocuous as earrings. You often create threads about your day-to-day interactions, and how you struggle to understand the motivations behind your mother, uncle, teachers and colleagues.
You seem to have a genuinely pathetic desire to be, 'right' and to, 'win' in situations of simple discussion and sharing of ideas.
I've observed you struggle to do so on numerous occasions, which resulted in you resorting to the assertion that the other person's argument sounds like something an 'insert xSFx MBTI personality type here' would say - and is therefore incorrect on that basis.
I saw your response to my initial comment of your emotional immaturity coming from a mile away. I expected you to demand clarification on my behalf, so that you could then go on to prove how I'm totally wrong and that you are an emotionally stable and mature individual.
I've observed the same emotionally-driven retaliation numerous times. You respond to any sort of criticism by first demanding that the other person makes clear every specific reason they have for making that criticism and then - going to great lengths to refute them all.
You consistently allude to the fact of your being poor and that your intelligence goes to waste because of external factors. You have specifically created threads about how you are often frustrated by the perceived closed-mindedness of your family or colleagues.
Your seeming inability to keep your personal opinions of someone's character out of any debate leads me to believe that it bothers you greatly to be contradicted. You think of yourself as highly intelligent and anything that could be construed as undermining it (your intelligence) often results in a vehement response.
You are attempting to rationalize your usage of illogical arguments (fallacy), and it seems you don't understand how or why this is a pointless endeavour.
You are missing the context and the point of the debate (Ignoratio Elenchi), and using Ad Hominem, Straw Man and False Dichotomy in an attempt to support your claims.
The exact behaviour that you're demonstrating is the behaviour that leads me to the conclusion that you are emotionally immature - inability to debate without resorting to fallacy.
However, we should add ignoring my post contents to the list
Here are my questions:
Even if everyone joined in and we all exchanged observations and tossed out alternatives and debated with pure and perfect reason and we came to a Grand Truth (hardeehar) conclusion together that intpz is in fact Emotionally Immature would that make this topic any more mature?
So the "curiosity" is irrelevant as well? Interesting, because I thought it is the most relevant part.
^Thread.Oh just have kinky sex already!
I'm waaaaiting.
Simply because it's true. Also, is maturity something that is achieved? I prefer to think of it as a continuous, never ending process. You don't just wake up and suddenly stop doing retarded stuff. Actually, we never stop doing retarded stuff, we only do it less and less frequently.Maturity is WAY overrated.
It was indeed relevant - I responded to it. However it was not very convincing.
Curiosity isn't the reason you make Ad Hominem attacks to support your stance in a debate. Or why you resort to fallacy when refuting arguments. Curiosity would normally deter someone from doing this, because it prevents the debate from progressing and potentially reaching an outcome where the curiosity is satisfied.
Also, the thing you are so often curious about seems to be criticism. You seem absolutely hell bent on analysing why people might criticise anything about you, and attempt to refute nearly every single argument someone makes that could potentially be construed as a negative judgement of you. That's fine, but if this is driven simply by curiosity, why do you seem to only follow this process when you receive negative criticism? Why not positive as well?
Maturity is WAY overrated.
Interesting. @redbaron could you define maturity for me, what is "emotionally mature?", and I mean the whole definition, not only you think is related to my behavior.
This is a perfect example of YDYB:
*practices what he preached in post #34*![]()
Maturity is WAY overrated.
This is a perfect example of YDYB:
Level 2 - Immature
These mechanisms are often present in adults. These mechanisms lessen distress and anxiety provoked by threatening people or by uncomfortable reality. Excessive use of such defenses is seen as socially undesirable in that they are immature, difficult to deal with and seriously out of touch with reality. These are the so-called "immature" defences and overuse almost always leads to serious problems in a person's ability to cope effectively. These defences are often seen in major depression and personality disorders.
They include:
Acting out: Direct expression of an unconscious wish or impulse in action, without conscious awareness of the emotion that drives that expressive behaviour.
Fantasy: Tendency to retreat into fantasy in order to resolve inner and outer conflicts.
Idealization: Unconsciously choosing to perceive another individual as having more positive qualities than he or she may actually have.[17]
Passive aggression: Aggression towards others expressed indirectly or passively such as using procrastination.
Projection: Projection is a primitive form of paranoia. Projection also reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the undesirable impulses or desires without becoming consciously aware of them; attributing one's own unacknowledged unacceptable/unwanted thoughts and emotions to another; includes severe prejudice, severe jealousy, hypervigilance to external danger, and "injustice collecting". It is shifting one's unacceptable thoughts, feelings and impulses within oneself onto someone else, such that those same thoughts, feelings, beliefs and motivations are perceived as being possessed by the other.
Projective identification: The object of projection invokes in that person precisely the thoughts, feelings or behaviours projected.
Somatization: The transformation of negative feelings towards others into negative feelings toward self, pain, illness, and anxiety.
I think you know this redbaron but I share the same annoyance for intpz but not necessarily because he is "emotionally immature", but because he is a dummy. (intpz, you know that I think you're stupid, right? I've said it many times.) There is no reasoning with dummies, so I encourage just ignoring the guy.
If you still want to continue this, then I remember intpz talking about his "horrible SF-parents" and how his life is supposed ruined by said "evil" SFs, it might be relevant.
THEN the defender becomes so completely intolerable and circular in this behavior that the critic is forced to point out how intolerable they are being, THEN the defender can accuse the critic of personal attacks and throw their hands up in the air and act like a victim.
It's all about plausible deniability. Waste of time... no one's going to feel better as a result of any of it. I wish when such a person went to the lengths to ask a billion pointless questions about the critic, the critic would just stop and say "I don't need to fucking answer this, I have a life. Figure it out if you're so smart."
You ignore what I say simply because you don't think it is that way.
I ignore what you say when it is either based on, or is inherently fallacy. This isn't a matter of me disagreeing, it actually IS fallacy and warrants no response.
Ooh! While I'm not keeping up with the particulars at hand, that "game" is frequent enough on this board that it deserves its own thread. It even goes to extreme ends where the OP may insult or condescend those who make suggestions.
I haven't read intpz's posts and I've only skimmed redbaron's but if intpz is doing what he is accused of, he's hardly the first one here to do it.
It's a defensive strategy... someone puts themselves out there too readily and can't take the criticism, so instead of thinking about the response they got they interrogate the person so as to completely obfuscate the original criticism, or give the appearance of having discredited it. Even worse, masking insecurity as some kind of "curiosity" to justify prying obsessively into the critic's semantics or worse, motivations, as if there's really anything else people are going to give a fuck about other than the flawed remarks the defender originally made.
THEN the defender becomes so completely intolerable and circular in this behavior that the critic is forced to point out how intolerable they are being, THEN the defender can accuse the critic of personal attacks and throw their hands up in the air and act like a victim.
It's all about plausible deniability. Waste of time... no one's going to feel better as a result of any of it. I wish when such a person went to the lengths to ask a billion pointless questions about the critic, the critic would just stop and say "I don't need to fucking answer this, I have a life. Figure it out if you're so smart."
I think you know this redbaron but I share the same annoyance for intpz but not necessarily because he is "emotionally immature", but because he is a dummy. (intpz, you know that I think you're stupid, right? I've said it many times.) There is no reasoning with dummies, so I encourage just ignoring the guy.
If you still want to continue this, then I remember intpz talking about his "horrible SF-parents" and how his life is supposed ruined by said "evil" SFs, it might be relevant.
I don't believe he's a dummy. He seems perfectly capable of making outside observations of situations or concepts that are logical and informed, so long as they are unrelated to him personally.
It seems to only be when he becomes involved in a debate personally, or a question of his character arises that he starts to resort to fallacy and begin to make unfounded and idiotic assumptions.
I consider him intelligent, simply that he's extremely touchy about even the smallest thing that might be construed as a disagreement, or criticism to his personality or his opinions.
"You don't if I was playing games all day, in fact, you can't know."
"I know."
"That's not knowing, that's speculation"
"I know."
"You already said that, and I said that you're speculating."
The we get one of the following: either she continues telling me that I was or wasn't doing something , or if she's in a worse mood, she tells me to "stop terrorizing her."