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Search results

  1. Proletar

    Challenge: "Find a word without an antonym"

    Mind = blown. I'm so stupid. I thought the meaning of the thread was to find a word without a synonym, and then I mixed those two words up. I've got one. "Twilight".
  2. Proletar

    Challenge: "Find a word without an antonym"

    Those are two different things.
  3. Proletar

    Challenge: "Find a word without an antonym"

    Antonym. I win.
  4. Proletar

    Playing harmonica!

    I'm mainly a guitarist. Have been playing guitar for quite some time. Now that is a straight forward instrument compared to this. The difficulty of the harmonica: *Different notes for breathing in or out. This is completely unknown to me. Playing some flutes and other instruments, it's still...
  5. Proletar


  6. Proletar

    Playing harmonica!

    So I just bought a set of 7 harmonicas, C to Bb. It's a really interesting instrument, and a real challenge to begin practicing. On the other hand, it sounds really cool and the music of today lacks it. Inspiration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b8NCrlsmnY Also, I'm a sucker for the...
  7. Proletar

    General Anesthetic: Thoughts and Misconceptions

    Same thing for me. I stay lucid for a long time when intoxicated. Conscious and logical. I adjust my thinking in knowing that the thinking is weaker. But then, I reach that threshold. Suddenly, I just become way too drunk. Going from 0-100 in minutes, and my friends always wonder what the fuck...
  8. Proletar

    How do you look?

    Long hair (to the chest) with big natural and wavy corkscrew curls, and some longer stubs, bordering to a full grown beard. I have a unique approach to what makes clothes appealing, and I have a unique look. Not that I'm really interested or actually care about how I look, It just turned out...
  9. Proletar

    Running through possible scenarios.

    "Now... What would I do if an armed lunatic walked into the room right now...?" is a question I ponder about way too often.
  10. Proletar

    Would You Transfer Your Consciousness into a Robot?

    If any type should be turned into cyborgs/mechanical intelligence, it should be the INTP. The INTJ would just turn evil and the sensors would just lose their sanity, like instantaniously.
  11. Proletar

    MBTI Step 2, has anyone tried this?

  12. Proletar

    MBTI Step 2, has anyone tried this?

    Nah, step two kind of isn't stable enough I think. One would have to go to an educated psychologist to actually be rightly evaluated.
  13. Proletar

    Shadow functions: avoid them!

    -.- Nothing wrong with my T. In fact, my T is so amazing that it has lead me to the extraordinary conclusion that other traits need to be developed. More than yours have ever done! ^^
  14. Proletar

    Star Wars: Was the empire really that bad?

    You got that wrong. Imperial intelligence shows that Alderaan had WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. :O
  15. Proletar

    Star Wars: Was the empire really that bad?

    I got leaned towards F on the MBTI-test just because I valued mercy higher than justice, but still that's just my own personal view, gained through my own thinking. (Really, who chants for the prisoner to be executed in the square? Thinkers or feelers? Mercy is better for humanity, and justice...
  16. Proletar

    A New 'Brain-washing" System

    Very interesting. The 1 000 000 dollar question: Is alzeimers caused by broken pathways or clogged up pathways? If clogged, this treatment would possibly be able to not only slow/halt the increase in dementia, but also reverse the process. But, on the other hand... The ketogenic diet has also...
  17. Proletar

    "You just want to be right"

    Yes. I stumbled upon this monstrocity for an argument yet again last week. No. I don't just want to be right. In fact, I don't care about me in discussions. Rather, it's people that put themselves behind their ideals that throw out this retarded stuff, meaning that they themselves take...
  18. Proletar

    Shadow functions: avoid them!

    I was talking about the shadow functions, not the inferior ones. Se and Fi for example. Absolutely crucial certain times in life. I don't wholly agree with him, because he is talking about being obsessive about your two leading ones. I say that we have to learn to handle (not master) all of...
  19. Proletar

    Shadow functions: avoid them!

    Seriously? I feel hurt by your statement. I'm going to eat a bucket of ice-cream and watch a season of grays anatomy to calm myself.
  20. Proletar

    Shadow functions: avoid them!

    I'm not convinced. You see, there are times in life when you have to, I mean seriously have to, develop your F. Learning to handle your feelings by exposing yourself to them and let them rip. No one can simply stroll through life with JUST iT/eP. That would be a life cut in half. There is...
  21. Proletar

    INTP's and crying

    I am myself highly emotional and quite fragile. I deal in absolutes when it comes to feelings. Normally, I tend to be totally relaxed and is seen as 'Calm itself' by my friends. But when I'm going through my emotional phases, I'm either in a state of total euphoric bliss or at the bottom of...
  22. Proletar


    Not as scary as Amnesia... Plus Amnesia manages to be both scary as fuck and interesting as hell.
  23. Proletar

    Star Wars: Was the empire really that bad?

    And they blew up Alderaan. But sure, no biggie. Just a whole planet full of civilians. A necessary evil in the war on terror. Sure.
  24. Proletar

    Cannabis cures cancer?

    FFS. Read my last post again. Eating it is preferred, and no one has said anything about smoking being anti-oxidating. Teohrn. I just watched it, and it was a good documentary. The one I missed, I suppose. The case with the federally supported medical smoker is interesting; he has been going...
  25. Proletar

    MBTI INTP conspiracy

    Awesome, but I don't think that the tests are complex enough to handle subtypes of a certain type - it's enough to determine if one is an INTP or an ESFJ, but it can't be trusted to show the exact specifics to 24 subtypes of a type.
  26. Proletar

    Cannabis cures cancer?

    That is a possibility as well, although I don't find it very probable. In case it's true, then wouldn't smoking the oil be more effective in shrinking and killing of tumors then eating it? The thing with smoking cannabis is that oxygen goes straight from the lungs and into the brain...
  27. Proletar

    Cannabis cures cancer?

    Teohrn: Couldn't watch it in this thread. What's the name of it?
  28. Proletar

    MBTI INTP conspiracy

  29. Proletar

    The Twilight Zone

    I'm currently watching it. Have seen around 30 or so episodes and I really like them. And the narrators voice is really hilarious.
  30. Proletar


    Fresh meat for the grinder...! :aufsmaul:
  31. Proletar

    Question for Dr. Ellis

    How is a perfect score a good thing? But sure. Do enjoy your success, because you did good on the test. (And it rhymes!)
  32. Proletar

    Survey: most architects are ENTJ

    Or maybe it proves that the educational system doesn't pull out the very best in everyone.
  33. Proletar

    I do drugs because I don't want to feel sad

    How can you even know that you are a non-addictive person if you haven't even tried cigarettes? Have you been under some other serious addictions, such as opiates or crack cocain?
  34. Proletar

    Cannabis cures cancer?

    The thing is this: The medicine is not just cannabis, but cannabis oil - a rare and expensive extract that is not common on the streets. Regular cannabis have however been shown to reduce risk of cancer and/or cancer growth, but not actually reversing the process. A cure of 60 grams of pure...
  35. Proletar

    INTP towards movies/TV shows

    SPOILERS: Every time I watch Star Wars episode 3, I secretly hope that Anakin wont be turned, or that Windu will finish off Palpatine. It never happens, so I just sit there panicking each time, knowing the inevitable end. And this is just logical. Movies are concepts or big theories with plots...
  36. Proletar

    Video games are dying.

    This is exactly what has been happening to music for the past 40 years. I'm a hardcore music lover, and every time I turn on the radio, there is music for casual listeners. Pop music, and it's everywhere. A medium that earlier appealed to some now is made to catch everyone, with gimmics...
  37. Proletar

    Cannabis cures cancer?

    The relation between the glucogenic and the ketogenic system has little to do with protein. Rather it's about either having glucose as the main source of energy, or fat. Why the hell would the body eat it's own muscle-cells when there is a vast amount of fat on it? Muscle-cells that have...
  38. Proletar

    Does anyone else think INTPs are pretty dorky?

    Maybe... But on the other hand, so am I. :twisteddevil:
  39. Proletar

    Cannabis cures cancer?

    Well, this thread is dead off topic anyway, so... The low carb diet RULES, and Architect is wrong. I recommend you study the ketogenic system and the advances of using it.
  40. Proletar

    Does anyone else think INTPs are pretty dorky?

    JESUS. Look at the self-proclaimed INTP at the bottom of page 2. He sort of embodies everything they just flamed...
  41. Proletar

    Cannabis cures cancer?

    That's funny. You are all off topic. Watch the documentary. OR ELSE! :aufsmaul:
  42. Proletar

    Cannabis cures cancer?

    So did any of you actually watch the documentary?
  43. Proletar

    INTP trait you like the most in yourself

    That's another one I'm proud of not having. This is a trait I notice on many people, and sadly, even the INTP. "If it's too good to be true, it probably isn't" is a horrible preference to have when confronted with new ideas. That is, being conservative and suspicious BEFORE obtaining the data...
  44. Proletar

    Just found out I'm NOT Irish

    The idea of the homeland, the nation, the state, authority whatsoever, is an illusion. And this is a great time for you to recognize this. You are completely free to do whatever you want, and there is information just waiting to be grasped everywhere. 1+1=2. Go learn! :) Besides, we scotts...
  45. Proletar

    I met an INTP woman today.

    I agree with Minuend. You should keep this thread restricted from her until you've married her and your children are starting to grow up. Then you can use it to be romantic.
  46. Proletar

    INTP trait you like the most in yourself

    I believe these things to be true, yes. On the other hand I'm not bound to my conclusion in any way. It can be refined or completely changed if I am proven wrong, no matter. I do however know that these things work for me. But these are discussions for other threads. :)
  47. Proletar

    Cannabis cures cancer?

    So I somehow bumped into the work of Rick Simpson, that claims to have a cure for cancer. Cannabis. Apparently, since THC and other cannabinoids integrate with the human body through a system of signal-substances that is located in the immune-system, they can give the cancer-cells the command...
  48. Proletar

    INTP trait you like the most in yourself

    I have an ability to separate between true and false, and by god, is it great to have. Combine that with a nonexistant respect for any kind of authority except the truth, and you've got a free thinker that may have some false beliefs (ironic) but still holds more knowledge than most people...
  49. Proletar

    The internal world, man.

    I was discussing MBTI with my friends (ENTP and INTJ) yesterday, and sort of stumbled in the discussion when I was trying to describe the relationship between introversion and extroversion. So we were sitting there with our hands in the air for about 15 minutes trying to show eachother the...
  50. Proletar

    Parenting an INTP: videogames and free time

    I'm unbalanced myself. I can pretty much do only the things I really think is interesting. I have virtually no motivation in doing anything that is boring, and the results of those things suffer. Because I always had my interests right before me, and never got distracted growing up, it's a...
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