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Search results

  1. Dimensional Transition

    INTPs outside of their comfort zones

    I worked as a shelf stocker for a while... After 2 weeks I seriously got night terrors about my manager screaming at me to stock MORE AND MORE AND MORE. It was quite strange. Needless to say I quit after 6 weeks... Not really my thing. I couldn't handle the pressure. I really loved helping...
  2. Dimensional Transition

    INTJ - INTP compatibility

    Almost the same here. Most of my friends appear to be either INTJ, INTP, ENFP or ISTJs. ESFJs... not so much though. They piss me off really easily.
  3. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    Wasn't it Amanita Muscaria? Amanita Muscaria was used in certain pagan(witch) potions.
  4. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    I have experience with some pretty scary hallucinations from back when I was a little kid. I tripped balls two times in my life without the use of drugs. No I'm not schizophrenic, on both occasions I had a fever and was half-asleep... They didn't damage me in the long run, but damn they were...
  5. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    Hmm... I love reading articles like those. I feel a strong urge to try psychedelics, but also a strong resistance to try them because of the risk of a bad trip. It's quite frustrating...
  6. Dimensional Transition

    Social Phobia

    I think this is a trap for many INTPs. To me, life feels like a crazy dream I'm just following, just seeing what happens. Yeah, you should just try meeting new people. That's the new approach, instead of assuming they're going to judge you 'anyways'. It probably is my age hm? It's...
  7. Dimensional Transition

    INTJ - INTP compatibility

    I just went for it and apologized for whatever I did wrong. She thought it was good I showed intitiative and everything turned out alright, surprisingly. Apparently she was fighting with multiple people at the time, causing her to be very annoyed with almost everything, so it wasn't entirely my...
  8. Dimensional Transition

    Well... fuck...

    It's weird because the image is so... 'pasty' and photoshoppy... but it still makes me feel a little sick.
  9. Dimensional Transition

    Greetings, comrades!

    Wait... I loved Spongebob as a kid. Did they turn him into a political figure now? D: What do comrades have to do with the happy yellow fellow? :'c
  10. Dimensional Transition

    The Ability to be Someone Else

    Okay, to please ESC ;): A person who has all the same assets and characteristics as me, but minus the depression, anxiety and low self-esteem issues. Oh and minus the conflict-avoiding behavior. Someone who'd be able to solve stuff like conflicts and arguments quickly... through magic or something.
  11. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    Hmmmhm, you've provided great information :) I'm going to think about it for a while... The only reason I'm quite comfortable with weed is that in my family nobody has ever had schizophrenia or psychoses, really. I'm quite careful with my brain.
  12. Dimensional Transition

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    YES. I love the Decemberists! ‪Summer Fiction | Chandeliers‬‏ - YouTube I like this song, but the great visuals that accompany it(an excerpt from Fists in the Pocket), make me absolutely love this entire video. Watch this. I have a hunch this video would appeal especially to INTPs...
  13. Dimensional Transition

    Second Guessing?

    I'm not sure if it's normal for all NTs, maybe more just NTPs. I know it's normal for me, at least. I do it all the time. I second guess my theories, my opinions, my personality, other's theories, other's opinions, other's personalities... I question myself, I question others, I question...
  14. Dimensional Transition

    Feeling "nostalgic" for something that hasn't happened...

    Prenatal nostalgia? Or does it really have to be one word... Hmmmm...
  15. Dimensional Transition


    Do any of you play terraria? It's quite a fun game, it's like a 2D RPG and Minecraft made love to eachother on a hot summer night, and this is their secret love baby. This'd be a thread to share nifty little discoveries/tips/tricks, et cetera.
  16. Dimensional Transition

    INTJ - INTP compatibility

    I really hope I can somehow make this up to her now. Even though she was (in my view) kind of unreasonable. I'll probably have to say it's all my fault and that I'm a dick, right? :/ EDIT: Wait what is going on. This girl does not get online anymore on any communication-things like msn. And...
  17. Dimensional Transition

    Feeling "nostalgic" for something that hasn't happened...

    I know what you mean. I have that feeling very strongly with the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.
  18. Dimensional Transition

    Base what?

    Base 16. I just love dividing by two. I suck at math and dividing by two is among the easiest things. Also, I'm 16. Oh god what a coincidence! :D
  19. Dimensional Transition

    Jelly Belly

    Maybe you should write a scientific article about how women subconsciously relate to jelly beans on a fundamental level! I think we might have scientific breakthrough on our hands here.
  20. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    It still feels... sketchy. The fact that PCP is also a dissociative and should be similar in effects and stuff... I don't know. It sounds interesting, but also more dangerous than just weed.
  21. Dimensional Transition

    Jelly Belly

    Women are indeed pretty. And fun because they really seem to think differently, and you have to figure them out. Kind of. I've never had Jelly Bellies. I've had regular jelly beans though, fuck, they're good. I really would like some right now. Especially now I've googled jelly bellies and have...
  22. Dimensional Transition

    INTJ - INTP compatibility

    The weird thing is that I used to think she was quite rational, which I really liked. This is probably the first irrational thing I've seen her do. I'd be tempted to say she's an INFJ as well, but this is just one incident of course. You can't expect 'rationals' to be rational ALL the time after...
  23. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    Well, you have managed to get me really interested in DXM haha. It sounds very interesting. I only have experience in alcohol and weed, how different is DXM compared to those? Will you need a sitter? Will it be best to start off slowly, on the first plateau? How damaging is it to the body? I...
  24. Dimensional Transition


    Let's make this a Skype party thread! Sadly I'm just about to go to bed, but I'd like to join some time later.
  25. Dimensional Transition

    INTJ - INTP compatibility

    How well do INTPs and INTJs get along? I've just been kind of surprised by the sudden coldness and weird judgemental(shouldn't have been a surprise, but it was) behavior of a female INTJ I've been talking to for a while. It feels like she has been wanting to go somewhere with me all the time...
  26. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    So you still have a feeling the real world exists? Because depersonalization/derealization to me feels like there is no real world, like I'm just in some crazy complicated dream, watching someone's life. Which is interesting, but intimidating and scary as well.
  27. Dimensional Transition

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    I'm wondering why some people enjoy dissociation. I've heard from many DXM users that they love 'not feeling human' or 'disconnected'. I can't understand this. Whenever I smoke too much weed I feel quite depersonalized, empty and unreal. That's about the same as DXM dissociation, right? I...
  28. Dimensional Transition

    Social Phobia

    I don't think having a social phobia is the same as being schizotypal... Is it? According to wikipedia, these are symptoms of schizotypy: -Inappropriate or constricted affect (the individual appears cold and aloof); -Behaviour or appearance that is odd, eccentric, or peculiar; -Poor rapport...
  29. Dimensional Transition

    Social Phobia

    Yeah, I feel the same way. A lot of people say 'just don't give a fuck, you are who you are!' but obviously, that doesn't help too much. I don't really have a solution yet either, but I'll be following this thread.
  30. Dimensional Transition


    I'm a perfectionist. I know perfection is impossible, but I love mathematical accuracy in everything, buildings, drawings, designs, timespans... It annoys me slightly when I can't stop the microwave at exactly 30 seconds. It's not really OCD, it doesn't control my life, but I do really like...
  31. Dimensional Transition

    Social Phobia

    Why are you afraid of people/interactions with people? What are the thoughts that go through your head when in a social situation? I also have a bit social phobia, more as a result from a Generalized Anxiety Disorder that floats to the surface occasionally though.
  32. Dimensional Transition

    Site for INTPs

    Nice, but it seems dead... :c No new articles since 2009. I might enjoy reading some of the older articles though. :)
  33. Dimensional Transition

    Why are you so grumpy?

    I've been told I come over as a cynic person, giving a lot of observational critique on everything, but I've been called cute and friendly many times as well. It all kind of depends on if I'm fond of a person or not, and/or if I'm in a good mood or not, heh.
  34. Dimensional Transition

    Merged: The 5 INTP subtypes

    Re: The 5 INTP subtypes From the few posts I've seen from Perseus, he does seem a little... out there. But hey, we're INTPs, not an exception :D
  35. Dimensional Transition

    What makes you feel nostalgic?

    Flippos! I only experienced those for the first 5 years of my life or so though. In my 'fad-age' of 5-10 Pokémon cards were more popular. I never really knew how they worked though, I just focused on collecting the prettiest and coolest cards. (OH MY GOD A GLITTERY ONE!?)
  36. Dimensional Transition

    Anxiety/Panic attacks

    Didn't see this thread for a few weeks because of a holiday. Lots of interesting discussions... For me, what usually helps is researching the causes and symptoms of anxiety, then exercising, and keeping busy with things like movies and talking to people. Anyways, xbox, I have no solution for...
  37. Dimensional Transition

    empathy in the right place

    I feel the same way. I think most NTs feel like you (and I) do as well, of course NTs feel empathy, but it's just not very... complicated. Of course I can feel a bad atmosphere, but I can't feel at all what I should do in certain situations. I find it very hard to know which response is...
  38. Dimensional Transition


    @Athideus: Someone who feels distant? Anyways, I get what you're saying stealthy donut... But making pictures is really fun. I take lots of pictures. Pictures are always better than my memory. I used to think I had a photographic memory as well, but really, nothing beats pictures. I make...
  39. Dimensional Transition

    Merged: The 5 INTP subtypes

    Re: The 5 INTP subtypes Probably a combination of 1(I am a little too psuedo-intellectual. I should probably stop correcting people so often...) and 5(without the super-smooth sexy shit... Where the hell did that come from?). But these are by far not all the 'subtypes', and most of them...
  40. Dimensional Transition

    What makes you feel nostalgic?

    Little kids, mocassins, bad color combinations, playful monstery things, boats, beaches, raspberries, lemonade, plastic lemonade-ice cream molds, ants, gardens, colored pencils, horror movies, drawing, the colors beige and light-blue, the smell of sand, poop, snot and lunch boxes combined...
  41. Dimensional Transition

    Yo Wutup

    Sounds like an INTP to me, except for the good-at-everything part, I'm not sure if an introvert would seemingly confidently say that(although most of us think it anyways). Welcome! I dig your avatar as well.
  42. Dimensional Transition


    Sounds like comedy, but I wouldn't watch it. It'd gross me out.
  43. Dimensional Transition


  44. Dimensional Transition

    That'd actually be a fun play on words haha

    That'd actually be a fun play on words haha
  45. Dimensional Transition

    What are INFJs bad at?

    You're quite judgemental yourself, but at the same time you think 'Who are you to judge me on what I say or do?' about other judgemental people... Do you realize this? I would be extremely bugged by such a paradox...
  46. Dimensional Transition

    Hope your all cozy in your cocoon of intellect.

    I kind of like it here in my cozy cocoon...:smoker:
  47. Dimensional Transition

    What are INFJs bad at?

    Yeah, that's what I think is somewhat going on as well. Argh, it's really hard to explain in words, but I guess you all understand what I'm trying to say.
  48. Dimensional Transition

    Are you creepy/weird?

    Woah. I had no idea this thread would still be active. I don't know, I think I got over it... People have come to view my weirdness more as having a good self-esteem by being unafraid to be weird, or something like that. Anyways, people are increasingly showing their weird sides around me...
  49. Dimensional Transition

    What are INFJs bad at?

    Stereotypes are fun and handy. I think INTPs can come off as very judgemental and mean, because they use a lot of generalizations. The thing is, an INTP tends to take these generalizations with a grain of salt, just as a quick aid in conversation, when proving things. Most other types seem to...
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