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Search results

  1. Dimensional Transition

    Typing famous people

    I don't think there's a thread about this yet, right? There's a thread about famous INTPs, that's all I know. Let's start with a predictable one: Bob Dylan? Personally, I don't really have a strong idea about what type he might be. I think an INTJ perhaps, or INFJ... I'm pretty sure about...
  2. Dimensional Transition

    Japanese pop idol isn't real.

    Haha, good point there.
  3. Dimensional Transition

    Temporary Suspension

    Very glad INTPforum is back up. I really missed this place.
  4. Dimensional Transition

    Online job for an INTP

    Is this an actual job? That'd be awesome. Asides from the awkward moments when you have to tell people what your job is :p
  5. Dimensional Transition

    Distrust in people

    I know that feeling. I usually go with the awkward, almost hypocritical both-sides of myself thing.
  6. Dimensional Transition

    Distrust in people

    No it's not logical for people to poison me. I don't really mean poison as in something like cyanide, more like... Slipping acid or GHB in my drink or giving me a pot brownie without me knowing it's not a regular brownie. I've been under the influence of drugs without expecting it before and...
  7. Dimensional Transition

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  8. Dimensional Transition

    Do you often feel like you're living in a different world?

    Not in that way living in a different world...
  9. Dimensional Transition


    I scored 13 Your score for Authority is LOW Your score for Self-sufficiency is LOW Your score for Superiority is MEDIUM Your score for Exhibitionism is LOW Your score for Exploitativeness is HIGH Your score for Vanity is MEDIUM Your score for Entitlement is LOW I'm moderately vain. I...
  10. Dimensional Transition

    Wanted: Anyone who knows an INTP

    Feels like I can relate to both. Although I can get pretty extravagant, eccentric and animated when I feel in the right place. Strange look in the eyes I can relate to because... I don't know, I feel like I quite often have an empty or zoned-out look on my face, when I'm thinking or analyzing...
  11. Dimensional Transition

    Distrust in people

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one and that it's not particularly worrying, ha. I don't have that 'being watched by an organization' very badly, but I do feel kind of weird when I'm telling someone really personal things on something like msn. Feels like it's being stored to stab me in the...
  12. Dimensional Transition

    Negative you!

    Aw. I think looking a bit hunchy is fairly normal for INTPs though. My neck sticks a little too much forward than how I'd like as well. But it's decreasing over time, especially since I've started working out.
  13. Dimensional Transition

    The "Charge bar" of pure hatred

    I feel the exact same way, Moocow. I feel that way these days as well. That smashing through something wooden feeling and the calm observing voice in the back of your head are very accurate ha.
  14. Dimensional Transition

    The "Charge bar" of pure hatred

    I used to have that problem as a little kid. I rarely get that feeling anymore. It's still there sometimes, but rarely. In elementary school I would often feel this urge all over my muscles to completely beat up someone when they made me angry. I fought so much back then... I even beat up my...
  15. Dimensional Transition

    Negative you!

    Space is actually a really awesome nickname. I wish I had such an awesome nickname.
  16. Dimensional Transition

    Distrust in people

    Of course, I'll trust the information you trust as well... I mean more like, scientific stuff, numbers, etc. It's not really controlling my life, I only get the feeling occasionally when somebody gets me a beer or something at a festival mainly, or like I said, when I recently had an argument...
  17. Dimensional Transition

    Distrust in people

    I don't know, I trust restaurants because I know they'd probably be easy to investigate if someone working there would poison a customer. I don't trust people who I've recently had an argument with. It's not like it's limiting my life, but I sometimes do throw away a cup of tea or a cookie from...
  18. Dimensional Transition

    Distrust in people

    How distrustful of people are you? I'm pretty distrustful. I don't like it when others prepare my food when I'm not there to see they're not slipping some poison in it or something. I'm starting to wonder whether I should be worried about this. I'm also afraid of people having too much...
  19. Dimensional Transition

    INTPs and secrecy/lies.

    On a side note... I love eavesdropping. I'm always listening to conversations in the train, in class, etc... You hear some really interesting/hilarious stuff. "Yo, yo, yo, yo bro?" -"Yeah?" "I'm going to the mall man yo you wanna come or what?" -"I don't know man, I don't know, what dey got at...
  20. Dimensional Transition

    Are you monotone?

    I have many different voices. I think everyone has... The bored, monotone, negative, I don't give a fuck-observer voice. (common) The monotone go away from me voice. The animated enthusiastically telling a story/theory voice. (common) The warm, caring friendly voice. (common) The anxious, shaky...
  21. Dimensional Transition

    Am i really INTP?

    Sounds familiar enough to me. I don't really cry when somebody criticizes me, but I'm definitely quite a sensitive person. I'm also a little hypochondric, always afraid of horrible diseases. So don't worry, you're probably still an INTP. Unless I'm not one either... Which is of course a...
  22. Dimensional Transition

    Negative you!

    I'm a fucking annoying procrastinator who can't grow the balls to do what he wants to do and keeps whining about it to other people, without getting any further! This realization causing him to become even less self-assured, thus still not having enough balls to do whatever he wishes to, et...
  23. Dimensional Transition

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    YouTube - ‪10 Ft. Ganja Plant-Two Bulls‬‏
  24. Dimensional Transition

    Nooooo! How do you sleep at night!?

    Nooooo! How do you sleep at night!?
  25. Dimensional Transition

    Oh dear lord

    Oh dear lord
  26. Dimensional Transition

    Do you often feel like you're living in a different world?

    I'm glad you found out man. I was so scared I was going mad when I didn't know what it was. I later found out my dad had it too in his teens, and he actually got severely depressed for years because of it. He had to repeat the same year at school two times because he just couldn't go to school...
  27. Dimensional Transition

    How often do you encounter crackpots?

    Ahahah, I thought the same. I looked up 'crackpot' online because the first post didn't make sense at all to me, I thought: "What does this have to do with crack?"
  28. Dimensional Transition

    INTPs and secrecy/lies.

    I don't really have those issues. I do like sneaking into the house without being noticed though, feels like I've "won" as well. It's just a fun game. For the rest... I'm a really open guy. I share a lot of stuff that's on my mind, things I do... If you're not ashamed of anything, nobody will...
  29. Dimensional Transition

    Do you often feel like you're living in a different world?

    Yeah, depersonalization is a protection mechanism of the body, mainly to relieve you from extreme sadness or fear. (People often experience it at funerals and such, too.) I had it a lot when I had panic attacks/(temporary?)generalized anxiety disorder because my body was trying to protect me...
  30. Dimensional Transition

    Definition of art in MBTI

    Yeah, the ISFP is categorized as the artist, but I think that's wrong, really. Any type can be an artist... Or am I missing something?
  31. Dimensional Transition

    Definition of art in MBTI

    That's impossible to define. Any type can make art. A portrait artist would more likely be S, whereas a surrealist painter would more likely be N, etc.
  32. Dimensional Transition

    Do you often feel like you're living in a different world?

    I think the problem here seems to be depersonalization. Look it up. It's common. Almost everybody experiences mild depersonalization/derealization from time to time. I have that kind of stuff too. I had that feeling of 'I'm living in a dream' for 9 months long when I had panic attacks. I...
  33. Dimensional Transition

    Oops, my bad. I will keep my eyes open and tongue free! (And if I do seem to skip over the...

    Oops, my bad. I will keep my eyes open and tongue free! (And if I do seem to skip over the thread once it's there, feel free to send me a message about it)
  34. Dimensional Transition

    What request? :') I've apparently forgotten as well.

    What request? :') I've apparently forgotten as well.
  35. Dimensional Transition

    How often do you encounter crackpots?

    Ahahahah, oh man, is this guy serious? Also, crackpots... I encounter them occasionally, I guess. I'm not really bothered by it. Everybody has his own ideas, occasionally there's someone with extremely illogical ones, but yeah, I don't mind too much.
  36. Dimensional Transition

    Do you like your type?

    Ah yes, I think so too. Although I myself would probably just get very anxious if I were to go mad... I definitely think there are folks who would be able though.
  37. Dimensional Transition

    Do you like your type?

    You mean going mad and having epiphanies by introspecting is the same? But yeah, I'm now taking my time...
  38. Dimensional Transition

    Do you like your type?

    Yes. I need a drastic change in my core thinking... I've been having epiphanies about myself the last few days. I really hope I'm not going mad and that this is just a phase of realization.
  39. Dimensional Transition

    "well... I read some articles about it..."

  40. Dimensional Transition

    Do you believe in the Illuminati?

    How are those videos proof for the planned NWO? Seriously? They're just giving speeches being all world-peace-y.
  41. Dimensional Transition

    INTP in Army Infantry

    You should contact SpaceYeti, he just got deployed and is another INTP in the military. I always thought he kind of liked it there. Maybe he can help you. Personally, I think military would be hell for me too, so, good luck man...
  42. Dimensional Transition

    How do You deal with stress?

    Seems like a fairly straight-forward but good idea. I've only focused on the negatives since forever, maybe the INTP tendency to want to change things that seem wrong. Except there are some things you can't really change about yourself. The hardest for me is talking to people I actually really...
  43. Dimensional Transition

    INTP or ENTP?

    Hm, that's probably right. We could investigate every type, giving examples of how we know a douchebag who is that type...
  44. Dimensional Transition

    How do You deal with stress?

    How do you do this?
  45. Dimensional Transition

    How do You deal with stress?

    I have the same problem. I think in psychology they call it 'Generalized Anxiety Disorder'... I don't have any physical solutions to it. Alcohol only works rarely. Cigarettes are way too harmful to enjoy. Weed makes anxiety worse. It's all about thinking through the stuff you're seemingly...
  46. Dimensional Transition

    INTP or ENTP?

    I have a really good female friend who is an INTJ. She's always been very nice and understanding to me. She actually seems to be very intrigued and fascinated by my thoughts. We share a lot of information. So I don't know, maybe it depends on what the INTJ thinks of you. EDIT: Jesus I'm...
  47. Dimensional Transition

    Do you like your type?

    I'm not sure, I'm beginning to find this over-sensitive anxious analyzing crap a bit annoying. It doesn't get me anywhere, I just feel weird all the time. I haven't really been able to embrace it yet, I think. Sure, INTPs are supposedly intelligent, but I really miss some kind of warmth. A...
  48. Dimensional Transition

    INTP or ENTP?

    Yeah, exactly. My ENTP friend is a good guy at core, the arrogance just really becomes annoying sometimes. I also constantly have to stimulate him to try and explain his 'genius' brain farts to me haha.
  49. Dimensional Transition

    INTP or ENTP?

    I have an ENTP friend. I can have very good conversations with him, but after a while he really becomes a douchebag. He thinks he's smarter than me, smarter than everyone. It makes it very exhausting to talk to him after a while. He's constantly saying 'Well, I just thought of, nah, nah, you...
  50. Dimensional Transition

    Life as the other sex

    This always makes me feel sad. I'd feel so bad knowing that my partner was faking 80% of the time. ): Women are weird as hell. I always hear girls talk about 'Yeahhh, she thought he was too much of a friend so it just kept on going asdnasdfndsfn' It's all damn complicated. Way too...
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