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Search results

  1. PhoenixRising

    Goal in Life: Get chill job, grow a beard, chill all day

    Yeah, I used to work at a medical dispensary. They eventually got shut down by the county, just like all the others in my area. It's technically legal, but local cops don't hesitate to arrest for it anyway.
  2. PhoenixRising

    INTPforum SEO challenge!

    How about INTP Alien Mary Poppins Invasion. It's unique right? :elephant:
  3. PhoenixRising

    Goal in Life: Get chill job, grow a beard, chill all day

    I thought I was getting into the art field in order to avoid stress. hahaha yeah right! I've got he most stressful job that exists besides working in the ER. Deadlines are crazy tight, and if you miss one, you're fired. You've gotta be on your toes and put in your all everyday all day. However...
  4. PhoenixRising

    Calling all poets and creative personalities!

    MissQuote Your poetry is fascinating, you describe such esoteric feelings in an understandable way with an eccentric flair. I do like Tendrils of Analysis, I read the line "as a cast shadow reflecting Prolific imperfections" several times to take in all of its meaning. You have beautifully and...
  5. PhoenixRising

    A curious thought...

    Well, let's find a baby and try it :D Time for some science!! I think this is an interesting idea. The equilibrium would likely adapt to the child's perception of what "normal" balance is. I don't know that the sensation of being upside down would completely cease, but the child probably...
  6. PhoenixRising

    Science is Clueless About Space-Time

    Well the way I see it there is this thing called a universe. It's expanding a a very rapid rate. The distance between things is what we humans like to call "space". As it expands, things change, the changing of things in increments is what we call "time". Therefore you have space-time, two...
  7. PhoenixRising

    Going down there

    lol, you have no idea ;) Let's just say I've made grown men pass out. And no, not from hitting them over the head with a frying pan. No joke, I just rock. :cool:
  8. PhoenixRising

    Calling all poets and creative personalities!

    I'm glad you like it, I wrote The Mind of Chaos as a synopsis of how I perceive the universe. Poetry is the form of writing that comes most naturally to me, so that's how I express my thoughts a lot of the time. I'd be glad to share more poetry with you. I would like to hear some of your views...
  9. PhoenixRising

    Going down there

    I just do it because I'm awesome at it. I like being impressive and outdoing what my partner can do. I tend to be rather competitive when it comes to just about everything.
  10. PhoenixRising

    Would You Raise a Clone of Yourself?

    While cloning myself would be better than taking the risk of producing some deadbeat from random genetics, I would prefer not to do either. One, I have no interest in raising children. Two, I would never curse a clone with my genetics. I was so ill most of my childhood, I missed out on...
  11. PhoenixRising

    The Meaning of Life is "To Love."

    You are just a collection of single cells, and apparently you can love. Who knows how far back the ability to "feel" goes. Single cell organisms communicate with each other chemically, and what are neurotransmitters? Chemicals. What is the physical aspect of love? An electrochemical phenomenon...
  12. PhoenixRising

    Dating insight, for young INTPs

    Cognisant covered the reality of it pretty well. But he left out the one point that I was alluding to. All you guys on here that are saying you can't find interesting girls, it's because you act exactly like all other men and so interesting girls can't tell that you are interesting. See what I'm...
  13. PhoenixRising

    Funnest thing in the world!

    Be careful, I promised myself I was going to hitchhike up the West coast to Alaska after I graduated. I ended up in a 9-5 job instead.
  14. PhoenixRising

    Funnest thing in the world!

    I... am so jealous :o You're living my dream as well. It's great to hear you are just going for it and wandering just to wander, discovering just to discover and helping just to be helpful. You have my admiration.
  15. PhoenixRising

    The Meaning of Life is "To Love."

    Thank you, that was very quick witted indeed ;)
  16. PhoenixRising

    Transcendental Meditition

    For me, meditation is going through the 10 levels of thought in my mind and silencing each level. I then experience the world without any preconception or thought and so am completely in the moment of "what is".
  17. PhoenixRising

    The Meaning of Life is "To Love."

    How can you possibly know for sure that reptiles or unicellular organisms don't love? That's like saying you know for sure that you do or do not have a soul. We just don't know what other species of animals feel or how they perceive the world. You could argue that the neurotransmitters or...
  18. PhoenixRising

    Transcendental Meditition

    I meditate, but only when I'm completely isolated from society. I have to clear my mind at least once in a while in order to be able to sort out my thoughts.
  19. PhoenixRising

    Calling all poets and creative personalities!

    I have so many poems, but I wanted to post this one since I'm unable to share it with most other people. The Mind of Chaos The beautiful inner-workings of chaos each microcosm within the larger cosm light twisted into the double helix of infinity light upon light, world upon world the dual...
  20. PhoenixRising


    I agree with what you're saying here. From what I know of myself and others, people usually have at least a couple different lifestyles that they think would be ideal. In my case I wanted to be a businesswoman, or a nomad who travelled the world, or a nun (either Buddhist or Catholic). So far...
  21. PhoenixRising

    The Meaning of Life is "To Love."

    Hmm, very interesting analysis you've done here. I agree with you that one of the most important components of the purpose of human life is to love. However, I would add that "to learn" should be part of it as well. If we love and learn, then we grow and help others to grow and forward the...
  22. PhoenixRising

    Dating insight, for young INTPs

    Ok so his stuff works for man sluts. I don't think that's what this thread was supposed to be about. You know what's disappointing to me, I expected INTP males to have more brains upstairs than they do in their pants. But it looks like most of you are just like every other type of male on the...
  23. PhoenixRising

    I could keep talking, but I think that should be enough. Does all this answer your questions?

    I could keep talking, but I think that should be enough. Does all this answer your questions?
  24. PhoenixRising

    One thing that the Christian religion teaches that I do practice is repentance. If I do...

    One thing that the Christian religion teaches that I do practice is repentance. If I do something that hurts myself or another person (including animals), I repent. I recognize what I did and why it was wrong, and I promise myself and God that I'll do better. It's part of my personal growth and...
  25. PhoenixRising

    Back again!

    D&D huh? My boyfriend and his group are designing a D&D website, they do remote playing stuff. It's working out pretty nicely for them. Good luck with your project.
  26. PhoenixRising

    Dating insight, for young INTPs

    This one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WKDDwDhcjA&feature=plcp And this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmKGLe9DOb4&feature=relmfu This has got to be the most pretentious crap from a XXFJ point of view I've ever heard. People that think like this are the same ones that watch Jersey...
  27. PhoenixRising

    I'm an INFJ (I think)

    From what I've seen of your posts on here, you struck me as being a very strongly opinionated individual. I didn't think you were attempting to sway my opinions, or practice "mind control" as you put it. Nor did I mean that you were being narrow minded, I was making more of a general statement...
  28. PhoenixRising

    I'm an INFJ (I think)

    I find that I care both for humanity and for individuals. Perhaps it's because of my spirituality, I find that I truly love every person sincerely because I understand how fundamentally connected we all are. I also lose faith in humanity sometimes, but don't tend to target individuals. Sometimes...
  29. PhoenixRising

    I'm an INFJ (I think)

    That makes sense, thank you for this explanation. Do you know of a good site where I could study the different function stacks of MBTI types? I haven't been able to find one with cohesive information, so I only know bits and pieces.
  30. PhoenixRising

    Effects of being an INTP only child.

    1. I was an INTP only child. I learned how to entertain myself :D 2. I would say I'm a 1 maybe. I connect with people pretty easily when I want to, but it's never superficial. 3. I might be a 3 or 4. I can deeply connect with people when I want to. But I don't tend to open myself up very much...
  31. PhoenixRising

    Dating insight, for young INTPs

    This is all complete bullshit. If a girl is that easily played, then she doesn't have a brain to begin with.
  32. PhoenixRising

    I'm an INFJ (I think)

    That is interesting. I am a definite INTP, textbook really. However, I do take social injustice to heart and am partnered with many charities and other organizations that combat slavery, starvation and the mistreatment of children. The only thing that ever brings me to tears or makes me angry is...
  33. PhoenixRising

    Medschool exp after one week

    As Architect said, it's really about being smart and finding your own personal niche. A "quantitative analyzer" sounds good, but what does that title really mean? It seems like it means vastly different things for different companies. That was my point, there are a million coder positions to be...
  34. PhoenixRising

    Medschool exp after one week

    As far as being a programmer goes, it usually gets you stable work with decent pay. However, if you have any creative tendencies whatsoever, straight programming probably isn't the best way to go. My ENTJ boyfriend is a programmer, or as he puts it a "software engineer". He got his degree in...
  35. PhoenixRising

    What's a Genius and Do You Consider Yourself One?

    Reluctantly, I found your comment about this forum being "pedantic" as being accurate. Remember, this is an INTP forum, so it's inevitable that it would be that way. I don't know what type you are, but if you're INTP, then you know we tend to be overly nit-picky and egotistical. I suppose you...
  36. PhoenixRising

    What's a Genius and Do You Consider Yourself One?

    Age 14, really? I don't know if you could be considered an actual alcoholic at that age. Most people haven't developed their ability to control cravings or emotions by then, so really the only way to tell would be to have a test for alcoholic enzyme concentration. Anyway, good to hear you're...
  37. PhoenixRising

    So If Einstein Was Wrong...

    I'm going to have to agree with the sentiment that Einstein's theory of general relativity can be refined and added on to, but at this point it's highly unlikely that his theory is completely wrong. E=mc2 was confirmed to be absolutely solid a few years back using the world's largest super...
  38. PhoenixRising


    I didn't mean that he didn't have ANY close friends, just not a lot (INTP). Well the way you put it made it sound like you thought he didn't have any close friends at all: "He didn't keep any close friends, yet he was known to many. "
  39. PhoenixRising

    I'm becoming INFP O_O

    oh no! Don't make the elves angry! That would invoke the mischievous apocalypse :eek: pointy ears for everyone!! hmm, on second thought, that would be kinda awesome... An interesting piece of trivia, the definition of angry elf on urban dictionary...
  40. PhoenixRising


    Actually, it isn't true that Einstein didn't have any close friends. Have you ever read his autobiography? Here is an excerpt from The World As I See It: "During the eighteen years I spent in Berlin I had very few close friends, and the closest was Professor Katzenstein. For more than ten years...
  41. PhoenixRising

    What's your ideal occupation?

    I kind of have my ideal job. I always wanted to be a scientific illustrator, and I do medical and engineering animation. If I was going to be completely idealistic, I'd be an independent illustrator/animator in the natural sciences, most preferably biology and astronomy. Going on safari to study...
  42. PhoenixRising

    Hacking Brainwaves

    This sort of technology being a potential target for hackers is probably still a ways off. At my work, one of the big pharma clients we have has developed pacemakers with wireless technology that allows doctors to get a ECG read on their patients 24-7 and remotely control the settings of the...
  43. PhoenixRising

    Grand truth

    Depends on the specific "grand truths". I've come to many realizations about the universe, most of them have been exciting and enlightening. I have recently had an experience that did make me conclude that I have no purpose. It was actually spurred by my research into what it means to be an...
  44. PhoenixRising

    Dating insight, for young INTPs

    Everyone has different ego states that interchange depending on what situation you're in. I have a business state for work, a "dumbed down" state for talking in layman's terms, and a "clean speech" state when I'm around children and those potentially sensitive to cussing. That's part of being...
  45. PhoenixRising

    Dating insight, for young INTPs

    Yeah, I know. I was just giving an extreme example of what I was talking about.
  46. PhoenixRising

    Dating insight, for young INTPs

    It's not meant as anything personal. From what I've seen you write in this forum, you don't seem like you've given up on who you are. You're intelligent, opinionated, informed and interested in all kinds of intellectual topics. You talk about your unique perspective on the world, you're a real...
  47. PhoenixRising

    Dating insight, for young INTPs

    The unfortunate truth is most people don't really have much of a personality. They've forgotten everything they were or would have been and adopted social norms in the place where they as an individual should be. Invasion of the body snatchers? Maybe something like that. It's rare to find...
  48. PhoenixRising

    Science is Clueless About Space-Time

    eh, whatever. The title got you to look at the post didn't it? lol
  49. PhoenixRising

    Science is Clueless About Space-Time

    Oh really, how delightful :) I do love talking to people who have worked in the field. You must have some interesting stories to tell about the theories and experiments you worked with. I'd be all ears if you were interested in sharing. Well, all I know is I've seen studies from the LHC that...
  50. PhoenixRising


    I haven't observed myself or any other of the few INTPs I've known intentionally go after someone else's ideas with malicious intent. People have a tendency to read me as cold and defensive because of my lack of emotional undertones. That's just part of using logic instead of emotion to explain...
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