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Search results

  1. PhoenixRising

    Forum Enneagram Types?

    I think most people on this forum will probably be type 5..
  2. PhoenixRising

    What's sexy about an INTP?

    hmm, pretty much everything I'd say. Mostly that a male INTP would likely see things in a similar way and would talk to me about fascinating topics. From my experience, compatibility does vary between individuals of the same type though. However, I'm biased, since I have a thing for intellectuals..
  3. PhoenixRising

    How DO you go about typing another person?

    I mainly use my intuitive impression about people. I can usually type someone after talking to them for a few minutes. In the cases where I have estimated type and then had the person take a test, I was always correct. If you don't get a gut-feeling about them, just look for these basic signs...
  4. PhoenixRising

    Ask me any question and I'll answer it.

    I don't remember asking that question... lol
  5. PhoenixRising

    Famous INTPs

    Architect do try not to be too hard on him. I'm sure he's just frustrated about something. We all go through those times, right? I'm starting to learn how human INTPs can really be. It's a little scary actually...
  6. PhoenixRising

    Reinventing the wheel

    I do the same thing, both in coding and artwork (I'm a digital artist/animator/web designer). I find that I like to re-create things because 1. I don't like "stealing" other people's work. 2. If I use something someone else created, then I won't know the exact process that was used to build it...
  7. PhoenixRising

    The Warp Drive

    That wasn't really what I meant. When constructing that argument, I was imagining a more technologically advanced, but peaceful society of aliens.
  8. PhoenixRising

    The Warp Drive

    I completely support the idea of sending intelligent, respectful, logical, caring (evolved) individuals to other solar systems. The same sort of people could be trusted with warp technology as well. There is definitely a lot of good in humanity, a lot of positive potential. My point was that the...
  9. PhoenixRising

    The Primacy of Touch

    I agree. That is why I was saying that most INTPs probably don't have the ability to understand the world as sensors do. We have what I consider an even more evolved ability, intuition. One of my friends is autistic. I think he's probably an INFP or INFJ, but we mainly communicate on an...
  10. PhoenixRising

    The Primacy of Touch

    I believe you are right, if I am reading your meaning correctly. An INTP who is clueless about other people's intent is someone who has not developed them self. From my experience, it seems like intuitive types, especially introverted intuitive types, pick up a lot about people with their...
  11. PhoenixRising

    The Primacy of Touch

    I find my own way in life, so I'm never really lost. That and, if I start feeling lonely it's only a couple seconds before I get distracted by something... ooh! look, a praying mantis :D
  12. PhoenixRising

    Yeah, most people say that :P But yes, I am. 'Tis what makes me more dangerous than your average...

    Yeah, most people say that :P But yes, I am. 'Tis what makes me more dangerous than your average INTP...
  13. PhoenixRising

    Write for me?

    Messy, like the rest of you. Female, 25, predominantly right handed but ambidextrous.
  14. PhoenixRising

    The Warp Drive

    Human beings in general are too primitive to prevent themselves from using this technology for destructive purposes. Most prevalent in my mind is war. If successful, this technology will probably be sold to the highest bidder, i.e. the government that forks out the most money. Then other...
  15. PhoenixRising

    Cognitive Functions (cleavage featured inside)

    May I ask, where did you get those test results? Is there an online test one can take?
  16. PhoenixRising

    How many of you are pacifists?

    Patriotism is kind of like school spirit. You know, that thing that all the cheerleaders in high school did with their pom poms and their school mascot.. er whatever. Both mindsets are derived from the primitive human desire to belong to a tribe and assert their significance over the existence...
  17. PhoenixRising

    The Warp Drive

    Thank you for the paper, it was quite an interesting read. It would be fantastic indeed if this technology succeeds. However, with the sate of the human race as-is I'm not so sure we're ready for interstellar travel. That, though, is more of an ethical/philosophical question.
  18. PhoenixRising


    I'm spoiled with tri-dimensional chess (yeah, as in Star Trek). It adds a lot of possibilities to the game. I'm not that good at it, but I'll put up a fight until my king is the only piece left on the board...
  19. PhoenixRising

    GMO Foods

    Yes, that is another application of GMO that is currently used commercially.
  20. PhoenixRising

    INTP Emotions - What is wrong with me?

    Interesting thread. I have had similar experiences, however I do see myself expressing more emotions as I become more self actualized. What's nice is I have control over which emotions I express and when I express them. I also appreciate my mind's ability to suspend negative emotions...
  21. PhoenixRising

    GMO Foods

    ℜεмїηїs¢εη¢ε They engineer the corn to produce its own insecticide. From what I heard, all the studies linking GMO foods to cancer were done by one guy who's credibility is fuzzy. However, I am allergic to all GMO food, so there must be something wrong with it at least on a subtle level. The...
  22. PhoenixRising

    Do brilliant minds converge on similar ideas?

    It may be as simple as, great minds seek the truth. Since their ideas are derived from actualities, and they are likely using similar techniques to investigate, their observations would be similar if not the same.
  23. PhoenixRising

    Bill Gates

    My mom kind of dated him for a very short time in the 70s. He sounds like a real creep to me. She met him at a robotics convention, at the time she was Dr. Jacob Tal's assistant and really into the concept of A.I. He chatted it up with her and told her about a conference at Stanford on A.I...
  24. PhoenixRising

    Not Doing What You Say You Will

    Thanks for this description, it really does make sense to me. INTPs are kind of a paradox in that, as you said, we are polarized but we change our stance on topics almost constantly with the addition of new data. However, I think profiles on our type are correct in that they describe us as...
  25. PhoenixRising

    Comparing apples and oranges.

    You know what's really funny about this thread. It proves that you can get INTPs to argue about anything, including apples and oranges in a literal sense.
  26. PhoenixRising

    The Meaning of Life is "To Love."

    The meaning of life is different for everyone. The only thing that is consistent is the fact that we each have our own journey to go on in order to find out what the meaning of our life is. And love is something unavoidable if you're truly living your life.
  27. PhoenixRising

    Comparing apples and oranges.

    Apples are probably my favorite taste-wise. They have a lot of flavonoid antioxidants in them, primarily in the peel. Oranges have an amazing amount of phytonutrients, including bioflavonoids like rutin and vitamin C. The thing is, almost all of these nutrients are located in the pith of the...
  28. PhoenixRising

    Not Doing What You Say You Will

    I promised myself a while ago I wouldn't break anymore promises. I still do sometimes though. I think it's due to my desire to be adaptable over being dependable. It may also have something to do with being uncomfortable with commitment and my self-saboteur tendencies. I tend to be black and...
  29. PhoenixRising

    Are we similar?

    That sounds kind of like me. I change between many different mindsets everyday. Almost all of them are triggered by interacting with different people or being in different environments. Music also can put me into a certain mindset. Sometimes I'll purposely keep myself in a state of mind because...
  30. PhoenixRising

    Are you ever happy?

    I agree with contextblues, how can you say whether or not you're happy if you don't know what happy is? Happiness can feel different to different people. I would rather sense the mysterious than feel content, but can mysteriousness be considered happiness?
  31. PhoenixRising

    INTP to INTP Relationships

    Auburn That must have been a fascinating study. I have always wanted to read the Torah and understand the meaning of it, even just as a lesson in ancient thought. I considered getting into Messianic Judaism for a while. I would love to read what you have of the book you wrote sometime. It's...
  32. PhoenixRising

    INTP to INTP Relationships

    Auburn God is a complex topic. There are a couple of conversations I've had about my experiences and beliefs on my profile. I don't really like to call God "God", but that is the most universally recognized term. The most accurate name for God that I've come across is Yahweh. This means "to be"...
  33. PhoenixRising

    INTP to INTP Relationships

    oh dear, I didn't think you had seen the first one :P Sorry. Like I was saying, I just felt that it wasn't entirely accurate as far as my personality goes. I'm glad you like it, though, it is very beautiful and has a mystical air about it that I really relate with. I know what you mean about...
  34. PhoenixRising

    INTP to INTP Relationships

    Very lovely song. It has an endearing feeling about it, it's soft, passive, whimsical, carefree. If that's what you are, then you're certainly not ordinary. I think that kind of beauty is amazing, it reminds me of a lot of dreams that I've had. I've built confidence over the years, most of it...
  35. PhoenixRising

    Do you respond to depressed individuals with hostility?

    I respond to depressed individuals like I respond to everything else, with logic. I talk to them and try to help them figure out why they are depressed, and then think of solutions that would help them get over it. Then they start to cry and call me cold... and then I feel bad and sometimes...
  36. PhoenixRising

    INTP to INTP Relationships

    [/INDENT] I do consider INTJs as the dual counterparts to INTPs. I think any INXJ type could possibly be a duality. As you say though, there are other subtleties that seem to count at least just as much as type. What I believe you are calling a "spirit" is what I've referred to as one's...
  37. PhoenixRising

    INTP to INTP Relationships

    Auburn Well, who needs social trivialities anyway? People use too many empty words for what they really want to say. So many times this makes their meaning get completely lost in the fog. INTPs seem to be more practical than most people, that's probably why we are often the first to discover...
  38. PhoenixRising

    Time Does Not Exist

    Why do you say that? I wasn't referencing time dilation specifically, but the zero-time aspect of the speed of light.
  39. PhoenixRising

    A genetic basis for type

    Very interesting theory. It makes sense that I/E and N/S would be genetically influenced traits. However, I don't think that IN types have a defect in sensory processing. From what I've observed in myself and others who are IN types, we are usually more perceptive of our environment and pick up...
  40. PhoenixRising

    When you work, the world disappears...

    Understandable A22, sorry for being confusing :o
  41. PhoenixRising

    Time Does Not Exist

    I think time is our perception of the movement and subsequent change of the universe as it expands outward at light speed. Space is the existence of matter, and perhaps the existence of the "fabric" that underlies everything in the universe. Therefore, we have space-time as two aspects of the...
  42. PhoenixRising

    The Warp Drive

    It could become something scientifically plausible in the near future :D http://news.discovery.com/space/warp-drive-possible-nasa-tests-100yss-120917.html?fb_action_ids=359886097428552&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_ref=fb2&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582
  43. PhoenixRising

    Occam's Razor and the Scheme of Universe.

    s0cratus This is awesome :D I thoroughly enjoyed reading your explanation and hypotheses. I think this is a very brilliant and concise idea about the formation of the universe, starting with a theoretical ideal particle and moving to the different types of particles we can observe using...
  44. PhoenixRising

    Is it INTP or just me?

    I would attend a convention like that in a heartbeat. That would be incredibly awesome, think about the intellectual collaboration that would happen. I have been the editor in chief of two school newspapers and am good with journalism as well as other types of writing, I'll write articles for...
  45. PhoenixRising

    When you work, the world disappears...

    I don't know about that. In order to be sarcastic, his comment would have had to allude to the fact that you and I were saying the same thing. However, in my description I express the exact opposite of what you said, you integrate the world around you with what you are doing, while I completely...
  46. PhoenixRising

    When you work, the world disappears...

    Vidi I know what you mean, people think I'm rude because they feel ignored. It is interesting how that works isn't it?
  47. PhoenixRising

    When you work, the world disappears...

    No, I'm a completely different person, I assure you. I believe intpz is male, and I am female. His question was sparked by something I said in another post.
  48. PhoenixRising

    INTP to INTP Relationships

    Auburn, I agree with you actually. Although the complimentary compatibility of INXJs seems to promote growth, I think that parallel compatibility would be a fantastic experience. It's something I've wanted my entire life. Your description "we would both delve into each other like a mirror facing...
  49. PhoenixRising

    When you work, the world disappears...

    What I mean by "the world disappears" is that when I'm working, I'm completely focused. I block the outside world out. Even if someone is talking to me, I don't hear them, they have to tap me on the shoulder for me to realize they exist. I can sit and work for 24 hours straight or longer without...
  50. PhoenixRising

    Why did you choose your avatar?

    Because I am the Pontificating Velociraptor of our time. And I have a quirky intellectual sense of humor.
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