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Search results

  1. PhoenixRising

    Astronomy Domine

    imo this thread needs more attention.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Sar5WT76kE&feature=share
  2. PhoenixRising

    Connecticut Massacre

    What is kinda sad.. I found out about this today when I made a (unfortunately INTP-ish) joke about the Columbine shooting. My EXFJ coworker told me it was wayy too soon.. like I had already watched the news er something =P Anyway, the "Right to Bear Arms" was originally included in the...
  3. PhoenixRising

    Do you feel like you belong anywhere?

    Yeah.. well I have always felt that I was looking for a place as well. But, knowing that our experiences consist of the interpretations of the mind, even our perception of a place is subjective. Is there really a difference between a state of mind and one's experience of the outside world? I do...
  4. PhoenixRising

    Do you feel like you belong anywhere?

    I can actually relate to this. The notion of "there" sounds familiar. It's like, there's a state of mind I want to reach, or a place I want to go that is yet to be discovered... but I'll know it when I get there. Though it could be different for everyone, it would be interesting to know what...
  5. PhoenixRising

    Do you feel like you belong anywhere?

    Out in the wilderness, under the stars.. especially at the top of a mountain surrounded by trees. I always felt that I belonged in melancholy solitude, insulated from the world by silence. In this state, as others have seemed to say, I can see the world clearly. I never felt that I belonged...
  6. PhoenixRising

    Secondary Type

    No. just.. no.
  7. PhoenixRising

    Secondary Type

    You are very likely an INFP or INFJ. I'm not sure where you learned about "secondary type", the notion of such a thing is contrary to the idea of MBTI. You do express yourself in a way that indicates intuitive perception. However, you don't seem like a thinker type, but a feeler type. When you...
  8. PhoenixRising

    Putting on Weight

    Read this book: http://www.amazon.com/Perricone-Weight-Loss-Diet-Simple-Wrinkles/dp/0345486498/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1323108964&sr=1-1 I know it says it's an anti-aging diet, but what it actually does is balance and optimize the system so that the body reaches and stays at a healthy...
  9. PhoenixRising

    Your dark side

    I am a dualistic type of person. This means that I have both a very light and very dark side. My light side represents my Fe.. as I've seen others say, I have an inner desire to love others and to be kind and helpful. My dark side is the inverse of this. It finds the worst in others, pushes them...
  10. PhoenixRising


  11. PhoenixRising

    What overcomes Fear?

    Not usually, unless you are talking about jumping over a cliff in the dark or something of that sort. But common sense should have as much influence in a situation like that as fear would. Knowledge gained from the objective observation of reality is never "dangerous". The reptilian brain is...
  12. PhoenixRising

    Where is the unified science?

    The different branches of science are definitely too divided. Scientists are all studying the same thing, the reality of this universe. To be truly efficient, it would take every branch of science having the same outlook on how things work, and collaborating between themselves to come to an...
  13. PhoenixRising

    What overcomes Fear?

    There are a couple ways to overcome fear. The first is with logic. If you recognize why you are afraid, and deconstruct the logic, then you can control the fear response. This approach causes self-actualization and personal growth, and it has a pretty predictable chance of success. Also, akin...
  14. PhoenixRising


    INFJ is a feeler type.. an INTP will beat them to death emotionally in no time flat. Unless you are an unusually touchy-feely INTP, any feeler type is not recommended. ENTJ, I've tried that several times. Not to stereotype, but they tend to be selfish, materialistic jerks who think they're...
  15. PhoenixRising

    Are men and women naturally different psychologically?

    There really aren't any intrinsic differences between males and females. Differences in psychology are rooted in type, the question is what is your specific brain structure, not what gender you are. For every male, there is at least one female with an identical psychology, and the same for...
  16. PhoenixRising

    Space station in spin makes artificial gravity, but why exactly?

    This is kind of a personally developed hypothesis based on General Relativity and the Lorentz transformation: Movement creates both time and gravity. The closer to light speed you travel, the slower time passes for you and the heavier objects become. This would indicate that time and gravity...
  17. PhoenixRising

    Would a mind without bias fear death?

    I don't think a truly unbiased mind would fear death, or try to avoid it. That is probably a biased answer though, since I am capable of experiencing a truly unbiased state. The only state that I know that is truly unbiased is that of raw, pure consciousness. The mind is biased by nature...
  18. PhoenixRising

    Your unconventional beliefs.

    :D thanks Google! My goal is to find the ultimate secret(s) of the universe. So I guess I can expect to be doomed. Unless, of course, I can be immortal by the time I find the answers.. take that universe!
  19. PhoenixRising

    Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

    This ^ people get so annoyed with me when I do that. -I talk to myself, like have full conversations between the different parts of my psyche.. sometimes out loud if there's no one around. -I read license plates and try to find meaning or patterns in them. I do the same thing with other random...
  20. PhoenixRising

    Your unconventional beliefs.

    *blinks* You.. really think so?
  21. PhoenixRising

    Cuteness makes me lightheaded and sleepy

    I've been wondering about this topic lately. I've noticed that when interacting with my significant other, we start out with pretty vibrant energy and then over a couple of hours end up emotionally and physically exhausted. I end up scatterbrained and wanting to fall asleep.. certainly not out...
  22. PhoenixRising

    Your unconventional beliefs.

    - I believe that conventional marriage is a stupid idea (especially the "diamond ring" thing.. I learned in advertising class that started with a De Beers ad campaign in the 1930s. Damn consumerism..) - I believe that holidays are pointless adaptations of primitive pagan rituals, and I don't...
  23. PhoenixRising

    The Function of Si

    I know your question wasn't directed at me.. but I have a coworker/friend who is an ISTJ that frequently has intellectual conversations with me. This is only one case, but I've noticed that he tends to base his ideas much less on logic than I do. For instance, he believes that aliens helped the...
  24. PhoenixRising

    The Madness Place

    Like most everything, the more practice you have in it, the easier it gets. Also, it depends on the operation. If I am modelling simple hard surface devices, like a set of surgical tools, etc. then that is pretty straight-forward. If the project requires the realistic tearing or fusion of...
  25. PhoenixRising


    I highly recommend an INTP & INTP relationship.. in my opinion there is nothing more fulfilling. Having the same personality type makes you very likely to be highly compatible on all levels, especially mentally. You'll be best friends and share a lot of interests and common world views. I've...
  26. PhoenixRising

    The Madness Place

    Sitting in front of my computer doing art. Especially 3D animation, it's addictive. During finals in college, there were times when I sat working for more than 24 hours straight... not eating or sleeping, or even peeing. I tend to escape from the world this way, nothing else exists except for...
  27. PhoenixRising

    INTP to INTP Relationships

    To say that if one references a passage from a religious text, they must necessarily follow the beliefs and rituals of the religion from which the text came is faulty logic. The syllogism is correct in form, however it is still illogical due to a false premise: If you reference a religious...
  28. PhoenixRising

    INTP to INTP Relationships

    Actually, waves are waves. Sound waves are oscillations through the air. Light waves are oscillations through the electromagnetic field. Color and pitch are two types of the same thing, our perception of wave frequencies. There are four forces that govern the way the universe works...
  29. PhoenixRising

    What are you waiting for?

    Perhaps your desire to overcome entropy is rooted in something tangible. Life is all about resisting entropy. All other systems become simpler over time, but living systems build complexity. Every system from the cell up is optimized in order to reduce entropy within itself and maintain order...
  30. PhoenixRising

    INTP to INTP Relationships

    @Auburn ..and this is where the experiment begins to get even more interesting <3
  31. PhoenixRising

    INTP to INTP Relationships

    Actually, I know exactly what I'm talking about. What we call particles are, in theory, different oscillations of the same thing. This is essentially the quantum field theory (see the standard model, gauge symmetry, etc.). My translation of the scripture "God spoke and there was light" is taking...
  32. PhoenixRising

    Stuff INTP's don't care about

    This one made me laugh because it's so true. And people get so offended when you tell them you think their drama is unnecessary and stupid.
  33. PhoenixRising

    The Horror, The Horror!

    My question is, how do you define existence? Or reality for that matter? What is it that you expect as objective proof of reality? Something known without being filtered though the bias of the human mind? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existence http://www.thefreedictionary.com/reality The...
  34. PhoenixRising

    The Horror, The Horror!

    If we look at people for what they really are, part of the universe, then it becomes clear that nothing was created for anything else. Life is a phenomenon of the cosmos, just as galaxies or neutron stars, etc. The difference is we are just more complex systems, and we have observable...
  35. PhoenixRising

    The Horror, The Horror!

    Well, actually reality is provable. Just look around you, electromagnetic waves are entering your light sensing organs we call the eyes, different wavelengths hit the cones and rods in your retina, and your brain interprets the signals as images. There is a staggering amount of scientific...
  36. PhoenixRising

    What do you do when tired? (e.g. after school or work)

    Caffeine! :smiley_emoticons_mr
  37. PhoenixRising

    INTP's and ESTJ's?

    I've never tried a relationship with an ESTJ, but I've been really close with several ENTJs. In my opinion, it's necessary for people to have at least the middle two functions in common, otherwise communication is really difficult. From my experience, being close to a J type is kind of a...
  38. PhoenixRising

    Fractals And Chaotic Mixing

    Da Blob I agree that in a lot of cases individuals who have learned about a topic by logically analyzing it rather than just studying other people's analysis, are more likely to identify small details, and therefore formulate efficient theories and solutions. Perhaps someday we will be able to...
  39. PhoenixRising

    Fractals And Chaotic Mixing

    Yes, I have heard about that circumstance in undergrad physics, and other sciences. I almost went into cosmology instead of commercial art, but my astronomy professor warned me that I probably wouldn't be able to research "off the beaten path" topics. You are right that there are many complex...
  40. PhoenixRising

    Astronomy Domine

    The largest strand of dark matter ever mapped by astronomers, in 3D: http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2012/1017/Humongous-60-million-light-year-long-strand-of-dark-matter-mapped-in-3-D And.. a good song to listen to while researching awesome science.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYVx178VlZ8
  41. PhoenixRising

    Fractals And Chaotic Mixing

    I agree, infinite perimeters are really a profound topic. That concept really ties into the infinite possibilities of form in nature, I think. A while ago I read a book that described how the uncertainty principle could cause "random" genetic mutations. This, in turn, would effect the system of...
  42. PhoenixRising

    Your View on Hugs

    I used to be completely creeped out by hugs. It didn't matter who was hugging me, I felt that they were invading my personal space. The way I got over that was through a psychological workshop I attended when I was 19. In the workshop, the psychologist described his philosophical view on...
  43. PhoenixRising

    Replace all filler words with the word "DOOMED"

    DOOM.. DOOM.. DOOM... DOOOOM... go home now. :D
  44. PhoenixRising

    Words that piss you off

    I hate pet peeves. Like when people have problems with trivial things like certain words, or what shoes you wear.. Sorry guys, had to say it :P
  45. PhoenixRising

    Fractals And Chaotic Mixing

    wow, some very fascinating concepts here. I'm actually a chaos theory enthusiast, so I've done some studying of fractals, fluid dynamics, complex systems, and the fractal formation of things in nature, including thoughts. One of the most interesting concepts I've come across so far is that...
  46. PhoenixRising

    Resistance is futile

    The Sephiroth emoticon is so awesome :D
  47. PhoenixRising

    INTJ Forum Member

    I read a few threads on the INTJ forum.. I can say that people on here are much less.. how to put it? Stuck on themselves. Welcome to the world of intellectual debate without the inclusion of drama.
  48. PhoenixRising

    Global warming. Fact or bullshit?

    In 2006, I took an astronomy class. My professor (one of my favorite teachers ever) had some associates that were doing research on global warming at the time. He told me that the entire solar system, not just the Earth, was heating up. Jupiter had expanded to be a bit larger than usual because...
  49. PhoenixRising

    How do INTPs Love?

    I may be mistaken, but I haven't seen this answer anywhere; Stop categorizing your feelings!!! I find as an INTP, I despise the stereotypical "romance" mindset that people stuff themselves into when they think they want to be with someone. I do it too.. however I do it intentionally and it...
  50. PhoenixRising

    Why are you here?

    Why are you still here? Because I actually like talking to people on here. There are even a couple of people on here that actually "get" me. It's a good place to get the answers to my questions as well. What would make you leave this place? If it becomes like most other forums, plagued with...
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