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Search results

  1. computerhxr

    Convergence of Extraterrestrial Life

    What about kenetic energy beings? I would think in entirely different conditions, with the same rules and enough time, eventually another form of DNA like organism would exist. Maybe it's 100brazillian years from now where things might be totally different than we know it today. In all...
  2. computerhxr

    Bipolar thought...

  3. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    ^^^ Thanks! No, you ask for specific details on a concept that is abstract and has no specific boundaries. There are multiple variations of metaphysics and the meaning changes over time. You're trying to judge something abstract using a concrete model. You can't look at metaphysics like a...
  4. computerhxr

    Bipolar thought...

  5. computerhxr

    New here

  6. computerhxr

    Neptune water planet and water deity

    Oh, this is awesome! What I think is important is that their greatest intellectuals devised a mechanical clock for Astrological purposes. We would probably all be dead.
  7. computerhxr

    Neptune water planet and water deity

    ^ Well said! Thanks for the added information.
  8. computerhxr

    Neptune water planet and water deity

    How did water get on Earth to begin with? The source of the water may be common, before space-time expanded to the form it takes today. Maybe our water has a common ancestor as space evolved. I could think of more than one way. What about electromagnatism? The force of the water may affect...
  9. computerhxr

    Neptune water planet and water deity

    It's a historical manifest of a past set of conditions. If the history was different, then the DNA manifest would contain a different set of data. Chaos theory is a good example because there is an anchor (reality) and chaos (possible alternate realities had the conditions changed). So our...
  10. computerhxr

    Neptune water planet and water deity

    What about this... (Greek mythology) Saturn (Cronus) consumed his children. The planet is gas, and there is a solid mass inside of it. Almost like a gas planet consumed a solid planet. What about Astrology, Saturn is the planet of lessons. It teaches reality. The rings around the planet...
  11. computerhxr

    Neptune water planet and water deity

    Yes, it is blue but they would have no idea that this meant that it was made of water. It's a good point though and I'm wondering if they was the deciding factor or if there's something more to it?
  12. computerhxr

    Neptune water planet and water deity

    Is it a coincidence? The Romans named the five planets closest to the Sun after their most important gods. These were the only planets that were bright enough for them to see. Later, when telescopes were used, other planets were discovered. Astronomers decided to continue naming the planets...
  13. computerhxr

    This job ad is telling me to take the MBTI and send their results to them

    It's still like the same thing. Ethics is a guide and laws protect specific things like age, sex, race, or creed. If you are telling someone that they can't be a linebacker because they are an INTP, that would be the like saying someone can't be a linebacker because they are a woman. You are...
  14. computerhxr

    This job ad is telling me to take the MBTI and send their results to them

    There's a possibility that the MBTI is used as a tool to communicate rather than a tool for placement. It's a big no-no to use the MBTI results for job placement because it's considered unethical. It would be like placing a person based on their sex or gender. When I first leaned about the...
  15. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Okay... I just think you're a dick and I have a reflective personality so don't expect me to be nice to you, when you have no respect for others. Calling everyone idiots shows that you have no respect and deserve none. Yes, the more broad the better! LOL. It makes metaphysics flexible...
  16. computerhxr

    Bartle's Taxonomy

    @Cheese, Sounds like that would be an Explorer. They are Interacting with the World. Interesting videos. I remember watching a video that is similar. Maybe it was just a repackaging of Bartle's Taxonomy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtLUJJSw8H8 Hard Fun = Achiever Easy Fun = Explorer...
  17. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    @Sinny, yeah but there are non-locos in this forum! @Anime, Red is asking for proof. He wants metaphysics to fit his scientific model of reality, rather than try to understand it in itself. Proof is another word for confidence. Nothing is ever truly proven or provable (in science). You...
  18. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." I've tried going to other forums to talk about these topics. I like people here because they don't treat metaphysics, syncronicities, socionics, or otherwise like it's magic. For example, I'm fascinated by...
  19. computerhxr

    Hey, What is your career? Does programming really suit intp?

    Programming can be more stimulating than many other jobs. I've worked in factories but it's really difficult to do the same thing over and over again. I would say that factory work is not good for INTP. Programming has many levels. I would say engineering is the level that is best suited...
  20. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Better yet... con - science ;)
  21. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Haha, yeah you're right! Okay, so here's the problem. 1. Some of us want to discuss metaphysics, astrology, synchronicities, and other topics. 2. Rather than discussing the aspects metaphysics, we end up debating with someone who thinks it's BS. 3. Thread derails and everyone...
  22. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Good points! Also, numbers are meant to represent metaphysical objects. We like to think things are whole and one, but we are made up of atoms. Atoms are everywhere, so who's to say where we start and end? Atoms bond by forces but there's space between them. We say that some coagulation...
  23. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    You did... Really? I can paint an abstraction of reality so I must be a scientist! Okay, so you're saying again... Abstractions don't exist outside the scope of the scientific. (unless by using the word "scientific" instead of science, you are just trying to claim you meant something...
  24. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

  25. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    By your definition. No, I just wanted to talk about synchronicities, AI, and metaphysics. You derailed the thread. And abstractions are not limited to science.
  26. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Okay, if you say so... I guess because we have a difference of opinions, then I must not understand or I would agree with you. Right? As far as you're concerned... Okay, I see you basically summed up what I've been saying the whole time. You only concern yourself with a limited scope of...
  27. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    It wasn't a loaded question. It helps me understand what your version of naturalism is. Again, you are ignoring the fact. I am saying something is metaphysical, and you tell me I'm saying it's not natural. YOU are the one saying that it's natural and not metaphysical. Let's reverse it and...
  28. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    You could have simply answered any of my questions rather than making more arguments. I got your point the first time. Do you believe in a god? Are you religious? If you say, no, you're an atheist, then I might agree that you believe in naturalism. Your example of this spiritual journey...
  29. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    I never said that it wasn't natural or a result of biochemistry. The actual horse is metaphysical. Some formation of natural reality equals the horse that I'm thinking of. The physical representation of the horse can be understood through a naturalistic approach, and interpreted so that we...
  30. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Here's a quote from good old Wikipedia
  31. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Again, you select what you want to hear...
  32. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Yeah, I have never seen so much selective attention and non sequiturs from one person in a long time. It's like he is creating his own confirmation bias by plucking random ideas and forcing us to make new arguments against his ideas rather than making a real argument himself. It's not that...
  33. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Someone said... Okay... ? There was no point, just that I thought it was funny... My actual point was something you skipped over entirely by paraphrasing. "It sounds like your version of naturalism is pseudo-scientific at best. Why not just call it metaphysics instead of naturalism?"...
  34. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Let me ask you this... You are talking about spirituality here. The spirit is not in the realm of naturalism. So do you believe in naturalism or do you believe in a spirit? Do you believe in a god, or are you religious?
  35. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Well, no one here said electricity is metaphysics. Only YOU. Then you post it as if you are mocking me like I believe or said electricity is metaphysical. Where did you get this idea? Not only that, but you are using electromagnetism and calling it the basis of biology. You were talking...
  36. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    ... Do you just make shit up? Non sequitur! Non sequitur! Obviously? You are using the word naturalistic to avoid making salient arguments. Haha! I just Googled science and naturalism. Lots of creationist BS. It sounds like your version of naturalism is pseudo-scientific at best. Why...
  37. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Splitting hairs is how INTPs make sense of reality, right? INTP - "The INTP is above all a thinker and his inner (private) world is a place governed by a strong sense of logical structure. Every experience is to be rigorously analysed, the task of the INTP's mind is to fit each encountered...
  38. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Metaphysics is an abstract version of reality. Stuff that is beyond the scope of science. How much detail do you want me to go into? Think of the duality of the mind and the brain. The mind is metaphysical and the brain is physical. Ideas exist but not in the physical form that you...
  39. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    At this point, it seems obvious that Red doesn't know much about metaphysics, and is using the term "naturalistic" to avoid making an real salient points.
  40. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    I disagree. I think you are the only saying spirituality is inherently metaphysical and incompatible with science. No one else here is... Or are you saying it IS compatible with science? Sprit science is in the realm of metaphysics or pseudoscience. Balance is key. Understanding...
  41. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    I just made a meme... http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag448/computerhxr/INTP_zpshyxuujxl.png The black area is what an INTP would consider a waste of time to learn because they believe it's BS.
  42. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    I wondered the same thing. I think it has to do with rationality. Metaphysics is irrational. When something is irrational, then it seems like most INTPs would call it BS. However, if you understand the philosophies of some of the GREATEST scientists ever, you get the idea that most of their...
  43. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    I took all of your ideas and I figured AI out. :rolleyes: I'm kidding, but I did start programming an AI from scratch. I mapped it out and it makes sense. I even have a good idea of what's required to program the AI (I'm using PHP, but the language is irrelevant). My model of AI is based...
  44. computerhxr

    Getting diagnosed with social anxiety disorder

    I got my card. It wasn't a big deal. I live in Southern California. Street price and medical price is about the same. Medical is more consistent in quality and you can choose the strain that helps the most. I had several reasons to get it, but I went with pain. They were really friendly...
  45. computerhxr

    Do we intimidate extroverts?

    So those dominated extraverted function gain energy from blank face reactions? Just going off personal experience, and those that I know have dominant extraverted function... When they talk to me, and I give them the blank face, they move on... Until they meet up with someone who also has a...
  46. computerhxr

    Do we intimidate extroverts?

    Extraversion is an external feedback loop. Introversion is an internal feedback loop. Extroverts learn from external experience. They need a reaction from people and are attracted to people who are more reactive. They can't learn anything from a blank face. So a blank face would be...
  47. computerhxr

    INTP Likeablility

    Some people actually desire to be touched, and others find it uncomfortable and repulsive. You have to read body language and understand different cultures. I've found that mirroring actually helps with kino. If you are uncomfortable doing it, then you will make the other person feel...
  48. computerhxr

    INTP Likeablility

    Yellow has the right idea. People are programmable. Understanding the MBTI allows you to tweak your approach to better suit the social situation. It boils down to mirroring. If you stay calm and non-reactive, then their behavior will tend towards calm. If you react to them and get...
  49. computerhxr

    Technical Co-Founder... Is it worth it?

    Does anyone know what a technical co-founder is? I'm trying to decide if it's worth doing. I tried doing some research but most of the online articles are about finding one, or explaining why you don't need one. I couldn't find any salary reports, but it's looking like it's probably...
  50. computerhxr

    Yes the forum was down don't panic.

    Yeah, the site must get a ton of traffic. I was just checking my hosting account and they give me 3,000GB/mo. My other host was giving me 800GB/mo. I have a buddy who was using Godaddy because they have unlimited space and bandwidth but they kept shutting him down because they were using...
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