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Search results

  1. computerhxr

    Socionics test.

    I just thought this one was interesting and it expands on the MBTI a little bit. He posted the results of the nerd test so it's not unheard of. Our personalities are conflicting and there is so much overlap. I'm curious to find out where the conflict comes from and figured that this may...
  2. computerhxr

    Socionics test.

    I'm curious to see how Architect scores on the test from the OP. Where are you at?
  3. computerhxr

    How strong do you feel the functions?

    Disclaimer: I am using observation and intuition to come up with the following information. It makes sense to me but I could be totally wrong. Cognitive functions do not have any sensation because it has to do with how you process information. However, any function can lead to a...
  4. computerhxr


    @Jennywocky I guess INTPs are a hot topic. :elephant:
  5. computerhxr

    No idea what I want to do.

    Get an IDE and it will tell you when you make a mistake. Math is only important in certain circumstances. A lot of programming work involves basic algebra at best. And you can almost always find a method or library that does the math for you. Solving problems using creative design will...
  6. computerhxr

    Socionics test.

    Quiz results #2: ENTP(Don Quixote) - 245 INTJ(Robespierre) - 220 INTP(Balzac) - 220 (hehehe ball-sack ;)) ISTJ(Maxim Gorky) - 205 INFP(Yesenin) - 200 ESFP(Napoleon) - 195 ESTP(Zhukov) - 190 ENTJ(Jack London) - 180 ENFP(Huxley) - 180 ISFP(Dumas) - 175 ESFJ(Hugo) - 170 ISTP(Gabin) - 165...
  7. computerhxr

    Socionics test.

    Quiz results #1: Your Sociotype: ILI-1Te (INTp) Other Possible Types ILE (ENTp): 96% as likely as ILI. SLI (ISTp): 92% as likely as ILI. LII (INTj): 91% as likely as ILI. details: http://www.sociotype.com/tests/result/est/100855 The descriptions are very accurate to my personality. A few...
  8. computerhxr

    Meditation IQ

    I started drinking blended fruit smoothies daily because I couldn't stomach breakfast and wanted the calories. I try to consume as many calories as I can each day, and try to eat the most health forms that I can stomach. Blending it up makes it easier to consume more calories and you get...
  9. computerhxr

    The deep web

    Is it digital? Send me a copy. :D
  10. computerhxr

    What are INTP unique abilities?

    I agree. Language is an expression that can take many forms. You just have to choose the form that best communicates what you want to express, and sometimes that requires having excellent grammar skills. If you were writing a book, or a scientific proof; I would think that grammar is very...
  11. computerhxr

    Sleep paralysis

    Suffering from sleep paralysis? Don't fight it, just let it happen and it's an awesome experience. When I start to feel it coming on, I'm like... Fuck Yeah! Wooo! You can trigger them with practice. I haven't had an "episode" in weeks. In my experience the hallucinations are...
  12. computerhxr


    Maybe the forum needs to undergo some pruning. Fresh ideas and a fresh start? Seems like the INTP thing to do... :rolleyes: Page loading issues are typically due to serving content from a database. It could be remedied by serving static content via caching and other optimizations. If a...
  13. computerhxr

    Meditation IQ

    I agree. It's easy to lower IQ by adding distractions. Having a clear mind would improve IQ. TL;DR
  14. computerhxr

    What are INTP unique abilities?

  15. computerhxr

    Activisty Zeal

    Racial profiling is racist. You can have opinions about people based on race, that is culture. There is a huge difference.
  16. computerhxr

    Activisty Zeal

    I think that I can relate. I have always cared for others without really feeling anything towards them. I have always been an underground activist. I make waves and changes without having having anyone realize that I was involved. There's a lot of obviously stupid stuff that happens in the...
  17. computerhxr

    How NERDY are You?

    Hahaha! So true! Outwardly, I don't come off as a nerd. I fit in with nerds, with geeks, with rejects, with entrepreneurs, Lawyers, Doctors, homeless bums, hippies, and with the popular crowds. I can't really think of any types of people who I can't fit in with. It helps being a nerd IRL...
  18. computerhxr

    my friend didnt ask me out and ban me

    Do things even if they make you uncomfortable. You have to pretend to be interested and ask questions about their interests. Most people are egocentric so you have to pet their ego and you will be the most interesting person in their lives. You have to try to discover what is interesting...
  19. computerhxr

    How Crazy was Jung

    Honestly, I feel bad for everyone else. I'm sure that most of them probably think that I'm crazy, but I don't really care. My girlfriend kept pushing me to see a therapist. I didn't want them pushing drugs on me because that was pretty much guaranteed. I told her that I just need to let...
  20. computerhxr

    Visual Interpretation of the Brain

    http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag448/computerhxr/intp-art-skillz_zps8b0a3b23.jpg Some of those crazy INTP art skills you hear about... Lolz :smoker:
  21. computerhxr


    Metaphysical giants. http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag448/computerhxr/two-make-one_zpsfca1aa2d.jpg
  22. computerhxr


    These guys get it... http://www.messagetoeagle.com/klausdonamaskbolivia.php#.VKfeuCvF80g http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag448/computerhxr/boliviamask01_zps50a58597.jpg http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag448/computerhxr/boliviamasks020_zps880ea834.jpg
  23. computerhxr


    Really fucking close! Yes, the Golden Ratio (Fibonacci). Yes to enlightenment. It also has to do with Carl Jung, Ancient Mythology, Religion, and a wide array of other things. I love that song! I haven't heard it in a long time.
  24. computerhxr


    Try translating my avatar... I have been changing it slowly... There is only one step remaining...
  25. computerhxr


    It's not easy to read gibberish....
  26. computerhxr


    it is just all vomit but it is just illusion why tell me if it is so while it is so
  27. computerhxr


    I'm still working on decoding it... :smoker:
  28. computerhxr


    it is just all vomit it is just not what we will illusions is why tell me life it is so while it is so ... Am I close?
  29. computerhxr

    How Crazy was Jung

    I had a similar experience. It's long but necessary to explain what happened to me. Honestly, there's a lot more but it's going to take years to elaborate.
  30. computerhxr

    INTP stuff

    You're not doing anyone any favors by "indulging" them.
  31. computerhxr

    What is it like being a genious?

    Yes, reverse hierarchy... Cats are most Genius!
  32. computerhxr

    INTP stuff

    We're all part female. Women are typically more female than men. Gender vs. Sex. I had a transexual professor. She said that once she started taking hormones; shit hit the fan. Uncontrollable emotions and erratic behavior. My takeaway from the class... Men have it way easier than women...
  33. computerhxr

    What is it like being a genious?

    In order of significance... Intellectual Genius. Creative Genius. Literary Genius. Musical Genius. Fart Genius. Super Genius. Super-Duper Genius. Cats.
  34. computerhxr

    INTP stuff

    Many times, women have a difficult time controlling their emotions and believe that strong emotions is a sign of love. You have to be stronger than that, or be prepared for a shit-storm and more depression down the road. Oddly, being like this only makes them want you more so... Good luck...
  35. computerhxr

    My most accurate Enneagram test I have taken.

    Found it! Yes, I would agree that this is more accurate than the previous one that I took. It corrected the problem that I had a complaint about. http://similarminds.com/advtest.html Type 1 - Perfectionism - 82% Type 2 - Helpfulness - 74% Type 3 - Image Focus - 50% Type 4 - Individualism -...
  36. computerhxr

    My most accurate Enneagram test I have taken.

    Introverted (I) 56.52% Extroverted (E) 43.48% Intuitive (N) 71.05% Sensing (S) 28.95% Thinking (T) 57.5% Feeling (F) 42.5% Perceiving (P) 55.26% Judging (J) 44.74% Your type is: INTP INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and...
  37. computerhxr

    What is wrong with me?

    I think we would get along just fine in person too. Honestly, I have selective attention in the forum. The avatars make it easy to scan and find posts that I actually want to read. Direwolf is on the read list. When I first arrived, I had put several people in the don't-give-a-fuck...
  38. computerhxr

    What is it like being a genious?

    Everyone is capable of genius. Genius labels are anchored to genius-killing expectations. Some people need the ego boost, and others need to be left alone so that they can work. Personally, I dislike being called a genius. When someone calls me a genius I wonder where I went wrong... I...
  39. computerhxr

    How NERDY are You?

    I just picked the most nerdy options. For the WIN! Haha, I wanted to fuck up the curve for erry'one else. It's funny because I have tons of friends who want to be nerds so badly (technically, they are Geeks). My nerdy friends want to be normal so badly. Assembly isn't "really" a...
  40. computerhxr

    Which Philosopher are you?

    :confused: Your Result: Sartre/Camus (late existentialists) 79% The world is absurd. No facts govern it. We live well once we truly accept the world's absurdity. YOU give our life's meaning, and YOU control your world. (see Nietzsche for very closely tied beliefs) 77% Nietzsche 67%...
  41. computerhxr

    What is wrong with me?

    Yes, this is correct. I can think of a hundred reasons for not getting any responses. It's an observation of something atypical. I have a better idea now that I've heard some of the responses. Yes, that is how I handle life. However, some people are sensitive and I don't want to...
  42. computerhxr

    How NERDY are You?

    0% scored higher (more nerdy), 0% scored the same, and 100% scored lower (less nerdy).
  43. computerhxr

    My new A.I. idea

    Computers use binary to represent a waveform. Just allow binary options to gravitate towards the closest value based on the waveform instead of depending on a ridged binary system. The Phi ratio is a waveform (and a particle! Lolz). I use this in poker, psychology, physics, and the stock...
  44. computerhxr

    What is wrong with me?

    I want to reply to all of the posts, but I just don't have the time. So I'm going through a few at a time. I just had no way of knowing without asking the question at least once. When I see an idea that I agree with, I try to support or expand the idea. I leave so many details out so...
  45. computerhxr

    Sleep fast?

    How do you define sleep? If you are conscious 24/7 but you lay in bed to regenerate, is that sleep? I have my first "real" sleep experience when I was 12 or so. I laid down for what I thought was 20 minutes, and it had been 24 hours + 20 minutes. Lolz! Sleeping for long periods of time is...
  46. computerhxr

    The Are You a Psychopath? Test

    The Healthy Mind You scored 52% empathic, 12% delusional, 58% sociable, and 42% law-abiding! You don't have any gross defects of character at all. You might have your problems, but for the most part you're simply a normal person and most definitely not a psychopath in any way. I'm probably a...
  47. computerhxr

    My new A.I. idea

    Why does AI have to be human?
  48. computerhxr

    What is wrong with me?

    Thanks everyone for the support. It sounds like I was fishing for compliments but that was not my intent. At the same time, I'm happy to hear all of the positive comments. I chose the title "What is wrong with me?" to attract those who have problems with me. Negative comments are more...
  49. computerhxr

    Lets create an INTP society (Project Noah's Ark / Critical Mass)

    You call us sheeple because we do not flock to your ideas like sheep? How is that rational? You wouldn't be allowed in your own club. :rolleyes: What you are suggesting is segregation. History tells us this does not work. We should strive for integration and open communication...
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