What special programs in school? Like GATE or AP or something? (Those were the programs for where I lived. Dunno if they extend to other places. Also they might have scarred me more. Granted, I definitely would've been bored by less accelerated programs, but overall I think they gave me a worse impression of the slaughterhouse factory cookie cutter bullshit that high school tries to train people for).
I agree, college is shit, but more because of the people (both the culture of the town as well as the way professors run their classes) than the actual subject matter.
What's your job, if you don't mind my asking? Sounds cool.
Your hobbies seem cool.
I agree, fish has an odd texture, at least in comparison to other meats. My housemate last year said that autistic people have issues with textures and apparently that manifests more often with food textures. Maybe you and I are autistic. Maybe everyone is autistic. Everyone's probably autistic.