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Search results

  1. computerhxr

    Not wanting to win/be successful

    @Niclmaki So it's nepotism rather than authority. That is never ideal. I was always the dumb kid in the group, so my friends always seemed like the elitists. They would talk down to me a lot, ignore me, then assert that their opinions were fact. I believed them instead of trusting my...
  2. computerhxr

    Source Monitoring

    Is it possible that Freud's theory of the libido being the driving force of behavior, has any significance? Maybe when you lack motives, you are in a heightened state of awareness, allowing one to be fully receptive to the energies of the subject. The strength of the bond lending more weight...
  3. computerhxr

    Not wanting to win/be successful

    That is a bleak look at serving on the council. I imagine council as wise elders whom you go to for advice. Do you live on a reservation? What is the traditional way of choosing Chiefs? What are qualities of a good Chief? Do you have your own philosophy, about how things should be? What...
  4. computerhxr

    Source Monitoring

    Having been through the experience outlined in the book, and having an (undiagnosed) schizophrenia, I can give you my perspective. What you describe as "source monitoring" is getting in touch with your inner beast. Human nature and culture are in conflict. The higher levels of consciousness...
  5. computerhxr

    Not wanting to win/be successful

    Do you have a Native American philosophy? You mention Elitism, and not wanting your bosses position. How do these relate to your philosophy? Another question that comes to mind is, do you see a difference between Elitism and being Elite? Can you be a humble, elite, wise, Chieftain leader?
  6. computerhxr

    On why we work and the nature of reality

    I can give my definition of information in context of the Universe. The following are my opinions... All is information. The placement, trajectory, size, form, and every relative measure. Every possible manifestation, and every space between. Entropy is a result of stasis in an isolated...
  7. computerhxr

    On why we work and the nature of reality

    What you are talking about reminds me of the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. "The earth on which you live, you, yourself, and every other material thing are the result of evolutionary change, through which microscopic bits of matter have been organized and arranged in an orderly...
  8. computerhxr

    Plato's Cave

    @QuickTwist Well then, we have a difference of opinion. I don't see beliefs as contained to the human unit, and people are capable of actions that are out of alignment with their models of belief. Infections and viruses can penetrate your nervous system, affecting how one acts. I do believe...
  9. computerhxr

    Plato's Cave

    I'm trying to figure out what you think a belief is. Can you explain what beliefs are? From what I understand, you think that beliefs are a human context, and people can only act on what they believe. If they do something that is not in alignment of what they think they believe, it is because...
  10. computerhxr

    Plato's Cave

    Do plants, cells, atoms, planets, electrons, etc... have beliefs? Is everything just a meta belief system? If so, then where do you draw the lines between one's own beliefs and the beliefs of the organisms that act as a conduit for the overall belief system? What if there's a conflict in...
  11. computerhxr

    Plato's Cave

    I wasn't making the claim that there is one science, under one unique philosophy. I am making the claim that science are philosophies. We use philosophy to decide whether we accept or reject methodologies as science or as pseudoscience. "the exchange of ideas led to the establishment of a...
  12. computerhxr

    Plato's Cave

    Science is a philosophical view that knowledge of physical and natural phenomena is acquired through observation and experimentation. Science is the philosophy that the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world is discovered through systematic methodology based on...
  13. computerhxr

    Plato's Cave

    I agree with @Pizzabeak in that understanding comes from conflict. Beliefs are sometimes contradictory, where an action may be in alignment with one beliefs but out of alignment with another. You might call this an unconscious core belief that guides their actions. However, there are times...
  14. computerhxr


    The question that I think would determine whether you are Ti or Ni dominant would be, are you comfortable with abstract reasoning, or do you need concrete, tested, granular reasoning as a primary mode of thinking? Do you depend on facts, or do you just make shit up and assume that it's most...
  15. computerhxr

    Plato's Cave

    When a cave dweller sees the outside world for the first time, they view it through virgin eyes. The outsider already has an established view of the world, as does the cave dweller. They both have their own form of knowledge bias—a sort of blindness to overlook things because they subscribe to...
  16. computerhxr

    Any INTPs with neurological or psychiatric health issues?

    @moody Thanks, I appreciate your understanding! You're right about having a strong sense of self. I released it for a while, but now I'm back! I agree with you about not being able to handle the dissonance. People do a lot to protect their beliefs, and I can see why. PTSD, schizophrenia...
  17. computerhxr

    Any INTPs with neurological or psychiatric health issues?

    @moody *** The following is something that I would normally be too paranoid to express. I know people can figure out who I am, where I live, and use this against me. I choose not to live my life in fear, but to live an authentic life that is in alignment with my self, and with God. ***...
  18. computerhxr

    Any INTPs with neurological or psychiatric health issues?

    What neurotrandmitter and part of your brain is not functioning properly? Seriously though, you're an advanced machine, don't give up on reviving or compensating for the damaged tissue. --- I felt exactly the part of my brain as it was shutting down. See the part labeled 'speech center' in...
  19. computerhxr

    Any INTPs with neurological or psychiatric health issues?

    Thanks! I'm concerned that my nervous system is deteriorating, and that my brain is going with it, along with the organs that depend on its function. I have been using it as an opportunity to study disease, and come up with solutions. Like you said, exercise, a healthy diet, and a healrhy...
  20. computerhxr

    Any INTPs with neurological or psychiatric health issues?

    I've never been diagnosed with anything, however, I spent a majority of my life with cronic pain and inflammation. My nervous system is highly sensitive to my environment, and that does affect me psychologically. Likely I was bitten by a tick, but also fell about 20 feet onto my head, and...
  21. computerhxr

    What do you think substance is?

    Me either. I just like pretending like I know things.
  22. computerhxr

    what is human, thinking and experience

  23. computerhxr

    what is human, thinking and experience

    The only way to argue that Jung was not inferring an inherent motivation is if the feeling function was motivating the thought? If there is no other way to argue otherwise, then case closed, right? No further investigation required.
  24. computerhxr

    what is human, thinking and experience

    Next time, just state your opinion and why you dissagree to begin with. There is no need for passive aggression or condescension. Jung did not say that thinking provides motivation, or that judgement tells what to do. He is saying that thinking, directed by intention, is what he termed as...
  25. computerhxr

    what is human, thinking and experience

    Okay, that makes sense. What is your point though? Ref: Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 6: Psychological Types Chapter XI. Definitions 53. THINKING
  26. computerhxr

    what is human, thinking and experience

    What do you mean? Why is it important to make that distinction? My understanding is that Jung was clarifying his definition, and giving his opinion regarding his works on Psychological Types.
  27. computerhxr

    what is human, thinking and experience

    All of the cognitive functions are thinking functions from what I understand. Here's what Jung has to say about it... What do you think?
  28. computerhxr

    what is human, thinking and experience

    The brain is not like a SSD or HDD. How can a storage device think? The brain is more like a neural network. Affect is influence. When you update a node, there are other nodes that respond to the update. Unlike a storage device, where updating a bit of data has no influence over any other...
  29. computerhxr

    what is human, thinking and experience

    In my opinion, doing is a function of thought. Nature likes to divide things into groups, so what we call thought is typically non-affective cognition. However, it does have an affect, just primarily on the structure of the connective tissues we call neurons. When the affect extends through...
  30. computerhxr

    How do you know you are sane or insane

    Asking for a friend?
  31. computerhxr

    what is human, thinking and experience

    That is interesting QuickTwist. Can anything truly be isolated from everything else in the universe? Do you think it is possible that the known universe is actually orbiting a massive object, and like your idea of the vacuum on Earth, its contents are moving together as well?
  32. computerhxr

    What do you think substance is?

    I think that it is a matter of perspective. Things exist only as a measure of force and observation of force. Singularity can not exist without duality, an observer to perceive its existence. Duality manifests trinity. This is a never ending expansion. There are paradigm shifts as you scale...
  33. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    Regardless of how it works; if it effective then it serves a valid purpose.
  34. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    To be clear, I am talking about observation in regards to where you focus your attention. When you tune in to frequencies, they ping your radar, bringing them into your concious awareness. The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon is an example of this in action.
  35. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    No, that is not what I'm saying. I am saying that if we have a conscious perception, then that is observation, or a form of measurement. Just like the detector has to transfer the energies through the instrument of measure, perception itself is an instrument of measure. Electromagnetic...
  36. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    Congrats RB, now you're getting it!
  37. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    RB is the authority on everything, so it must be true.
  38. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    They use this to "debunk" new age woo-woo, by rejecting that perception is observation. Observation is measurement. There's no way to be consciously affected without measure.
  39. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

  40. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    The law of attraction states that "like attracts like." This means that people with a low frequency -- people who are insecure and self-abandoning -- attract each other, while people with a high frequency -- people who love and value themselves -- also attract each other.
  41. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    That's a good question. Manipulation has a negative connotation. Aren't we always influencing reality? If were not, then we are just victims of circumstance, powerless to control our environment.
  42. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    Well, one of the Laws of Attraction is 'like attracts like' which I think I've been able to demonstrate in this thread. Look at the response that I got by being intentionally condescending. I received condescending comments in response, just like I expected. I used general terms and people...
  43. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    You guys are funny.
  44. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    There is a lot condescension from people who think they're top shit geniuses, but lack the faculties to understand anything that doesn't fit in their flawless logical scientific paradigm. They have this expectation that everything must fit in their box or it's irrational and therefore false...
  45. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    It's the Laws of Attraction in effect. Quantum mechanics, the double slit experiment, chaos theory, and Schrödinger's Cat, all shed light on the Laws of Attraction. Chaos theory, in regards to the butterfly effect, describes how seemingly unrelated effects all point to a central cause. Even...
  46. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    Reducing the Laws of Attraction to 'you get what you wish for' is like reducing science to 'I believe what can be seen'.
  47. computerhxr

    3 idiots walk into a quantum mechanics

    You don't understand the Laws of Attraction, you're not educated in it, and you've demonstrated you have little knowledge in it. If you don't believe in the Laws of Attraction, that's fine, but that doesn't mean that you get to decide what it can or can't do, what it is, or how it works.
  48. computerhxr

    My Philosophy of Life

    What would give your life meaning?
  49. computerhxr

    On The Connexion Between the Inutition MBTI dichtomty and Machine Learning Algorihtms

    The way that I think of it is, that Ni is Archetypal and abstract. Whereas, Ti is more of a way to process information, or to reduce the abstraction down to a granular level.
  50. computerhxr

    On The Connexion Between the Inutition MBTI dichtomty and Machine Learning Algorihtms

    That sounds like a first principles, bottom-up approach.
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