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Search results

  1. computerhxr

    On The Connexion Between the Inutition MBTI dichtomty and Machine Learning Algorihtms

    @Serac @Hadoblado The 16personalities website puts Elon Musk as INTJ.
  2. computerhxr


    It's Metaphysics.
  3. computerhxr

    anxiety and depression

    Diet and exercise.
  4. computerhxr

    [Split] Flat earth jokes and unconventional theories

    I'm a Flat Earther. People think I'm joking when I say that.
  5. computerhxr


    Metaphysics is useful.
  6. computerhxr

    My IQ Test scores Ranked by State.

    Things are going well I guess. I don't have anything going on right now and it's driving me nuts... The past few years have been brutal but I learned a lot and I'm grateful for the experience. Now I'm just going back and following my interests again. Plus, I'm working on building some...
  7. computerhxr

    My IQ Test scores Ranked by State.

    I struggle with the same issue. Having a learning disability is to challenge you to figure things out from a different perspective. It's a good thing, so don't worry about it. You're smart, just in a way that most other people aren't going to understand. They can't give you any feedback...
  8. computerhxr

    I don't feel like an INTP although all the tests indicate that I am one ?

    I can tell you that I WAS an INTP, and it matched up for the most part. Then I found out that I'm actually an INTJ. Makes sense... I always test as INTP. Tests suck. Try acting the part of INTJ to see if the skin suits you better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhqWwypu7ms
  9. computerhxr

    Am I Pushing Myself Too Far?

    Yes, you're pushing too hard. I go through manic phases where I work pretty much non-stop and don't even consider food. When I was young it wouldn't really affect me to go a week without sleep, but now I wear out quickly. I had really bad stomach pains, and my bones and joints hurt a lot...
  10. computerhxr

    How many projects do you have right now?

    I ended up with too many projects so I did some pruning. I have a box that I put unfinished projects and ideas into for later. I lost one box that I had from 15 years. I use the same system my computer where it's self pruned when a hard-drive fails. Right now, I'm working on 5 projects for...
  11. computerhxr

    INTP Empaths

    Thanks for the descriptions. The description of sympathy was from Wikipedia or Google.
  12. computerhxr

    What is your purpose in life?

    No purpose -- just a hopeful path in life.
  13. computerhxr

    INTP Empaths

    I came to this thread late so I haven't read all of the responses. I was going to reply with something similar. There is a mirrored symmetry to psychology. Everyone is an empath to varying degrees. I dated an INFP before and it made me realize that we both were highly empathetic, just in...
  14. computerhxr

    Playing the game

    So many characters... Here's a few: Eddard Stark: 9 Catelyn Stark: 10 Jon Snow: 9 Arya Stark: 6 Tyrion Lannister: 4 Cersei Lannister: 2 Daenerys Targaryen: 3 Jaime Lannister: 10 Littlefinger: 1 Lord Varys: 2 Stannis Baratheon: 11 Hodor: 16 Hmm... I'm going to come back and edit these...
  15. computerhxr

    Playing the game

    One can only play the game aimlessly, or with a strategy. I like listening to the 48 Laws of Power on audio tape. It's one of my top 5 favorite books (I need to read more). One thing that I remember from that book is that there is a common theme. To have power, you don't want to be...
  16. computerhxr

    Playing the game

    What about INTJ? Ultimately, everything is pointless. I experiment sometimes and am always surprised by how much power you have in the world. It always bothers me that idiots always seem to be the ones who control but are totally unaware of it as a game. They are just responding to their...
  17. computerhxr

    Playing the game

    Sansa Stark
  18. computerhxr

    Playing the game

    True. I would choose Arya. She is free in the world and has her own sense of right and wrong.
  19. computerhxr

    Playing the game

    OMG! Haha, I just typed LOTR without thinking... :facepalm: Thanks!
  20. computerhxr

    Playing the game

    I should rename the thread to "What GoT character would you pick to play in the game of life?" Arya or Tyrion are both good choices! Eddard Stark? or did everyone forget about him... lol Brutal sense of justice, I like it!
  21. computerhxr

    Playing the game

    To treat life like a game. Like playing a game of chess, or setting up dominoes to be toppled. Life is better spent strategically playing as it was a game. To live life and ignore the game altogether. Life is an experience to be lived and not played. Hahaha. Someone get's it!
  22. computerhxr

    Playing the game

    You can choose to live life, or play the game. Which would you choose and why?
  23. computerhxr

    What are you doing right now?

    My work isn't menial. I do like listening to Youtube lessons and audiobooks. I check Facebook only when on the toilet so I don't waste time. I am working on lifestyle by design and life-hacks. I would like to be a lot more productive. Have you ever read "The Power of Full Engagement"...
  24. computerhxr

    Are you human?

    I agree with you 100%. I tend to think that the rules of evolution tell us that all species are very advanced. We just evolve in different directions from the branches of the same tree. So everything alive today has evolved the same sum of time. Humans are just blinded by their own...
  25. computerhxr

    What are you doing right now?

    Consulting a client on marketing automation, drinking a coffee, cleaning, organizing, and listening to Pandora. Yes, all at once. ;) Sometimes I swap out Pandora for TV episodes. What about you?
  26. computerhxr

    INTPs bodies and subtypes

    Re: INTPs bodys and subtypes I can't tell probably skinny (ectomorph) but I think maybe the mesomorph. I haven't been able to type anyone else that I know as an INTP so I don't know any others. Can't decide if I'm intuitive or logical. Why is the skinny dude so tall?! :confused:
  27. computerhxr

    Surviving the great bounce

    We might be able to create a cross-dimensional piston to generate energy from the pull of the inevitable singularity. Here's a question for you. What if the big bang never happens unless every spec is returned to the source? It would make sense that the conditions for a big bang is a...
  28. computerhxr

    Surviving the great bounce

    I don't know how anything can function without energy. I would think that even the binding of atoms would fall apart at maximum expansion. So after the stars have all been harvested for their resources, and atoms have all been depleted, there won't be much left. Since energy tries to balance...
  29. computerhxr

    Surviving the great bounce

    I wouldn't be surprised if this was true. Most things are round in nature at small and large scales. So the universe is likely round. If we're on a layer of space, like a bubble, then some direction may lead directly back to the other side of the space-screen. :storks:
  30. computerhxr

    Surviving the great bounce

    I imagine once the universe is done expanding, everything is spread out really far apart and have very little activity. We need to survive billions(or way longer) of years without stars of anything before the recurring big bang would even be possible. Then everything would be giant black...
  31. computerhxr

    Neptune water planet and water deity

    Oh, you don't want to see all the crazy ideas that I have about this stuff. It really makes sense to me. There is a link between geometry and psychology. I started wondering about ancient understandings, and how everything sort of points to this hex. It really got me thinking about...
  32. computerhxr

    Neptune water planet and water deity

    I tend to think of stars and planets as abstract forms of psychology. They somehow represent real modalities. I find it interesting that Saturn has a hexagon in the bottom. It would make sense why they might think it's demonic. lol ;) It it also the most efficient shape, which is why bees...
  33. computerhxr

    Does infinity exist in real world?

    That's why I call infinity is a fractal environment. If any increment of space is infinite, and you can divide it infinite times, then that is the definition of a fractal. The reason I like the fractal concept of infinity is because it means we live in a fragmented reality, and we're seeing...
  34. computerhxr

    Convergence of Extraterrestrial Life

    Interesting... I'll have a look. Thanks!
  35. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Is chaos natural? I agree, it's an aggregate cause, or abstract cause. The forces at play in a larger abstract causality would be many times more complex and with a less discernible cause. Like, does us driving cause a storm? Well, maybe CO2 emissions cause one thing, and then another...
  36. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    That is a really good question. I think the cause of the events is an aggregate force from all matter. If you line up two sets of dominoes and have two random people knock them down at the same time, and in the end one triggers a balloon to fill up with gas, and the other triggers the balloon...
  37. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    I was never contesting it. Electricity and electromagnetism were not the same. You keep changing terms that you use and act like they mean the same thing. Then you demand for us to define and prove things. You use words like physical world to mean more than just the world. I realize...
  38. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    ^^^ LOL Define the "physical world" Evidence?
  39. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Your claims are simple, not the science. There is nothing complex about defaulting on something you didn't even think of. And besides, are we talking about nature or science? You keep changing and telling me that I bring up science but you keep bringing it up. You were the embarrassment...
  40. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    It's called comedy. Read the spoiler! I didn't think you were sitting around refreshing so quickly. I thought I had 15 seconds to make a quick edit before you replied. LOL Oh snap, actually, I answered your question twice. I didn't dodge it...
  41. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Really, I tried addressing every line of what you said, and I'm the one dodging questions? hahahahah. I thought you said the problem with metaphysics is that it didn't have a definition? But since you're the expert on metaphysics now I guess you already know the answer to your own question...
  42. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    Yes, Jung is a person and the MBTI is not. Classification is what meta is. I never claimed that metaphysics was exactly the same as naturalism, or anything like that if that's what you're thinking. No thanks. It can affect everything by moving all of our existence about. But everything...
  43. computerhxr

    Does infinity exist in real world?

    Good point! Nothingness is another form of something. I imagine that the universe is still a singularity. Everything else is just a vibration from the irrationality of existence itself. So infinite would also be signular. Everything exists, even ideas that haven't been thought of yet. Take...
  44. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    One thing that I do agree with Red on, is that metaphysics is difficult to understand. I really like the idea of meta-reflection. That's really how psychology works at every level if you think abstractly about it. I think it is the core the understanding AI. But how do you abstract...
  45. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    I really like Jung. Jung has a lot of ideas and they all sounded like crack-pot ideas, but it did lead to him make huge discoveries. What is reality vs. appearance? Nature has an appearance, and a reality. There is existence outside of our perception. Black holes for example. Does nothing...
  46. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    I take the title "village idiot" very seriously. Isn't metaphysics the study of the the nature of things? The natural answer is the most obvious model of reality.
  47. computerhxr

    synchronicity of meta-reflective artificial intelligence

    No thanks. ;) I'm sorry if I misunderstood your point. I agree with that, and it is natural.
  48. computerhxr

    Does infinity exist in real world?

    This is what confuses me. You can divide a number an infinite number of times, creating infinitely smaller numbers. So between 0 and 1, there are infinite pieces, right? Also, between 1 and 2, there are an equal number of pieces. How many pieces between 0 and 2? In that sense, I imagine that...
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