I'll tell you my experience regarding working abroad as a recent college grad in China. Basically, having made the decision to return home, I am glad I did, even though the transition was rough.
First, $5.40/hr for 6 months? Can you say, "Exploitation"?
How do you expect to make rent with that? Even if they do give you a full-time job after 6 months, the salary is still going to be very low. You want to go into journalism/writing? Surely there are better opportunities than a free tabloid.
I was living in China for 2.5 yrs doing the teaching and consulting thing. Not sure what you're up to right now in Korea, but my conclusion after living in China is that unless you are an entrepreneurial individual, it's best to move back to the US. The job opportunities for foreigners suck abroad unless you're sent out by your company or have oodles of experience in a specific domain. I know the guys who founded a similar kind of magazine catering to foreigners in Kunming. Guess how much they made even after 5 years? <$500/month.
To give you an example, I have an ENTJ friend in China who started a nightclub. He came there with significant capital from a previous job. Anyway, starting and successfully growing a business in China is probably one of the hardest entrepreneurial challenges anyone can tackle, b/c of mafia, corruption, government thugs harassing businesses, umpteen different licenses and permits, which are just protection rackets and so forth.
He's pulled it off though. I cannot imagine an INTP succeeding in this kind of endeavor. It's the wrong personality for it, and you have to have money as well to start a business anyway. Unless you want to create a shoe-string business.
Get out while you're still young. The lifestyle abroad is great. It sucks you in, but it's like cancer. The expat community is a corrosive influence. They are usually a bunch of wasters escaping life back home. There are loads of English-teaching jobs in the US to tide you over once you return filled with people in your situation.