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I'm a bit afraid to be here...


Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Aug 29, 2009
...but have come anyway.
(i am obviously anti-fail when it comes to thread titles. Obviously.)

So let’s see...

My name is Eleanor and I am, as expected, an INTP. And errr…. I’m also 13 (I was actually going to omit this fact but... I’m bad at lying. Or omitting things. ) But don’t worry, that’s just the number on paper. I neither look nor think like it. (a mix between a five year old and a forty year old would be a good description of my mind though)

I live in a little country in southwestern Europe (it’s an easy guess – there’s only one), but it can be said my head doesn’t. I’m interested in a lot of things, but art, internet, physics, books and my chinchillas can sum it up quite nicely. I don't like maths. But i will. Someday.

I found this forum about a month ago, read it for about two weeks and went for vacation for another two weeks. When I came back, I thought it was the right time to end my errr… watching of sorts ( but more like this -->:phear:) . I actually don’t like compromises or joining forums much, but this one got the best of me. Sometimes I start formulating answers to some threads on my head only to notice I don’t really have a place to type them. Plus, I find the members here to be interesting, and interesting people are hard to find if you ask me. =>

…so yeah, that’s about it.
Thanks for reading, and i hope you can enjoy my presence here as much as I enjoyed following this forum’s threads.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Andorra or Gibraltar?


is a ze
Local time
Today 4:24 AM
Jul 9, 2008
Your avatar's all kinds of disturbing, but I dig the balloon.

Stay out of the Arena if you're impressionable. Or, you know, just as a policy. What with content there being all about explicit violence. :o

Um. And welcome. Hope you stick around.


accepts advice on his English
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Dec 31, 2008
I’m also 13 (I was actually going to omit this fact but... I’m bad at lying. Or omitting things. )

Years of age?

Welcome. Back or otherwise. :D


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
Welcome. There is also Spain, Navarre and Andorra; GIbraltar is rather easterly, I guess.

We have a number of people here who are 13. I myself was perpetually 12 in another place.

The chinchillas are a charming touch.

Claverhouse :phear:

Inappropriate Behavior

is peeing on the carpet
Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Sep 21, 2008
Behind you, kicking you in the ass
Afraid? Of us?

Excellent.....*taps fingers together*



Local time
Today 4:24 AM
Aug 8, 2008
Ahhh the force (use of parenthesis) is strong with this one. Seems to be the most common INTP way of speak (at least when expressing in english). I think you'll find it's quite nice here, but watch out for the storks! :storks:


Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Aug 13, 2009
Northeastern USA
(a mix between a five year old and a forty year old would be a good description of my mind though)

Don't expect that to change. I'm 20 and I feel the same exact way. I find that I'm usually either way more mature or way less mature than my peers, though I've learned to act mature (especially around people I don't know well or am just getting to know) even if I've got a five year old jumping up and down inside me. I guess thats why a lot of people call me mature, and why it always surprises me, as I don't "feel" mature, yet its almost become second nature to "act" mature in certain situations.


Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Aug 29, 2009
... I knew i was going to feel effin' stupid the moment i came here. D:

Alas, it is Portugal.
(i swear it looks little on my geography book. I also swear no one ever made me study Andorra or Gibraltar (we have such a nice and demanding education system), and though i do have a little idea they are independent... things (nations or countries?... cities?), i never really count them in. I never heard of Navarra, stupid me. My brain also associates southwestern with Portugal. Teacher's fault, definately.

I don't think i can get any more excuses than that.)

Your avatar's all kinds of disturbing, but I dig the balloon.

Stay out of the Arena if you're impressionable. Or, you know, just as a policy. What with content there being all about explicit violence. :o

Um. And welcome. Hope you stick around.
It is? I use it because i always wanted an octupus hat. And i totally dig balloons too. :B

Oh and don't worry, TV's had it's toll on me. Everything can go in the PG section nowadays. But i'll stay away if it makes you uncomfortable or something like that. :>

Afraid? Of us?

Excellent.....*taps fingers together*
Oh, a bit. But it was INTPc induced, actually, so no excellency for you. :<

Ahhh the force (use of parenthesis) is strong with this one. Seems to be the most common INTP way of speak (at least when expressing in english). I think you'll find it's quite nice here, but watch out for the storks!

I always thought i was alone! No teacher ever appreciated my parenthesis! D:
(probably because it just doesn't work in Portuguese, but still! I tried. :<
I love English by the way.)

Don't expect that to change. I'm 20 and I feel the same exact way. I find that I'm usually either way more mature or way less mature than my peers, though I've learned to act mature (especially around people I don't know well or am just getting to know) even if I've got a five year old jumping up and down inside me. I guess thats why a lot of people call me mature, and why it always surprises me, as I don't "feel" mature, yet its almost become second nature to "act" mature in certain situations.
Yeah, i heard (:phear:) it happens with a lot of INTP's. I'm the same, but... well,the opposite. I usually act like a five year old with strangers (they seem to dig it, though i don't understand the charm of it. In my mind, i look ridiculous - but oh well, it works). My usual circles are anything but mature, so i gotta be that way.
The people i know well usually see a mix of the two personas though. :3

(Oh, and does the orange irritate anyone? I think it hurts my eyes a bit, but i'm not sure. And it's prettier. I'm feeling like an efeminate idiot by asking this. Which i am not... well the first part anyway.)

(sorry Claverhouse, i almost forgot you. I'm not very good at, uh, sorroundings remembering. ^^'')

We have a number of people here who are 13. I myself was perpetually 12 in another place.

The chinchillas are a charming touch.

Claverhouse :phear:
Did you lie about your age? I remember i did that 3 or 4 years ago. I said i was fifteen. I have no idea how people believed me back then and yet i am absolutely hopeless when it comes to lying now. D:
But that's good.
I'm not that F.
(I think i can also say i'm addicted to this Jung theory. Is it normal to analyze and judge everyone you know to fit it?)

And thankyou. My universe really does revolve around my chinchillas i must very proudly (and probably loserlike too) say. It's sharing the spot with my family. (And maybe one or two friends.) Pets conquer all!


is a ze
Local time
Today 4:24 AM
Jul 9, 2008
Chill Crayon!

I did think of Portugal as a possibility. :)

(I use the parenthesis a lot in Spanish)

And, INTPCentral? Welcome to the survirvors club.


Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Aug 13, 2009
Northeastern USA
^ I like the way the orange contrasts with the gray. I think its much more soothing to the eyes and is actually a bit easier to read. Neither has too much nor too little contrast.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Crayon, maybe you should contact damaged.goods here on the forum. From what I've read she's at your age and the both of you seem intellectually far ahead of other people in your age. Even your writing style looks somewhat familiar. I bet you have much in common!
I'm quite sure you could become great friends!


Artifice Orisit

... I knew i was going to feel effin' stupid the moment i came here. D:
You're 13, that fact you even know what MBTI is speaks well of your intelligence.



Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
We Cried Unto The Living God

Andorra or Gibraltar (we have such a nice and demanding education system), and though i do have a little idea they are independent... things (nations or countries?... cities?), i never really count them in.

Andorra is a small city-state; Gibraltar is a rock overseeing the gates between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean taken and kept by the British, which is fair enough; but it annoys some Spaniards no end.

I never heard of Navarra, stupid me

Well, it's not a country any more... Still, who can forget Macaulay's fine poem on Henri of Navarre, later Henri Quatre, Ivry ? Macaulay was simultaneously an utterly appalling man and a fine poet. This is quite common amongst poets.

Oh ! how our hearts were beating, when at the dawn of day
We saw the army of the League drawn out in long array;

With all its priest-led citizens, and all its rebel peers,

And Appenzel's stout infantry, and Egmont's Flemish spears.

There rode the brood of false Lorraine, the curses of our land;

And dark Mayenne was in the midst, a truncheon in his hand:

And, as we looked on them, we thought of Seine's empurpled flood,

And good Coligni's hoary hair all dabbled with his blood;
And we cried unto the living God, who rules the fate of war,
To fight for His own holy name, and Henry of Navarre.

The King is come to marshal us, in all his armor drest,
And he has bound a snow-white plume upon his gallant crest.
He looked upon his people, and a tear was in his eye;

He looked upon the traitors, and his glance was stern and high.

Right graciously he smiled on us, as rolled from wing to wing,

Down all our line, a deafening shout, "God save our Lord the King !"

"And if my standard-bearer fall, as fall full well he may,

For never saw I promise yet of such a bloody fray,

Press where ye see my white plume shine, amidst the ranks of war,

And be your oriflamme to-day the helmet of Navarre."

He was quite right about the Lorrainers, of course: a ghastly family --- of them, heavy, dull old Mayenne may have invented Mayonnaise sauce, but that was at a different battle.

(Oh, and does the orange irritate anyone? I think it hurts my eyes a bit, but i'm not sure. And it's prettier. I'm feeling like an efeminate idiot by asking this. Which i am not... well the first part anyway.)

Orange is not my favourite colour for both aesthetic and political reasons; however this looks OK.

Did you lie about your age? I remember i did that 3 or 4 years ago. I said i was fifteen. I have no idea how people believed me back then and yet i am absolutely hopeless when it comes to lying now. D:
I did lie, I was only 8.

Lying comes naturally to all my countrymen, and I'm very good at it: however, I barely ever bother because it is ultimately pointless. And telling the truth annoys people so much more...

Is it normal to analyze and judge everyone you know to fit it?
For J's it is.

And thankyou. My universe really does revolve around my chinchillas i must very proudly (and probably loserlike too) say. It's sharing the spot with my family. (And maybe one or two friends.) Pets conquer all!
Since I leave the kitchen door open each night, a small hedgehog comes in to eat cat-food. This night I found another in her stead. A still smaller one about 10cm long. Prolly the same as a 8-yr-old in human terms.

kidege said:
I did think of Portugal as a possibility. :)

More felicitously, you may care to glance at Who's Online once in a while: there are dinky little flags of all nations like a UN convention. And like the UN, US dominating. These are different from the dinky little flags at the base of each page, which when clicked, translate the entire forum into each language.

And, INTPCentral? Welcome to the survirvors club
This place was partially started as a reaction to INTPC, and is just an alternative for the more discriminating and deeper INTP, the INTP's INTP: for both reasons, criticism of INTPC ought to be muted: they do their thing very well, and we do ours.

De mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est. * **

Claverhouse :phear:

*Except for horrible old Teddy, of course
: Mary Jo lived for a couple of hours as he went walkabout.



Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Aug 29, 2009
(I use the parenthesis a lot in Spanish)

And, INTPCentral? Welcome to the survirvors club.
But Spanish has i different tone i think. They always talk really fast and with this high-pitched annoying voice. Portuguese always sounds a bit more... uh, serious and boringly dreadful, i'd say (when it's not Portuguese from Brazil, of course, then i can't help saying it just sounds stupid).

You see, i didn't really survive INTPc, taking in account i had the care not to join it, but i was scarred for the rest of my life by it. Well, not really, but it made me a bit hesitant towards INTPs. Just because they scored the same as i did on a test doesnt mean they're good people, right?

You see, they had this thread, started by some woman who had/has an boyfriend who she was pretty sure downloaded child porn and all that. She asked if it was right to date him, and this discussion with more than 15 thread pages started, in which some people instead of telling her straight to report him to the police started questioning the rightness of pedophilia.

It's just one of those things that i find offensive questioning when it should be obvious they just arent right. Yeah sure it's supposedly our nature to question, but still.

Plus, many of their threads were dumb and not worth reading, end of story.

I like the way the orange contrasts with the gray. I think its much more soothing to the eyes and is actually a bit easier to read. Neither has too much nor too little contrast.
Thanks, i'll take your opinion in account. :)

Crayon, maybe you should contact damaged.goods here on the forum. From what I've read she's at your age and the both of you seem intellectually far ahead of other people in your age. Even your writing style looks somewhat familiar. I bet you have much in common!
I'm quite sure you could become great friends!
Errr, i'm a bit internet shy when i don't know how to approach the ground i'm in. But i could give it a try, though it'd be a bit awkward i guess.
"Hi, i'm Crayon, and someone told me we could be really good pals if we get to know each other so, uhm, how have you been doing?"
I'll think about it, but thanks for the sugestion! :>

Oh, and uhm, thankyou for the intellectually far ahead part! It made me swoon and hide under my chair at the same time. Cognisant's comment did the same. My dad would disapprove, he says i don't need any more boosts to widen my already huge ego, but he's obviously just jealous of my amazingness and infinitely inferior IQ.

Oh, and thankyou for the welcomes!
(sorry for forgetting again)

(this time it was because you posted while i was writing my answer)

Andorra is a small city-state; Gibraltar is a rock overseeing the gates between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean taken and kept by the British, which is fair enough; but it annoys some Spaniards no end.
I see Andorra in my books, but my notion of Gibraltar belonging to the British is vague (though i guess i understand the Spanish people's annoyance to some point. Such a little patch of land and the British still keep it). I first heard of it in a documentary in which they wanted to make a bridge between Gibraltar and Africa actually so... yeah. ^^''

Well, it's not a country any more... Still, who can forget Macaulay's fine poem on Henri of Navarre, later Henri Quatre, Ivry ? Macaulay was simultaneously an utterly appalling man and a fine poet. This is quite common amongst poets.
Never heard of it either. Though the poem really is powerful.

I did lie, I was only 8.

Lying comes naturally to all my countrymen, and I'm very good at it: however, I barely ever bother because it is ultimately pointless. And telling the truth annoys people so much more...
It has it's uses, but not speaking at all is much easier, it's true. And lies sometimes can be needed. I know this because everytime i lie, i start laughing in the other person's face. It's not funny, especially if it's a serious matter, and it can sometimes be counted as offensive. So yeah, it is a skill i'd like to have.

For J's it is.
Hm, i'm about 45% J so i guess it fits. It makes sense though, having judging people put other in categories. Now that i think of it, it must sound annoying (then again, many Js are).

Since I leave the kitchen door open each night, a small hedgehog comes in to eat cat-food. This night I found another in her stead. A still smaller one about 10cm long. Prolly the same as a 8-yr-old in human terms.
Hedgehogs! I had one for a while when i was little, my dad found it. I don't know if they're the same species, but the ones around here like to eat fruit. You might want to try and leave something for them, if you rather they didn't eat your cat's food. :)
And the little one sounds really adorable! Chinchilla cubs are, unfortunately, really ugly on their first weeks.

This place was partially started as a reaction to INTPC, and is just an alternative for the more discriminating and deeper INTP, the INTP's INTP: for both reasons, criticism of INTPC ought to be muted: they do their thing very well, and we do ours.

De mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est. * **
Well, it was a good idea. INTPc really did sound... much too ordinary. In a bad way.
They intrigued me for a while, and some sounded really cool, but sometimes it was a bit too much.

I don't know if any of you recognise that "internet subculture" (or something of sorts) of memes, 4chan and encyclopedia dramatica, but i regarded them a bit in the same way. I was curious about it, and tried to learn a bit about it, but i'd never join the thing. I think some people at INTPc would be the kind to do so.

But alas, we all have the right to be different.

Oh latin. Such a wise language.

And i'm going to go sleep now. 7am isn't the best time i could do so, but it shall have to do. Bye all!


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Jul 16, 2008
Crayon said:
Errr, i'm a bit internet shy when i don't know how to approach the ground i'm in. But i could give it a try, though it'd be a bit awkward i guess.
"Hi, i'm Crayon, and someone told me we could be really good pals if we get to know each other so, uhm, how have you been doing?"

oh... she hasn't said much, but judging by what she has, I don't think she'd mind very much. I'd say give it a shot, too.

but he's obviously just jealous of my amazingness and infinitely inferior IQ.

*titters* [/assholery]



is a ze
Local time
Today 4:24 AM
Jul 9, 2008
Claverhouse said:
criticism of INTPC ought to be muted: they do their thing very well, and we do ours.

Did I say anything?

Crayon said:
But Spanish has i different tone i think. They always talk really fast and with this high-pitched annoying voice.
I'm LatinAmerican. Totally different accent. Parenthesis being a matter of syntax, I use them liberally. :p

Crayon said:
when it's not Portuguese from Brazil, of course, then i can't help saying it just sounds stupid.

:( It's the only way I can half-pronounce it!


Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Aug 29, 2009
oh... she hasn't said much, but judging by what she has, I don't think she'd mind very much. I'd say give it a shot, too.

Okay, but i'll need social help to do it. How do you first try to relate to people you want to know anyway? And why do people ask social advice in an supposedly anti-social people forum?

I'm LatinAmerican. Totally different accent. Parenthesis being a matter of syntax, I use them liberally.
I had no idea. Sincerely, it sounds all the same to me. xD
But lucky you. Parenthesis are awesome.

It's the only way I can half-pronounce it!
Despair not! You probably won't ever need to talk in Portuguese, i assure you. If you ever come to my country you can just say you're from Spain anyways.

Oh sleep, where are you?


The Fiend
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Mar 10, 2008
I've been trying to watch my language knowing we have some members that are quite young and some that are older.

I guess fear is like moth to the flame with me. I don't usually come in here, because I'm not good at introductions or goodbyes. But I saw the title of your thread and thought I would... come say hi... not to harass... or anything like that.

Nice Sig. I like the octopus. Not the girl so much.


Is actually an INTJ
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Aug 21, 2009
Welcome, I love your avatar



Active Member
Local time
Today 8:24 PM
Nov 26, 2008
Outside your window.
I only tolerate the colour orange in the presence of an octopus... you're lucky this time.

Oh, and don't worry... we don't bite. :)

Well, most of us.


Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Aug 29, 2009
Then orange shall not be used again.

And, ehrm, thanks everyone, but i didn't make it or anything.
I actually got the avatar here:

So if anyone wants to check out her gallery, you're free to do so. I love her stuff.

And thanks for the welcomes (again).

Miss Led

Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Aug 15, 2009
West Sussex UK - US expat
It is lovely to meet you. As far as thirteen year olds go, you are the coolest I have seen around in a long time. Glad to see you here! I guess it is true that some people are ageless.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Apr 18, 2009
Despair not! You probably won't ever need to talk in Portuguese, i assure you. If you ever come to my country you can just say you're from Spain anyways.

Oh sleep, where are you?
Somehow I doubt they'd buy that when she (I think Kidege is a she...) comes upon a soft "c" sound and doesn't pronounce it like "th"...


Local time
Today 4:24 AM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
I've been trying to watch my language knowing we have some members that are quite young and some that are older.

Why? A pretense of morality? :rolleyes: They'll find out soon enough, if they haven't already, about whatever it is you might be trying to "protect" them from. Besides, it's a patronizing way to treat them: oh, so you're young, I'm sorry but we're gonna have to stop talking about adult things in an adult way because we believe you can't handle it because you haven't passed our arbitrarily defined age limit.....


is a ze
Local time
Today 4:24 AM
Jul 9, 2008
Somehow I doubt they'd buy that when she (I think Kidege is a she...) comes upon a soft "c" sound and doesn't pronounce like like "th"...

Everything is an "s"! Get out of here with your soft "c" and your "z". ;)


Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Aug 29, 2009
Thanks Miss Led!:o

And Kidege, don't worry. Portuguese people really can't tell the difference, Spanish always sounds like Spanish, i assure you.

And thanks for the welcome echoplex. :>

In quitting the orange letters though. They be too much work for lazy person like me. >|


The Fiend
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Mar 10, 2008
Why? A pretense of morality? :rolleyes: They'll find out soon enough, if they haven't already, about whatever it is you might be trying to "protect" them from. Besides, it's a patronizing way to treat them: oh, so you're young, I'm sorry but we're gonna have to stop talking about adult things in an adult way because we believe you can't handle it because you haven't passed our arbitrarily defined age limit.....

I don't care if I'm patronising.

I don't want to be too close to people quite a bit younger than I am. It's more or less personal distance. I assume I'm going to have more in common with someone who's twenty than someone who is thirty or thirteen.

Cursing doesn't really accomplish anything anyhow and I hardly consider it patronising if it simply reminded me to watch my language. For certain topics I'm more prone to curse, but it doesn't accomplish a sense of intelligence when you curse like a sailor. As it is, I'm not going to change my opinion, because it's "patronising".

All that's beside the topic. Orange is a neat color and I like that person's gallery. I've been kind of finding abstract colorful pictures lately though. I'm thinking of doing a collection of weird haircolors.


Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Mar 25, 2009
Its always nice to meet another chinchilla owner.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:24 AM
May 2, 2008
I've been trying to watch my language knowing we have some members that are quite young and some that are older.

Middle schoolers probably swear more than just about anyone else.
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