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Do you have an Fe fetish?


Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Sep 13, 2009
Anaheim, CA
I do.

By Fe fetish I mean this:

Whenever I have to do something that requires a lot of extroversion or otherwise Fe style delivery or expression (ie: Acting, Speeches), I go all out. Way above and beyond the boundaries of what you would expect from an INTP, and I usually can out perform most extroverts and Fe dominants in this.

For instance, I'm practicing a speech I have to give tomorrow, and I intend to be really theatrical and expressive, to the point of actually being kind of over the top. But it is all for the impact that I am going for, I'm looking to capture hearts and minds, and being a little over the top keeps eyes on me.

So I call this a "fetishy" approach to Fe, because I normally hate using it, but when I have to use it, then I really want to do well.

I see this same style of using inferior functions in other types as well, for instance INFJs and INTJs who are insanely talented in martial arts. Se tires them, but when they have to use it, they mean business.

So does anyone else do this?

Side effects: Usually when I do this I have to use visualization exercises to summon the amount of necessary energy to keep my Fe turned on for long periods of time. So I tend to be really shaky and jittery because I am just dripping with excess energy.


Local time
Today 10:23 AM
Aug 8, 2008
Anticipating a speech = freaking out, in my case. It doesn't really matter what I 'plan to do', I get insanely anxious/nervous and disgustingly insecure. You seem to be looking forward to doing that speech, so I say more power to ya! Let us know how it goes. :)


Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Sep 13, 2009
Anaheim, CA
Anticipating a speech = freaking out, in my case. It doesn't really matter what I 'plan to do', I get insanely anxious/nervous and disgustingly insecure. You seem to be looking forward to doing that speech, so I say more power to ya! Let us know how it goes. :)
I do kind of get off on this, and that's why it is totally a fetish.


Local time
Today 10:23 AM
Aug 8, 2008
I have an Fe fetish in that I love ENFJs.. if that counts.


Local time
Today 11:23 AM
Oct 25, 2009
asphodel meadows
I've been meaning to try this out, the whole flexing my gimp Fe muscle when in social situations, but I usually just don't know what to say, and am too worried about speaking/doing too much without making sure I get my point across/people understand where I'm coming from to make any true progress.

So I guess I'll avoid really answering you're question and respond by asking you how you do it?


Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Nov 13, 2009
Portland, OR
Anticipating a speech = freaking out, in my case. It doesn't really matter what I 'plan to do', I get insanely anxious/nervous and disgustingly insecure. You seem to be looking forward to doing that speech, so I say more power to ya! Let us know how it goes. :)

I'm on this spectrum of thought in reality, although if I have more than twenty-four hours before the speech is due, I always plan on going over the top, and then I put the whole thing off and then end up freaking out

EDIT: also, good luck on the speech, just make sure you get it done! I'ts super fun being over the top when you're ready!


Local time
Today 11:23 AM
Nov 27, 2009
US, Iowa
I have to give a speech for my oral comm class on Thursday. I too go out of my way to be very people friendly, charismatic, and try all to hard to be the epitome of what I think a speaker should be. I often give great speeches, but I cant stand it the entire time. I am nervous, but I hide it to be the best speaker. I shake so hard that I have learned to put down my note cards when I am done looking at them so that people do not notice.
Despite the fear I do get a thrill out of it. I like to think that people walk away thinking that I have grabbed their attention, even if it was for three minutes of their day. But it exhausts me.
This speech has been all the harder because it is a group speech. I don't know how but I ended up being group leader. I will never, ever be a group leader again; for I haven't sleept well in two weeks. I lay awake trying to sleep thinking about all the things that could go wrong or right.
I think fetish is a good description for it. It will never be a natural thing, Fe, no matter how much practice goes into it. Giving speeches or being an actor have an appeal that I wish came more naturally to me. But no, I would die of exhaustion before it ever became a regular thing.


Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Sep 13, 2009
Anaheim, CA
I've been meaning to try this out, the whole flexing my gimp Fe muscle when in social situations, but I usually just don't know what to say, and am too worried about speaking/doing too much without making sure I get my point across/people understand where I'm coming from to make any true progress.

So I guess I'll avoid really answering you're question and respond by asking you how you do it?
It's not an easy task, but it get's easier the more you do it. As an INTP do you ever go into your head and review your conversations? It's a pretty common thing we do, we replay conversations and then we think of better ways would could have expressed it's contents.

Well this is in a way, practicing your Fe on yourself. So basically when I have in mind what I want to say, I just go in my mind and work on how I am going to deliver it, by visualizing myself actually doing it. Then practice this enough until it is ingrained into my Si playlist. I find that the visualization allows you to be able to summon the amount of energy you will need to reach that far down into your lower functions like Fe and Si for extended periods of time. The more you do this, the easier it will get, and the more efficient your use of energy.


still swimming
Local time
Today 5:23 PM
Nov 14, 2009
Hell no.

My Fe only unleashes itself when my critic is so furious that it stops looking at and criticising me (not very often, and definitely not in a situation where I'm aware that I'm going to be scrutinised).


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 2:23 AM
Nov 26, 2008
Outside your window.
Oh yeah, I used this when I did my acting a few years ago. I ended up top of the class and my teacher who previously hated me (I never handed in my English assignments on time) decided I was her star pupil. All in all it was a strange, but fun experience. Of course once it was over I had the jitters, I would shake and feel really nervous, but that's what made it exciting.


Local time
Today 11:23 AM
Oct 25, 2009
asphodel meadows
It's not an easy task, but it get's easier the more you do it. As an INTP do you ever go into your head and review your conversations? It's a pretty common thing we do, we replay conversations and then we think of better ways would could have expressed it's contents.

Well this is in a way, practicing your Fe on yourself. So basically when I have in mind what I want to say, I just go in my mind and work on how I am going to deliver it, by visualizing myself actually doing it. Then practice this enough until it is ingrained into my Si playlist. I find that the visualization allows you to be able to summon the amount of energy you will need to reach that far down into your lower functions like Fe and Si for extended periods of time. The more you do this, the easier it will get, and the more efficient your use of energy.

Yes. I pretty much spend all of my time either imagining how a conversation could have alternatively played out. Most of my time, though, is spent just making up tons of hypothetical situations and imagining how people would act in them...such a waste of time..


Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Sep 13, 2009
Anaheim, CA
I have to give a speech for my oral comm class on Thursday. I too go out of my way to be very people friendly, charismatic, and try all to hard to be the epitome of what I think a speaker should be. I often give great speeches, but I cant stand it the entire time. I am nervous, but I hide it to be the best speaker. I shake so hard that I have learned to put down my note cards when I am done looking at them so that people do not notice.
Despite the fear I do get a thrill out of it. I like to think that people walk away thinking that I have grabbed their attention, even if it was for three minutes of their day. But it exhausts me.
This speech has been all the harder because it is a group speech. I don't know how but I ended up being group leader. I will never, ever be a group leader again; for I haven't sleept well in two weeks. I lay awake trying to sleep thinking about all the things that could go wrong or right.
I think fetish is a good description for it. It will never be a natural thing, Fe, no matter how much practice goes into it. Giving speeches or being an actor have an appeal that I wish came more naturally to me. But no, I would die of exhaustion before it ever became a regular thing.
yeah I'd hate to do this on call, all the time. But every once and awhile granted it is about something I am interested in is fine. I gave a group speech on Mythology about 3 years ago, It was one of the most epic speeches I had ever given... But the ISFJ in the group kind of killed part of it, with her constant upward inflections, making every sentence sound like a question.


int p;
Local time
Today 6:23 PM
Sep 18, 2009
Well this is in a way, practicing your Fe on yourself. So basically when I have in mind what I want to say, I just go in my mind and work on how I am going to deliver it, by visualizing myself actually doing it. Then practice this enough until it is ingrained into my Si playlist. I find that the visualization allows you to be able to summon the amount of energy you will need to reach that far down into your lower functions like Fe and Si for extended periods of time. The more you do this, the easier it will get, and the more efficient your use of energy.

Actually, I do the opposite. I can go into "showman mode", but only when I know the topic well *and* I improvise. The more I plan and prepare, the worse the effect is. I may rely on my Ne for extroverted activities far more than Fe, however.

And, I'm not overly fond of FJs.


Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Sep 13, 2009
Anaheim, CA
Actually, I do the opposite. I can go into "showman mode", but only when I know the topic well *and* I improvise. The more I plan and prepare, the worse the effect is. I may rely on my Ne for extroverted activities far more than Fe, however.

And, I'm not overly fond of FJs.
I can do both actually, and it looks way better if I Improvise with Ne, because I can usually pour it into Fe for extra damage.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Aug 17, 2009
California, USA
Actually, I do the opposite. I can go into "showman mode", but only when I know the topic well *and* I improvise. The more I plan and prepare, the worse the effect is. I may rely on my Ne for extroverted activities far more than Fe, however.

That is exactly what I do. I think of it as "showman mode" too, and it is almost like another person takes over for me. I love it. I am very comfortable in front of a group, as long as it is about a topic I know well, and students tell me they really like my style of teaching. It is one of the few areas of my life where I can act on instinct, and the real-time nature of public speaking is a thrill. Also, it gets much, much better with practice.


crazy raven
Local time
Today 11:23 AM
Nov 14, 2009
My speeches are definitely more like Aiss's than Adymus's. I might come off funny and expressive, but I wouldn't call it theatrical.

Maybe slightly off-topic: does anyone here involuntarily mimic other people (talking about the non-misanthropic members here :)). I find that, especially with greetings, if I'm not paying attention (which is most of the time) I mimic other people. My Fe seems to manifest itself more as an unconscious default process. Then again, I'm also a rather agreeable person, so maybe that's just me.


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:23 AM
Nov 10, 2009
I'm more on the improvisational side of speeches. Although I do try to have at least a Sketchy Rough draft in my head of how the speech will go to help keep me aimed in the right direction and guide me through it. This is what I try to do before making a video, what Aiss said about planning too much completely applies to me, it always seems better when it is somewhat on-the-spot.

My speeches are definitely more like Aiss's than Adymus's. I might come off funny and expressive, but I wouldn't call it theatrical.

Maybe slightly off-topic: does anyone here involuntarily mimic other people (talking about the non-misanthropic members here :)). I find that, especially with greetings, if I'm not paying attention (which is most of the time) I mimic other people. My Fe seems to manifest itself more as an unconscious default process. Then again, I'm also a rather agreeable person, so maybe that's just me.

Is this kind of like the Social Chameilion? The first time I read up on the Chameleon thing I definitely know that greetings popped into my mind.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Aug 17, 2009
California, USA
Maybe slightly off-topic: does anyone here involuntarily mimic other people (talking about the non-misanthropic members here :)). I find that, especially with greetings, if I'm not paying attention (which is most of the time) I mimic other people. My Fe seems to manifest itself more as an unconscious default process. Then again, I'm also a rather agreeable person, so maybe that's just me.

Definitely. I don't know if that is the same as a social chameleon, though. I will mimic posture, pitch change in speech (even an accent if I am not careful), and pace. Fortunately, most people don't seem to notice. It doesn't feel like an attempt to hide behind a mask; it is more like an attempt to empathize with them for better communication. And it is unintentional, like KazeCraven described.


Local time
Today 5:23 PM
Aug 19, 2009
the in-between
i'm only like, "theatrical" if there's more people -- it's like my energy level scales with the size of the crowd. a small class, for example, i'll be more conversational with; a large class, i'll be presenting.

the same thing has been going on with the play i'm in -- if i see the crowd is kind of small, my performance sort of suffers. i still do my best, but i have to put in way more effort to do it.

also i involuntarily mimic people all the time. at least, in one way or another. i've also noticed i've been taking on the speech... um... quirks... that my mom has, which is immensely troublesome... blah.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 5:23 PM
Mar 10, 2008
Because I've been taking Japanese, making speeches in English really isn't that difficult anymore. I just kind of read over what I'm going to stay, make sure I have about double time than what I need and I bull shit the rest.

I use to get really nervous, now I'm just like "Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit". I don't tend to get that enthusiastic.

I tell myself it's a stupid speech I have to do for this reason. I guess I take a Te/Se approach to it?

Geez, I wonder why.

I will say I get enthusiastic about my topic.


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 5:23 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
That is exactly what I do. I think of it as "showman mode" too, and it is almost like another person takes over for me. I love it. I am very comfortable in front of a group, as long as it is about a topic I know well, and students tell me they really like my style of teaching. It is one of the few areas of my life where I can act on instinct, and the real-time nature of public speaking is a thrill. Also, it gets much, much better with practice.

This what I'm like - and like you, my students give me good reviews pretty consistently. I quite like the notion of it being rather fetishistic - I can go with that. Especially as in more recent years, having to teach is less appealling - the shine is beginning to wear off and it's just exhausting. I'm trying to move into research instead.

My speeches are definitely more like Aiss's than Adymus's. I might come off funny and expressive, but I wouldn't call it theatrical.

Maybe slightly off-topic: does anyone here involuntarily mimic other people (talking about the non-misanthropic members here :)). I find that, especially with greetings, if I'm not paying attention (which is most of the time) I mimic other people. My Fe seems to manifest itself more as an unconscious default process. Then again, I'm also a rather agreeable person, so maybe that's just me.

Yes, it's the bane of my life. I feel that I rarely have a sense of what I'm like around people - by that I mean an intact manifesting personality - I know what I'm like inside but my external persona is mostly a mirror of whoever I'm talking to at the time. Even if I try not to do that - what do I do instead?? Usually I just come across weird. I'm kind of used to it now but I do wish I had 'personality'.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Aug 17, 2009
California, USA
Yes, it's the bane of my life. I feel that I rarely have a sense of what I'm like around people - by that I mean an intact manifesting personality - I know what I'm like inside but my external persona is mostly a mirror of whoever I'm talking to at the time. Even if I try not to do that - what do I do instead?? Usually I just come across weird. I'm kind of used to it now but I do wish I had 'personality'.

Well, we can see your personality here, and it is a good one. I don't mimic people nearly as much around close family and friends, small though their number is, perhaps because I have a pretty good understanding of how they think. I do it when I don't understand someone completely. What about you?

Focusing that intently on someone else is a perfectly good part of a genuine personality. It isn't fake. It is just me, showing the part of myself that is most like the one I am with, to better share the moment. I couldn't mimic something if it wasn't in me to begin with. It isn't all of me, but it is part of me. I don't know if you are the same, of course, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.


crazy raven
Local time
Today 11:23 AM
Nov 14, 2009
I think I'm that way too. I find that when I am around a person I know well, I settle into a general pattern of being, which may or may not be the same way I am with another person. People who act in ways I don't agree with or that is clearly not me I don't mimic. That is to say, if I see a part of me I don't like or I see something clearly not me that I do like, I often don't mimic. I think.

Or maybe I'm just agreeing with you because it seems like something I might do. :)

Another question: Do you mimic people you don't like? It's been a while since I've met someone I genuinely didn't like, but I remember becoming instantly suspicious and thus cold, no matter how the other person behaves.


Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Sep 13, 2009
Anaheim, CA
My speeches are definitely more like Aiss's than Adymus's. I might come off funny and expressive, but I wouldn't call it theatrical.

Maybe slightly off-topic: does anyone here involuntarily mimic other people (talking about the non-misanthropic members here :)). I find that, especially with greetings, if I'm not paying attention (which is most of the time) I mimic other people. My Fe seems to manifest itself more as an unconscious default process. Then again, I'm also a rather agreeable person, so maybe that's just me.
Yeah, I think I am more comfortable with the improvisational style as well. The only problem is I lose track of time and/or might end up rambling. For things that press me for time, like the speech I had to give, I have to reach over to my J side to put order and time into the speech.

EDIT: as for the second part, all the time. I've hung out with English people and found myself unconsciously mimicking their accents.


Local time
Today 5:23 PM
Dec 8, 2009
Yeah, I think I am more comfortable with the improvisational style as well. The only problem is I lose track of time and/or might end up rambling. For things that press me for time, like the speech I had to give, I have to reach over to my J side to put order and time into the speech.

EDIT: as for the second part, all the time. I've hung out with English people and found myself unconsciously mimicking their accents.
Pre prepared speeches usually don't work for me. I always replay them in my head including all possible questions I think my audience could come with, but that's hardly exhaustive. So then I end up thrown completely off track by some question I didn't expect and I spend next five minutes recovering from it. Improvisation works somehow better because I am, at least in theory, prepared for unexpected. Although when I do improvise, I spend first five minutes just getting comfortable with my situation. So:

improvisation = hard start, goes smoothly later on
pre-prepared speech = easy start, but rough later on

Next time, I am goint to prepaer first 5 minutes or so and improvise for the rest.;)

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 12:23 PM
Jul 28, 2008
My Fe tends to show through when I'm debating with someone - I tend to have the same thing as the OP where I become very animated and passionate. I'm generally a very laid back person, not bringing attention to myself, but in a discussion about something I'm interested in, that all goes out the window. I don't get angry, but I'll start waving my arms and even shouting.

Just a few of months ago I was in a discussion with my brother, my cousin, and my uncle (who is an ENTP that will argue the sky is yellow if it means getting to argue) while at a state park about how scientists are able to measure and observe things with any accuracy, which evolved into a debate about whether we landed on the moon (my uncle saying we didn't). We debated quite lively until about 4 in the morning when a park ranger had to come and tell us to shut up.

This doesn't seem to happen to me when presenting but when in a discussion. I'm terrible at giving any sort of presentation, but I'm practically addicted to the feeling of being in an interesting, enticing debate, no matter how fruitless (or even pointless) the debate is.

I actually have formulated a hypothesis that tapping into Fe might be the way to motivate an INTP, because nothing motivates me more than being in a debate. I have written one novel, and I find it interesting that this happened at a time when I worked with a very interesting ENTP and and ENTJ a couple of years ago, both of whom I had many lively debates with (some people may have seen them as shouting matches, but we actually got along with one another nicely).

That, and things that evoke feelings (ie music) tend to motivate me to do things. Recently I have been interested in socially rebellious type music (Rage Against the Machine, Brother Ali, Eyedea and Abilities, and even got out my old 2pac albums) and the idea of social awareness has gotten me to actually get off my ass and write some of my own songs (a couple of which I posted (shameless self promotion))

The other observation I have made is that a lot of the older INTP's here, the ones with more developed Fe, generally seem to have a lot going on, keeping themselves busy - something I have a difficult time doing.

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is, as much as INTP's seem to strive for being objective, I think that it might be one of the primary causes of our procrastination and lack of motivation - and that develping Fe would be the key to unlocking our potential. Perhaps it's not Fe that we actually have a fetish for, but for tapping into that dormant motivation that would allow us to actually make all of our ideas come to fruition.

I apologize if this was a bit of a derail, but this was the idea that has been sort of stirring in my mind and this thread sort of brought it all together.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Aug 17, 2009
California, USA
Another question: Do you mimic people you don't like? It's been a while since I've met someone I genuinely didn't like, but I remember becoming instantly suspicious and thus cold, no matter how the other person behaves.

No, I don't mimic people I dislike. For them, I close up. My face goes neutral, and my body becomes tense[r than usual]. Fortunately, I like most people.


int p;
Local time
Today 6:23 PM
Sep 18, 2009
Yes, all of those things are part of social chameleon description from a profile everyone knows... obligatory quote with emphasis added:

[FONT=Tahoma,Helvetica] INTPs dislike making the first move and tend to mirror the emotional content of the other person. A jolly person will quickly bring the INTP out of his shell, as much as that is possible, while a serious person will find a serious INTP looking back at him. In this sense, INTPs preference for intuitive perception (rather than action) with respect to people results in them resembling a chameleon. The INTP can fit into many different modes of behaviour, even contradictory ones, in order to get into the mindset of the other person. The goal is to gain enough intuitive data to analyse and assess the person. In doing this, the INTP remains somewhat reserved, never wholly identifying himself with his surroundings. As chameleons, INTPs are therefore approachable and open, unless the Ne tells the INTP that the other person is a type he doesn't like, in which case the reserved attitude may become too obvious. The chameleon behaviour can be particularly strong when discussing something. The INTP may even argue something that he doesn't really believe himself. Sometimes it is for the intellectual stimulation that comes with the challenge of arguing from a variety of standpoints. Otherwise, it may be to avoid early conflict before the situation has been fully assessed. Chameleons hide their true selves. INTPs do not do this cynically, or indeed all the time, but it is a result of the strong desire to remain detached and observe.[/FONT]
(I think it's the most accurate thing ever said about INTPs, by the way.)


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:23 PM
Sep 10, 2009
an INTP at its best is a INTP with a well developed Fe. Honestly, a INTP in Fe mode very closely resembles a fictional character with large portions of charisma, intelligence, cunning, and manipulation (for those of you who like tropes, magnificent bastard). but only if you have really mastered your Fe, to the point that you can use it while still staying in a traditional INTP mindset. Its hard, but i know it can be done, I've seen it.

But yes i function the same way, when I'm in a situation i don't fully understand or don't feel completely secure in, i am withdrawn. when i am in a situation i feel i have control over, i take advantage of the moment to exercise my charisma, and as the OP said, a INTP in Fe mode is very, very good at it.

The chameleon mode is a less evolved version of a INTP Fe, but i do this all the time in situations where i know i need to be sociable (or want to be) but cant really "get in the other peoples heads", or dont understand the situation entirely.


Kind of like Batman... but completely different
Local time
Today 12:23 PM
Nov 10, 2009
In some ways, I do feel that way, but the problem is that I always get too nervous, so when I end up doing whatever I planned, I fall apart... This is especially true for prepared stuff. If I wing it, I can get by better.


crazy raven
Local time
Today 11:23 AM
Nov 14, 2009
Yes, all of those things are part of social chameleon description from a profile everyone knows... obligatory quote with emphasis added:

(I think it's the most accurate thing ever said about INTPs, by the way.)

I can't decide whether my asking those questions more a reflection of the truth of that profile or more of me pulling stuff out of my subconscious (I have read that before by the way).


Local time
Tomorrow 12:23 AM
Jun 13, 2010

I've observed/heard about examples of Se fetishes for Ni-dom's, Si fetishes for Ne-dom's, Te fetishes for Fi-dom's, Ti fetishes for Fe dom's ... but I'm curious, how do Ne fetishes typically manifest themselves in Si-dom's? Fi fetishes in Te dom's? and Ni fetishes in Se dom's FYE?


Local time
Today 12:23 PM
Aug 25, 2010
Is this perhaps a manifestation of Ne? I thought ENFPs are also known as being social chameleons, and it makes me wonder if it's an Ne thing in general.

Yes, all of those things are part of social chameleon description from a profile everyone knows... obligatory quote with emphasis added:

(I think it's the most accurate thing ever said about INTPs, by the way.)


Pensive Poster
Local time
Today 11:23 AM
Oct 6, 2010
I think I do this more with Fi than Fe. When I get caught up in an emotion, I really tend to get absorbed in it. For whatever reason, it feels like I want to be absorbed in it. I'll do everything in my power to bring the emotion to full power. Occasionally I'll realize it's happening and stop myself, but generally I get a little caught up in it. This mostly happens with sadness and infatuation, though, and less something like anger (which I rarely experience).

Luckily I'm also extremely passive and have a reasonable amount of control, so I've never managed to let it actually result in anything. I seldom do stupid things for a girl, never seriously considered suicide, etc. I mostly just listen to the respective music and look for the closest person that I feel I can splurge to. This actually results in the occasional person feeling like they are a closer friend to me than I actually want to be. It's odd...I feel close to them when I'm stuck in my Fi mode, but don't so much care once it's done with.

I've also found that it has leveled out quite a bit as I've aged, which I suppose is to be expected. These days my highs aren't quite as high and my lows aren't quite as low. I like it that way. :)


lust for life
Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA

I've observed/heard about examples of Se fetishes for Ni-dom's, Si fetishes for Ne-dom's, Te fetishes for Fi-dom's, Ti fetishes for Fe dom's ... but I'm curious, how do Ne fetishes typically manifest themselves in Si-dom's? Fi fetishes in Te dom's? and Ni fetishes in Se dom's FYE?

I think I do this more with Fi than Fe. When I get caught up in an emotion, I really tend to get absorbed in it. For whatever reason, it feels like I want to be absorbed in it. I'll do everything in my power to bring the emotion to full power. Occasionally I'll realize it's happening and stop myself, but generally I get a little caught up in it. This mostly happens with sadness and infatuation, though, and less something like anger (which I rarely experience).

To the both of you.

The blue pill or the red pill?



lust for life
Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Choose wisely.


Pensive Poster
Local time
Today 11:23 AM
Oct 6, 2010
There's no green pill? ):


I never cared much for red....

So.... :storks:

Give me the blue pill.


lust for life
Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Ha! You're under arrest for the purchasing of illegal drugs...oh wait, was I supposed to say that after you gave me the money?

Argh, never mind.


lust for life
Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Anyway I was going to say that in Socionics, Fi would be your Mobilizing / [motivation] / Hidden Agenda function. Meaning, along with Se you lack it and need it and accept it from others. An adequate amount of Fi along with some Se in your life would pretty much balance you out.

The subject's innate lack of balance in the mobilizing function can easily cause him to indulge in it recklessly or to sorely neglect it.


Internet resident
Local time
Tomorrow 3:23 AM
Oct 4, 2010
For the OP yes I do the same. I either freak out and do horribly or over prepare so much it comes off really well. Came in handy when I was debating and acting, not so much when I had to do a talk in front of class. So I would say yes, sometimes. Otherwise it's a disaster.


Pensive Poster
Local time
Today 11:23 AM
Oct 6, 2010
Anyway I was going to say that in Socionics, Fi would be your Mobilizing / [motivation] / Hidden Agenda function. Meaning, along with Se you lack it and need it and accept it from others. An adequate amount of Fi along with some Se in your life would pretty much balance you out.


This gives me an idea for a thread, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. I'm tiiiirrrrreeeeed.


Local time
Today 7:23 PM
Oct 1, 2010
I am not an INTP and whenever I would
have to give speeches or presentations
in class I would literally have panic attacks
and vomit. A particularly horrible event my
freshman year of college stands out incredibly
in mind. However I participated in beauty
pageants (do not judge me) and had absolutely
no problem performing then. I won several crowns
in the pageants I did compete in but when it
came to presenting my work and not just who
people wanted me to be I was very nervous. Oh
wow imagine. I'm going to stop this now.

I know this is not that helpful. I don't know what
this is. But it's my contribution.


lust for life
Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
However I participated in beauty
pageants (do not judge me)
If you don't want to be judged why'd you try out for beauty pageants?


Local time
Today 7:23 PM
Oct 1, 2010
If you don't want to be judged why'd you try out for beauty pageants?

Hahahahaha, you're very clever (:

Thank you for this.

If you really care to know I can potentially
tell you privately. But I'm not going to do
so unnecessarily or publicly. (:


Local time
Today 10:23 AM
Aug 12, 2009
I do.

By Fe fetish I mean this:

Whenever I have to do something that requires a lot of extroversion or otherwise Fe style delivery or expression (ie: Acting, Speeches), I go all out. Way above and beyond the boundaries of what you would expect from an INTP, and I usually can out perform most extroverts and Fe dominants in this.

For instance, I'm practicing a speech I have to give tomorrow, and I intend to be really theatrical and expressive, to the point of actually being kind of over the top. But it is all for the impact that I am going for, I'm looking to capture hearts and minds, and being a little over the top keeps eyes on me.

So I call this a "fetishy" approach to Fe, because I normally hate using it, but when I have to use it, then I really want to do well.

I see this same style of using inferior functions in other types as well, for instance INFJs and INTJs who are insanely talented in martial arts. Se tires them, but when they have to use it, they mean business.

So does anyone else do this?

Side effects: Usually when I do this I have to use visualization exercises to summon the amount of necessary energy to keep my Fe turned on for long periods of time. So I tend to be really shaky and jittery because I am just dripping with excess energy.

Hmm... I don't know if this is quite the same, but yes, I absolutely love stage performance / acting. Whenever I imagine giving speeches, I imagine them like you describe how you will give yours; however the minute I'm in front of the class I fall apart and turn into the obvious shy introvert.

But acting on stage... singing, dancing, that's all.... not my own, potentially embarrassing thoughts/opinions..... it's scripted, so I can go full out, the only interpretation possibly is in my delivery, which doesn't bother me so much.

So, I may have an Fe fetish. Or maybe I'm ENTP XD.



Active Member
Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Nov 13, 2010
Sounds like Ne and not Fe to me.

Extraversion is basically when you use any Xe function - Te, Fe, Ne, Se. The letters T, F, N, S simply give it a certain slant, a certain tone. So you have to ask yourself - what is the main reason behind you extraverting? Is it because you love people and are experiencing a strong desire to bond with them and to make others feel good? That would be Fe. If the answer is no then soz, that's not Fe that's something else - Ne, Te, or Se. Extraversion btw do not equal to socializing. It only assumes the form of socializing for F-type extraverts.

I actually sometimes extravert simply on basis of my inferior Se and then end up acting like an ISTP. I just want to go out and do something new and exiting, and not do it for purposes of socializing or bonding with someone (Fe). So then I may end up roaming around town alone for example, or taking the path I've never taken, or visiting a new place. It is extraversion just not Fe-driven.


Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 3:23 AM
Aug 24, 2008
^I find it much harder to do scripted stuff than to just run with it in a presentation - at least the latter's coming from me/my head, and not me faking someone else, which always makes me worried I'm about to be spotted as a fraud.

Dunno what that means; probably nothing. I think Fe fetishes can manifest in different ways - like the desire to master it in order to take over the world.


lust for life
Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Hahahahaha, you're very clever (:

Thank you for this.

If you really care to know I can potentially
tell you privately. But I'm not going to do
so unnecessarily or publicly. (:
Just being my objectively subjective critical self.


crazy raven
Local time
Today 11:23 AM
Nov 14, 2009
Bah, why is this thread so old?

I'm actually dying to do some performance art. Someone get me a bard hat. I want crazy, over the top, dramatic expression. But I want it for its own sake dammit. Not to move the audience, or to get them to feel a certain way. Maybe this is just zany Ne-ness.
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