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Search results

  1. How to gauge if I like something?

    I’m sort of floundering around in my college major and I can’t tell what I’m actually interested in. I am in an information science program with a computer science minor, but I don’t spend a lot of my personal time programming, though I enjoy the courses. I loved writing and philosophy as a...
  2. Borderline INTP (INXP) = problems

    I skipped most of posts on this thread (sorry!), but I voted "No" because of the following: "Dario Nardi has discovered that people of different personality types don't merely rely on different brain regions -- they use their brains in fundamentally different ways."...
  3. Individuality

    I can see why you would say this, but it is precisely these influences (which are unpredictable in their distribution) that differentiate one person from another. (Have you ever heard people say how everyone has a ~story~ that makes them who they are?) There is variety in the outcome even if it...
  4. The tertiary as a structuralizer and invective criticizer.

    This could be relevant: http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin/content.php/185-MBTI-Tertiary-Temptation.
  5. New Socioscope INTP-LII description

    Why is this so cute?
  6. Sight

    This is kind of scary. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSU0lTCMTZw
  7. "The Great Gatsby" and literature in general

    Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis. I love Oscar Wilde, but you're right... Dorian Gray was disappointing. The Great Gatsby is supposed to represent an era (and yeah, it actually kind of sucks). I think what you're looking for are books that offer new ideas. Classics don't do that. Do you...
  8. People thinking you're judging them.

    My god, where is your Fe? Have you ever tried just relaxing? Smiling? Picking up trails of random topics and just saying what comes to mind? You can analyze, but if you want to change people's perception of you, you'll have to hide that mental activity by participating (showing that you are...
  9. Finally discovered my true self

    +1 for INFP! (Or ENFP. :P) I can see your Ne. :phear: Edit: Also, the thread title is kind of telling. "True self." Hmm...
  10. Just gave it to you :)

    Just gave it to you :)
  11. Look for vyr7872

    Look for vyr7872
  12. Yes

  13. lol I don't have unlimited calling. The minutes probably ran out. Haaaa

    lol I don't have unlimited calling. The minutes probably ran out. Haaaa
  14. Sure

  15. I'm fine, how're you?

    I'm fine, how're you?
  16. Dux, hi. Just came for a quick visit.

    Dux, hi. Just came for a quick visit.
  17. Do you need a dog?

  18. What are you all reading?

    I'm reading Infinite Jest. :D
  19. Socrates' Apology

    Read all of the Trial and Death of Socrates. Of the four dialogues, Apology is my favorite, but I think you might want to actually read it before making judgments: http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/apology.html. Also, read The Republic. His argument about justice may be circular and a little...
  20. Oh My Jung - It is BEAUTIFUL

  21. INTPs and resolute stances

    Yes, and it isn't even about trying to verify that your view is correct but finding out why you think it is correct. Maybe not everyone can relate, but I tend to be more interested in the process of my thoughts than their content. Looking at how well the knife has been sharpened rather than how...
  22. E,I,N,S,T,F,J,P don't exist

    I thought this interpretation was already implied? Designating the letters as "programming" is only problematic because their origin (and by extension their nature/function) is unclear. Also, this might be inconsequential, but the DNA analogy makes it seem like you start with a set of...
  23. fe spree

    If you don't value the terms of action enough to want to avoid the consequences (ie. do it), then why bother worrying about it. Marcus Aurelius (and Aristotle) says: do nothing reluctantly.
  24. INTPerk vs. ENTJerk

    Re: ''Think Different'', Uncle Sam Wants You To! You create the meaning. Ordo ab chao.
  25. INFJs mistyped as INTP, INTJ, ISTP

    Then you may be interested in reading this: http://www.scribd.com/doc/87644442/Please-Understand-Me-2#page=171 I'm an INTP :D (though often overwhelmed by Fe, so I seem maniacal and ditsy rather than calm).
  26. INFJs mistyped as INTP, INTJ, ISTP

    http://psyphics.wordpress.com/2013/02/18/infj-vs-intp/ Erhm, Keirsey's system is actually pretty great at describing temperament and identifying differences (speech, time orientation, etc.). The linked article employs a similar approach.
  27. Pride and Prejudice

    http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/s/schopenhauer/arthur/essays/chapter3.html Schopenhauer:
  28. What is your favorite movie of the romance genre?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxzLsyjEFDg&list=LLFu8LGjoZg6_fzl64znd7Uw *weeps*
  29. The Most Useless Type

    You know what he means! No, sorry, you're right. I guess he didn't notice the semantics.
  30. The Most Useless Type

    http://defaultuserblog.wordpress.com/2010/10/19/myers-musings-most-useless-type/ He's kind of joking. From a comment: Edit: Is it an INTP's social duty as a theorist to maximize his potential use? (This can apply to all other types.) What happens to INTPs that don't get the right set of luck...
  31. Pride and Prejudice

    lol Jane Austen is entertaining. There is no real depth or meaning in the work, and that might be annoying, but the narrative wit makes for passable reading. I mean, I get it, it's just a bunch of girls talking about stuff (like handsome, taciturn men! mmmm), but it's beautiful if you just...
  32. MBTI is stupid

    This is beautiful.
  33. MBTI is stupid

    :mad: Blasphemy! I see--I assumed. I've seen you defending Pod'Lair and figured you prescribe to it absolutely. Humans are too complex... it seems there's a few more decades' wait for a real integrated, objective and lucid system. (We might all be dead by then.)...
  34. MBTI is stupid

    Pod'Lair is interesting. I'd ask why you have such complete faith in it (as a more accurate/scientific system), but there are older threads plied with information, so I'll just read those. Thanks. Edit: I liked the girl in the video, too, though I didn't expect her to be NeFi.
  35. MBTI is stupid

    Lyra Quick question: what do you think of Auburn's CognitiveTypes? Sorry if you've shared your opinion elsewhere, but I'd like to know.
  36. MBTI is stupid

    ...well, not quite, but I've run across a couple of INFPs* who think of it as something less than definitive. Cases in point: this blog post and this video (the entire channel, really). The reactions are really delightful, somehow, because they're so true. Some people get really hung up on the...
  37. Get out of the Cave!

    I see. I have to say that this reminds me of Fi (I envy the trust in one's own instincts). Edit: Bolded- Russell would agree with this. Guilt from violating mores instilled in one's childhood is unnecessary (I would think masturbation falls into this category). Underlined- These are...
  38. Get out of the Cave!

    You're right, it's just that one can easily fall into dogmatism when contradictory views are completely ignored. I'm not on your spirituality level yet, I suppose. But transcendence is still based on propositions and I've had bad experiences with mystics. Edit: The colors are weird on this...
  39. Why did you pick your name?

    I'm a ghost.
  40. Get out of the Cave!

    Awesome quote, but when an entire worldview can be that concisely summarized, it doesn't seem trustworthy. Remember Diogenes! *(Also, Thoreau's technically a Cynic? lol)
  41. Just Introduced To MBTI: Got INTP

    http://personalityjunkie.com/intp-careers-jobs-majors/ The last page may prove especially useful, but it seem like you're on the right track.
  42. Hair stylist

    What are you interested in? Any hobbies?
  43. Henri Bergson's "intuition"

    Short excerpt from The Creative Mind: I'm following along, but it feels like I'm missing something. If anyone's familiar with his work, tell me what you think/know about it.* It makes logic sound backwards and stale. *Bad prompt but it's time for bed, sorry. Just really need another way to...
  44. What builds your self-esteem?

    I find this to be about right: http://www.angelfire.com/me5/bueno/personality/selfimage.html (Gist: Rationals, to feel good about themselves, must look upon themselves, and be seen by others, as ingenious, autonomous, and resolute.) It's Keirsey-based. I feel good when I understand things, not...
  45. A flaw (or benefit) I notice in INTPs - Mental Abstraction

    bantwon This made me laugh. I like philosophy (if one can "like" philosophy), so sometimes I mess around and read Kierkegaard or go to Youtube to listen to Zizek tell anecdotes involving coffee and toilets. (Academic/formal) philosophy is perceived as difficult for a reason, and despite the...
  46. Effect of dystopian literature on INTP

    It's been a while since I read Brave New World, but the protagonist struck me as being very INFP, Shakespeare fixation and all. I suppose NT types aren't idealistic enough to be so moved by rage or indignation that they would actually do stuff to contradict the existing order (John committed...
  47. Meaning Cannot Not Exist

    I would only suggest that you re-define meaning until it means something. You define meaning, you decide it is irrelevant, it then becomes insignificant in your argument and you conclude that we are not bound to (responsible for finding) meaning because meaning is meaningless when all that is...
  48. Meaning Cannot Not Exist

    The alternative doesn't work. It's beyond logic. Meaning is alogical. This is objective significance. It is significant because it is discussed. Because you deemed it illogical, it was supposed to be insignificant because it no longer had any claim. Again, The responsibility stands. I...
  49. oh, ennui!

    Dream Song 14 Life, friends, is boring. We must not say so. After all, the sky flashes, the great sea yearns, we ourselves flash and yearn, and moreover my mother told me as a boy (repeatingly) "Ever to confess you're bored means you have no Inner Resources." I conclude now I have...
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