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Search results

  1. Trebuchet


    I am very relieved no one thought my cat's ears looked like two men. *snicker*
  2. Trebuchet


    So, the only gay people you know are extraverted and shallow? No wonder you think little of them. The gay people I know mostly majored in math or science, hold down jobs, and never behave like you describe. Also, most people don't know they are gay, largely because of people like you who...
  3. Trebuchet

    MBTI Test.

    I'm glad I took the MBTI. I never took it as seriously as many people here. INTP was a good description of how I operate, but I never felt that it was something to live up to, or be defensive about, or that it constrained me. It was neat to find out that there were other people who valued and...
  4. Trebuchet

    Using Different Voices When Talking

    Sure, I have different voices. Presentation voice is very loud and the sentences are short, the vocabulary consists of common words, and there are few qualifiers such as "I think" or "In all likelihood." Little kid voice is higher in pitch and the sentences are short, the vocabulary...
  5. Trebuchet

    Sine, Cosine and Tangent Formula

    Even so, I thought it was an excellent answer.
  6. Trebuchet


    I'm not good at typing people, and I figure they probably script some of the show, so I won't guess. I did wonder what you mean by weak articulation? If you mean failing to make points clearly, grammatically, and quickly, then I don't see how such a weakness would be a P thing, or being...
  7. Trebuchet

    Why are Feelings so important ?

    I remember feeling that way. I enjoyed it, too. Most of the superiority is an illusion, though. One thing that made me reevaluate how I viewed other people was the first time I had jury duty. I was very young and absolutely certain that jurors were just morons who were ruled by emotion...
  8. Trebuchet


    You might find some fun things at http://scienceblogs.com/. I can't believe you don't have enough to keep you busy at sciencedaily.com, though. That site is hard to escape once you are there.
  9. Trebuchet

    Sex II or Sex Too or Sex for Two

    And inadvisable!
  10. Trebuchet


    I did that for a while, C++ and Cocoa (Objective-C). I wasn't too bad at it, either. But it doesn't really satisfy me the way it does my husband, so I have never made a career out of it. It has always been either been a small part of a larger job or noodling around to do a specific task.
  11. Trebuchet

    Sex II or Sex Too or Sex for Two

    Did you see the study on the reasons men and women have sex? They found 237 reasons, but the top ones were almost identical. The stereotypes aren't that accurate. The top and bottom reasons they found in their survey are in a sidebar on the linked page.
  12. Trebuchet

    Why has obesity become the norm?

    I can't have gluten either. Redbridge (by Anheuser-Busch) is another decent sorghum-based gluten-free beer.
  13. Trebuchet

    Why has obesity become the norm?

    Here are two correlations to consider: As sleep has declined, obesity has increased. This article had a lot of good information, such as that children who get more sleep naturally have increased activity levels. Sleep loss increases the hormone ghrelin, which signals hunger, and decreases...
  14. Trebuchet

    The Development of INTP Children

    The description was pretty spot on for my motivations and much of my behavior, but not all. Like others here, I didn't "bribe" my parents or anyone else. I was extremely lucky to be raised by an INTP and INFP (I think) and they understood me pretty well and gave me my space. They educated...
  15. Trebuchet

    16 types, 16 smiles: The way thinking and feeling functions effect the smile.

    Hey Adymus, nice thread. Just to make sure I understand, though. You aren't talking about warmth in the eyes, right? You are talking about crinkliness of the face? I want to make sure I am seeing what you are pointing out. I see warmth in people's eyes whether or not they are smiling, and...
  16. Trebuchet

    A system to win at Roulette on online casinos

    This is exactly right, except that the house takes a small percentage when the ball lands on green, and then red and black both lose. This isn't a system for winning, it is just a lot of fallacies that look like common sense. Play roulette for fun if you want, but not to make money.
  17. Trebuchet

    217 Words

    I agree with EditorOne. If you make it personal, you will lose. Just say that you would like to protest the grade you got and have it reevaluated. //begin small silver lining The worst case is you will have this one failing mark. Failing for the first time is pretty devastating, but I there...
  18. Trebuchet

    Which fictional character do you identify with / would you like to be?

    I can certainly relate to Dr. Kio Masada from This Alien Shore by C. S. Friedman. He is male and autistic, which I am not, but the chapters from his point of view are pretty compelling. If you haven't read that book, and you like science fiction, I recommend it. One of the worlds functions...
  19. Trebuchet

    Which of these books would be the best to get first.

    If you are on a tight budget and you like military SF, you might want to look at the Baen Free Library. Baen Publishing has some books available for reading online for free, because Jim Baen believed it is a good way to get more readers and sell more books. Since my husband and I have...
  20. Trebuchet

    Signs of insanity.

    I can't believe I didn't think of that. It's one of my favorite books of all time, and chock full of insane characters: Clevinger, Yossarian, Doc Daneeka, Hungry Joe, well...uh...everyone in the book I think. "There was only one catch, and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern...
  21. Trebuchet

    Fun Logic test...

    15 points, but I didn't put in my e-mail address so I don't know which ones I got right. Well, some of them I know.
  22. Trebuchet

    Signs of insanity.

    I understand from my own lay perspective that the symptoms must significantly interfere with the person's life. For example, if someone can't hold a job, or keeps messing up relationships in a big way, or ends up in jail, or simply can't do the things that are necessary to get along, then it...
  23. Trebuchet

    Dating an INTJ?

    True. My apologies.
  24. Trebuchet

    What is your wand?

    Pine/Phoenix feather
  25. Trebuchet

    Theme Song²

    I can't choose between these two: "Sing Along" by the Blue Man Group If I sing a song will you sing along or should I just keep singing right here by myself? If I tell you I'm strong will you play along will you see I'm as insecure as anybody else? If I follow along does it mean...
  26. Trebuchet

    What is Intimacy?

    I think "facepalm" is the correct response here. :o Ah, now in PMs, there is a chance for intimacy, so I think you must be right that some privacy is involved. At least for me. I always remember when I post here that it will be online forever. It is disturbing and influences what I write...
  27. Trebuchet

    What is Intimacy?

    Blue works for me. I always use the default color and font since I figure it will work for most people. Thoughtful of you to consider it. I don't know what BAP is, sorry. I agree that real intimacy must go both ways. But some people are really good actors and can convince others there is...
  28. Trebuchet

    What is Intimacy?

    Great example of how it is risky. And a bummer when it happens. Well, you posed the question of what keeps intimacy from happening all the time. I say that the time intimacy requires is part of the answer. I guess I didn't phrase it well if the relationship wasn't clear. I hope it is...
  29. Trebuchet

    Dating an INTJ?

    We liked each other from the day we met, but actually we didn't date until we had been good friends for about 4 years. We'd had lots of philosophical conversations and done homework together and knew each other pretty well. Well, uh, sure. We always say please and thank you to each other...
  30. Trebuchet

    What is Intimacy?

    As I said, it is risky. Even people who like to take risks have to maintain some awareness of them. It takes a lot of work. There isn't time in the day to be intimate with absolutely everyone. Being intimate isn't like being naked. You can take your clothes off in a minute, but to be...
  31. Trebuchet

    Dating an INTJ?

    I dearly love my INTJ husband. He is my favorite person in the world. We dated for 8 years before getting married 11 years ago, so we've been together a long time, and we are one of the happiest, most compatible couples I know. It is because we both work hard at the relationship and follow our...
  32. Trebuchet

    "An INTP at least attempts to keep people liking them most of the time"

    I think this is an overgeneralization. The INTJs I know work very hard at charm and building up political capital at work and being dutiful to their families. I am sure some INTJs are complete jerks, but not the ones I know. Actually, I've seen more annoying behavior from INTPs than Js...
  33. Trebuchet

    What is Intimacy?

    In the usual meaning of the word, it just means closeness, or sex, or having detailed knowledge of something. From the context of the question, I think it goes further than that, so here is my take on it. I would describe intimacy as making oneself emotionally vulnerable to another. Your...
  34. Trebuchet

    "An INTP at least attempts to keep people liking them most of the time"

    I agree with Proxy. I try to keep people liking me, and for that matter I like people (just not being around them much). But I have found as many differences as similarities here between INTPs. The person who posted that on another forum presumably met some INTPs who do try.
  35. Trebuchet

    I suck at math

    You can find out what is interesting about various numbers at http://www2.stetson.edu/~efriedma/numbers.html. Apparently 391 is a good candidate for first boring number.
  36. Trebuchet

    I suck at math

    That is seriously messed up. I had an English teacher who publicly ridiculed people for getting things wrong, and I reacted like you did, but to lit classes. That was only one teacher, though. A string of them is truly bad luck.
  37. Trebuchet

    If you could learn a style of music...

    I second this.
  38. Trebuchet

    I suck at math

    I struggled a lot with certain math concepts, though I ended up loving and being very good at it (as long as you don't count Linear Algebra). I fought to learn my multiplication tables, and graphing didn't make any sense to me for a long time until suddenly it all came clear. Fractions...
  39. Trebuchet

    Can INTP's be talkative

    Extremely. I'm not always talking (like I did when I was a kid) but I can certainly get very chatty. Why wouldn't we be talkative?
  40. Trebuchet

    INTP main characters?

    Interesting idea about Yossarian. Since he seemed to be an analog of Joseph Heller, maybe that's what Heller is.
  41. Trebuchet

    Anyone else absolutely love dystopian literature?

    Definitely. 1984 is one of my all-time favorite books. I've probably read it 20 times, though I wasn't that crazy about any movies of it. I liked Brave New World and Logan's Run. I hated Fahrenheit 451, however, because I had to write essays on it at school, and the teacher was an idiot...
  42. Trebuchet

    Need to be listened to?

    Soraya makes a very good point that the INTJ was probably feeling hurt. I have a lot of INTJ friends, and they tend to be the people closest to me, but I can tell you I am very careful of their feelings, because they are very sensitive, especially to criticism or embarrassment. Please...
  43. Trebuchet

    Need to be listened to?

    That sounds extremely painful. Whatever led up to this incident, your friend's comment was incorrect. Speaking during conversation is not a flaw. Your friend's erroneous statement to you does not actually reflect on you. You don't have to shut up. You don't have to second-guess everything...
  44. Trebuchet

    I'll have you know that is a bengal cat, and I have scars to prove it. (Seriously.) He only...

    I'll have you know that is a bengal cat, and I have scars to prove it. (Seriously.) He only looks sweet.
  45. Trebuchet

    Long have I quested for a fabled Nerf sword, but I have yet to be found worthy to carry such a...

    Long have I quested for a fabled Nerf sword, but I have yet to be found worthy to carry such a blade.
  46. Trebuchet

    Curses! Foiled again!

    Curses! Foiled again!
  47. Trebuchet

    8 Colors of Fitness Test

    White (INTJ) - not a bad description of how I work out
  48. Trebuchet

    Systematic?!? I see all kinds of super-boring threads that you haven't dismissed, dissed, or...

    Systematic?!? I see all kinds of super-boring threads that you haven't dismissed, dissed, or cast aside. *Draws nerf weapon* I'll see you in the Online Tests threads at dawn!
  49. Trebuchet

    Westerns Anyone?

    My favorite movie is Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
  50. Trebuchet

    Plastic bags and the environment?

    It is important enough for cities and countries worldwide to have debated and introduced legislation about it - Taiwan outlawed plastic bags, I understand. It is important enough to me that I have seriously inconvenienced myself for years to avoid making the problem worse, or leaving a worse...
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