Trebuchet I'm replying in blue and hope it's visible at your end. I read this as black on white normally.
Blue works for me. I always use the default color and font since I figure it will work for most people. Thoughtful of you to consider it.
BAP-I may be loosening the meaning of intimacy here. I don't think intimacy can be one-way or it can't last. If I bare my soul to someone and they don't reveal how THEY feel I haven't learned anything about them and they aren't any closer to me. So that ain't intimacy. That doesn't mean everyone should try falling in love one-way at least once in their lifetime.
I don't know what BAP is, sorry. I agree that real intimacy must go both ways. But some people are really good actors and can convince others there is intimacy when there isn't. In the situation you describe, I would instead use the term "betrayal" or maybe "dirtbag." Of course, it can be appropriate to do that with a psychologist, but the risks are reduced there by confidentiality laws.
Sometimes people can hit home with something with a complete stranger. Less risk. One can take away something valuable. If it is embarrassing because it was a stranger they won't have to face that again.
Anonymity definitely changes people's behavior. Phil Zimbardo described studies of children, adults, men and women, and all of them felt much less risk when anonymous. They became more agressive and sometimes changed their behavior altogether. But I still think if you don't risk anything, you don't have real intimacy. People can find intimacy online, but an enthusiastic conversation with anecdotes from one's own life aren't enough to qualify in my mind. I don't think I have ever found any intimacy online, personally.
I meant there are a good many people on this forum who seem to understand each other (at some level) and can talk to each other without undo friction.
Yeah, that is a lot of what I like about this forum.
I used to belong to a bulletin board system of many boards filled with F's and J's (I didn't know the temperament concept at the time) and fought like crazy to see eye-to-eye with them but couldn't. I was unable to convince them with my limited reasoning style. The more emotional some got, the more I withdrew into reason. It was impossible to make friends with some. Friends existed but were rare.
I am pleased to be on this forum and to meet you because you are interested in the topic and hope we can continue anywhere with that kind of thing when we happen to meet. Not sure what your interests are ...
Yes, I have friction with F's, J's, and S's, too. It seems like most of my fellow moms around my home are xSFJ, and I feel very awkward around them sometimes. So I know what you mean. You are right that reason doesn't reach such people. I had an ESFJ boss once who couldn't follow the simplest logical statement:
Me: "The thing you assigned me is impossible with these resources."
Boss: "Bring me solutions, not problems."
Me: "If I had a solution, I'd have done it already."
Boss: "Every problem is an opportunity."
Me: "Okay, then here's an opportunity for you. I can't do this."
Boss: "You need to work on your communication skills."
Needless to say, I left that job. But there were other ESFJs I met who could at least respect me for who I am, and in once case an INTP who couldn't, so you can't just go by MBTI type.
As for my interests, right now I am pretty fascinated with cognitive psychology and neural plasticity, but only as a layman. I am interested in parenting, and politics, and nutrition, and lots of other things.
I don't think I choose relationships. I choose ideas. If someone comes along and shares an interest then the relationship happens. How are you using "RPG"? When I was programming, that meant "Report Program Generator."
I don't think anyone chooses relationships, except to say yes or no when one comes along. For me, too, mostly they are based initially on shared ideas. As for RPG, it stands for Role Playing Game. I never used RPG as a programmer - I was a C++ person back when I did that at all.