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Search results

  1. Alias

    The Zodiac

    I, sadly, am stuck with Aquaman for a constellation.
  2. Alias

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your stay. Unless the ESFJ is a mother who wants to know why her son is so different.
  3. Alias

    "Cats are INTPs incarnate..."

    Hey. Welcome to the forum. I'm also a fan of oddlydevelopedtypes. Anyway, welcome! I hope you find the forum fun, interesting, or anywhere in between, above, below, or at an angle of approximately 83 degrees. One question. Is the e in Neko e as in sleep or e as in help?
  4. Alias

    Voting is a complete fallacy

    I agree that voting as a system is corrupt. In the US, the politics aren't chosen by the people, but the money. However, when a Presidential election rolls up, I find it a better idea to vote. Here's why. With choosing someone with that much power, it's better that you vote for the lesser of...
  5. Alias

    Nobody wants to be happy

    Good way to define contentment. I like the distinction between words and SOMs.
  6. Alias

    Please forgive my past

    All right, I have no idea who you were before, but by my standards you're forgiven. Have fun, and appease Gogo Jennywocky by begging properly.
  7. Alias

    Take a test of your choosing and post results..

    Did an endless one where you have to guess stranger's MBTI types. It was weird. There were few ENFJs and INTPs, and it went on forever.
  8. Alias

    Last movie you watched

    Ugh, that's terrible. If they changed his name to Marty it would rhyme. How do you live with yourself if you censored so badly.
  9. Alias

    The new guy

    Welcome to the forum, Panda directly correlating to teapots! I hope you find our threads amusing, interesting, helpful, or any combination of the two. I'm Alias, and I like hats.
  10. Alias

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    9.5/10 Very good. Orchestral and intense. Here we go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z48NmdWbquw
  11. Alias

    type me

    INFPs can be eccentric, and they live in a world of imagination slightly different from that of an INTP. They're usually charitable and kind. Function-wise, INFPs use Fi, Ne, Si, then Te. They first consider how they feel deep down about something, and they, like XNXPs, often find themselves...
  12. Alias

    INTPs bodies and subtypes

    Yeah, that's what I thought. I kind of asked a question, but I was wondering about things like that. Small scrawny people thus seems to be short ectomorphs.
  13. Alias

    INTPs bodies and subtypes

    I'm not sure about that. I know an INTJ who's like 7 foot 1, no joke. Guy's a giant, and one of the most certainly INTJ people I've met. He isn't exactly skinny though.
  14. Alias

    type me

    I get INFP from your general mood and presence on the forum.
  15. Alias

    When you make the ":D"

    :D : D D; (that one was supposed to be a silly variation but I typed him wrong and he got sad ): )
  16. Alias

    Personnel disorder and the MBTI

    It should be a comedy.
  17. Alias

    intuitive hate?

    I'm siding with Yellow. DrGregoryHouse, just because certain people don't have the capacity or will to go on Intuitive tangents it doesn't make them even worse. In many cases S types are smarter than Ns, and vice versa. Although it gets irritating with Ns being a minority, it's necessary. Some...
  18. Alias


    I know that aspiring video game developers usually want voice actors. One comedian I follow on YouTube started out just making silly voices and now he's in quite a few video games.
  19. Alias

    Personality disorders and the MBTI

    We've forgotten ENFJs, it seems. Maybe a mix of histrionic and borderline.
  20. Alias

    What is your purpose in life?

    To make life closer to heaven for myself and others. Make of that what you will. I do my best to treat everyone based on character, and I do good things such as actually donating to charity and all around being a good person.
  21. Alias

    INTP Empaths

    I can relate well to OP. I feel more empathetic and latently NF than other INTPs seem to feel.
  22. Alias

    Last movie you watched

    Time to describe my experience watching Attack of the Killer Tomatoes on Halloween. It was hilarious. Some of it was so insanely bad it was funny. I have to say my favorite quote is "technically, sir, tomatoes are fags". Then we only had time to watch Ghostbusters. Who doesn't love...
  23. Alias

    INTp uncovered

    I really, really disagree with this summary. In no way are INTPs buzzkills of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm isn't something to be avoided, but moderated. I also don't like the deal about rules. It's just too specific of a description.
  24. Alias

    Which Star Wars character are you?

    Yellow's picture reminded me of this.
  25. Alias

    Which Star Wars character are you?

    Queen Amidala. Guess it makes sense, but I wanted Yoda. I think I might be too tall. Ok, Yoda on the Buzzfeed one. But I hat Buzzfeed. Have a video of an ENTP explaining why buzzfeed sucks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lni1b3Lw1U
  26. Alias

    INTPs bodies and subtypes

    Re: INTPs bodys and subtypes I've run at high speeds while bashing people to death with a bat pretending to be a Bostonian pretending to be Che Guevara in a game that stemmed from Quake.
  27. Alias

    INTPs bodies and subtypes

    That reminds me of that one dude on our forum who went around unnecessarily enforcing anti-fat stuff like he was insecure. And he never responded to anyone.
  28. Alias

    INTPs bodies and subtypes

    Re: INTPs bodys and subtypes I'm very ectomorphic. I've always been rather tall, and weight gain hasn't been a thing, let alone a problem for me. With my composition, I'm great at running. I don't see how there are absolutely no endomorphic INTPs.
  29. Alias

    INTPf out of context

    "Starke Jibbom" - Brontosaurie
  30. Alias

    Late Night Show with Jimmy Fallon

    To start out, real persona is a funny type of oxymoron-ish phrase. Stewart reminds me of an ENFJ maths teacher I once had. I'm getting ENFX from her.
  31. Alias

    The Inferior, other things, and my sort of OktoberFEst

    Great insight, sdm! I don't like having a perception of myself as purely-logic based. I try to empathize and maintain an acceptable moral code.
  32. Alias

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    9/10. I liked it. It was very psychedelic and interesting. Haven't heard something like it before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mteMe7PogqE
  33. Alias

    The Inferior, other things, and my sort of OktoberFEst

    I posted because it concerned my thoughts on inferior functions. I guess it is hurting his reputation with strangers. Other than that it's not much of a problem.
  34. Alias

    The Inferior, other things, and my sort of OktoberFEst

    I'd rather not say. I'm wary of giving out much information online. Will 3 years older than me help?
  35. Alias

    The Inferior, other things, and my sort of OktoberFEst

    I'm back, and I have a bit more information. My brother re-took MBTI and got ENTJ. I think it makes a bit more sense, because he uses Te much more than Ni. And that means the inferior screwing with him is Fi and not Se, which better represents what insecurities might be going on.
  36. Alias

    Team fortress 2 Fan club

    Hmmm, an INTP forum or INTP based Steam group seems interesting. I might set one up.
  37. Alias


    Hey! Welcome to the forum. I hope you find some of these threads to be interesting or helpful. Is Introvert all that you know about your type?
  38. Alias

    Winds of something or other?

    Welcome, Inq. We already have an Inquisitor, so it's a good thing you've shortened your username. I hope you find some of these threads helpful or interesting.
  39. Alias

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro4yhp9L6Ok It's the middle of the night. What am I doing?
  40. Alias

    Last movie you watched

    I will try my best to watch NIGHT OF THE LEPUS.
  41. Alias

    Last movie you watched

    I don't have any movies right now, but I'm about to go to a Halloween party with my friend where we're going to watch crappy horror movies from the 60s and 70s. I'll alert the forum on how that goes.
  42. Alias

    I just watched an episode of Big Bang theory

    Ah yes, the multitude of people wearing novelty t-shirts implying they're sarcastic and funny. Almost forgot about those people who want to be nerds or INTPs. Take into account LootCrate, a company dedicated solely to bleeding these losers dry.
  43. Alias

    The School System

    This might help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPYDeOenQmA
  44. Alias

    I just watched an episode of Big Bang theory

    I like some of the humor and stuff, but I will agree that it's gotten worse over the years.
  45. Alias

    Dreams of INTPs

    Last night I had a dream where I was sneaking through the alleyways of two identical supermarkets, and there were leaves everywhere, so it was obviously autumn. There were ropes and tripwires set up, and I was making my way to the entrance when I saw a cobra. I somehow fell on my back and tried...
  46. Alias

    Hello Wörld, this is the CrayCrayMan

    And happily Alias introduced craycray, saying that he hoped he would find these threads interesting, or at least entertaining. Welcome! Thus someone responded to Alias, saying...
  47. Alias

    Truck Driving?

    I think an ISTP would be good at it too. I wouldn't be a good truck driver. My mind wanders too much, and the responsibility of such a huge vehicle isn't something I want.
  48. Alias

    Last movie you watched

    Hobbit Battle of the Five Armies extended cut. My INFP brother was super hyped. I liked it. Some of the extra scenes were great, like when Bifur actually talked, or some of the fight scenes. The dwarves were much funnier.
  49. Alias

    Dreams of INTPs

    That sounds like the perfect dream. Is there any way I could trade some of mine for that one?
  50. Alias

    Dreams of INTPs

    I once had a dream where I was playing Team Fortress 2 as if I was the character Spy. I could only speak in in-game voicelines. Eventually the setting switched from somewhere I've never seen before to the playground from my elementary school so long ago. I eventually managed to get a friend of...
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