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Search results

  1. Alias

    Serious question..

    No clue.
  2. Alias

    Lessons Learned from Gaming

    I agree, there are plenty of ways where gaming can go wrong. I don't play many games at all, I prefer to keep my focus to a few.
  3. Alias

    Lessons Learned from Gaming

    Video games can teach a lot, really. Some more than others. I like to think that video games are great to have, as long as you don't get carried away. I don't think video games should be opposed, just moderate your time for health purposes. Quite a few games are great for the physical; hand-eye...
  4. Alias

    Failed psychological experiment here.

    Welcome to the forum! Hopefully you'll enjoy being here. I'm Alias, for the record. As an avid music-listener, I'd be glad to give your stuff a try. What genre do you do? I'd suggest instead of suppressing one function, just try to be more sociable. Be cool with the crowd and don't worry if you...
  5. Alias

    MBTI "Debunked"

    Yeah, N vs S provides the biggest noticeable differences. I agree with the original essay in that certain questions mix. For example, it causes confusion when an NJ is asked "do you like to pat attention to detail". As a Judger, they prefer an organized sort of function to things. But as an...
  6. Alias

    Last movie you watched

    Saw Mad Max: Fury Road on Friday. I liked it, thought it was badass.
  7. Alias

    Hello. I am very interested

    Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy being here.
  8. Alias

    Honoring Alan Rickman

    Some of you may not have heard, but Alan Rickman died of cancer at age 69 today. Along with David Bowie, we've lost yet another legend. I decided to put this thread together to honor him. Rickman's legendary performances as Hans Gruber and Professor Severus Snape leave a lasting imprint on the...
  9. Alias

    January Goals Thread

    I've been working on my German. I managed to get two books and two CDs on German from the library. I'm a lot better at stringing sentences together, and the books in combination with the Mango online program make a great team. I'm already bilingual (I speak Spanish as well as English), so I...
  10. Alias

    Why do we apologize?

    I'm sorry, but I don't know why we apologize.
  11. Alias

    Past Life/Optical Illusion Quiz

    I got warrior too.
  12. Alias

    What do you guys do to pass time?

    I usually listen to music. I'm really into music, whether it be 80s music, jazz, classical, polka, whatever. The only genre I dislike is country and most dubstep type stuff. I don't judge people by musical taste. Off topic. If I'm bored at home I take a few light weights and do some small...
  13. Alias

    How Dark is your Personality?

    The prospect of falling into the sea scares me. If it's a low bridge above water or a regular bridge above land, I'm fine, because I could float or escape the boat, or the fall would be on land an I could be rescued. There are some arch bridges that horrify me. I saw the image of the bridge as...
  14. Alias

    How Dark is your Personality?

    I hate bridges more than the sea itself. Driving on them, whether or not I'm the driver, is really uncomfortable. I preferred sand in the end due to the monsters meaning more of a certain death.
  15. Alias

    Last movie you watched

    I would never bring myself to watch that. See "I HATE MINIONS" YouTube video for a similar opinion to mine. I agree with Cherry Cola, I didn't like Kylo Ren at all. He still fulfilled his spot as bad guy, and I still really like the movie either way. Not as cringy as Anakin.
  16. Alias

    How Dark is your Personality?

    Got Yin. I have the feeling my answers were pretty close to balanced. I chose sand on the bridge one because I really dislike tall bridges and the looming depths of insane seas. Still hate the heat though.
  17. Alias

    What are you all reading?

    Try out Proverbs. Revelation is interesting too.
  18. Alias

    What are you all reading?

    The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling. I'm really liking it. I'm not done, but it's very realistic, and it shows the societal conflicts that happen all the time, like rich vs. poor, teen vs. parent, and side of government vs. other side of government. All the characters are people that can really...
  19. Alias

    We are all in slow decay and headed for greater misey than we ever witnessed

    Nice outlook. Yeah, as health science progresses we can lessen the decay. And with healthy choices you can lessen it a good bit now. But it's inevitable, and that's where the beauty of it lies.
  20. Alias

    Which of the 8 functions is related to physical body awareness?

    Body awareness as in watching your weight, exercise, etc.? Might be a Se thing, but I wouldn't consider it type exclusive. Welcome to the forum!
  21. Alias

    The solution to all of INTPs problems

    *takes notes*
  22. Alias

    INTPs and creativity.

    Creative in ideas, yes. That goes with most Intuitives. Creative in art, not necessarily. An INTP is creative in a similar way to the other INs and Ns, being idea-based and thought provoking. But an INTP isn't really known for artistic tendency in the way that an ISFP might be. I've been told...
  23. Alias

    January Goals Thread

    I've completed 10 of the lessons. I keep a notebook with a few words and tips. I've done 10 days in the past few weeks. Now that holidays are over I'm back in schedule, so I have more time to get into the rhythm.
  24. Alias

    January Goals Thread

    I use the Mango Languages program. So far it's working. I'm getting better at sentence structure, and I can say enough to establish the languages I know, and that I'll be there on vacation. Once I get even better I plan on watching videos or movies I like in German.
  25. Alias

    Last movie you watched

    Yeah, I managed to get through the first book without a problem, it was good enough. I tried reading Scorch Trials, but I just found myself lost and bored. First movie was fine enough for me.
  26. Alias

    Favorite TV Show(s)?

    Same here (Why else would my avatar have a deerstalker?), but I've seen the new special. It's great. It takes you back to 1800s Sherlock, which I really liked. Not sure what my favorite show is, haven't watched tv in a while. How I Met Your Mother is up there.
  27. Alias

    Last movie you watched

    Just saw the new Star Wars. I liked it, but didn't love it as much as I do other movies. I'm a sucker for the soundtrack: big fan of John Williams. I had it spoiled beforehand, but I predicted the spoiler before hearing the spoiler. It's kind of easy to see coming. Just because it's been...
  28. Alias

    January Goals Thread

    Oh right, I forgot to wish everyone a happy new year! Happy new year! Glücklich Januarfest! (I'm fully aware that this means January fixed and not January 1st/fest.)
  29. Alias

    How Dark is your Personality?

    I took the Demon Quiz and got despair. The recent ink blot test gave me compassion. Guess I've done a good job of working on my emotions.
  30. Alias

    New threads

    I think Intuitives feel the need to care less about clothing. I saw in a study (might be able to find it) that Ns were generally more uncomfortable while wearing thick layers of clothes. IN types usually care the least, focusing more on ideas than appearance, while ENFJs and the like tend to be...
  31. Alias


    Hallo. Welcome to the forum! I hope you can enjoy our various likeminded threads, or the not so likeminded ones. Enjoy your stay.
  32. Alias

    INTP from the North of England

    Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your stay.
  33. Alias

    World Council for Gifted and Talented Children

    I think Hogwarts is a better idea for children.
  34. Alias

    INTPs in Grade School

    I was mostly a rule follower. In 3rd grade I was seen as Einstein or something. They put me into a class where almost everyone needed special help (not mentally, just people with bad grades), so in comparison, I was a genius. My teacher let me teach the class a few times. I felt guilty being so...
  35. Alias

    Absence from the forum

    We'll miss you provided your leave is approved, zerkalo.
  36. Alias

    Favorite fruit?

    WOooooOoOooo! Go pineapples. Pineapples are great. I really don't like bananas. I know they're healthy and all that, but the taste is weird and I hate the texture. They also don't have juice, which weirds me out. Watermelons are cool too. I've never tried a persimmon before. I also like apples...
  37. Alias

    I don't feel like an INTP although all the tests indicate that I am one ?

    Welcome to the forum! I'm Alias. I hope you enjoy your stay. With emotions, try to moderate your expression of them without completely suppressing them. Emotions are a human process, and bottling them entirely hurts even more.
  38. Alias

    Good morning.

  39. Alias

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    8/10. Pretty good. I want someone to rate this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_V2sBURgUBI
  40. Alias

    I suppose I should do one of these.

    Thanks! I made the pic myself using animation from SFM. I have a copy of Please Understand Me II. That's great, I think INFP works for you.
  41. Alias

    Good morning.

    Good morning, and welcome to the forum. I'm Alias. I hope you enjoy your stay!
  42. Alias

    More Than Four MBTI Traits?

    Wow, that really summarized my thoughts on ethics vs. logic. Nice job encapsulating how I felt about the subject.
  43. Alias

    I suppose I should do one of these.

    Welcome to the forum! I'm Alias, an INTP. My advice to you is looking into Keirsey's temperaments to decide your type. He splits it into NT, NF, SJ, and SP. Try to figure out if you're more NF Idealist or NT Rational.
  44. Alias

    More Than Four MBTI Traits?

    Not trying to advertise or advocate, but 16personalities suggests a T versus A, T being Turbulent, A being Assertive. www.16personalities.com should help you find it. See what you think. I do like Yellow's system. The fact that the whole forum can give her feedback is really cool.
  45. Alias

    Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character Test

    A venerated sage with vast power and knowledge, you gently guide forces around you while serving as a champion of the light. Judge me by my size, do you? And well you should not - for my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us, and...
  46. Alias

    January Goals Thread

    What a coincidence, I'm working on learning German too. My other goals are to keep up with what I've been doing. Working out regularly, going for a run as often as possible, and just maintain what I've been doing right. Never been one for New Year's Resolutions, I prefer making goals without...
  47. Alias

    Closest You Ever Came To Death

    Wow, some of these stories are intense. Oprale faced a homicidal 4 year old, headspace has pulled off crazy stunts, pyropyro fought his way through water with a two-faced snorkel, and Sinny, while stoned, dodged dead man's traffic. Makes my story seem like nothing. INTPs have a thing for...
  48. Alias


    Welcome! I'm Alias, and you've reached the INTP forum. I hope you can enjoy our many threads, as they encompass substantial amounts of topics.
  49. Alias

    New Orleans and Jazz

    Recently, I went on vacation to New Orleans. I'm a fan of jazz, so the trip was great. This thread will document my trip, the culture, and the music. You can't go a day in New Orleans without hearing When the Saints Come Marching In. I went to a jazz club, the Preservation Hall. It was small...
  50. Alias

    Warcraft 4, Starcraft 3

    My view on Overwatch is as such. It isn't terrible, it's really well made. My problem with it is originality of mechanics/characters. You're right in that quite a bit was stolen from TF2. Character that can charge people with melee damage, check. Russian heavy weapons expert, check. German...
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