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i think this may be a common intp attribute.
and amoungst INTJs.
i think this may be a common intp attribute.
I can come across as cheerful and be quite outgoing when placed in a good environment.
People perceive me as funny, and I feel some fullfilment in being entertaining.I like small portions of attention.
I enjoy getting to know knew new people every now and then.
I'm active in class discussions as long as the topic is of interest.
I often lead groupwork at school, though I hardly have a leading role in non-academic settings.
I sometimes find myself caring for people. I try to be mindful of their feelings, though I suppose I'm better at sympathy than empathy.
I'm starting to master the art of making funny observations under my breath.
I'm starting to master the art of making funny observations under my breath.
As for un-intp behavior, I sometimes start conversations with random people on random topics.
How is drinking only water un-INTPish?
Erm, I'm religious. That's mine, I suppose.
I like to dress up and act like a pirate...
SotH, and anyone else who suffers depression, keep in mind how powerful our minds are and how all-encompassing our thoughts can be. As an INTP is going through puberty, all those raging hormones and excessive emotions tend to be just too overwhelming.
1. You're likely to have only a small group of friends, if any (not trying to be mean)
2. The chances someone you already are good friends with is a fellow INTP is slim
3. Even if they were, the chances that you'd be inclined to share your feelings with them is slimmer still
4. You're being overhelmed by this internal stimuli, and your powerful mind is working to reason it all out
5. You're not getting any external input, so there's no reason to believe that anything you're thinking might be wrong (I'm weird, I'm all alone, I'm worthless, etc).
A single negative thought, left unchecked in the superpowered, highly unstable mind of the struggling, teenage INTP, can lead to a very long chain of negative thinking. It's incredibly destructive. And it can go on for years (off and on phases of course, but ultimately the INTP will revert to the unhappy state, especially when all alone) if you don't get help.
I didn't get therapy or take medication for it, and it lasted about 10 years for me (keep in mind you can get some pretty decent poems or other such writings during that time). In fact, I made the situation worse a few years ago when I took the diet pill Stackers; it made my rage almost uncontrollable and my thoughts of suicide increased in frequency.
Point is, you're not alone. You've found this site, and you've got a bunch of people who are going through, or have gone through, exactly what you are. Open up, if not to your friends and family, do it here. Don't let that powerful mind of yours wander down an unnecessary path. Its dark, its dangerous, and its not worth it.
Think happy thoughts![]()
Mac OS X Ocelot:
Your academic performance has been excellent. You complain that your ability to recall and concentrate isn't on par. Do I need to point out the paradox here?
I tend to make the exact same assessment of myself. As concentration is required to learn and perform well at tests, I don't think I am comparing myself to a realistic ideal.
Is a mind capable of random wandering necessarily incapable of concentration?
no-one really cares who you are.
""Same thing, except I think my preferred phrase is "I mean, it's that". It's a way of stalling when I can't think instead of letting silence fall, if I don't want to be cut off during the conversation.
1) I make (always bad) decisions based on what feels right/wrong to me, rather than what the sensible thing is.
2) I place a lot of value on the opinions of people I like (i.e., I want them to like me too, and I fear making them dislike me).
3) I attempt to start conversations with other people around me quite often (never really succeed, though).
4) I'm sensitive to the expectations and attitudes/moods of the people around me.
5) I have an idealistic streak that never allows me to be pessimistic or cynical for long.
...I have annoyingly developed F functions. If my Fi weren't so horribly immature, I'd say I was nearly INFP.
I am still not sure. Am I INFJ with INTP traits or INTP with INFJ traits? The fact is that I have definitively traits from both types, but not from INFP or INTJ, which seems odd.
Is there any explanation for that?
Intuition softens and socializes Thinking, fleshing out the brittle bones of truths formed in the dominant inner world. That which is is not negotiable; yet actual application diffuses knowledge to the extent that knowledge needs qualification and context to be of any consequence in this foreign world of substance.
If Thinking can desist, [you are] free to brainstorm, calling up the perceptions of the unconscious (i.e., intuition) which are mirrored in patterns in the realm of matter, time and space. These perceptions, in the form of theories or hunches, must ultimately defer to the inner principles, or at least they must not negate them.
Intuition unchained gives birth to play. [You] enjoy games, formal or impromptu, which coax analogies, patterns and theories from the unseen into spontaneous expression in a way that defies [your] own comprehension.
...[You] enjoy a greater clarity of perception of inner, unconscious processes... Just as SP types commune with the object and "live in the here and now" of the physical world, [you] readily grasp the hidden psychological stimuli behind the more observable dynamics of behavior and affect. [Your] amazing ability to deduce the inner workings of the mind, will and emotions of others gives [you] [your] reputation as a prophet and seer. Unlike the confining, routinizing nature of introverted sensing, [you] act insightfully and spontaneously as unique solutions arise on an event by event basis.
According to some people, the curiosity I've been having with religion recently is un-INTP-like...
I would think so but a lot of members are religious...
It seems that there are a lot of statistical inconsistencies here when it comes to INTPs, like how we have so many INTP females when statistically, they are an extreme rarity. And also, nothing can be assumed about INTPs and religion because we all have different motives and there are so many different religions and perspectives on each of those religions.
Seriously? So am I the creepy old dude who keeps coming to High School parties? I don't wanna be Mathew McConaughey. My abs aren't nearly nice enough to go around with my shirt off all the time.Most of posters here are under 25. I agree with your second point, though.