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The Thought Field, the Thermodynamics of Physiology and Psychology, and Decrease of Entropy
by Yi-Fang Chang
Abstract: First, the thought field concept and its tests, as presented in previous papers, are summarized. The thermodynamics of biology and the concept of input negative entropy flow are also discussed. Entropy and its relation to cognitive science as well as the thermo¬dynamics of physiology and emotion are then introduced. Qigong and various religious practices are related to these states of order, in which entropy decreases are shown due to internal interactions and fluctuations ofthe isolated systems considered. The possibility of an afterlife and two possible mathematical/physical models ofthe soul are then explored.
Based on experiments and fhe theoretical principles of modern science, we previously proposed a simple model of the thought field. The thought field is established when a living being has an idea or thought. The energy associated with this field is directly proportional to a frequency, such that E=Hv . (1)
The frequency of the thought field can be strong or weak as well as concentric or disorderly. Different combinations of these four fac¬tors determine the various functional states displayed by any given person (Chang, 2003). A strong concentric thought field corresponds to a functional state that is usually associated with the paranormal. This state includes Qigong and a special function that can be applied to earthquake prediction (Chang 2004a).
In modern physics, scientists recognize only four fundamental interactions: the gravitational and electromagnetic fields whose ac¬tion distances are infinite and thus represented as long-range forces, and the strong and weak nuclear fields whose action distances are extremely small and thus represented as short-range forces. New research has shown that the thought field has a mid-range of in¬teraction. Its action distance is neither infinite nor very short and its strength is also mid-range when compared to the four known fundamental interactions (Cnang 2004a).
A series of experiments conducted by The Institute of Somatic Sci¬
ence of Yunnan University have verified the existence of the thought
field. Experiments conducted by the zero-magnetic space laboratory
at the Criinese Medicine University have also demonstrated that
similar yet bigger changes of the magnetic signals (MS) have oc¬
curred during Qigong. They include three types: dc MS, ac MS and
pulse MS. Crianges in MS after Qigong were measured in 80% of
the test trials. This high percentage was interpreted as demonstrat¬
ing the existence of a field. When the experiments were repeated, similar results were obtained in 61% of the trials (Wu et al. 1991). This implies that the MS results are a secondary effect of the thought field and further indicates that the thought field might interact with electromagnetic fields in general. In fact, somatic science is closely related to the magnetic field.
Modern neuroscience believes that when the brain is stimulated by certain outside signals, it will produce an "induced electric po¬tential" whose scale is related to the degree of attention. When the signals are stronger the potential is higher. Conversely, the potential is lower when the signals are weaker. This behavior is analogous to the thought field.
The thought field can be modeled as a special extension of the quantum theory (Chang 2004b), whereby the coefficient H in Eq.(l) may differ for various general cases. We have previously discussed the quantitative aspects of the thought Held as related to the extended quantum theory, deriving the antnropic principle exactly (Chang 2002, 2004b). We have also related the thought field to nonlinear whole biology, which demonstrates that life itself is an aspect of chaos in nature (Chang 2005a).
Thermodynamics of Biology
In 1945, Erwin Schrodinger published a farsighted book about the concept of life. The book was devoted to the relationship between physics and biology. He discussed three problems of fundamental importance for biophysics: the thermodynamic bases of life and the molecular basis of life, while emphasizing that normal biologi¬cal processes are consistent with the laws of physics. Schrodinger pointed out that "an organism feeds with negative entropy". His arguments demonstrate that life processes lower entropy. Further, biology requires the nonlinear thermodynamics. Ilya Prigogine, et al., later developed nonlinear thermodynamics and a dissipative structure theory (Volkenstein 1977,1982).
In the dissipative structure theory, the total entropy S of an open nonequilibrium system is g;iven as S=Sj+S^, (2) where S, ^ 0 is the entropy production inside the system while is the entropy flow, which may be positive or negative, such that S = S/-S; . The total entropy S^ can decrease when input entropy flow is negative.
The entropy production and the total entropy is then given as
SS+S*S0{3) ^
In this case, the total entropy is always positive. Therefore, the maximum entropy is S^^^=S.+ S/ ^ S, ^ S; > 0. (4)
The maximum entropy defines a quafititative range of moder¬ate degree on input negative entropy How for any open system. Its value is always greater than zero, such that the total entropy can never become negative.
The general goal for input negative entropy How is: (a) an exist¬ing order structure is kept, such that negative entropy flow equals 63
entropy production, and the total entropy is invariant such that dS=O. And (b) it allows for internal entropy fluctuations, which imply the construction of a new order structure. In the second case, it is com¬mon for dS*^ = 0 and dS\ > dS, so that the total entropy decreases and dS<0.
Under the condition defined in equation (4), an input value of negative entropy flow can be neither excessively large nor small. Excessively small values prohibit the existence of a dissipative structure and do not achieve the threshold value for transforma¬tion to a new order structure. Conversely, if the excessively large values are beyond the sustained power of the system itself or the particular circumstances governing the system, it will break various stabilities. Therefore, the moderate degree on input negative entropy flow includes a control of open degree in the system and a selection of input time. The input negative entropy flow is determined by the internal conditions of system and is restricted by the external circumstances.
In either case, all living systems are very complex. Their entropies can be neither overly large nor overly small and the input negative entropy must have a period. For any open system, a rational combi¬nation between the input period and the input amount of negative entropy flow is guaranteed for either a stable structure or for the continual transformation to newer ordered structures. These con¬ditions are suitable for any living system. The moderate degree of input negative entropy flow is a universal scientific law for various natural and social systems.
Possible Decrease of Entropy in Various Practices
According to the basic concepts of the thought field, different functional states are determined by the frequency. Under these conditions, the thought field may interact with other oscillations. Otherwise, whether the thought filed is strong or weak frequency and concentric or disorderly, can be expressed by a combination of entropy and strength.
We propose that entropy may possibly decrease due to internal interactions and fluctuations that are magnified in an isolated system (Chang 1997, 2005b). In fact, both Qigong inside the body, which is a thought field with self-interactions, and some natural therapies are often characterized as decreases in entropy by the internal self-control for a person as an isolated system.
Landsberg defined "disorder" as the entropy normalized to the maximum entropy, which is that of the equiprobable distribution, corresponding to a completely random system. A living being as a whole represents an extremely orderly state of being and must be an open system for long-time. A living being's deatri represents a transformation to a state of total disorder, while sickness is a state of local disorder and a state of recovering from sickness is marked by a return to the higher order of health. The order parameters are thus health targets. But, for a short-time Qigong and some states attained during religious practices, for example Buddhist and Taoist medita¬tion, may be considered isolated systems that are characterized by decreases of entropy.
Qigong requires that one must be calm and good-natured, which is a more orderly state for a person. Clinical practices show that the practice of Qigong causes a reduction in human metabolism. This reduction seems to correspond to the possibility that human ideas and similar thought forms also reduce entropy, achieving an order¬ing within a living system that could cure sickness and increase internal immune system strength. Electroencephalogram (EEG) of Qigong practitioners displays slow waves similar to those of chil¬dren, demonstrating that the electromagnetic activity of brain cells is more highly ordered.
Ashby (1956) pointed out that two substances such as ammo¬nia and hydrogen in a gaseous state can be mixed to form a solid. Similarly, about twenty different types of amino acids present in microorganisms can gather together to form a new reproductive process. It is commonly understood that solids are more orderly than gases, such that the entropy of a solid should be less than the entropy of the same material in its gaseous state. Microorganisms should likewise represent a more orderly state than the amino acids from which they are formed. Yet in chemistry, the Belousov-Zhabo¬tinski reaction shows a period change that occurs automatically, at least during specific time intervals. Within any microscopic region, the Pauli Exclusion Principle may spontaneously produce a more orderly state.
In a biological self-organizing process, some isolated systems may spontaneously proceed toward a more orderly state. Prigogine and Stengers (1984) nave discussed such a case: Under particular circum¬stances, such as when Dictyostelium discoideum experiences a lack of nutrition, solitary cells will spontaneously unite to form a larger cell cluster. In such a case, the cells and nutrition-liquid together may be regarded as an isolated system. Jantsch (1979) pointed out that when different types of sponge and water are mixed within a uniform suspension, they rest for a few hours and then automatically separate into different types. More interestingly, when a small hydra is cut into its individual cells, the individual cells spontaneously evolve to form cell-clusters. Some cell clusters are malformations, but other cell clusters will eventually become a normal hydra.
Based on the principles of nonlinear whole biology and the Ashtekar's loop theory, we have proposed a new method of quan¬tum gravity for protein folding, obtained four new approximate solutions and researched three possible origins for protein folding (Chang 2005c). We have also studied a system of nonlinear whole medicine. The properties of a strong concentric thought field are possibly analogous to the physical characteristics of an atom laser. The propagation of Qigong inside a body is analogous to the mo¬tion of a superfluid, which corresponds to a state of lower entropy. The superfluid equation has a soliton solution, which may possibly describe this propagation.
Thermodynamics of Physiology and Emotion
In physiology, increased metabolism and an emotional state of being upset should be characterized by larger entropy. Conversely, decreased metabolism and easy conscience or a calm and good-na¬tured emotional state should be characterized by smaller entropy. The immunity of an organism increases for positive emotions, but metabolism and body-temperature show a remarkable increase for a nervous state and negative emotions increase an organism's sus¬ceptibility to various diseases.
Anomalous cognition (AC) is defined as a form of information transfer in which all known sensorial stimuli are absent. Lantz et al. (1994) have reported testing sender conditions and target types in AC experiments. There is a difference between static and dynamic target material. Entropy is defined as a measure of uncertainty or lack of information about a system. The data from both of these studies were analyzed with regard to the gradient of Shannon's entropy of the targets. May et al. (1994) were able to compute the entropy and its mathematical gradient for each target in these experiments. AC was more pronounced when targets underwent massive changes in energy or entropy in a very short period of time. In addition, dynamic targets produced better results in the Ganzfeld than did static targets, a result that is suggestive of changes of entropy.
Lumsden-Cook (2005a) has previously considered emotion as a possible factor in mind-matter/PK interactions. Two studies were conducted that examined how emotional states of anger and elation mediated the outputs of Random Event Generators (REG). These studies provide some support for the idea that affective states might influence REG activity. He also presented the results of two experi¬ments investigating how emotional states can influence micro-psy¬chokinetic functioning that may facilitate mind-matter interactions (Lumsden-Cook 2005b).
Changes of emotion are often sudden, such that their description may be an example of catastrophe theory. Such was proposed by Tom (1983) and was developed and applied by Zeeman, Arnold, Poston, Steward and Gillmore, et al.
In Buddhist practice, everyone is expected to face everyday in
a happy mood with thanks to Nature. A harmonious unification of
these two activities of the human mind (body) and spirit can only
consist completely of a normal sound activity.
For an epileptic patient, the activity of the human brain is chaotic rather than periodic even though breathing, heartbeat, blood circula¬tion and the endocrine system must be periodic.
Life after Death and Mathematical-Physical Models of Soul
One of the major tenets of religion is that humanity constantly faces the mysteries of life and Nature, which are themselves full of infinite insolvable mysteries.
In parapsychology, the possible existence of life after death has become an important scientific question (Harrison 2004). Fontana (2004) has studied the possibility of survival of physical death. He has listed some of the reasons why survival research still remains unpopular with many parapsychologists and virtually ignored by scientists in other disciplines. In this study, Fontana discussed the brain-mind relationship and super-ESP, etc.
According to general physics and phase transformation theory, there are various jumps among different functional states. In particu¬lar, there is a jump between life and death. A larger jump possesses a stronger lag, which is analogous to a larger inertia for a bigger mass. This is also an extensive inertia. The mathematical expression of a jump may be a jump function as expressed in catastrophe theory. As a special example, the lag from life to death should exist necessarily. The lag is perhaps a type of soul. It is more pronounced for stronger body or more sudden death. This model could possibly provide a physical and mathematical proof for the existence of the soul as well as life after death.
One possible mathematical-physical model of the soul can be provided by the wormhole model. A wormhole is a tube passing through space-time as described by the general theory of relativ¬ity. In general relativity, the Einstein gravitational field equation is expressed as o,,. - «„,--«„./? - s^c-r,,.. (5)
The metric space-time for a stable spherical symmetry is (Misner et al. 1973) ds'..-e'^c'dt' *dr'(\-bir)-' *r\d9' +sin'ft/0=), (6) in which b is the radius of the wormhole. For this metric the Einstein tensor is
G, -blr'.G^ "-blr' *2{.\-blr)il>lr.
According to the Birkhoff theorem, the field equation allows aSchwarzschild wormhole whose the algebra structure is expressedby the formula I, = p(r)c^, T^ = -T(r), 7;^, = r^ = p(r). (g)
From the above formulas, we may obtain the curvature of a wormhole as well as some quantitative results. In this model, either matter or the thought field passes through a throat from one par¬ticular location in space-time to another location in space-time, in a manner similar to the displacement of the soul at death.
Another possible mathematical-physical model for the soul can be developed from the Hawking auantum evaporate theory for black hole, in which one tends to death (human black hole). In this model, a pair of macroscopic particles, such as a body and soul under certain conditions, is produced due to the quantum fluctuations. When the material body dies, another particle that could be represented as a soul is possibly released. Further, these two mathematical-physical models may also describe PK (Chang 1988, 2003).
the free thought field outside body may perhaps ex¬plain the soul. Epicurus believed that soul is also a physical object.