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Search results

  1. flow

    Most Users Online Ever...Yesterday?

    Is it my imagination, or has our classroom grown? Granted, I'm one of the younger users on here (in more ways than one). It's nice to be part of a growing community though. :)
  2. flow

    Archetypal Men & Women

    Androgynous YES. I've felt this way for a long time, but never felt comfortable saying it out loud. I'd never admit it to my friends, though they probably already know.
  3. flow


    I don't know how you can generalize guilt. I think you'd get a better handle on your feelings of guilt by figuring out the source of the guilt itself. What is it your feeling guilty of? Opportunities missed?
  4. flow


    After much thought, I've decided that God can divide by zero. Black holes are a result. Welcome to the forum!
  5. flow

    Intp~the perfect criminal?

    I steal carrots and ranch packages from my college's food court...just because I can.
  6. flow

    Archetypal Men & Women

    Doesn't it seem like the archetypal man would be an ESTJ, and the archetypal woman an INFP? You always hear of "women's intuition", and it's pretty much common knowledge that a man should be thinking and a woman feeling.. Men are suppose to make decisions, etc, etc. This brings me to my next...
  7. flow

    INTP The Wizard

    you could not satisfy an INTP. We're insatiable. ;)
  8. flow

    Yet another; "INTP or INTJ"

    I think you're an INTJ fo shoooo. INTPs tend to enjoy starting things, while INTJs enjoy the finishing part. And being as organized as you seem to be, that's just unlike most of us P types.
  9. flow

    E characteristics amongst INTP's

    After I discovered the wonderful world of MBTI, I made my core group of friends all take the test. I've been friends with these guys for like 3 years now, and they didn't even believe I was introverted. Although in their defense, I have yet to meet an "introvert" who is as outgoing as myself...
  10. flow

    What other type irritates you the most?

    I've lately felt a great divide in personalities, those who are intuitive and those who are sensing. I honestly can't stand any sensory type, their conversations seem pointless, redundant, and boring. I also don't really care for introverts.. too socially timid :P
  11. flow

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    I like where you are going with this Decaf...this could prove to be a promising theory. I'll have to think about my dreams more, because at this point I couldn't tell you that they predominantly anything.
  12. flow

    Parents and Teachers are Hell

    Yes I agree Perseus has the right to say anything he wishes, however this isn't about rights in my opinion. The fact of the matter is that he is complaining about not getting along with people. It's also his right to not get along with people, but it's not in his best interest and if his latest...
  13. flow

    Parents and Teachers are Hell

    I get what you're trying to say using your animal metaphors, but seriously you need to just give that up. No one else in here wants to use that language, and it's getting you no where. You said you can't "get on" with anyone (including your family and others), well maybe you'd get on with people...
  14. flow

    Time spent with music

    How much time do you spend listening to music per day? I probably spend around 4-5 hours a day listening to music. As an INTP, I usually listen to music that matches my mood, and I'm constantly craving new music. It's almost like I can only feel emotion through music.. so I guess I'm...
  15. flow

    Kinesthetic Knowledge

    Basketball and tennis are my sports, though I have to admit I haven't played basketball in months (sadly). I've always been an effective, though inconsistent shooter. I've wondered why I'm still inconsistent after years and years of playing. A while back while shooting and thinking about how I...
  16. flow

    And thus begins my INTJ invasion... except not.

    Welcome! Are you a member of the INTJ forum as well?
  17. flow

    I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    I'd love to see a room full of INTPs in person. I'm thinking it would sum up the word "bizarre" quite nicely.
  18. flow

    I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    When I was younger (early teens) I spent lots of time in chat rooms. I've always had a lot of fun talking to random people and using my intuition and perceptiveness to make bold assumptions about people's personalities...I usually ended up being right, and that's always been entertaining!
  19. flow

    I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    INTP Central? Eekkk...those people are posers. I think your INTP chat idea is doomed...INTPs don't know how to talk to each other.
  20. flow

    Kinesthetic Knowledge

    Any other athletic INTPs out there!? Of all of us conforming INTPs who have adopted displaying our personality profile in our signatures (and I thank those who have, it's a lot of fun to read your posts with the context of your individual mind understood), I seem to be one of the few with...
  21. flow


    Woah don't delete the account, just respond to things at your own pace. If you don't know what to say, don't reply!
  22. flow

    Genetic Personalities

    I'm convinced that personalities are not simply nurtured into being, but already naturally there (yes, nature vs. nurture). You're born with preferences of thought, feeling, sensing, intuiting, etc, etc. I do think that how your individual personality turns out is based off of your experiences...
  23. flow

    I'm an INFP, here to gather INTP men for my NT harem.

    Uh oh, I like music and I'm an INTP...though borderline INFP myself. Welcome, and enjoy the INXPness! Oh, and with your gathering tendency..perhaps squirrel would be a more appropriate username. ;)
  24. flow

    why were depressed

    Are you sure you weren't born an INTP?
  25. flow

    Forum Sigs

    Haha, I just saved the image to my desktop, and added it that way. Easy.
  26. flow

    The "Fe" Inner Child

    this is a great excerpt from the article EloquentBohemian referred to. "The feeling shadow is the fear centre of the INTP. He rarely fears any factual thing in the outside world, at least not things that will be encountered in normal day-to-day living. Logic stipulates that external objects or...
  27. flow

    End of dream

    You've just woken up. Nothing is on your schedule today, so what do you do? How will you spend your time? Where will you go? Who, if anyone, will you talk to? *In this given day, you can only leave town as long as you return that same evening. So long ventures are out of the question. ;)
  28. flow

    Thank you very much for your Suggestion

    Perseus is bent.
  29. flow

    Can an INTP understand emotions?

    "What's more, I have this intuitive sense that is very attuned to other peoples' emotions. Many times, someone can enter a room I'm in, say one sentence, and I already have several theories about their emotional state wrapped up in my mind. From those I pick the most likely and continue to test...
  30. flow


    there's already a group, and they seem suspicious. I'm not joining their group, so yeah maybe we should create an INTP FORUM FANS FOR LAST.FM (FUN) group or something.
  31. flow

    The "Fe" Inner Child

    This is a great thread! I think we've all been trying to figure this "Fe" thing out. I can only think of a handful of times in my life that I've become emotional... and they were always triggered by very close, dear friends.
  32. flow

    The Voice Inside My Head

    Oh trust me, I'd consider myself and passive psychologist and you guys are fascinating. I've never experienced detachment to the point of developing alter-ego's.. and so many of you have it.. striking.
  33. flow


    I can't seem to find any ways to motivate myself towards working for anything. I hate school, I don't want a job, I don't have any desire to work towards anything. How have some of you find ways to motivate yourself to contribute to society? I find myself giving up more and more..
  34. flow

    Type Battles

    Do you people see type battles in this way? And I use the word type loosely, as I'm really not sure how to exactly differentiate the opposite's here. Intuitive's Vs Sensory's Feelers Vs Thinkers Perceivers Vs Judgers with Extroverts and Introverts intermingling in any of the above type...
  35. flow

    The Voice Inside My Head

    I only have one inner voice, but it's relentless..
  36. flow

    interactions with ENFJ

    ENTJ is the best match for us, but I think an ENFJ would also be a great match as well. We basically just need an extroverted intuitive person who makes judgments, so that decisions can be made.
  37. flow


    quit smokin' those rocks!
  38. flow

    INTP vs INTJ

    my dad is an INTP, and my mom is an ESFJ... INTJs could be carried! But no, I'm not suggesting a 5 ounce bird could carry an INTJ.
  39. flow

    Sleep Deprivation and INTPs

    Delayed sleep phase syndrome I definitely have. Where do I go to get drugs for it?
  40. flow

    Reality TV

    Reality TV is certainly a strange phenomenon, isn't it? I wonder if an INTP has EVER been on a Reality TV show.. and how we'd cope with it. Personally, I could NEVER be on a Reality TV show. I think of the concept of being watched and listened to in every instance of the day and night and...
  41. flow

    Merged: The 5 INTP subtypes

    Those 5 subtypes seemed wildly inaccurate. I don't personally identify with any of them. Oh and PS: If INTPs aren't sarcastic, I don't know who is.
  42. flow

    Well..what about the others?

    My three roommates are: ENTP, ENFJ, and an ESFJ. MY ENTP roommate is the one I share most of my intellectual thoughts with and whatnot, we're very similar. I'd say the difference between us is that while we seem to think in the same way and come to the same conclusions, he is eager to verbalize...
  43. flow

    Marshmellow Test

    Something bizarrely coincidential..I read this post and then went to my psych. of personality class, only to be discussing this exact test.
  44. flow

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    @Agent Intellect Sounds like you're just comfortable with black people, and so your subconscious is surrounding you with what you perceive as your peers. I often have dreams with black people as well (and black friends/family). @Sylzarra Your dreams seem to be very similar to some of my own...
  45. flow

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    well how do you consciously feel about black people? :) *loves playing freud (but hates freud)
  46. flow


    dj tiesto
  47. flow

    Accepting Praise

    Yes, but as an INTx, you shouldn't be dating/marrying a fellow INTx..
  48. flow

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    @Cognisant Okay, your dreams are quite intriguing. I think they both have to do with your mind being so detached from your body that you think of yourself as two people. Maybe your body is trying to tell your mind this, through a "sister" and "subconscious" character.. I'm really not sure, but...
  49. flow

    Accepting Praise

    It is a good idea to let others know that you appreciate what they do, regardless of if they are suppose to, though.
  50. flow

    Accepting Praise

    I also have a terrible time receiving praise, or criticism for that matter (they both feel the same to me). I just see it as their opinion of something I've done, and I'd rather they saved their opinions on what I'm doing. Although I have to admit that when I do really badass things (which is...
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