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Search results

  1. flow

    My Genome, My Self

    Interesting New York Times article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/11/magazine/11Genome-t.html?em Thoughts?
  2. flow

    Favorite Commercials

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6O4eECNpRm8&feature=related I'll start with this gem. :)
  3. flow

    Help! (INFP...) (Fallen hard...)

    Haha oh? And what would your choice be? *puts on curious eyes
  4. flow

    Help! (INFP...) (Fallen hard...)

    I think it's quite possible to have inter-gender friendships, I have several! And honestly, when can you say that you don't have much to learn from the opposite sex? It's true that a lot of inter-gender relationships started out being of sexual interest, but often you come to terms with the...
  5. flow

    Help! (INFP...) (Fallen hard...)

    I think you'll find that you two will be exceptionally close friends, but never a working couple. He probably likes you A LOT, but at the same time he probably doesn't know what he wants and neither do you. As for him realizing you're making him take the long way, I think what was actually going...
  6. flow


    this is escalating quickly!
  7. flow


    I'm worried I may turn into an INFP...I'm borderline! AhhhhH!!!!
  8. flow

    An Energized INTP

    When do you feel that you have the most energy in a given day? What methods have you used to help summon your strength, especially when you have some sort of daunting task to undertake (writing a paper, going to work, a night on the town)? I've found that energy drinks aren't particularly...
  9. flow


    going with the flow is always a good idea. :)
  10. flow


    This is a very diverse forum, I've noticed that we're all sorts of ages. Some people have raised concerns with the inevitability of younger crowd forming, but I really don't see it as a problem. I'm for instance 22, but I've read the writing of INTPs from the ages of 14-50 and related with all...
  11. flow

    Didyouknow finally introduces herself, as opposed to obnoxious infiltration!

    Welcome to the forum. My sister's name is Sarah..She's a pretty damn smart, but insane ENTJ. I don't think I really knew what MBTI was until 18...but the sooner the better! It's almost like realizing you've broken out of the Matrix.. intpforum.com is Zion! * runs off in glee
  12. flow

    The Moral Animal: Why We Are The Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology

    Listen, that's fine if you want to call evolutionary psychology a myth, but I'm talking about a book, not a theory. If I wanted to debate anyone on the subject of evolutionary psychology I would have posted a topic titled "Evolutionary Psychology". You haven't read the book that both Jesin and...
  13. flow

    The Moral Animal: Why We Are The Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology

    Robi, you've successfully raised my eyebrows, but probably not in the manner you meant. Other INTPs, read this book and gain wonderful insights into human nature. A side note: This is why I didn't major in psychology, I find that everyone who majors in psychology thinks of themselves as some...
  14. flow

    The Moral Animal: Why We Are The Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology

    Please. As for it being in libraries, I don't know. It came out in 1994, but I really don't know how well received it's been. I've read through the first 100 pages thus far and the book has done nothing but make sense. It's already influencing my way of seeing the world.. I'm very pleased to...
  15. flow

    college majors

    I'm getting a General Studies degree. I know, it sounds like a cop out... but it's the best decision I probably made during college. I've been taking psychology, philosophy, anthropology, etc. etc. You can take classes you're interested in, and get a B.A. Almost like what college is actually...
  16. flow

    The Moral Animal: Why We Are The Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology

    I just had this book recommended to me from my anthropology teacher, and I've yet to start actually reading it (I got it for Christmas). I think a lot of you would find it particularly interesting though, as it appears to be on the forefront of the new evolutionary psychology movement. It's...
  17. flow

    Feelings of Contentment

    I'm curious, can you think of the longest period of time that you've been truly content? A year? A month? A week? An hour!? I find myself thinking, "I can't get no satisfaction" a lot. The fluctuation of moods is disheartening, I just wish I could find peace of mind all the time.. but that seems...
  18. flow

    Intuitive vs. Sensing

    We already have a thread like this, and this particular thread has no business being in the INTP section. http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=1427
  19. flow

    The Unruly Hedge

    You really hate those pony girls, don't you Perseus?
  20. flow

    Bleeding Edge Technology

    YouTube- Microsoft Surface - The Possibilities I'm more of an Apple guy, but this shit is cool.
  21. flow

    Reality TV

    Have any of you seen that MTV is following up their Paris Hilton bff show with a show called bromance? HahahahHahaaaaa..what straight man in his right mind would compete for the reality tv friendship of some other guy...? I have trouble comprehending these people's thought processes, or lack...
  22. flow

    This forum is so warm

    I agree. We intp's are thoughtful concerning people. I wish I stumbled across communities like this IRL. Being such a rare breed can be somewhat disheartening at times.. this place is truly a sanctuary!
  23. flow

    Most Popular WebSearches of 2008

    Clay Aiken over Barack Obama....wow
  24. flow

    My Issue (Long)

    I don't think "this individual" was seeking pity, and suggestions of suicide. Life is a gift, don't waste it. And MORE importantly, don't encourage others to waste it either. Disgusting!
  25. flow

    My Issue (Long)

    Wow. I hope this response was completely a joke, but be that as it may, I think we can all agree that posts like this are completely unnecessary and harmful. As for college, I'm currently struggling my way through it (I hope to graduate in May with a General Studies degree). I've been taking...
  26. flow

    Is this an INTP thing??

    That's what I do as well. I figure out what people really are trying to say, and I help them say it as best I can.
  27. flow


    I had only one real friend going through junior high and high school, and several acquaintances. I met all my real friends in college, where people start to grow up.
  28. flow

    farewell Nia

    I'm wondering how you "leave" a website? Seems more like it'd be a boycott.. either way, I fare thee well! And wherever the internet (or life) takes you, godspeed!
  29. flow

    Top 10 albums of 2008

    1.You Are My Sunshine - Copeland 2. Some Racing, Some Stopping - Headlights 3. Some People Have Real Problems - Sia 4. Saturday = Youth - M83 5. Dear Science - TV on the Radio 6. Pershing - Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin 7. In Ghost Colours - Cut Copy 8. Swimming - French Kicks 9...
  30. flow

    What's the story behind your Avatar?

    I've been switching between various album covers. This one is a Frank Sinatra album. ;)
  31. flow

    Korg Kaossilator

    http://www.korgkaossilator.com/ very cool.
  32. flow

    Guns, Germs, and Steel

    Anyone here read the book: Guns, Germs, and Steel.. Written by Jared Diamond? The guy is a geography teacher at UCLA, and it's a pretty brilliant book. I'm only half way through it (my roommate owns it, and I've decided to read it during finals week while everyone else is actually cramming). :)
  33. flow

    Heyo Peoples

    Ahh the motherland, I hope to travel to Ireland some day...you know any Kelleher's!? PS: I had all of my friends take the MBTI test, and I've essentially typed everyone I know at this point...so the obsession isn't fading..
  34. flow

    Do you guys dance?

    Whilst intoxicated? Damn yes! At my junior college, I was even in the encore singers group, which required lots of choreography (and soberness)...it was roouughhh.. but I managed. I like moving to music, I just happen to be lanky and self-conscious.. except when I'm druunk.. then I'm a dancin'...
  35. flow


    How do you typically go about venting your anger? :)
  36. flow

    Is INTP passed genetically?

    ahhh I welcome your insight grammyofdavid! I've wondered how soon personalities types become apparent, and what you said seems very truthful. I hope I don't have any S children...though I probably will... I'd like to think that having children with an ENTJ would increased the chances of us...
  37. flow


    I'm wondering what other fruits could potentially be INTPs as well...hmm... and I've heard apples wake you up in the morning better than coffee, does grapefruit offer vitamin C AND energy!?
  38. flow


    Honestly, I'm just plagued by laziness. I think of good "routines" I should start regularly practicing, but I never follow through. I think I'm still just relatively immature, and I wanted to hear from some INTPs who are more mature than myself. I've been trying to think of a way to wake up in...
  39. flow

    Differences Between Intuition and Sensing

    Yeah, and I've always thought of asian populations as more introverted.. (Japan, China, Vietnam, Korea, India?) It's seems like in their culture they treat each other as if it was more normal to be an introvert. I think that could explain why the Chinese have so much ingenuity as well.. Hmm I...
  40. flow

    Differences Between Intuition and Sensing

    Wow Decaf I think you are certainly onto some truth there.. I'm wondering in what order these personalities branched out evolutionarily speaking.. Well here is my theory: I think if we flipped the Thinking and Feeling on the chart below (my personality chart), we'd see that E,S,F, and J are...
  41. flow

    Differences Between Intuition and Sensing

    Lately, I've been thinking about how different Intuitive and Sensing people really are. We each see the world in entirely different manners, and communicate in entirely different ways. For example, Sensing people tend to only live in the here and now, whereas intuitive people also think about...
  42. flow

    Hello there

    Wow living in Israel... I just read about the Israeli troops removing some Israeli's living in the West Bank...so it sounds like their preparing a 2-state resolution. I don't know how I feel about the armed forces, I can still see myself enlisting if worst comes to worst. Anyways, how do you...
  43. flow

    Need help ASAP on paper.

    Try to break the paper into 5 arguments (1 per 5 pages) maybe? Figure out a way to break it down so that each portion of the paper is feasible. Papers are seriously my worst area as a student. I've had to write nearly 100 pages in papers this semester (usually no more than 8 at a time). I've...
  44. flow


    Ahh, here's something I've yet to obtain: Discipline. How do any of you keep yourself disciplined? Or is that something you also struggle with?
  45. flow

    Talking about you guys in RL

    Yeah I've actually mentioned this forum to my ENTP roommate and shown him some of the topics.. No shame in having forum friends!
  46. flow


    Carl Jung is the man! I wish he had more respect in psychology departments, they seem to mostly overlook his genius.
  47. flow

    Type Theory / Natural Selection

    I think we're just looking at our nuclear families in this case, and we need to look further for the pattern. I'm thinking extended family's have dominant traits. In my family of Kelleher's (my father's side), we all tend to be very intuitive thinkers (especially my generation of cousins).. My...
  48. flow

    Type Theory / Natural Selection

    Wow I've tried to respond to this now twice and my response disappeared both times. Anyways! I created a topic very near this subject just a few days ago (Biohistory Vs. Culturalism). I suggest checking out the article that I referenced in that topic, it gets interesting once the guy starts...
  49. flow

    Type Theory / Natural Selection

    personality types ARE passed genetically. It's just a matter of time before that is proven (I'm completely sure of it). This topic has been on my mind all year, and I plan on eventually solving it. Lately, research has shown that different groups of people have evolved differently since leaving...
  50. flow

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    I had a lucid dream last night, first one I've had in a looong ass time. Anyways, I have lots of dreams involving myself being at my old church (catholic church). I was surrounded by people I went to high school with, and as soon as I realized I was yet again in a church I realized it was a...
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