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Search results

  1. flow

    INTPs in Prison

    I don't know if it's possible to live without these things once they come into existence. Unless you're Amish.. give me my technology!
  2. flow

    INTPs in Prison

    How do you think INTPs respond to imprisonment? How would you act? I can't imagine myself with a life sentence... I'd surely try to escape. What would you do?
  3. flow


    I have the same problem. I also have the problem of wanting to sleep for at least 10 hours, if not 12. Functioning in 24 hour days will never be easy.
  4. flow

    Eye Contact

    I'm thinking eye contact may be a tricky thing for us introverts, but it's necessity cannot be denied. Do you have trouble maintaining eye contact during conversations? I find it especially challenging to talk to groups of over 5 people, and if I do it at length it becomes exhausting. I think...
  5. flow

    Chameleon in interaction; Chameleon in general?

    On the 'Voice' thread I made a similar observation that my voice is essentially an amalgamation of everyone around me. I think mostly all types are subconsciously influenced by everyone around them, but as INTPs we seem to be more aware of our influences.
  6. flow

    Societies and the INTP

    ...or the city of Zion.. (The Matrix)
  7. flow

    Societies and the INTP

    What societies do you think an INTP would do best in? I wonder how INTPs fit into the Inca and Mayan cultures, along with Egyptian, Greek, Chinese, etc., both past and present.. inevitably our personality type is in all places of the world.. I wonder what places and times our type has thrived...
  8. flow


    it started counter clockwise for me, but I figured out how to see it spin either direction after about 30 seconds. :)
  9. flow

    Music OR Lyrics?

    I connect with the music before I connect with the lyrics, in most cases. There are a lot of bands with great lyrics, but terrible music. I also find myself listening to some really dumb pop songs that have catchy beats.. which can be embarrassing in retrospect.
  10. flow

    Ask an ESFP anything.

    your writing defines your age. Oh no!
  11. flow

    The Theory of Elementary Waves: A New Explanation of Fundamental Physics

    Greetings, In his latest Elliott Wave Theorist, Bob Prechter recommends this book: "Lewis Little's long-awaited book, The Theory of Elementary Waves: A New Explanation of Fundamental Physics, is due off the press [soon]. This book will revolutionize the science of sub-atomic physics. It is as...
  12. flow

    Ask an ESFP anything.

    and with your response, you have just proven yourself a false ESFP.
  13. flow

    Ask an ESFP anything.

    IQ is a dated term, oh ESFP. Everyone knows those are flawed assessments. I guess my question is, what makes you think INTPs are interested in hearing your responses assuming the personality of an ESFP?
  14. flow


    I just received a very interesting brand new book in the mail today, "The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution". It's written by two Anthropologists from Utah University, Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending. I hope to find time to read it this semester.. (I'll...
  15. flow

    Animals In Subconsciousness

    hmm.. surprisingly, I don't really know what you're talking about.
  16. flow

    Animals In Subconsciousness

    The terms consciousness and subconsciousness have been thrown around for centuries without exact definitions, and both philosophers and scientists alike have tried to define exactly what those words mean. In thinking about various animals (or just mammals, perhaps), I can't help but argue that...
  17. flow

    Shame, I really liked being an INTP

    Being either an INTP or an INTJ still puts you in the elite introverted intellectual's club. Congrats, you're still in! By the by, I'm a declared INTP, but I'm nearly an INFP...oh well...INXP.
  18. flow

    The Awkward Pause

    Actually I've always thought of her as an ENTJ..and Jerry being an INFJ, they ultimately weren't compatible.. but very good friends!
  19. flow

    The Awkward Pause

    wow elaine the entp...it's almost like you're elaine from seinfeld..hmm... high school interactions are painful for the intellectual type. just remember that life goes on...don't dwell on the past!
  20. flow

    House of Leaves

    that actually does sound interesting, though I don't normally read fiction. And I'm digging your Los Campesinos! avatar, though I prefer their We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed album. :)
  21. flow

    name changes

    I've been considering asking to have my name changed to Flow, but it seems pointless.. ehn... where do I go about requesting the name change? I must capitalize!
  22. flow

    Glad to be Here. I'm NC.

    avid music listener eh? You got yourself a last.fm account?
  23. flow


    I experienced a lot of the same when I was in high school. I ended up befriended a gang of introverted intelletuals- "nerds" as a result. :)
  24. flow

    Thoughts Per Minute

    I got this idea while watching Max Payne with my roommates (terrible movie by the way). We had smoked before we watched and I was just getting idea after idea after idea while not paying attention to the movie, and so I started writing down the potential INTPforum topic ideas on my phone. In...
  25. flow

    INTP FanGirl :)

    Haha, it's actually not that hard to imagine being introverted. Extroverts think more by talking to others, introverts think to themselves. Anytime you're thinking to yourself, you're introverting. Some just do it more than others, and thus the varying degrees of extroversion. :)
  26. flow

    INTP FanGirl :)

    One of my roommates is an ENTP, and we argue EVERY DAY. It's good mental exercise though, we keep each other on our toes. Welcome to our crazy introverted world. :)
  27. flow

    Thoughts Per Minute

    I agree! I'm rethinking this idea, I was going through a brainstorm of sorts and realized I had jumped between several ideas very quickly. I'm wondering, what's the difference between a thought and an idea?
  28. flow

    Thoughts Per Minute

    I've been "thinking" about how many thoughts I have per minute, and the correlation between personality types and their average TPM rate. Of course, we'd need advanced computers and the proper environment to rate the "speed of thought". This idea feels kind of silly, but at the same time I'd be...
  29. flow


    My voice feels like an amalgamation of the people around me.
  30. flow

    The "Descartes was an INTP" thread.

    ehn...other than that T-shirt... http://www.theintrovertzcoach.com/famous_intp.html http://www.fortunecity.com/bennyhills/hardy/441/personality/intp.html http://www.mypersonality.info/personality-types/intp/ and more...if you just keep looking. Show me where Descartes is considered an INTJ!
  31. flow

    The "Descartes was an INTP" thread.

    This is a good example of an INTJ sticking to their guns, despite the evidence.
  32. flow

    The "Descartes was an INTP" thread.

    I'm no expert, but the internet consensus seems to favor the idea of Descartes being an INTP. I've yet to see one source (other than said member), favor anything otherwise. a random find: http://www.zazzle.com/famous_intps_architect_shirt-235255973688318783 it's an INTP t-shirt! It features...
  33. flow

    INTP vs INTJ

    Is this why you continue to insist that Descartes was an INTJ via signature? We all know he was an INTP.. ;)
  34. flow

    This is so bad, I'll put it here.

    what show is that?
  35. flow

    What's on your iPod?

    My 16gb iPod consists of: Aaliyah Air France Akon Akron/Family Alanis Morissette Alaska In Winter All Time Low American Analog Set Anberlin Andrew Bird Animal Collective Annuals Aphex Twin Arcade Fire Architecture In Helsinki Arctic Monkeys Arrah and The Ferns Atlas Sound Atmosphere Audioslave...
  36. flow

    INTP vs INTJ

    I still haven't really met any INTPs (who aren't of my family) IRL. I know of two INTJs, one of them being my best friend in middle and high school. The other being one of my cousins. Both types (INTP & INTJ) are relatively rare. :(
  37. flow

    Instinct to Impulse

    Well I don't think I'm the only one who could properly judge this issue, and I'm sure we've all "experienced" it. INTPs have unique minds that are exceptionally aware. How we act on our awareness is probably what causes the perceived loss of instinct. We analyze, reanalyze, repeat. We get so...
  38. flow


    I'd also be a shaman/wizard. I think that would be a typical response for any intp.
  39. flow


    I might have to check some of these webcomics out...hmm
  40. flow

    Terabyte Hard Drives

    you and me both, brother.
  41. flow

    Terabyte Hard Drives

    I recently purchased a Seagate 1.5TB hard drive for a mere $136 (with shipping) off of a site called tigerdirect.com, I can't believe the price is already this cheap! I'm gonna go download every movie/song in existence now..
  42. flow

    Instinct to Impulse

    When I was a youngster I used to have tremendous instinctual talent. I could naturally do things most kids would have to learn, and I didn't even "think" about it, I could just do it. Granted, these were just things like quick reflexes in sports and assertiveness and whatnot. Anyways, as I...
  43. flow

    How many people here are NOT INTPs?

    Are you insinuating that INTPs would judge other members based on their type, not their posts?
  44. flow

    How many people here are NOT INTPs?

    Prejudice? This isn't an ESTJforum...
  45. flow

    How many people here are NOT INTPs?

    Yeah it is there, I just vote to move it to a more visible location.
  46. flow

    How many people here are NOT INTPs?

    I think we should adopt something off of the INTJforum site, and have under our profiles our MBTI Type. We already have location, why not type as well? PS: I've also read that Descartes was an INTP, not an INTJ...sorry!
  47. flow

    Eye issues

    I also am near-sighted with astigmatism.. I had 20/20 vision when I was little, but its deteriorated as of late..it sucks. I don't get why so many human-beings have poor vision.. My entp roommate and I were talking about it on a car ride a couple days ago actually, and the best theory I could...
  48. flow

    Chiropractic Careers

    Any chiropractic INTPs out there? I've been giving the career choice some serious thought, as of late. I like the idea of caring for people, but not worrying about blood and prescribing drugs and all that jazz...it's quite the appealing career really.. and being that I went to a chiropractor a...
  49. flow

    MBTI Posters

    LOLZ. That's a pretty good start. :D
  50. flow

    Speed Reading?

    Do any of you speed read? I find myself always reading at a leisurely pace. I read in my head the speed that I would read aloud.. I hear it's possible to speed that process up (they even offer free speed reading classes at my university), but why?
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