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  1. RaBind

    Can you imagine nothing in a world of nothing?

    nothing in a world of nothing would be everything.
  2. RaBind

    stopping at 1

    The assumptions are too similar to reality, so I'd just act the way I act now. Currently I act to favor myself. I do good things, cause it makes me feel good and helps me get by. 4. I decide my worth to live based on what I have to lose. 5. CAN you? yes, probably. WILL you? depends on what I...
  3. RaBind

    What do you value?

    I value ability in people. I have respect for clear thinkers. I value freedom in society.
  4. RaBind

    INTPs and sticking to goals.

    I've always kept some rules sacred and try my hardest not to break them. E.g. attendance at school and work (I used to skip school a lot when I was younger but I learnt the importance of exposure to the course content later on). From this I would say join a group maybe, better if it's formal...
  5. RaBind

    I made a mistake

    Haven't worked in the IT industry but from what I've been told by my teachers it's a field that's in demand. The emergence of new languages and extensions to languages is probably the cause. Probably not gaming though, I'd think that's quite a competitive area.
  6. RaBind

    What is your favorite color?

    I always liked red ever since I was young. This is mainly because it was the color of blood and I was fascinated with myths, legends and monsters, especially Dracula, when I was younger. Nowadays I like things mostly black with lines or parts of them red(blue is also alright).
  7. RaBind

    Self-loathing INTPs

    Well everyone self-loathes really, it's a product of being aware of your own weaknesses and failures. Through maturity people can come to accept these facts and work around them, so probably less self-loathing from them. Mature people would also know from experience that self-loathing is useless...
  8. RaBind

    People who need to be liked annoy me

    Don't get caught in their radar, of people who don't accept them? Maybe cut ties with them if you're so tired with them, and can't bother to sort their shit out? It is annoying so unless you want or are anticipating something from the relationship, why bother? I personally don't really know...
  9. RaBind

    What is you Code?

    Imo the most pure philosophy to follow would be Humanitarianism. It has flaws, such as why look out for one of the most destructive species on the face of the planet, in all of it's history? But I think if you actually still haven't lost hope in humanity, and still identify yourself with this...
  10. RaBind

    Can science cause madness?

    Madness is caused by ambition. The ambitious are drawn to taking their ideologies to their logical extremes, and that's what causes madness. Humans through the use of science can trade suffering in the future for struggling in the present. Science is a tool what it brings depends on how it's...
  11. RaBind

    Because of the sudden escalation in the way the discussion went and the lack of one specific topic.

    Because of the sudden escalation in the way the discussion went and the lack of one specific topic.
  12. RaBind

    Test to be a INTP at 14 years old, Is even normal?

    You seem to have a fascination with daggers or whit asking the question "Do you like daggers?". Maybe I'll use it as a ice breaker in some awkward social situation someday. Many of my intp traits developed when I became older and I made more new friends, because of stuff like moving around and...
  13. RaBind

    I just read your conversation with own8ge, I don't really have a valid response to what I read...

    I just read your conversation with own8ge, I don't really have a valid response to what I read. Confusion is probably the right word.
  14. RaBind

    Making money online

    I tried to do this several times in the past. A website that has a tutorial is http://www.challenge.co/?ref=default. Can't guarantee you'll make money and even less likely that you'll break even. It shows you the tips to getting ahead in the search engine race and stuff like that. Online...
  15. RaBind

    Ooh actually I just read that he doesn't believe in an objective reality. All loonies are...

    Ooh actually I just read that he doesn't believe in an objective reality. All loonies are stubborn, maybe because their experience and understanding of reality is so twisted, that the opposing argument just doesn't make sense or doesn't fit, in the twisted understanding of world. Well I was just...
  16. RaBind

    I knew s0cratus was stubborn? i guess. But I have yet to read anything by own8ge that's crazy. I...

    I knew s0cratus was stubborn? i guess. But I have yet to read anything by own8ge that's crazy. I just assume that people are logical until, the few circumstance when I'm, proven wrong.
  17. RaBind

    Yes, after he discarded my whole post for just being my opinion, it daunted on me. I wonder what...

    Yes, after he discarded my whole post for just being my opinion, it daunted on me. I wonder what it is, he seemed like he could use logic fine in other threads.
  18. RaBind

    How to escape passivity?

    Google is the best solution to virtually every problem you'll come across. PhlegChlor
  19. RaBind

    Way to go, Intp

    Sent a drift in space in the direction, where I most likely will eventually get sucked into a black hole. I had a daydream about being sent to the depths of the ocean on my deathbed (still alive, waiting to die), so I can adventure the unknown before my demise. Would be nice to see unknown deep...
  20. RaBind

    How to escape passivity?

    Seems like you just want to stop analyzing so much and want to use your Se much more often. I don't wanna got spiritual go you, as I myself am not spiritual, but maybe try mindfulness, if you really want to use your Se instead of your Te. Psychiatrist? my dad used to tell me that he would take...
  21. RaBind

    Anticipation VS Adaptation

    I would've thought adapting would be Se? If so I anticipate when I've adapted to the same situation many times in the past, because I have experience to draw information from. I adapt in new situations because I don't have any prior knowledge of the task. Adapting and anticipating don't work...
  22. RaBind

    *gasp* School knows I am an atheist now

    I would also have thought it was more likely that religious people were the ones who experienced terrible things and tragedies. I can't think of a well known atheist who lost faith in god because of a tragedy or a terrible life event. Even if atheists do lose faith because of a tragedy or a...
  23. RaBind

    What do you do when people are stupid?

    I guess there has to be a way of balancing the different types, or else we would be too overpowered.
  24. RaBind

    What do you do when people are stupid?

    Whether you were wrong doesn't really matter imo. I still think your attitude was better because you were still willing to have a debate and maybe get something useful out of it. On the other hand everyone else just discarded the argument, the least they can do, if they know that they're right...
  25. RaBind

    What do you do when people are stupid?

    I feel sorry for you that you had to go through that. Just hearing about you situation gave me chills. I assume when you say "when people are stupid" you mean they are actively being degenerative to their own learning and I agree I also cannot stomach people embracing ignorance. Being satisfied...
  26. RaBind

    White Nationalism

    Not many views can proven to be true, or they weren't possible to be proven to be true at the time of conception. However views which are truthful should be able to hold their position or at least not be shattered to bits when scrutinized.
  27. RaBind

    Joint? Single? I don't know?

    I'll hopefully, or maybe not so hopefully, be going to university next year. I've applied for a joint degree with computing and psychology. I've got a conditional offer and I accepted it (I can probably defer it or change the course). However today my teacher in ICT told me that joint degrees...
  28. RaBind

    White Nationalism

    I thought the movies American history x and This is England depicted the phenomenon and philosophy of white nationalism quite well. American history x illustrates how attempting to actively detach yourself/a group from another group fails, because the reality is that all behaviors are found in...
  29. RaBind

    What is Religion for?

    Re: What is Religion Rationally for? This is a very primitive society though(before industrialization and the emphasis placed on individuality), where people had to live in societies with social order in order to survive. Even now people who need security and a sense of community are probably...
  30. RaBind

    What is Religion for?

    Religion has been existent for a long time. I think it was Durkheim? who studied aboriginal Australian tribes. He wanted to see what kept society together in early societies. He concluded that rituals and religious/superstitious beliefs helped keep society together. Another sociologist (cant be...
  31. RaBind

    Daydreaming Simulations

    So I have noticed, quite a long while ago, that I run simulations in my mind a lot. I mean a whole lot, at least 50% of my waking time. A lot of the time I daydream simulations when I have time (not doing anything). I used to do this a lot in class, when I was in high school, but I've...
  32. RaBind

    Fuck it test

    Well my exams start next week, and I've just been, I dunno, daunted I guess, so just like always I wasted another day over the internet. After a break, from snaking on the junk in internet, I just typed in whatever came first into my mind. This was "Fuck it", and to my surprise there was a whole...
  33. RaBind

    An uncomfortable situation.

    That's quite a sticky situation. Like the others said, it depends on how far you wouldn't mind getting involved in this situation. Don't forget that this is a sensitive matter, there's probably some tension between May, your Boss, May's family and even yourself. It would do you well to not jump...
  34. RaBind

    The philosophy of the weak

    Great thread and discussion, I found it very interesting. I believe the OP could've saved a lot of time and avoided being bashed if you'd bothered to fully explain you philosophy as far as you'd thought. This was probably minor trolling on your part, by intentionally keeping back the cards on...
  35. RaBind

    Akinato, the Web Genius

    Neat. It got Tony Blair in about 23 rounds and Balanar(from DoTA) in about 30 rounds and Pikachu in about 8.
  36. RaBind

    In Google We Trust

    I can't agree with this. Even if the evidence itself is science and therefore uses a sort of circular reasoning, science is reliable and consistent. Scientists usually all accept the fundamental theories of the universe, i.e. evolution, gravity and relativity. You could argue that all evidence...
  37. RaBind

    New or Old Better?

    You'd think that there's something better and most likely there is. Sometimes new things are awesome but the energy required to try out new things doesn't come form nothing. It requires time and effort to try out new things and when your stuck in your normal life's routine its hard to come out...
  38. RaBind


    No I don't. I believe that it is more likely to be a social construct, similar to the norms of each society or situation. I don't have a real reason to believe this but that it seems more plausible than getting morality from an objective source. So there is no escaping the game so long as we...
  39. RaBind

    is suicide selfish?

    To make any decision requires a reason. When individuals decide to act upon a reason that they feel is the most logical, or selfless or good... whatever the reason, they will still have had to come to a conclusion that their own judgements outweighed the judgements of others. This is selfish as...
  40. RaBind


    I made a previous post about true evil quite a while ago. I wanted to share some ideas on the other side of the spectrum as well. I know that true/pure states of anything cant really exist in the real world, as everything is only in being relative to everything else. However i find it...
  41. RaBind

    What makes an argument convincing?

    Isn't that generally because it would be too energy consuming to assess everything that we are told. A much more effective way to cope with the shitload of information, in the modern world, is to assess it's face value and trust it unless you have have a reason to doubt or are knowledgeable in...
  42. RaBind

    Cog's Guide to Surviving the Singularity

    I'm quite optimistic about the singularity actually. Especially with the ever growing support for open source information. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W62Wfz1xqYg
  43. RaBind

    What makes an argument convincing?

    Evidence to support the argument or suggest that it may be true.
  44. RaBind

    What mood do you have to be in to talk to people?

    I usually like to talk to people when I have something to say to them. Now days (actually i used to do this before as well but now more than before) I have an annoying tendency to think about what I want to say, before I say it, and how people might respond. Because of this I come to conclusions...
  45. RaBind

    Should I tell my ten year-old cousin that she's an INTP?

    Does it really matter whether or not she is an Intp? the op has the impression that she is and it may be difficult for her to get along with others because of this. If she is having a hard time figuring things out and feels as if she is different for others than comfort her. It doesn't matter...
  46. RaBind

    Do you prefer women to...

    I feel as though looks are for self confidence and reassurance rather than anything really, it is for me anyway. Any type of girl would be alright in my view, but i find girls who look different from the rest to be interesting.
  47. RaBind

    The idea that men are more concerned with physical appearance...

  48. RaBind

    How would you respond to "INTP's are Useless" ???

    INTP Introvert - Intps have something genuine to contribute as they are less influenced by others, since they work alone or in small groups. This makes ideas from intps revolutionary/insightful, different and rebellious to the status quo. Intuition - Ideas are focused on the big problems so...
  49. RaBind

    I do drugs because I don't want to feel sad

    Escaping for symptoms, depression in this case, of a unsatisfying life alone can be harmful. As long as you are also making progress to solve the root cause of the depression than I guess its ok. If the root cause is something severe and unchangeable like a traumatic experience than maybe try...
  50. RaBind

    recommend me anime.

    Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei (tatami galexy) - Great anime about life, has a great twist at the end bringing all the episodes together. Daily lives of high school boys - Really funny anime about school life. Monster - About a doctor who saves a boy, that grows up to become a serial killer, over the...
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