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Search results

  1. RaBind

    Fear of being stupid

    Don't worry about it man. You are too concerned about how you're perceived. What other people think about you doesn't matter, what matters is what you know you are. 1) You're probably pretty smart, just based on the fact that you even worry about being stupid and are able to critique yourself...
  2. RaBind

    Ultimate fate of humanity (what if I don't want to be uploaded)

    The same as what life looks like for the amish, and other similar societies, today I suppose. They will be oblivious to what is happening outside their society. Even if they had access to information about what's happening they probably won't be able to keep up. I'd add that many humans will...
  3. RaBind

    Ultimate fate of humanity (what if I don't want to be uploaded)

    That's not what I got from the op. Being/staying human and the possible difficulties is the main topic that runs throughout his post. So I asked him to look back at what a human is, and why he even thinks he is still a "normal" human, when he has enhanced his abilities so much that most humans...
  4. RaBind

    Ultimate fate of humanity (what if I don't want to be uploaded)

    Great post by Cog. All I'd add is an emphasis to the enhancements being a good thing. These enhancement will come to people as a way for them to reach their goals and fulfill their desires. In you initial post you seemed worried about losing what makes you human. You're going to have to go...
  5. RaBind

    Occam's razor

    Occam's razor is a tool used to find the hypotheses most likely to be correct. The probability of each hypothesis being true is dependent on what is currently known. Occam's razor doesn't find the truth, it discards unlikely hypotheses to leave you with those that are likely.
  6. RaBind

    The School System

    I think a larger set of subjects should be taught at school and e-learning/distance learning should be an available option to attending school.
  7. RaBind

    Is Law Insulting?

    A lot of people need rules to remind them of what to do and what not to do. This reminds me of religion, and how some religious people can actually get away with saying "If I didn't believe in god I wouldn't be a good person", without taking on responsibility for the implications that the line...
  8. RaBind

    Are Insults Legal?

    The recipient plays as huge a role, in how insults are perceived, as the offender. It's all about context in the end with all human social interactions. It'd be very difficult to set a bar to illegalise certain insults, while keeping others, in certain situations. I'm pretty sure you can get...
  9. RaBind

    Recent Forum Outrage

    Re: Recent forum outage - "Account Suspended" Thought I was banned for my last post being too depressive and derailing the thread. I also ran several proxies to get pass any ip ban, was impressed by how even proxies couldn't work around the ban.
  10. RaBind

    What are your biggest scepticism fails in your life?

    I always have the feeling that I'm missing something. This is likely coming from the fact that in the grand scheme of things, I know that my life and what I do is infinitely small and meaningless. Yet people around me seem to be living their lives without putting any thought or doubt into what...
  11. RaBind

    Void of meaning and Procrastination

    This year is a gap year for me, before I hopefully go to university next year. I was wondering what I should do to make this year meaningful. What goal I could move towards (Damn, I've been institutionalized to think lineally). Why this year of my life should exist (I feel the same way about my...
  12. RaBind

    If you ever wondered why I didn't reply to your message, it's because I couldn't understand the...

    If you ever wondered why I didn't reply to your message, it's because I couldn't understand the Ensemble interpretation(and I wasn't as motivated enough to go about understanding it). Wikipedia is prone to cause people to suffer from tmi. Had to look in this youtube video...
  13. RaBind

    Reddit Futurology

    Just wanted to share the futurology site in reddit - http://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/. It's a pretty good site to look for all stuff related to technological advancements. Here's two things shared in the site...
  14. RaBind

    Internet Persona and Real Self

    This seems like a philosophy subject. "you" is relative. Behaviors are inconsistent and change depending on circumstances. I'm not sure how you can be fake. As written above personas are different depending on circumstances. Still I suppose there are disadvantages and advantages, through the...
  15. RaBind

    Technological Singularity / Computer Science

    Listening to some of Ray Kurzweil's talks gives me the idea that in the singularity/post-singularity robots won't take over, but in fact we will become the robots, to transcend from our biological limitations.
  16. RaBind

    New Socioscope INTP-LII description

    I went to Wikisocion and saw this In that site it says LII is for INTj and ILI is for INTp.
  17. RaBind

    INTPs like planning?

    Make plans in my own head. Hard to keep to them and usually don't happen like I expect.
  18. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism And then there's this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjrLXS4iXIU
  19. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism That depends on the reader. Articles written to inform and ignite discussions are kept rational and objective, so that the target audience of the article is varied. When an article attempts to elicit emotional responses/views from the readers, than it's pretty safe to...
  20. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism The article seemed emotionally charged. Gives it a minus on how I took it in. I don't think it was the best refute to the arguments, but at least it's rolling on the debate in the right direction. There were several points I am quite confident I could refute, although...
  21. RaBind

    Free Will? [Thread Split]

    Your thoughts are determined by you biology, and how/what you were taught to think. If you don't even have the free will to think differently or different thoughts, how can you have free will in your behavior?
  22. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism I don't think I said that the trolls don't hate. They probably do. Well if you think it was predictable than you've got conflicting views with Anita. The fact that she claims to be scared implies that she was surprised by the reaction, because she wasn't prepared for it...
  23. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism Could you post it in quote? If not, I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about anyway so it's okay. Is this it? Please read the paragraph fully and carefully. The "men can get raped too" statement refers to the fact that rape isn't just limited to women only. That's...
  24. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism I think this differs on the situation. On the internet it's pretty standard to do just that. In reality it's rude and offensive so social norms make it less common. In the media (magazinges, music videos, movies, books...) I think it's the author's choice. Sure, they will...
  25. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism It's interesting to me. Aside from the fact that I just like discussions, I think there is something that can be taken from this subject, even if I'm the only one to take it away. So I guess my reason is to learn something? hence asking for other's opinions. I think...
  26. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism It's probably written on one of the privious posts above but here this video explains it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGAvjwQPCHE It doesn't justify anything nor am I trying to justify anything. I'm saying It's a pointless thing to try and achieve. Which is what...
  27. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism Anita used the responses she got after trolling the gaming community as proof of her harassment. The gaming community is full of trolls. How can you stop assholes from acting like assholes? especially on the internet, where they think it's their god given right to be...
  28. RaBind

    Virtual Reality

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d6KuiuteIA Leap motion is pretty amazing. High speed motion sensing would be an awesome gaming interface.
  29. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism It's pointless because it won't change. She felt a backlash from the gaming community, because she doesn't understand how what type of game is made and produced is decided. I was of coarse responding to the fact that you said and I was pointing out that she was...
  30. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism It's that there is no point in this sort of feminism. I respect feminism that will get something done. Like the suffragettes, feminism that actually had something they wanted to change and set about doing that. Risking their lives to fight for liberation. What is modern...
  31. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism She raised $150,000 on kickstarter. An online platform for crowd funding. She used feminism as a way of receiving back up for her project, which consists of less than what many youtubers already do for free. She took advantage of the fact that society is gullible to such...
  32. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism Yes, that's another issue feminists can't comprehend or don't wish to rather. I never said radical meant or was equal to any of the things you said it wasn't. I'm saying their views and beliefs are redundant to today's first world society. I assume radical means what it's...
  33. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism Feminism doesn't maintain the status quo of society. Whether it is moderate or radical feminism, both are striving for change. So no, useful feminism is not maintaining what radical feminism sets out to destroy. Maybe you misunderstand me when I say "useful". "Useful" to...
  34. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism Sure by saying the media has made a straw-feminist trope, feminism can just dodge all criticisms and scrutinization of feminism. Maybe there is a straw-feminist trope and it does downplay feminism. But as far as I can see it just means that feminists will have to present...
  35. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism Found another intresting video on the topic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKzoY7VoD_0 I really agree with the fact that women aren't institutionally oppressed in most western first world countries. Women are having a lot of success in education and aren't really limited in...
  36. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism The problem with feminism though is that as a movement it only focuses on the issues of women. So the issues of men is some other movement's problem. This of coarse suggests that feminism is only looking out for the female gender and isn't actually for equality (in that it...
  37. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism "inside every cynical person there is a disappointed idealist" - george carlin
  38. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism I wish it was only the one or two videos on YouTube, but I can probably post more with substantial views, discussions and rating, for each video. I wouldn't have even noticed it though if it weren't for thunderf00t and the Amazing atheist who brought it up, both of whom I...
  39. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism I understand this, it's obviously true and was necessary at the time. As I said in the OP I do support the suffragettes movement and other similar feminist movements that allowed females to have the same rights that men have. However there's feminism that says "well...
  40. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism Do you believe that men also have societal disadvantages, in the first world, compared to women? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlSh6wBXePM
  41. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    Re: Modern Feminism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_sGn6PdmIo Ooh sorry I forgot to include this as well. It talks about the same thing your saying, and yes I agree.
  42. RaBind

    Modern Feminism/Feminism Problematic Merge

    I always thought that feminism was a movement in support of gender equality. Taking a closer look at it has been interesting and left with me a bit confused. The problem is that the modern feminism is not similar to Suffragettes movement of the late 19th century, in that they don't really have a...
  43. RaBind

    Can you imagine nothing in a world of nothing?

    Which part was obvious? just the fact that you did add something? or is it that because you agreed with my definition of nothing, which I said does not exist at all, you made a paradoxical statement by adding you have nothing to add? you have something that does't exist to add yet by doing so...
  44. RaBind

    Can you imagine nothing in a world of nothing?

    yet you added something.
  45. RaBind

    Can you imagine nothing in a world of nothing?

    Nothing doesn't exist. Everything is a different state of being. So nothing is completely different from everything, so there's no way of guessing what nothing is like. Hell I'll even bet that the state of complete nothing is impossible, similarly to an object with all it's properties as an...
  46. RaBind

    John's Personality type 25quiz.com

    36% INTP 21% INFP 16% ENTP 6% ENTJ 6% INTJ
  47. RaBind

    Getting into philosophy early.

    Yea, you're right about that. I was probably trying to say that logic/philosophy (I'm using the terms interchangeably here, because they're are basically both tools to reach general truths of reality) as tools aren't the things that are flawed, in the sense that they border insanity, but rather...
  48. RaBind

    Getting into philosophy early.

    I wouldn't say it's philosophy that makes people come to such extreme conclusions, but rather the whole nature of reality and existence. I'm also pretty sure that you only think these conclusions are extreme, because you are scared of death or becoming like the insane if not insane. This fear...
  49. RaBind

    The Deity and the Pariah

    I do think you're over thinking the situation. Help him out if you want to else don't help him if it is some outside forces, or your own perceived outside forces, that nudging you to help. The only reason you'd feel obliged to help him is so you would feel like you're doing something right. I...
  50. RaBind

    Getting into philosophy early.

    I don't think I've read any philosophy books yet (well the more specific ones anyway). I don't think philosophy is something you "get into", it is the process of applying logic to solve problems. So really learning to apply sound logic to things is probably a more important. For me, and probably...
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