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Search results

  1. RaBind

    HEXACO personality

  2. RaBind

    Scientists have power to bring back dead

    I don't see much immortality in this research. There are other research out there that are very immoral such as testing products, which may be harmful, on animals. When considering what is immoral you need to weigh up the benefits and cons. Is it really worth it to run the risk of torturing an...
  3. RaBind

    3D Psyche Test

    http://3dpsyche.com/home/3dpsyche/states/d5d5d5?results=E6E2E4&testee=Rabind&daily=2D142C&tone=CC0399 Weird, the three results seem to go against each other.
  4. RaBind

    Learning style quiz

    http://www.edutopia.org/node/6140/done?sid=132159 DONE! Here are your results. Linguistic 50% Logical-Mathematical 44% Visual-Spatial 42% Intrapersonal 38% Interpersonal 38% Musical 38% Bodily-Kinesthetic 25% Naturalistic 25%
  5. RaBind

    Which Chinese Elements are you

    I also got believer but with water being supported by wood and metal as my most depleted energy.
  6. RaBind

    Most overrated movies thread

    The hangover was shit and I suppose the hangover 2 is even shitter. There are many movies that really suck nowadays, I would rather watch a good movie made 20 years ago than the crap of today.
  7. RaBind

    The word *nigger*

    4. nigger a lazy black ignorant, arogant person who doesn't have a job and usually tries to fuck the system. usually speaks loud. most of them live in the hood and steal. there is a different between niggers and black people just like there is a difference between white people and white trash...
  8. RaBind

    doing poorly in school

    That's the way it is so you just have to kinda accept that fact. High Schools are probably designed to discipline students as much as they are to educate them. I remember many of my classmates complaining about how they were never going to use anything they learnt, in maths class, in real life...
  9. RaBind

    IQ, intelligence an such

    Sorry I really could not make much out of this paragraph. Maybe I need to simplify my paragraph and you can simplify yours. INTPs are not smarter than other types because high IQ does not necessarily equate to being smarter. I took an IQ test and most of the questions/tasks were to do with...
  10. RaBind

    IQ, intelligence an such

    You can't possibly say INTPs are the smartest just because the usually have high IQ scores. I mean what about emotional intellect, sorry if I am stereotyping but INTPs in my picture are quite retarded when expressing emotion. Hell I will even go so far as to say I am quite socially retarded...
  11. RaBind

    Your ideal home?

  12. RaBind

    How many here see men and women as individuals?

    Re: How many here see men and women as induviduals? Well I'll be honest, I don't have the most just values and ideals. If people could hear my thoughts they would call me a racist, a sexist and just a complete asshole in general. I have some prejudices and stereotypical ideas, I react to people...
  13. RaBind

    INTP Mafia

    I doubt it would be highly organised or have ranks. After all if you wanted to have to deal with other people's crap you would just get a normal job. Maybe just a group of close friends playing pranks, online fraudsters or con men maybe.
  14. RaBind


    Lucky, I still have to play Warcraft version. Yea you usually have to be careful with agi heros unlit you get vanguard or at least poor man's shield.
  15. RaBind

    About you?

    What is your name? I want to be know as RaBind in the internet. Where are you from? Originated from Nepal, but currently in UK. Have live for 7 years in HK. How old are you? 16 What's your gender? Masculine How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? I took the test while...
  16. RaBind


    Played DOTA and the Chinese versions as well. I seldom play in Garena nowadays. Slark (great passive), Balanar (mega dps ganker), Rikimaru, Gondar, Terrorblade, Severn, Tidehunter, Specter, Slardar... I like going random agility. I don't play intelligence heros with the exception of some...
  17. RaBind

    Machivelli Test

    I think you suppose to do the test and vote according to what your results were. LOW here.
  18. RaBind

    The Probability of Existing

    Doesn't the multi-universe theory imply that you being born in at least one universe is 100% likely? So another sperm may have out raced you in another universe, meaning they also have 100% chance of being born in at least one universe.
  19. RaBind

    Do you grow less interested with time?

    INTPs probably always think about stuff that interests them. Always thinking about new theories and ideas, one of the reason they can be seen as experts in the field they are interested in. The problem is that they don't DO stuff, they may just be happy with their thoughts, theories and...
  20. RaBind


    Wasn't being a Psychopath not being able to feel close to things/people? Watched a few documentaries on it on YouTube, they are quite grim. It must be a lonely world for them, wonder how they live with it? Yeah, I don't think INTPs fit the description. I only have a lack of empathy/sympathy...
  21. RaBind

    A cure for aging, and an end to natural death?

    Yeah this is probably true. Hopefully life extension solutions come up before I die. I don't really like reading (unless it something really interesting, nothing that captures my eye in the library), I have only seen very few movies that are up to my expectations nowadays I blame myself for...
  22. RaBind

    A cure for aging, and an end to natural death?

    Something to make life a lot longer would be great but avoiding death altogether is not as attractive. I am not even that sure, life would probably get really boring after a while and wouldn't over population be a problem? To be honest adrenaline and the sense of having done something big is the...
  23. RaBind

    INTP Archetypes, any thoughts

    I think i'm a Si-Fe (explains why I get INFP on some tests, with intp quite close). Archetypes hmmm, doesn't that mean the different forms of something? (correct me if I'm wrong) Seems more of a emotion thing though, as in every INTP is Ne-Fe it all comes down to the situation he/she is in...
  24. RaBind

    Visual Representation of your Mind

    Stormy clouds with lightning striking out in random directions.
  25. RaBind

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    7-8 wow thats quite good, great tune. Better than the R&B pop that is so overrated. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWDkIjdHuQg
  26. RaBind

    Who gives a sh*t about Bigfoot?

    Scientists who are interested in it's anatomy, biologists and others who are interest in weird/different animals. If the existence of the Bigfoot was proven to be true it would be quite interesting really, although this is not so true about evidence to support it's existence, I would watch a tv...
  27. RaBind

    Woman - The Root of all Evil

    I don't think it is women that are the root of all evil, I think it is the desire, of men, to do something outstanding to prove their worth (whether it is to society, friends, family...). I think those who have big ideals and ambitions have blurred vision of what is right and what is wrong or...
  28. RaBind

    Online Marketing

    Does anyone here have websites or online business that they have successfully generated income from? There are a lot of article on this topic, but so many that it almost seems unreliable. I have noticed that some of you have your own blogs, please share your experience with me. I am trying to...
  29. RaBind

    Character Analysis Test

    Leader You scored Flexible, and organized. Well done! You possess a great strength. Not only can you adapt to your surroundings, you can also impose your will on them, thanks to your thorough approach to everything. You would make a great administrator, as the category suggests. Something went...
  30. RaBind

    Exam or Coarsework

    Damn, you make it sound so easy. What kind of grades did you get in A levels and how did you revise? Fair point. Not related to this but in most exams the students have to do an exam against the clock, this is also another really annoying thing about exams, you have to time yourself so it...
  31. RaBind

    Exam or Coarsework

    :) Hahaha I seem to have just ignored that. Now I know what speiss was referring to. I want your brain!!!! :borg0: Damn I thought most INTPs were smart because they read and get involved into things that interest them but you guys give me a different expression. I meant like not as...
  32. RaBind

    Exam or Coarsework

    Haha some great answers in there. I donno, I was kinda just thinking about anything that isn't confined to such a short amount of time actually. Maybe like an assessment where the examiner identifies the skills that you've learnt in the coarse. I expected more people to prefer coursework, do...
  33. RaBind

    Stranded in university

    Nice. Everyone says it but there is a lot of truth in not giving up until you reach success. Since being determined provokes the same attitudes as being stubborn, about what you want to achieve, why does society discourage the act of being stubborn?
  34. RaBind

    Exam or Coarsework

    I had an exam today and got another one the day after tomorrow and as the title suggests I want to hear from you which one you are in favor of. I don't like exams and I have asked several friends, they also think alike. One reason is that exams only test a person for a short duration of time...
  35. RaBind

    A genie appears, you have 3 wishes.

    1) Total control/mastery and understanding of body and the psyche 2) Having the ability to travel to different realities (this includes cyberspace and any other, if there are any) 3) Having the knowledge of god (if there is one) until I understand everything and having everything go back to what...
  36. RaBind

    Used to think I was INFP but now I've seen the light

    I don't think I'm overly empathetic or sympathetic. What do you think trying to ignore a homeless man, when you don't have change is? what would that be out of? Because I usually try to look away from something, that I feel as though I should act upon, when I can't. About empathy, can't really...
  37. RaBind

    Moments of Happiness

    You cannot step into the same river twice. - Heraclitus You can enter a similar lake though :p There was a technique that involved the trainer making an athlete really tired, so that the athlete would be too exhausted to daydream or think of something else. The trainers used it to make sure the...
  38. RaBind

    ISTJ Joins (WTFBBQ)

    Welcome. Enjoy a biased video of ISTJ motivational pictures. Apparently ISTJs are supposed to be similar to workaholics who demand on following every procedure. I'll put it in a spoiler box in case people don't want to see it.
  39. RaBind

    Used to think I was INFP but now I've seen the light

    Hey, you seem to have similar results to me. I keep getting like high introvert, around 60% intuition, 50% thinking and 60% perceiving. So I’m kinda unsure about the T there. Take the tri-type enneagram test in the tests section if you don't feel really certain with one type. I did that and got...
  40. RaBind

    Bullying and how to handle it

    Yeah, probably resort to fighting last (it depends on your age though). I would say kids don't get in much trouble but if you a young adult and are expected to act in a mature way than use other solutions first. Have you tried talking some sense into him? Or telling him that you don't think...
  41. RaBind

    Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

    I can't stand people talking BS to impress others regardless of what topic/subject the BS is relevant to. I also don't like listening to friends who are talking about someone I don't know. I usually listen to music or get away from them to stop my ears from bleeding.
  42. RaBind

    Stranded in university

    I keep thinking to myself that life is like a marathon, if it is a race, you'll be shocked at the amount of running you have to do at the start and at the amount of running you have managed to do at the end. Somewhere in the middle of the two you’re sure to be lost and question yourself why...
  43. RaBind

    Is this legit or just acting?

    I don't think people in north Korea get paid to do anything. Maybe they did it so their families don't get shot or tortured. I am just as in the dark, on whether it is real or fake, as everyone else is. There are documentaries on North Korea through and the things they show are quite shocking...
  44. RaBind

    Autopilot / Not All There

    You raise an intresting point, one that I seem to have missed. I often stare at the sky and look at the shades and shadows of the clouds. Their texture and shape amazes me. This is something I would have easily missed if I hadn't been focusing on my senses, at the time. I don't know about you...
  45. RaBind

    Autopilot / Not All There

    Yea, I would think this is really common. I do this every time I go to work, if I don't every minute turns into an hour of endless torture. It used to be very frequent and automatic when I was younger. In high school I used to stare in to empty space and drift away into thoughts in class, I...
  46. RaBind


    I can relate to downsowf a lot. My behaviour towards friends is very similar. I have made like 12, quite close, and one close friend in the last 3 years, amazing huh? All of these friends aren't acquaintances, they are friends who I have no problem criticising or complaining to, about them, at...
  47. RaBind

    Looking People in the Eyes

    Eye contact feels quite weird. The only time when does not feel weird is when a conversation is intresting and you feel comfortable enough to let eye contact be an unconscious process. Instead of actually thinking about or focusing on making eye contact. I think if you focus on what the...
  48. RaBind

    I'm not sure if I'm an intp..

    Hmm I was gonna start a thread just like this, good thing I checked. Introverted (I) 56.67% Extroverted (E) 43.33% Intuitive (N) 57.14% Sensing (S) 42.86% Feeling (F) 51.61% Thinking (T) 48.39% Perceiving (P) 68.57% Judging (J) 31.43% ^ I got this in my mbti test, I have done this test...
  49. RaBind

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    YEAH!!! Blink 182 forever. Their new album Neighbourhoods is out, not in officially on youtube though. I also like similar bands like +44, Boxcar Racer, Busted, Bowling for soup, Linkin Park, Good Charlotte, sum 41, My Chemical Romance...
  50. RaBind

    Thoughts About Modern Life

    With that in mind, I think it may be how society influences people, besides introverted thinkers, I don't think people would care to think about the issue that deeply. Most people usually just go along with society and the current trends, being rich and famous has always been an objective that...
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