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Search results

  1. Last movie you watched

    Grayman just got 1001th post! I think that means he narrowly missed out on getting a prize.
  2. I was bonding with two fishes

    No no no.....I would kill someone for real sushi. Eating fish, raw or cooked, is not weird. I actually prefer sushi over some hake murdered in cooking oil. Fish are weird because of...their eyes. Never sure whether they are evil, mad, both or just stupidly floating about.
  3. I was bonding with two fishes

    My current theory is that somehow the excess chemicals from the goldfishes scales affected it's scales. That same silver fish devoured almost all my guppies, thus a transfer was needed. Fish are weird.
  4. I was bonding with two fishes

    Wait a minute... The Japanese can now genetically engineer pokemon? I need to catch a plane. Regarding your encounter: Meh animals are weird, while fish are insane. I once saw a silver fish turn gold just because it swam with goldfish. Insanity.
  5. Had to google that... Do you mean squee the exclamation or squee the comic book character...

    Had to google that... Do you mean squee the exclamation or squee the comic book character? Regardless, you are free to do anything you wish to do :)
  6. Good Evening.

    Goooood morning. I really want to get back into bed, but what the hell, I'll stay awake and say: Welcome.
  7. Would you rather be a lumberjack or a butcher and why?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZa26_esLBE Case closed.
  8. Can I be back if I was never really here?

    Can you be here if you never came back? Probably not. Welcome. Again.
  9. lel :P Regardless, It's good.

    lel :P Regardless, It's good.
  10. Hello everyone!

    Deja Vu
  11. INTP's blank face phenomenon

    Dr Mike is somewhat condescending but also threatened by the phenom that is intp.....
  12. INTP's blank face phenomenon

    My face is almost always blank. If someone says something funny, I laugh. Otherwise, blank. Honestly, I like it that way.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12_2nN2U5bc No matter how cute I appear to be: NEVER PAT ME AGAIN.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12_2nN2U5bc No matter how cute I appear to be: NEVER PAT ME AGAIN.
  14. I generally regard myself as a near emotionless human, but the butterfly-dragon brought out some...

    I generally regard myself as a near emotionless human, but the butterfly-dragon brought out some feelz. Also, yer art is good.
  15. Hello everyone!

    H E L L O And Welcome to another forum production by the infamous and well renowned William Snakesfear. Questions: How has the recent diplomatic improvements between the US and Cuba affected Miami? If bestiality was socially acceptable, would you partake in it? If the...
  16. Robot Chef

    Effective? Yes. Creative? I doubt. Remember, at a certain level, chefs are artists. Easy meals such as mash potatoes can be made by robots, this will probably occur at places like prisons, orphanages and boarding schools were little artistic freedom is required in terms of food making.
  17. Thank you, found it amusing enough. Always interesting to observe how people perceive you due to...

    Thank you, found it amusing enough. Always interesting to observe how people perceive you due to the image you have under your name (recall you eluding to something along those lines in a recent thread) For example, after your avatar change, I have noticed that I subconsciously view you as...
  18. INTP Spirituality

    What's next? Semen farms were people hire semen milkers, where men are bred as cattle simply to add that natural flavor to some millionaire's truffles... That would be a more entertaining planet.
  19. INTP Spirituality

    Way too obvious there matey. Subtlety is more entertaining. Try harder next time.
  20. is everything true?

    Reality itself is uncertain. To search for ultimate truth is futile as a single subjective being, so instead we search for approximations based on the data available to us. Concurrent generations of seekers add to the approximations, shedding light on the details of our existence. This is...
  21. Yay!

    *Rook's spectral form smiles as it descends to Hades, for Random has been given a hearty meal and is being taught the way of true felinity by the priestess of Bastet.*
  22. Hey Everyone

    From the utter darkness of the cave, a pair of eyes appear. Slowly, they move closer and closer, until a vague figure can be made out. Suddenly, an intp steps into the dim circle of light cast by Zepol's torch, squinting at the strangeness of this new aspect within it's environment. Upon seeing...
  23. Yay!

    Pondered upon this, seeing as cats pretty much have all their predatory instincts and functions in place. Will check the links... Chicken necks are also cheaply sold here, funds usually a concern for me so would be convenient if chicken necks are cheaper than Colonel Capitalist's Cat Chow. I...
  24. RFC: Fork the site

    I quite agree with this statement... That is all.
  25. Just posting here to say that I really think you should really...

    Just posting here to say that I really think you should really Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiimbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaa himmmmmmmbaaaaaaweeeeeeeeee HeeeeeeeeeeHeeeeeeeeeeeHeeeeeeeeee...
  26. M'aiq is tired now, go bother someone else. [SPOILER]

    M'aiq is tired now, go bother someone else. [SPOILER]
  27. These mental images have befouled my innocence.

    These mental images have befouled my innocence.
  28. Come on, live a little! Print it out, spread flyers, put up posters, share it with the world...

    Come on, live a little! Print it out, spread flyers, put up posters, share it with the world! You may be arrested and sent to the mind hospital, but at least you will have an interesting tale to tell your grandchildren on their yearly visits.
  29. Had to google moobs... You got your revenge...

    Had to google moobs... You got your revenge. http://img.thesun.co.uk/aidemitlum/archive/01877/Lee_Johnston1_1877045a.jpg I am disgusted now. The meaning should have been obvious, but no, I had to see this:eek:
  30. Yay!

    All part of their master plan to make humans more ignorant. Worked on the ancient Egyptians, their pyramid spaceships never launched. Really exited to see what unique challenges and personality quirks he has :) Just observed him use the litterbox, at least that seems to be going down well.
  31. :) That dwarf :/ I apologize for putting you off your dinner/breakfast/lunch/bloodsucking.

    :) That dwarf :/ I apologize for putting you off your dinner/breakfast/lunch/bloodsucking.
  32. Yay!

    Thus far I have made sure the water is fresh and accessible(next to food), but somehow he prefers to drink out of the dog's water bowl, which seems to have collected some dirt at the bottom and was in no way clean when I saw him drinking. Somewhat baffling. Must...resist.....evil...
  33. I thank thee... Not sure where or even how I found it, but it just kind off stuck... Hhmm you...

    I thank thee... Not sure where or even how I found it, but it just kind off stuck... Hhmm you are referring to the bloated Tudor lady, right? Otherwise, if you are referring to the lynx trader the above description is not applicable. ^Overthinking
  34. Neckbeards temporary ban

    It's always so entertaining when someone gets banned or conflict arises. Suddenly, the forum is awash with activity and semi-intellectual discussions. Ban us all one by one at random, I say. The forum shall prosper, until it blazes out in a bright bang, a brilliant supernova which reverberates...
  35. The NSA. What do we know?

    QuickTwist, regarding your query, all I can say is this: You pose no immediate threat to us.
  36. Yay!

    Thanks all for the in depth advice, will do some further reading as to keeping him healthy and content. He seems to be a fully endowed male. Upon further investigation, the security guard on the farm had routinely put food out for the cat. So at least it is not completely feral. He seems to be...
  37. Yay!

    Thanks XD Dairy was so easy to give, probably have to open up some tuna for the while being. It seems to have settled in, hissed the dogs away and is generally just hanging around. Now for the addiction part. I probably will have to pay for a vet, seeing as the cat had been living outside...
  38. Yay!

    So I have just coerced a feral farm cat to enter my home. For all the veteran Cateteers on here, what do I do now? I lured it all the way into my house by a process of extensive grooming and purring(apparently it is very attention starved/horny). I already gave it a small cup of yoghurt and a...
  39. Probably a good idea to say hello

    Welcome... You have entered here, and now you can never leave. Welcome. Questions: What are your preferred music genres/artists? Do you have to clothe and clean old people? If you were given a gun and international political immunity, who would you kill, if anyone? If any species of animal...
  40. The mysterious breath.

    Open your closet. Look under your bed. I may be there.
  41. No, that's too formal

    IT crowd is good. Perhaps then, you can be trusted. Perhaps.
  42. Skyrim a good INTP game?

    I grew quite bored of skyrim a few years back. Recently I acquired a new copy and downloaded mods like a madman to see if I could change this hack and slash romp into a brutal experience were death is ever present and survival is always on one's mind. With a huge variety of mods such as...
  43. Heeeyyyy.... I also main spy.

    Heeeyyyy.... I also main spy.
  44. Is it real?

    I like you Azreal, you remind me of an older, more mature me. I have no moral objection against eugenics, though I would rather see it used to ensure the future of humanity by breeding a tougher, more intelligent species than being used to create super soldiers who will pillage third world...
  45. Get the friends you want

    WONKAVISION's take on making friendsies in this big bad world. I skimmed through all of this, expecting some kind of miracle cure being peddled, and there it was in the form of an ebook. Can this guy actually help you make friends? Well sure, just as psychics help you repair your finances...
  46. Is it real?

    Hail friend! Welcome to our humble tavern. We are simple folk here, going about our daily routines of cat slaughter and moon worship. Grab yerself a pint of whatever it is that ye drink, and settle in. If you feel conversationally inclined, be sure to wander upwards towards the chatbox, were...
  47. What are your dream living conditions?

    Internet. Electricity. Roof. Water. Food. Twenty mermaid midgets frolicking within a large aquarium tank. I am a being of simple needs.
  48. Would you rather be a lumberjack or a butcher and why?

    Well sure, a butcher gets to cut up the corpses of animals with an assortment of grisly tools, processing them into lumps of meat sold to good matured middle class folk like you and me. I'm going with lumberjack though. Late at night, in my log cabin deep within a misty forest, I hear a sound...
  49. Watch thread.

    I've owned this one for quite some time now. Great service, never broke down, exquisite fingers. I have no need for those infernal wrist stranglers since the day I realized the meticulous keeping of time makes life more boring. It is much more interesting to be late or early than...
  50. Hello

    Yes....hello..latte has hello'd the hellos to thee...so...greetings stranger. Welcome to the town of Firkheim. The ale is a bit pricy here, but the fires are warm and the company good. The Gopher is in the upstairs room if you have any...urges. What is your stance on bestiality? Have you ever...
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