Lol I rocked 5color Death's Shadow (suicide aggro) at my local Modern FNM last week. I have stuff for Infect/Delver though as well.
Haven't seen death's shadow, do you play phyrexian unlife or something else to make it work? Ugh, infect and tron is one of my most despised combination to face, usually my decks are weak against it. Though delver is out of favour these days, delver splash red was an easy matchup iirc.
I'm playing Lingering Souls WB tokens, Soul Sisters (Mono White Life Gain) and I'd like to make a mono black control someday (yeah need Lilianas for this one so not too soon).
I play really every constructed format, though my Legacy deck is the cop out Manaless Dredge (will run you a solid 150$, making it cheaper than most Standard decks). It's a good deck when the format is seeing low graveyard hate.
Legacy is robust, I only play around with proxies or virtual online decks, so can't say I love some of the cards.
I'm trying to move out of Standard. Although I do love the dynamic nature of the format, the constant brewing and testing. I'm a fairly solid deckbuilder, I just have very little time to test :/
Yeah, no time and spare cash (saving for a piano for a few months now), I'm eager to test decks on MWS or magic online with a friend from time to time, he's building gifts ungiven combo atm and does attend qualifiers for fun/practice with some hopes of getting through (mainly WB tokens as we share deck ideas and strategies).