Together forever
Not insulting you or anything, but...
Why use a self-portrait for your avatar? I know it's common for women to do things like that, but it just strikes me as a bit narcissistic.
Never intended or even crossed my mind as it being narcissistic but I see your point. Unlike your clever and friendly-to-a-wide-audience avatar, I myself am not as skilled at selecting the perfect avatar clearly..too many to choose from.. But I get it, its obviously pick on the new chick day around here. Guess I should work on changing my username, avatar, and growing a thicker skin.
Hey I didn't mean it that way!
I'm sorry my honesty offends you.m8 get out
Neckbeard, if were being completely honest here, you seem like the type of person I would purposely go out of my way to avoid in a real life social situation. Are you sure you're not an ISTP? ISTJ? I know some real abrasive IST's. I'd look into that possibility.
Honestly, if me calmly telling you that your choice of avatar might give off the wrong impression offends you, then you have issues. Seriously.
When did I ever imply that I was offended? So you're allowed witty, sarcasm loaded comments, but as soon as I make them, I "have issues. Seriously"...alright
Wait, so that was sarcasm?
I have entertained the possibility that I am ISTP, I tend to act like one I admit, but I think INTP is what I am underneath.
So if you're an INTP underneath it all, try not sounding so intolerant. I come on here to put myself out there and first thing you do is take a shot. Look's real IST to me.
I didn't say it with that intention, I must have read what that guy said about the 92 and got the idea from that. But still, you could certainly toughen up a bit.
Once again, another shot at me. Is it actually at all humanly possible for you to not have the last word (insult in your case)? I'd explore the possibility of some ISTP, ISTJ forums, you'd likely fit in well with your crowd.
I think you might be a bit more F than T.
It's not about "taking a shot", it's about me being honest about the reasons why we are having this discussion, and attempting to fix the problem in a typical ISTP fashion.
yeah...alright buddy, you keep thinking that.
Well, I apologize that my avatar is so offensive to you and so exasperates your need to make side-bar comments regarding the narcissistic penchant I wasn't previously aware I had.
It doesn't offend me at all.
Don't put words into my mouth, girl.
The Gopher, it's fair that you speculate whether I could be an INFP. However, I think you would actually have to know me personally to know that I am absolutely not an F in the slightest. You do have to realize I've been pretty ganged up on so far throughout this thread and frankly, having a bunch of men (I'd assume the majority of you are men) take a stance that I am just bottom line overreacting/irrational isn't exactly a fun nor comfortable spot to be in. So am I going to go to an inferior place pretty damn quickly? you bet. Reverse the situation and attempt to empathize.. as difficult as I know that can be for a bunch of INTP's.
Victim complex much?
Wow.. it simply does not end with you does it..
Not until you stop making false accusations about me and my intentions.
You are right. She doesn't need to because they are obvious.
Grow a brain and stop assuming things.
I am not the assuming that a person could be narcissist just because she used her own image as an avatar.
I didn't. I brought it to her attention because it is a LITTLE BIT narcissistic, and may give off the wrong impression.
Jesus you are a piece of work. holy. Pretty convinced you are an 13 year old with absolutely nothing better to do but troll the shit out of everyone here.
You started it.
I think it just gives you that impression. I am honestly curious as to why.
Because you might want everyone to look at you?
Or the more likely, you simply don't care if everyone looks at you /=
Or the reality, where in this case you want everyone to be comfortable with you, revealing a low self-esteem.
I'm done here, keep fishing for white knights OP.
I always manage to put my foot in it one way or another.
I didn't mean to upset the apple cart so much, I could have just not responded I guess. It upsets me intellectually when people misunderstand what I say.
So it goes then Latte.. I've had my "fun" on here.. if you can call it that. I'll leave you guys to do what you do. I've taken accountability for my actions, several times and have even personally and privately apologized to neckbeard.. Quite frankly, about had it up to here with this shit. Have at er'. Plenty out for the kill today.
Privately apologised? Bullshit.
More like privately insulted, Jesus Christ.
Neckbeard, I am curious if you felt a little uncertain about this before you posted it. Kind of like a little feeling of warning in the back of your mind that you just ignored. I do that sometimes. Actually I pissed someone off in another forum not that long ago.
Anyways everyone who goes on the offensive here on out is responsible their own actions regardless of who initiated it. I never really agreed with the 'well he started it' idea but it can be understandable during momentary blip of emotional upset.
I'm getting all my ducks in a row before the court ruling. I am thinking almost everyone here can plead temporary insanity. Except Latte because coffee is often to too reasonable in the morning.
Not really. I just believed it to be an accurate observation on my part.
What a mess...
1) Neckbeard has been temp banned for a two days for bashing a noob on her intro thread. This is absolutely unacceptable behaviour.
I protest Neckbeards temp ban, it seems highly unjustified. He might have been insensitive but his posts were mild(in comparison to the rest of the posts here) and his intentions inquisitive rather than malignant. I can also not see how he should have backed down, we questioned his opinion and he simply responded with what he thought.
He was being purposefully abrasive and aggressive towards someone for no just reason. A reasonable and mature person simply does not care if someone uses a real picture or whatever else. It is a good idea to not have this forum dictated by the lowest common denominator.
He was not being abrasive and aggressive for no reason, he was defending his question and his views. It was originally intended as a fairly light hearted question, though it was not taken as one and there was reasonable logic (though in my view faulty) behind asking the question.
One definitely defend their views without going full retard. He may have been virtuous and particularly naive in his questioning, though he still went full retard.
How did he go full retard? I read his replies again and I don't see it. Insensitivity is common here and though I see some of that in his questioning I don't really see how he attacks Kara. (Thinking her a feeler or narcissistic is not presented as particularly negative, it was very much observative or defensive)
I stated his behavior was abrasive and aggressive.
Hardly, it was defensive in response to critique, it was also extremely mild in comparison to the critique.
Intent is a very hard thing to judge over text, specially someone that is new. Sometimes the line between genuine curious inquiry and baiting/veiled insults is very thin, which makes things hard for moderators. The fact is that regardless of his intention, the conversation escalated to the point that he accused the OP of narcissism, low self-esteem and victimization, when OP was clearly upset about it, which qualifies as pointlessly abrasive and hostile. And he's just out for 2 days, it's not the end of the world.
I agree Kara's reaction to his comments was less than ideal, but it does take two to tango, and "they started it" is no defence to escalation. Like Proxy said, he didn't have to go full retard to defend his views. Let's assume for a moment that the accusations were true. Does telling a narcissist he's narcissist will really change him? Does telling a low-self esteem person they've got low-self esteem actually improve their self-esteem? No... you're just throwing stones at people, and people don't like that and are likely to react negatively, whether they deserve them or not. This is a place were people are presumably interested in psychology, yet somehow seem oblivious to pretty basic psychology...
And this is Kara's intro thread, I'm sure many would have felt equally justified in replying defensively if they were being inquired with seemingly loaded questions and mob-analyzed when you're introducing yourself. For the moment, she has the benefit of the doubt.
Yes please, let's give her some breathing room. Further temp-banning commentary will be split to its own thread in Crime and Punishment or in PM for those interested.
I do not see anything that warrants a temporary ban for Neckbeard, his initial statement was not necessarily offensive and his follow up statements though showing some offence(far from enough to warrant a temp ban in my opinion) were under-proportional compared to the responses. It is wrong to assume that he would be able to pick on the underlying signals like most did, especially on this forum. Neither does obliviousness warrant a ban. Furthermore defending your opinion should be allowed. The only thing that could potentially warrant a ban would be the victim post and I believe that warrants a warning at most.
Also I am posting about the principal of the matter(he should not be punished at all), I agree that 2 days ban is not a lot.