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Search results

  1. Delete, escape, backspace....

    My best friend tells me I'm like Brian. =\ rofl
  2. HELP!

    It didn't last as long as I had wanted, but she said she was suprised at how charming I was. ;) We're to hangout Friday and we'll see how that goes. =3
  3. HELP!

  4. HELP!

    I read this to her and Her mind was in the gutter, not mine. lmao
  5. HELP!

    I'm going to talk on the phone with an INFP that I'm interested in and she doesn't think I'll have enough to talk about to keep her entertained all night. Any suggestions? Please?
  6. Systemizing (SQ) and Empathizing (EQ) Quotient Test

    lmao. I guess not.
  7. Ambiversion

    in the words of a certain slyguy... "how can you not know if you're an introvert?!" =3

    Oh, I do. I got more happy birthdays on this forum then I did in RL. lol

    dude. if I got a cake, THAT'S what I would have wanted. =3

    Aww. That's so sweet.
  11. Diablo II

    ...o.0 I have a router?
  12. Diablo II

    I have 1.12 downloaded. How can I delete the patch? Is it possible? Would I have to delete the whole thing? I only have my play disc.. >.>
  13. Diablo II

    What are we doing, Battlenet? TCP IP?
  14. Diablo II

    shut up, you're just not in the mood yet/anymore! =3 haha I'll actually be home Sunday, we should correlate a time and get it goin'
  15. Me and My Shadow

    Nice post, echoplex. ...loudmouth who is never wrong... haha
  16. Diablo II

    I did take it a little condescending, but I'm fine. Sure thing, I'm a little busy at the moment... -yawns and goes out to smoke-
  17. Personality and the brain.

    Very interesting. ...I was gonna make a better post, but my nephew just woke up. =3 ... CARS?? VROOM! VROOM! ... =3
  18. Diablo II

    build. =3 If I am still the orchestrator to this, then in a little less then a week. (and even more, my computer wont let me get passed act 1 on single player...) ... (I guess I could do the 'act' cheats and just transfer my crap over)
  19. Diablo II

    will you be on during that month? that sucks. I get back home Saturday... lol
  20. Diablo II

    just hold off until we all start playing. then it will be mutual obsession. =3
  21. Diablo II

    Holy Crap.. We have a nice turnout of potential players. =3
  22. Diablo II

    you're funny. =3
  23. Diablo II

    I'm down for a cold aura paladin. but, I wont be on in a while.
  24. Diablo II

    ok. =3
  25. Diablo II

    AWESOME! People want to play! ...oh crap... I wont be back for a week. lol
  26. Diablo II

    It would depend on who else wants to do what. I'm just looking for people to play with. lol
  27. Diablo II

    So. I'm thinking of getting together a party of 8 and playing Diablo II online. Anyone down? We'll make posts on our progress and discuss our items with old timers? Inappropriate Behavior? zxc?
  28. Diablo II

    weapons can break in DiabloII? lol
  29. Diablo II

    Anyone still have this Old game? Anyone down to play?
  30. name changes

    I was totally sleeping, but I would have been more then willing to beg and plead. =3
  31. name changes

    I want Cryss Winters no lie, I want it all =3
  32. Me and My Shadow

    -hums the song- How would that work? Would we consciously know when our 'shadow' has taken over? Are there triggers to it?
  33. Chris' Suggestions.

    There have been a few topics that I've thought that I would have posted, but I didn't know where to post them. Anthile, where would be an acceptable place then?
  34. INTP Site and Discussions

    Good for you, then. I'm getting there. lol
  35. INTP Site and Discussions

    I'm right there with you, buddy. :(
  36. INTP Site and Discussions

    Thanks echoplex, I'm now hungry! =3
  37. INTP vs ENTP

    I rarely feel stressed out, but I'd rather go to sleep so I can wake up feeling as normal as possible.
  38. INTP Site and Discussions

    Nicely put, Cog.
  39. INTP vs ENTP

    Right around the middle? =3 awesome avatar, btw.
  40. INTP vs ENTP

    Am I an E who's been inside too long, or an I who's had too many E friends? Is there a way to tell?
  41. Movie - Seven Pounds

    C'mon, nobody wants to help? You people disappoint me.
  42. INTP Site and Discussions

    I've made Kidege giggle! =3
  43. INTP Site and Discussions

    This information came from this site. 'Giddy' eh? What do you all think of this? How does your logic explain it? How do you feel when you 'fall' for someone.
  44. Energy!

  45. NT's - Superior Beings?

    Quite possibly. ... and how does this make you feel? =3
  46. Chris' Suggestions.

    and diet? I'm actually serious. :(
  47. Dwags222

    That was kind of a rude response, Red Toad. :( We all have our own problems, it's about getting a healthy mindset and systematically making each one of them commit suicide. haha ...I mean the problems... >.>
  48. What do you want in life?

    You made me chuckle, good job.
  49. What do you want in life?

    I disagree, you should always strive for happiness, but be content with enough of it.
  50. Movie - Seven Pounds

    I saw Will Smith's character as a once happy individual who lost it all due to his own folly. He then decided to end his life with some meaning. It's pretty safe to assume that he was an Introvert and a Thinker.
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