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Search results

  1. What do you want in life?

    Happiness is a forever changing feeling to strive for, it makes you wake up each day and try again. I suppose it's different for each individual and it's important to find out happiness is for you.
  2. What do you want in life?

    Happiness, and it will take a lot of work; but I'm getting there.
  3. Safety Question

    If any of you are curious. 'I'm not paranoid, it's all perfectly logical' =3
  4. Movie - Seven Pounds

    I Want to see an INTP and an INFP, so I doubt my opinion is unbiased.
  5. Movie - Seven Pounds

    What do you guys think the main guy and main girl were? What did you think of the movie? I thought it was one of the best movies I've ever seen.
  6. Safety Question

    Thank you very much, that's exactly what I was looking for. Isn't it odd that you had it onhand? =3 As long as it doesn't happen while I'm living there, I don't care too greatly.
  7. Am I Really an INTP?

    I don't know, to be honest, I'm still figuring myself out. There aren't many things I dislike to do, because everything's a learning experience.
  8. Safety Question

    considering terrorism and earthquakes and volcanos and... you know, all that depressing stuff. =) which place is safer to live? Southern California, San Diego area. or Northwest Washington, Seattle area? Any thoughts? Reasons? and then, safest place to live in the world? least safe? I'm curious.
  9. Am I Really an INTP?

    ...who asked you. =3 I think I'm an XNTX, if that makes sense.. >.> I don't know. I'm still maturing, we'll see where I end up.
  10. Am I Really an INTP?

    I think I've decided I'm an INTP, just not a normal one. lol =3
  11. Pretty Spiffy Website

    Stand together and kill all who oppose us. =3
  12. Pretty Spiffy Website

    Ideally, yes.
  13. Pretty Spiffy Website

    http://www.worldplenty.com/ If only everybody could read and take this to heart? =3
  14. Am I Really an INTP?

    Yes, but I do realize that I need alone time to think/recharge. Which is a very Introverted thing to think.
  15. Am I Really an INTP?

    Thank you Razare and loveofreason, those are the kinds of responses I wanted. I keep testing INTP, but I'm unsure of it. Which I guess is a very INTP thing to think. lol
  16. Am I Really an INTP?

    Nice response, Red Toad.
  17. Mind Reading

    If not, I would die. lol
  18. Am I Really an INTP?

    I want to go into a professional psychologist's office and have them evaluate me. Then walk out and never talk to them again. lol
  19. Am I Really an INTP?

    I read ENTP and was thinking, hell, I might just be an ENTP who has been stuck inside for too many years. I retook the test and came up with... Your Type is INTJ Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging Strength of the preferences % 44 75 62 11 WTF am I?! lol
  20. Mind Reading

    I would simply want it for understanding. I honestly wouldn't abuse it, at my present mindset.
  21. Mind Reading

    Anyone else want it? I hear a lot of people saying it'd be invasion of privacy, which I guess I agree with. but who cares? lol I wouldn't abuse it.. at the moment. but I'm sure such a curse would eventually corrupt me.
  22. Am I Really an INTP?

    These are some really indepth answers, thanks. I feel much less depressed now.
  23. Am I Really an INTP?

    What kinds of things could turn other types into an INTP? I read the types and they seem creepily accurate, but I don't feel as smart as they let on. It's probably more likely that I'm another type who's underdeveloped. Any suggestions?
  24. Chris' Suggestions.

    Health Sections? Exercise and such? I don't know.
  25. Sports as a form of Meditation

    Meditation is such a loosely used word, nowadays, I'm sure you could call it that.
  26. What's your top five anime?

    Re: Looking for good anime. I'm well aware that Avater: The Last Air Bender isn't 'anime' I just simply stated that I once found a site to watch them on. I'm checking out zomganime.com
  27. Prove Toad's MBTI Type!

    My sister died when I was 11?
  28. What's your top five anime?

    Looking for good anime. I will only watched subbed, dubbed is obnoxious. I can't download anything.. So, youtube? Does anyone have a link to a good anime on youtube? I once found a site to watch avatar, but it was closed soon after I finished the first season. =(
  29. Can intelligence bring you security?

    I like the way you think, Cog. haha I'd totally live in an underground bunker.
  30. Woman - The Root of all Evil

    Perfect way of putting it, Cog. haha. hehe.. ... >.>
  31. Can intelligence bring you security?

    Absense of harm. Red Toad asked what I lived for, if not for fucking woman. I said knowledge is most important to me. He asked what I wanted in life, I replied security. Then said that's probably due to not having a very stable enviroment most of my life.
  32. Summer

    Indeed. I doubt that big of a change could actually happen, though. =(
  33. Left 4 Dead 2?

    Different character skins would have worked too. It wouldn't have been a problem, they're so small.. Change Louis tie to green on christmas, just to see if anyone would notice.. haha (it's cool that we've got this 1on1 discussion going on. haha)
  34. Woman - The Root of all Evil

    this made me chuckle..
  35. What songs are you listening to?

    Today - Smashing Pumpkins I heard it on Guitar Hero - World Tour It's been stuck in my head for days..... 0.0
  36. Woman - The Root of all Evil

    Yes. but I believe I can have companionship with a female or a male.
  37. Left 4 Dead 2?

    I used Louis. called him Barrack Obama.. haha I was impressed at first, it was a good game, but I expected DLC.. The maps got boring after playing on the hundreds of times. Then Survival Mode was supposed to be really good, and I was disappointed. :(
  38. Views on Facebook and Twitter with the new update?

    I'm very pleased with where console gaming is headed. Social networking while pwning your friends on Halo? That's badass. haha Edit: Oh crap, I'm talking about xbox360 (I just assumed you all pay attention to something that seems only important to me. lol)
  39. Woman - The Root of all Evil

    sounds very Freudian. I don't think that all my actions and thoughts are driven by my need to have sex. It's simply not that important.
  40. Summer

    True. I would have much rathered school year long, just having breaks often.
  41. Summer

    I simply walked around my town and enjoyed not having to do anything. It's like being an adult early. (without the responsibilities)
  42. Left 4 Dead 2?

    I waited years for the first one, and I was thoroughly let down.. =( Anyone see the trailer for L4D2? Chainsaws! =3 Different charactes, I guess. It's ok, I wont miss bill or francis. lol
  43. Music Games - Guitar Hero and Such

    I personally love these types of games. It's listening to music while being involved in a very childish, plastic guitar, kind of way.
  44. Discussion: The Elder Scrolls Oblivion

    Also high elf with the birthsign that is best for magic but worst for magic resistance. It's so much fun to be deathly afraid of magic. haha
  45. Discussion: The Elder Scrolls Oblivion

    Khajiit Unarmored (even in Oblivion) Short Blade and Bow and Arrow, Sneaky little bastard. I loved it. =3
  46. Circle The Cat

    damn cat. took me like 4 tries. haha
  47. name changes

    I still can't think of what I want to change mine to! Damn my indescisiveness. >.<
  48. Damn ENFPs... wish I could have that kind of fun

    that made my day, thank you.
  49. Negative qualities

    that's just human nature.
  50. Visualization

    Very interesting, Glovehead. If I try to remember things, I get a faint image but I instantly lose it. I don't know..
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