yo what up people, i don't come around here very often so yeah, just saw this.
uhm, hmmmm. yeah.
well i'll say this. i used to be really messed up the way some intp's can tend to be. basically i think it boiled down to this . . . well not just this but this is a big part of it. The intp seems to interpret whatever is going on in his or her own head as reality, but the truth is it isn't even close to reality. in fact, what goes on inside most intp's heads is so different from what goes on in everyone elses head that it can be very difficult for an intp to correctly interpret reality. i guess i'm talking mostly about social reality here.
i'm not sure if any of this makes sense, but basically i came to a point in my life where i told myself i was going to do everything in my power to correctly perceive reality, this means knowing how people think, what they REALLY think, and not what i assume they think. i think this can be much harder than it sounds for most intp's, because they simply don't care to try. but then when everything is all screwed up or whatever they don't know what to do. this doesn't only apply for social reality, it applies to reality in general, but there are different aspects to reality i guess. the point is, most intp's seem to think that their little internal reality is the true reality, but it isn't even close. i've strived over the years to figure out what the "true" reality is, how to live in it, how to interpret it, how to manipulate it, etc.
i don't know if any of this makes sense at all.
by the way, i'm pretty much a complete bum. i know that i could be rich and successful and find a girl and all that crap, but i really don't seem to care that much about that stuff. even though i have stressed the idea of interpreting reality correctly, you still have to hold on to what is most important to you. is reality all about money and chicks and success? some people think so, but i do not. i definitely think that true reality is more about love, happiness, and . . . yes, God. Either their is a true meaning to life, or there is not. I for one think there is a meaning, and thus there is a God. I also have to admit that believing in God and my own spiritual experiences played a huge role in motivating me to try to correctly perceive reality.
ok, well, this was a hard question to answer and i have no idea if i've succeeded or not, but i tried.
i would tell you more about my life but there isn't a whole lot to tell. i am a ski bum basically. the ski season is over right now so my day usually consists of doing whatever i feel like doing, and then going to work. i try to exercise regularly, and i also read a lot of books, both fiction and non-fiction. i am also entertaining the idea of going back to school in bozeman montana because i think learning is fun, and if i got a job in mechanical engineering or computer science or something then i could have a cool job, make enough cash to not be stressed about my financial situation, and then move to salt lake city where i can both be a ski bum and have a professional career at the same time, which pretty much sounds great to me. plus i'm really into motorcycles and fast cars so i think it would be kind of cool to be able to afford those things (but only if i can get the money by doing something i actually want to do). i've also considered doing a lot of other things, like being a philosophy professor or a scientist or an author. like most intp's i have a lot of interests and sometimes it is hard for me to stay interested in one thing for very long. but i don't really let it stress me out because, like i said, i don't equate the mainstream idea of success with the idea of having a good career so i can make a lot of money and buy a big house and all that crap. so even if i am a bum for the rest of my life, and never accomplish anything that would deem me successful by their standards, i think i will still be a pretty happy guy. it's all about peace, you have to be able to view reality correctly, view yourself correctly, and then make peace between the two. that is my formula for a successful life i guess, as if there were such a thing.