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Search results

  1. Nah, they've eaten most of my limbs though. It's quite a sight.

    Nah, they've eaten most of my limbs though. It's quite a sight.
  2. hello, my Irish Prince.

    hello, my Irish Prince.
  3. Shit, there's pretty people from every different type. It's all good. =P

    Shit, there's pretty people from every different type. It's all good. =P
  4. Of course.

    Of course.
  5. I'm not in Seattle, you stoner. I'm in the Bay, trick.

    I'm not in Seattle, you stoner. I'm in the Bay, trick.
  6. It was for one of your posts, but I seem to have forgotten which... 0.0

    It was for one of your posts, but I seem to have forgotten which... 0.0
  7. You are my new hero.

    You are my new hero.
  8. I miss your NF ways. =3

    I miss your NF ways. =3
  9. You know how it is, homeless in the Fruitcup Capitol of the World. (San Francisco)

    You know how it is, homeless in the Fruitcup Capitol of the World. (San Francisco)
  10. Discovery Channel Tonight (9 PM Eastern): Ardi

    I will try desperately to watch it, but when you share a television with 9 other people...
  11. That's because I have a life. haha

    That's because I have a life. haha
  12. 'ello dear.

    'ello dear.
  13. How much do you spend on clothes?

  14. hello baby. :)

    hello baby. :)
  15. So, two INTP's walk into a bar....

    That made me giggle, Cobra.
  16. So, two INTP's walk into a bar....

    ...they both say "ouch!"
  17. 5w4's and 5w6's v INTP's and INTJ's

    Just because somebody is a given MBTI type doesn't mean much more then that. There are quite a few people who are happily ‘mistyped’ because they want to be something that they’re not. MBTI in itself is just a theory; you shouldn't place too much credence in it.
  18. INTP writers

    I don't personally know of any, no. Of course it's possible. Any type can do anything.
  19. So, two INTP's walk into a bar....

    One goes home and hangs himself... ...buy a bike?
  20. Do different species of animals talk to one another?

    Cobra, long time no see. I think animals use a universal type of body language that most humans are unfamiliar with.
  21. So guess what I learned today ?

    Umm. Welcome, you misfit.
  22. Advice from the future...

    Don't do it! :eek:
  23. I know, I was just being silly with you. =\

    I know, I was just being silly with you. =\
  24. hey, I said you were pretty and I Didn't want you touch my penis!

    hey, I said you were pretty and I Didn't want you touch my penis!
  25. I wanted to hug him first!

    I wanted to hug him first!
  26. Aww. An INTP get together? ;)

    Aww. An INTP get together? ;)
  27. Greetings, stranger.

    Greetings, stranger.
  28. You're right, that is pretty exciting. =)

    You're right, that is pretty exciting. =)
  29. ^^ Smile. You're pretty ^^

    ^^ Smile. You're pretty ^^
  30. Can we control our dreams?

    You wont feel bad, at least. ;)
  31. You're a good kid, keep it up.

    You're a good kid, keep it up.
  32. The best part of waking up, is having your kids shut-up...!

    The best part of waking up, is having your kids shut-up...!
  33. Extended Orgasms

    /me is jealous.
  34. Hmm.

  35. Podcasts

    I was browsing Podcasts on itunes and I have no idea where to start. Any good ones? I thought asking INTPs would be a good way to get things that might interest me.
  36. Hi

    If you can be civil and logical, we'd love to talk religion with you. We all often wonder why we're a forum based on people who dislike people...
  37. Glove? :3

    Glove? :3
  38. Views on Vegetarianism

    ...well... if we had a health section I would see it! ... >.> ...
  39. Question

    I wouldn't mind, I would still eat it. Why would everyone need a seperate substance? It's not like we can have Too Many vitamins.
  40. Views on Vegetarianism

    I often hear that Vegetarianism is a lifestyle choice made by other INTPs. Not all, of course, but a substantial amount. I’ve thought of becoming a Vegetarian, not because I think eating meat is morally wrong. Morals are subjective. As humans, I think we have enough intelligence to survive...
  41. Question

    Is it theoritically possible to create a substance that is the perfect human diet. (consistancy like oatmeal, but with all the required vitamins) Why hasn't it been made? Wouldn't it be more efficient? Could it be taken intravenously? Would we un-evolve our stomachs? Is this enough questions? =3
  42. INTP and 'people pleasing'

    Enjoyable thread, Snowqueen. Yeah, you would think that.
  43. Well, fine. Don't use the forums as often as we'd all like you to.

    Well, fine. Don't use the forums as often as we'd all like you to.
  44. BAM!

  45. Your avatar made me giggle uncontrollably. Bravo.

    Your avatar made me giggle uncontrollably. Bravo.
  46. INTPs and Money

    I'm with you buddy. :segen:
  47. Another new INTP has come

    Hello. Enjoy your stay, we'll deal with you soon. :aufsmaul:
  48. Oh, no problem at all. :)

    Oh, no problem at all. :)
  49. H1N1

    How bad do you Actually think it's going to get? Thoughts on it? We can't call it 'Swine Flu' ? (I just heard that recently)
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