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Search results

  1. Choosing a career

    Well, I've been considering environmental science myself. Makes use of science abilities and involves doing a good thing for society.
  2. Banned for Science?

  3. Can the MBTI considered to be a type of phenomenology?

    Nice. You know, this is something I guess I knew since I've studied some phenomenology and I look at them both in terms of "directly analysing experience" (I try to do this in a moral fashion as well as metaphysical). So, often my source of inspiration for describing things about the MBTI is...
  4. The future of advertisements or propaganda ?

    Well, we here know a fair bit about MBTI which is basically Big 5. Would it work? I think to a large degree one's tastes are quite independent of personality type, and also that both sides of a personality dichotomy can be targeted at once. Is there much value in targeting certain types...
  5. Anyone else overreacted to a break-up?

    Thanks for your replies in this thread @zerkalo, I found them helpful. Gotta love that Fi! :)
  6. Did i find the meaning of life?

    I'm someone with quite pervasive anxiety, especially social anxiety. It's as if, through habitually staying quiet around people, that social situations themselves are almost as a default unfamiliar. Given that engaging well with others is such a daunting hurdle which I've yet to properly cross...
  7. Why so serious!

    So, you mention making things miserable for others then about how God makes things miserable for others. Trying to tell us something? :rolleyes: (gonna naturally have a negative response to anyone who mentions that they "love to mess with people"...)
  8. Did i find the meaning of life?

    Our perception of meaning is linked to our perception of happiness, although meaning is the more big picture version. So, we probably derive meaning from the same excitation of chemicals that we derive happiness such as dopamine (reward), serotonin (achievement), oxytocin (affection), adrenaline...
  9. Did i find the meaning of life?

    I think that to a large extent, learning is itself the meaning of life. Or, not necessarily learning, but having new experiences which have never been had. I think these new experiences are in a sense stored in our atoms/spirit, and the build up over eternity (so this store currently contains...
  10. The Random Thoughts Thread

    saw a psychiatrist today and it further cements my belief that psychiatrists are morons who have no clue what they're doing like, how can someone have any professional opinion based on reading a file littered with misinformation, and then make significant decisions regarding medication for that...
  11. Hi there!

    Yes, but do you have coffee?
  12. Top five favorite movies

    The Matrix Fistful of Dollars The Great Silence Stalker A Clockwork Orange Yojimbo 6 because Yojimbo hitched a ride on my brainstorming. I haven't watched a movie in years.
  13. Hi there!

    i liek horoscopez
  14. Hi there!

    Well hello there!
  15. Self typing help, please!

    The problem is with the tertiary/inferior functions. The dichotomies don't quite explain why there would be appearances of the opposite functions in a given type, unless perhaps you go by the assumption that 2 unfavoured dichotomies make a semi-favoured dichotomy, i.e. that N+P (Ne) implies...
  16. Issues With Mindless, Repetitive Small Talk.

    'Twas merely an attempt to remedy ignorance over the matters of trash. A noble endeavour, yet in vain for the ignorance ran so deep as to flee from the mere mention of conversation! Aye! been hot as bro
  17. The mysterious dot

  18. Any fellow sociopath INTPs?

    Is sociopathy just a personality disorder (antisocial) like any other personality disorder, or is it something more sinister? I've been watching the TV show Vikings, and Jahl Borg seems like a sociopath to me. He
  19. INTPs, what's your socionics type?

    I remember scoring as Ne and also when reading the descriptions I related more to Ne. Ni is supposedly about trends over time, and I know an Ni who describes things in such a manner but I don't think I do. I don't know enough about socionics overall but LII is a strong possibility.
  20. A theory about emotions, emotion-based convictions and logic

    Well, that would be thinking, followed by feeling about the thought. You're suggesting a model like this: thought -> feeling -> behaviour As opposed to just thought -> behaviour, or feeling -> behaviour Or they could be put together to be like X*thought + (1-X)*feeling -> behaviour, i.e. the...
  21. A theory about emotions, emotion-based convictions and logic

    Well, to give an example Someone asks someone: why did you do X? Answer a) because if I did X it would result in Y Answer b) because I felt Z So I'm thinking that logic is more propositional in nature - you can write out a logical statement or chain of statements from one thing to the other...
  22. Self typing help, please!

    I was becoming convinced of the dichotomy-based perspective too, but I'm going back over to the functions-based one. Dichotomies may be more flexible, but that's kinda useless if you're not getting the basic theory as close to how things manifest. Yes, from a functions perspetive, INFP...
  23. A theory about emotions, emotion-based convictions and logic

    How does that show that it's logical though? It's emotion based reason in that scenario, not logic based reason. The thinker uses logic based reason by saying, well if the feeler feels it is a bad idea it probably is.
  24. How do you respond when someone smiles at you?

    I... smile back. It's not something I generally need to remember, although if they smile when walking past I might not respond quickly enough. Ah, the baron is back. 'Tis not long now before the return of your nemesis, the great Sinny91. :smoker:
  25. MUSIC: What was your reaction to finding out that Gwen Stefani was the lead singer of No Doubt

    Yeah pretty sure it was common knowledge, soz :angel01: - What was your reaction to finding out that the guest singer in Fancy is actually Charli XCX, not Gwen Stefani? (lolz) My reaction was to listen to copious amounts of Charli XCX.
  26. Time/Theory

    No, no, EVERYTHING is doubling in size in this hypothetical example. Not just one galaxy, ALL of them. The data itself would stay the same. If something was measured to be one meter before, it is still one meter, but now one meter is the size of two meters. And in my example, any formulas like...
  27. Time/Theory

    It would change universally though, i.e. apply to everything. Think about the case of space: would anyone notice if the entire universe and everything in it doubled in size? There would be nothing to measure this change against, everything would just appear to be normal size. So, the measure...
  28. Time/Theory

    Yeah, if we're assuming that it is our subjective experience of time only that changes, then we could compare to an external measure of time and notice that things are progressing differently to usual. But I think what QT meant was that ALL of time just happens to change, say time decides to go...
  29. Time/Theory

    Artsu notices.
  30. Time/Theory

    In my understanding, time doesn't just diverge in a few ways for each decision we make, but rather each point of the universe has a whole spectrum, as a wave, of all possible ways it could go. Infinite (or very many) variations exist at each point, and it is only through existing that we choose...
  31. The seat of moral conscience

    Moral conscience comes from our concern for our fellow human, though also concern for ourselves as a continual being. The concern for each other is likely mammalian in nature. In MBTI, it is most linked to the Feeling function, in particular Fi. It is tied to our ability to imagine ourselves as...
  32. The origin of common sense

    Doing things which you know are not good for your body sounds more like a lack of discipline (I do the same). My first impression is that common sense is different from sensation. I could even see a case for it as being based in intuition (which I don't think is the truth either), at least in...
  33. Getting Graphic

    How would the continuum work though? Is there ambiverted thinking, introverted feeling/thinking hybrid?
  34. Getting Graphic

    This brings up a question of whether the functions are discrete entities or if there is a continuum between them e.g. from Ti to Fi. As discrete things, you could make 4 graphs for each of the function pairs, e.g. Ti/Fe and Ne/Si for INTP, then a scale for intro/extraversion and a scale for how...
  35. Time/Theory

    Hey, I'd be interested to know more about this. I think about the non-linearity of time sometimes, and I believe that the timeline is going to be slightly out of sync for any 2 points in the universe. Insofar as it takes information a little bit of time to travel from one place to another place...
  36. How INTP and INFP conflicts

    Well I think they do get on well, it's just that their dominant functions - Ti versus Fi - are very far from each other, and they won't relate in that regard. Compared to say INTP vs ISTP where it's the auxiliary that differs they might get on better, although Ns tend to find an affinity with...
  37. The Limits of Infinity (Irony Recognized)

    Here's a silly proof that there are infinite numbers between zero and zero. Between 0 and 1 there are infinite numbers If there are infinite numbers between 0 and 1/n (n a positive integer), then there are infinite numbers between 0 and 1/(n+1), so there is infinite numbers between 0 and 1/n...
  38. New Theory on Time

    I think it's because all of the energy would be dispersed over a huge amount of space.
  39. Variation on Plato's Divided Line and the 4 Functions

    I have a long time ago noticed a similarity between Plato's divided line and the four functions (N, S, F, T). The line goes like this | Intelligence/Dialectic | Mathematical reasoning | Belief | Illusion Now, there is a certain aspect of this which makes it so that the higher portion is...
  40. Deconstructing Identity

    Things change, the mind changes. The future is contained somewhat in the present and we can travel forward or backwards any length of time through our inner projections, of course the actual future will differ from the projection. There is entanglement across distances because space is of a...
  41. (Another) Typing Problem

    Don't take my opinion here too seriously by the way, the typing wasn't done very thoroughly at all. Hopefully some others will give their opinions.
  42. Secret Birthday Language

    Mine was way off. I fit Sagittarius pretty well though (which I term the philosopher-adventurer).
  43. (Another) Typing Problem

    My impression was ENTP rather than INTP. You seem more descriptive rather than sharing judgements you have formed. And also this goes with the heightened usage of Fe (politeness and believing feelings make life more interesting).
  44. Animekitty's Type

    Re: Guess My Inferior Function. Yeah I would agree. The inferior is the opposite of the dominant, so it's kinda the weak part of the psyche which compensates for the primary attitude of the type. But then there are the weak functions which don't directly oppose the dominant in such a manner...
  45. Animekitty's Type

    Re: Guess My Inferior Function. Inferior function as exaggerated.. is that like when I used to come onto the forum and post as a drunken jackass, or was that just me being a drunken jackass? hmm (inferior Se) At the moment I would guess that you are Fe inferior (INTP)
  46. Hey!

    I was thinking M83 with breakdowns. Welcome, dreamcore.
  47. Damn, i've been here nearly 4 years.

    I've been here 6 years, but wasn't active on the forum for the middle part of that due to declining mental health. 6 years of MBTI'ing... oh dear.
  48. Banned for Science?

    xD you're hilarious, AK!
  49. Self typing help, please!

    No worries. Actually, I'm an INFJ :P But I think I probably use more Ti than Fe when I'm on this forum (and quite low Fe in general relative to other Fe types, since I'm very introverted) Feeling isn't just about emotion; everyone can be emotional, and Feeling is a broader class of phenomena...
  50. Imagination?

    It happens sometimes (briefly) when I close my eyes and try to relax as much as possible and allow whatever to come to my mind. I've noticed a few times when I do it my eyes just start darting around. I think they start moving once I start focusing my attention on the visuals. I tried to do it...
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