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Search results

  1. Imaginary creature running along side

    Holy shi-, yes, yes I did! clearly, these creatures are real
  2. is suffering inevitable?

    How I wish I were not a sucker for comfort and would truly live...
  3. How does someone with extremely weak linguistic skills formulate their thoughts?

    Often my thoughts are fragments of sentences. I'll think a few words and I'll quickly pick up on what is implied by them and not complete the thought, since it's completed in a non-verbal manner. Presumably with weaker linguistic skills, there is a greater preponderance of non-verbal thinking...
  4. The Random Thoughts Thread

    Ah yes' the ol' "life circumstances" line... Have considered the whole "what if I'm a screwed up ENFJ afterall??" before. The uncertainty in the system is boggling. I have phenomenological proof of my type though. :D
  5. is suffering inevitable?

    Hardly, except in a bound space. Suffering signals a backwards movement, a reverse in direction. As you said yourself - we live to experience
  6. Simple Intro Post

    Or I'm just paranoid. -- Hey Noday.
  7. What do you wear?

    black makes other people who wear black think you're awesome
  8. IRL... do people like you or not?

    i'm pretty easy to get along with and tend to like most people (unless they're in power) i have hardly any friends though because i tend to go crazy and alienate myself
  9. What do you wear?

    BLACK Ok, I generally wear a black/grey/white t-shirt or band shirt or long-sleeve maybe button up with black jeans and black shoes and a hectic jacket
  10. My Lethargy is rebellion, not laziness

    Hmm... I can see myself falling into a rebellious depression if something were to happen soon. But that's not how I want to be, and it would be an act of giving greater control to powers I loathe, whereas if I were to live my life as well as I can for myself, it would lead to states of being...
  11. Music preference and intellectual maturity

    I think once my primary listening material is Classical, I'll know I've musically matured. I've liked that sort of music for a long time, but never really delved into it. Y'know?
  12. Worthy Life Goals?

    Yeah I kind of just let my sensing loose for the sake of having stronger sensing, without really considering whether the particular things I was doing were helpful or not. But like, what truly is "helpful", y'know? Hopefully it'll mean that I'll have an easier time developing the more...
  13. Speechcrime Laws

    I actually WANT to be prescribed lithium. I've been saying for years that I'm bipolar, not schizophrenic. I've heard good things about the drug, not like the zombification fuckery that is anti-psychotics. But I've learnt some crucial information along the way about schizophrenia diagnosis, so...
  14. Worthy Life Goals?

    Yeah, getting my thoughts down on paper would certainly be very beneficial, I'll do that today. It should give me some more stability.
  15. Worthy Life Goals?

    How different would this list be given that I'm actually an INFJ, not an INTP? (although I realise I do come across quite INTP-ish, on this site in particular). The main problem that I am lacking in sensing is still valid, actually probably even more valid because it's my inferior. Would I still...
  16. Are ancient greeks smarter than modern humans?

    Entropy, isn't it? Expanding populations lead to reduction in average measures. The few who excel can potentially stand over any before them, but it has been said that in today's age genius is dying. Perhaps the internet now is consuming our intelligence, but it leads to the development of...
  17. Worthy Life Goals?

    I've got some aspirations to make music, but the main music I've created so far is just when I'm in the zone, improvising on the piano... and those sort of things aren't great for listening to the second time around. But I'd like to get an electric guitar and make black metal music similar to...
  18. Hello Everyone!

    Oh dear, not ANOTHER one... :rolleyes:
  19. Worthy Life Goals?

    I'm constantly tortured by the fact that, to all reasonable measure, I fail to live up to my own potential. I know that there is so much I could be doing and could have already done, I know this both intellectually and I feel my distance from it, but as much as I want to think about it, I am at...
  20. Intuition taking over thinking

    Your OP strikes me as INTJ-ish. You want to further explore your weaker functions?
  21. Technological singularity and Scientism

    It might be easier if you were to summarise it. Did you understand what I meant by the assertion?
  22. The truth about reality

    Such a thing is the stringent chain of eminescent multitudes, only before the never cease has such becoming always before the night, until it undoes all woes of washed stringents. How could they never become if thy hast a way without? As such it bemourns the ghost of time evermount that thoust...
  23. How about "Post post post posting post post post"?

    How about "Post post post posting post post post"?
  24. Technological singularity and Scientism

    An interesting thought is that mind is dispersed throughout the whole of the environment, and it is due to the highly complex electrical impulses propagating through the brain that the mind is formed as the most significant part of its environment. Whatever occurs below the Planck scale, we...
  25. Technological singularity and Scientism

    Only the universal soul is not made from stuff; all else is modification upon the infinite point of unity. And so, we are all one, differentiated through variation of the basic formula, that which is is not that which is not. Worth mentioning too, that the subject and object are but dual...
  26. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  27. The Random Thoughts Thread

    Started to lucid dream this morning, but as I did, I became too aware of my actual physical surroundings, and hearing my dog woke me up. I returned to sleep to try again, and my dog woke me again. Sigh...
  28. Simple Intro Post

    Nice save...
  29. Technological singularity and Scientism

    Pfft, we didn't even KNOW about radioactive decay 4.5 billion years ago! Extrapolation much! Not that, y'know, the world really is 6000 years old. It was made last tuesday. Or maybe it was monday. Look at that, I've already forgotten. They WHAT lol? xD Are they robots or something? And...
  30. Simple Intro Post

    There's something very strange about the way you type. Can't quite put my finger on it.
  31. Appearance of Function Order

    So, while my methods seem very promising, I think I'll have to put a stop to it for now. I've proven at least to myself that cognitive functions and function order exist and are as are taught, and I've demonstrated conclusively to myself what type I am. It's questionable whether my...
  32. Appearance of Function Order

    I was going to buy it last year but opted out at the last moment for some reason. I may still buy it. feck I spoke to soon idek any more which types get on well with which. Intertype relations is confusing as feck especially given that I have limited irl reference points on which to base a...
  33. Hi everyone, I'm Dray.

    got u. What INTP would ever say that? (nah some might) Point is.. not all people of a given type are the same in all respects and the proper way to type is not by stereotyped profiles but by function analysis. I look through your posts and they start with Ne and then go onto Ti so you are an...
  34. Hi everyone, I'm Dray.

    Plot twist! You're an ENTP. Thank you. I'll be here all night. Just kidding I have homework.
  35. What do I do?

    Feeling lost? Me too; I was excited for my future, but today depression sets in again, and the once promising path(s) now feel lacking, and either I work out how to push through and stick to the path, or else I must forge something new entirely. And I certainly would like to be able to forge my...
  36. Speechcrime Laws

    uh I don't go out and attack people when I'm psychotic, I just drink too much and make crazy rambling threads like this. Forced medication is a violation of human rights. I've done research on it, I've seen nothing to suggests that they help, especially not long term. It's just tranquilising...
  37. Appearance of Function Order

    I like Nardi's work* but I lack the neuroscientific background to really incorporate that into my ideas. I mean, I've gotten to the point now where I can directly observe function use, especially my own. So my ideas will largely be original from this point. ~mastery~ -in Se mode at the moment...
  38. The Random Thoughts Thread

    I'll have to eat my words with this one... whatever I was or wasn't seeing that led me to believe that socionics relations are incorrect, I am now seeing the opposite. I believe socionics relations, although exaggerated, may well be pretty damn spot on.
  39. Appearance of Function Order

    There u go TMB. You've spent too much time around INTPs/Ti and it has hurt your logic regions :P I've wondered about this but haven't really observed it yet. I suspect it would be relevant with, say, socionics duals interacting. Take INTP and ESFJ: Ti-Ne-Si-Fe, Fe-Si-Ne-Ti. Now, these types...
  40. Requesting valuable career advice!

    If you'll have a degree, couldn't you do, say a one year graduate diploma or masters? The idea of doing another bachelors after the first bachelors sounds unappealing.
  41. Help me choose

    front, for sure.
  42. Appearance of Function Order

    This perhaps warrants its own thread, but given that I only have a handful of observations I'll include it here. Here's a note on what each of the functions is like to use: Fe - very verbal, conversational as if I'm explaining something to someone Te - also very verbal, but it's more like...
  43. Appearance of Function Order

    you must alternately activate each of the 8 functions separately and test which one gives you a headache, like a troo scientist!
  44. Which Myers Briggs Type Is Most Likely To Be A Serial Killer?

    I agree with Kaczynski being INTP. Although I consider him an eco-terrorist rather than a serial killer. The Night Stalker is ISFJ methinks.
  45. Your own mind world

    That's why I have psychosis ^_^ But my mind worlds get overlaid with the usual world... woops.
  46. Appearance of Function Order

    I'm observing these function orders through the writings of authors, as well as phenomenological introspection. I was skeptical for a while that cognitive functions had validity at all, but they're quite clearly there. In the case of an INTP that uses a heavy amount of Ne, the Ti still comes...
  47. Appearance of Function Order

    Reiterating the method: Any given sentence can essentially be mapped to a cognitive function, so when doing a function analysis: - look at the first section of the text, and attempt to map it to a function. There are very reliable and simple ways that exist of doing this, but in lieu of this...
  48. Beta Males

    I heard sigmas were the socially successful ones who don't play by the rules, like cool Ns or something.
  49. Intj intp or istp

    Fuck MBTI, let's talk about black metal.
  50. The mysterious dot

    LOL! I remember Auburn linked me to that page a few years back and it freaked me out x]
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