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(Another) Typing Problem


Local time
Today 4:36 PM
Sep 9, 2016
(this universe)
Am I supposed to say "thanks" in advance?
*Yes, I know I've been on here for a few months already but still. Doubt lasts for some time (and can be "resurrected")

I've taken several tests and ended up with INTP for most of them (I think I got ESFP from this word typing thing which I must look back into a particular thread in "Online Tests" to remember). This was the result of certainty at one point and then doubt after looking through different sources. I'm now uncertain about my
personality type again.

Other than an INTP, I can also see myself as an ENTP, and in public situations, I seem way more polite than I actually am.

Below- Some ..."stuff":

I can't precisely define productivity with and without other people. When in front of other people, especially strangers, I tend to act more productive. This is exhausting sometimes, but it is actually quite natural. While by myself, I often tend to focus more on "hobbies" I'm "addicted" to. Of course, these "hobbies" are enjoyable, but apparently not as productive as the things I do when people are around.
- Someone once said I was addicted to math (with the reference to meth:rolleyes:), but they were quite wrong. My hobby is reading manga.

For Sensory and Intuition, I think I focus more on the future. This is also probably the reason for my thoughts on how "life is meaningless." (The ordinary life is the same as others on one level of inspection) For the past, I regret some things, but it doesn't really bother me (which means that I might regret it because I was guilty I didn't regret).

In my opinion, I think more than I feel, but this may be a misjudgment. There are times where I'm extraordinarily explosive and can't be calmed down unless I eat something delicious or until I see physical destruction. I do think that feelings are something that makes life more interesting, but it would be nice to do without them. Mental and emotional pain is harder to deal with than physical pain (thinking that you are going to get hurt is more painful than actually getting hurt for me).

I'm pretty sure that I'm more "P" than "J", My room is messy, I sometimes don't remember times all that well (yesterday or the day before?), I forget where I placed things, and whether an event happened or was a dream. The only thing I'm good at remembering is strings of numbers and letters. The other things I remember or arbitrary events which I have no intention of remembering.

Other stuff:

I can't describe myself accurately as well, as I'm now unsure of what bias arises in my inspection of myself. It seems as if I can delude myself very well. I apparently am also good at coming up with excuses. (This section may just be an excuse also...)

(Honestly, I'm too lazy to do another separate section of dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior functions. Try to make do with above if possible, but if a question is specifically asked, I can answer it-or I'll do so to the best of my ability.)

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Tomorrow 10:36 AM
Dec 12, 2010
My impression was ENTP rather than INTP. You seem more descriptive rather than sharing judgements you have formed. And also this goes with the heightened usage of Fe (politeness and believing feelings make life more interesting).


Local time
Today 4:36 PM
Sep 9, 2016
(this universe)
It feels easier to form judgements from descriptions of people sometimes, no?

As for my politeness... I suppose I just fear having authority shut me down. That has actually happened quite some times, and those times all ended ...misfortunately on my side. Generally, when talking to people, I usually need permission to become less timid around them. It actually feels like stepping around landmines sometimes (there are events where I stepped on some topic I wasn't supposed to step on).

Of course, I'm also starting to find myself more abstract than logical, and it is easier to argue with morals and quotes for me as opposed to solid facts (due to the fact I don't remember the whole fact).

I honestly would have rather been INTP, but it may be that I'm just an ENTP who doesn't really value this world and takes it for granted. It seems I don't value people a lot (a cancerous species).

(I was actually kind of... angry about this, but I figured that was immature, and as indecisive as I am, I had to "rehearse" this a couple of times to ... well, to try to seem mature. I guess this is a tendency for people who want their "seniors" to respect them(?).)

Anyway, thanks for your input/opinion.:phear:

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Tomorrow 10:36 AM
Dec 12, 2010
Don't take my opinion here too seriously by the way, the typing wasn't done very thoroughly at all. Hopefully some others will give their opinions.


Local time
Today 11:36 PM
Jan 17, 2017
I'm an INTP and I relate to most of what you said. Typing on behaviours will never be as accurate as using the functions.

I think you should simply read about Ti in the dominant role, Ne in the dominant role, and then take it from there. No doubt you will relate to both quite a lot, but look at whether you're using one to serve and enhance the other. If you're using Ne to feed Ti, probably INTP. If you're using Ti to feed Ne, then probably ENTP.

Good luck.


Local time
Today 4:36 PM
Sep 9, 2016
(this universe)
Thanks (to begin).

I've been looking at these functions (along with some others), but I'm not quite sure about the differences for this case. From some sites I've read**, I lean towards Ti dom more, though this is mainly because I often find what does not fit me(negatives) more easily than what does(positives).

I am not always "on the go" (what?), and I am content to read 2+ hours of manga per day (this may be another case, however). I also have a hard time naming hobbies, though I do have many (minor) interests. As for being restless...does spending 10 minutes laying on a couch and sighing count?

I however, do brainstorm before thinning and sorting out ideas. (creation of ideas->judging the likeliness of ideas->disposing/reviewing/accepting ideas)

Yes, intelligence is great. --I have also found "loopholes" regarding teleportation as the most overpowered superpower(another topic).--
I seem calm...but that doesn't mean I am.
"How parts relate to a whole?" Well....1/2+1/2 is a whole(1).
I don't search for the "perfect" solution...but the most convenient (and "right") solution...such as crossing the road in a diagonal pattern(and watching which lane ongoing cars are in/will turn into).
I do feel pressure to be competent (the reason for the abundance of excuses I supposedly have), but is this limited only to Ti-dominants?

I also cannot get myself interested in something I'm not interested in, no matter how much attention I pay it. The most I can do is think along the lines of "I'll have to get this done anyway" and "it's for my academic grades/the future..."

**Links: http://mbti-notes.tumblr.com/post/120611652457/how-functions-work-dominant-ti-istpintp

Hm...am I prolonging this thread/babbling too much?:confused:


Local time
Today 5:36 PM
Dec 30, 2016
Honestly. I'm getting more of a Fi vibe. Fe's possible, but Fi seems more pronounced. I'm leaning towards INFP with a solid possibility of ENFP.

Please note, F has little to do with reasoning ability. Being good at logic or bad at it has little to do with Fi or F. It's more complicated than that.

ICM curious, what are your thoughts on the INFP description?


Local time
Today 4:36 PM
Sep 9, 2016
(this universe)
In the (possibly inaccurate) tests I've taken so far, I do use Fi to some extent.

On the INFP description, I find that they seem to be quite opinionated, and seemingly passive. I find that some of the descriptions on a certain site* to be bs though.

I also find it silly to work yourself to death over other people. I would rather not be a stepping stone. Some sites also describe INFPs as good writers with abstract ideas. I do have abstract ideas, but I cannot write at all- I focus too much on writing tiny details and drop the whole thing.

From the descriptions I've seen about INFPs, I conclude that they are self-sacrificing, purposeful, cowardly, and what I would call "hypocritical people-pleasers."


Traits I share-
-strong opinions on some people (of which affected by mood)
-interested in abstract theories
-interested in art and appreciating fantasy
-acknowledging/ interested (kind of) in criminal activities...
- is able to make fluid (sometimes long) metaphors and similes
-wide imagination (which has been taken away by the internet and books)
-does not mind feeling depressed

Traits I don't share-
-meddling with larger stuff (used to meddle in some stuff in elementary school...but that was then)
-potential goodness in people (goodness is subjective)

-no strong moral values of right/wrong
-does not care about other people unless it sometimes involves self
-like/indifference into giving criticism (no complaints)
-pleasure is pleasure. Pain is pain. They may not always be linked together.
-currently no strong devotion to parents/family
-detests tragedy and cheesy stories

-rare bursts of emotional breakdowns....
-is ashamed of breakdowns and feels stupid because of them (no point in whining)
-cannot/it is hard to connect and loop back to a paragraph (always unsatisfied with self-written essay structure)
-on projects, either all or nothing. If there is no time/ perfection is impossible, I would "switch mechanisms" to make it decent enough to pass.
-refuses to smile at others...
-likes to argue, refuses to put up with losing

There may be some possible bias above. I cannot ensure that some of these thoughts are not influenced by my current mood.

* It seems that I currently cannot find the site which I said introduced bs.
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