Does anyone ever wonder what people's reactions would be if you did something totally shocking, socially unacceptable and potentially harmful or dangerous?
Ambush works, except against the trained. Then it may work or it may not.
Like, imagine if you were on your way back to your desk at work after refilling the coffee cup and threw it over one of your coworkers.
That could be hard to defend against, particularly if it got into one's eye. However a trained person might manage to flinch away from the worst of the liquid, and then counterattack.
Or, if you just stood up on a desk and started masturbating,
It's usually some homeless insane person on the street. Don't think I've seen masturbating; I have seen penis and balls exposed. Not sure he was trying, he had some massive hole in his pants, and seemed very drunk. In that case I didn't do anything. If someone were exposing themself in a park to kids, I'd call the cops.
took the fire axe off the wall and started hacking at someone,
I'd be surprised that the situation was occurring. However if the swing was directed at me, training would probably kick in without my conscious awareness. You would very likely be badly injured, and possibly dead.
A reason why assailants don't typically go after random people, is the possibility that the random person will fight back, perhaps successfully with lethal force. So, assailants often pick weak targets.
Also in this day and age, in the USA we are expecting some kind of terrorist to do this. Like the Muslim guy who beheaded a female coworker at some kind of chicken processing operation, IIRC. Call it profiling but if I thought there were any "terrorist cues" like you're screaming stuff about Allah or whatever, the "you are dead, possibly with your own axe" side of the equation becomes even more likely. 'Cuz, if you're crazy enough to do that, what's the next thing you're going to do? On the other hand, in Europe there have been some incompetent terrorists who simply had their weapons wrestled away from them. So who knows.
I'm saying that since we expect threats, it's not a good idea to become the thing that people feel threatened by.
or shove someone under a bus or something.
I am actually paranoid enough, that there is a high chance I'd "judo" you under the bus. You may laugh, but a drunk did step out of an alcove to sucker punch me one time, and I simply reacted. My brain caught up with my body a second later.
I wonder these things, but not because I have any intention of doing these things. I just wonder what people would do if such a thing actually happened.
Report you, avoid you, maim you, kill you. Didn't even mention CCW permits. I've seen a crazy man 10 minutes before he was shot dead in downtown Seattle. He had been flailing at someone on the street, with fists. We thought he knew the victim, but the victim said he'd never seen the guy in his life. The victim wasn't injured, he got away. Well the assailant pulled the same crap with someone else downtown, who summarily shot him dead.
The only crazy thing I've thought of along these lines, is taking someone's briefcase. And just stand there saying, "Ha, I took your briefcase!" Then maybe after a few minutes of the insanity, give it back. I don't do it for the traditional reason that these things are not done: consequences to oneself.
There was a "performance artist" in Seattle who thought it would be fun to park his car somewhere downtown, maybe near the Convention Center? Can't remember now. Put out 4 "work in progress" orange cones, slashed his tires, and walked away from the vehicle. It had some giant elaborate sculpture on it. For some reason the Art had the word "Da Bomb" on it somewhere. Don't think it was the focus of the work, I think there were a number of scrawlings, but it was viewable.
Downtown core was shut down and evacuated. Bomb squad was called. Artist was prosecuted. How did that one end? I'll see if I can find it again. Yes; the artist was
Jason Sprinkle. Oddly enough, many years later he ended in a bad way:
On May 16, 2005, Jason Sprinkle was killed when he was hit by a freight train in Long Beach, Mississippi, where he was visiting his aunt and looking for work. There were no witnesses and it is unclear how it happened.
Suicide? One of your freaks decided to throw him under the train for lolz? Abject carelessness, drunkenness?