Like Cheeseumpuffs, I only articulate words in my mind when preparing to express my thoughts to someone. To me, that process feels kinda stuttery, it's difficult to translate my thinking into words. I see in abstract shapes, atmospheres, colors (not particularly strong colors, more washed out). And sometimes I just 'know' things. I don't have to think it through, I just 'know' all the strings that lead to what conclusion. Ofc to what extent I can do that is limited. These can also be the most difficult to talk to others about, because sometimes the reasoning is very subtle and I'm not able to express accurately why x is a good thing, I just know it makes sense. And figuring out which aspects I should communicate to make it most clear is tricky as well.
Regarding 'deeper' thought, those are all things I see or 'know'. I don't use words for that, other than when preparing to express them. It would be nice being better at expressing myself, how people perceive you is usually tied up to how well you do that. I do it even worse in real time than in the written word.
I do have difficulty remembering details. I will usually remember the vague process and conclusion of something, but names, places, numbers and specifics are very easily lost. It requires a lot to see everything clearly in my mind, to force out details. Part of my thinking tend to feel like trying to put a coat on a hanger but it keeps falling down. It can also be easy for me to misunderstand the written word. My thinking in general tends to feel like a bit of a blur