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Search results

  1. EditorOne

    The 3 ticks. (advice)

    Well, just a footnote: It is unlikely they are paying as much attention to you as you think they are. Most people pay attention to themselves. So dial it all back a bit and relax. Learn to say "Meh." Then, when you're more comfortably balanced between giving a crap and not giving a crap what...
  2. EditorOne

    Been away

    Gopher, "lost tribalism" is a quite plausible explanation for some of it. Good thinking.
  3. EditorOne

    Been away

    Hi, Higgs. I have noticed that seeking to identify as "oppressed" seems to be a growth industry these days, whether it's a woman "identifying" as black out on the West Coast even though she's as white as Marie Antoinette, or angry white people claiming they are Irish and that Irish were...
  4. EditorOne

    How can you sleep when you can't sleep?

    This used to drive me nuts when I had to go to work and be sharp the next day. Now that I'm retired, I just read a book. Kindle makes sure that never necessitates a trip to a library or book store. When I did have to solve the problem, I would force my mind to think of only one thing, usually...
  5. EditorOne

    If INTPs had a slogan, what would it be?

    I'm with Haim: "Fuck off."
  6. EditorOne

    Do any of you like to dance?

    What Cleopatra said: "No, I have too much social anxiety to bring attention to me as I make a fool of myself on a dance floor. " I've had one good dance in 68 years. It was in the fifth grade, it was an in-class square dance, and my partner was Nancy Leith. One part called for us to hold hands...
  7. EditorOne

    wtf hobbies u have?

    Oh, sure, used to help organize some of the more hardcore ones, now just a participant in all kinds. Hardcore = heavy on actual history and period technology and skills. EG no air mattresses, coolers, Lost Cause myths, etc. My blog on reenacting/living history. "How to" make it more...
  8. EditorOne

    wtf hobbies u have?

    Carpentry, writing, reading, Civil War living history.
  9. EditorOne

    INTP as Sales Person

    So far as I know, two-thirds of the population have IQs between 85 and 115, so we can call that "average" and anything above it "high." But there's a big range of "high," and at a basic level a high IQ just means you can learn things faster and quicker. I have no idea what my own IQ is, just...
  10. EditorOne

    INTP as Sales Person

    IQ: Just an aside on IQ. A high IQ isn't necessarily "all advantage." A high IQ coupled with INTP may mean it is almost impossible for you to communicate with people of average or low IQ. Your statements - quite possibly born of rapid processing of information with even you not aware of the...
  11. EditorOne

    Time Management

    This might not help, but I've found I can control both procrastination and obsession by doing whatever feels right at the moment, but imposing a time limit. If I'm delaying a big long ugly thing, setting a limit of an hour or whatever makes it more palatable. If I'm obsessed with something, a...
  12. EditorOne

    How would you dispose of / hide a body?

    Oh, and then there's wood chippers. Just get one powerful enough, though. Nothing worse than a wood chipper clogged with muscle and fat. :D :phear:
  13. EditorOne

    How would you dispose of / hide a body?

    "I'm sure everyone has thought about it," Ummm - no. It is, though, a thorny problem and failure to get it done has put a lot of people in jail. Generally, intricate is bad. Intricate means more steps and more people, and that's never good. (Three people can keep a secret - if two of them...
  14. EditorOne


    Hi. This is a good place to decompress, because it's pretty certain somebody in here will understand what you're saying even if the rest of the world is a big "Huh?"
  15. EditorOne

    On feeling useless.

    Along the lines of Happy: There is no purpose. There is only "is." Life itself is the only purpose. Successful evolution for humans requires as much diversity in thoughts and actions and feelings and doing as possible, does it not?
  16. EditorOne

    Motorcycle Club

    PVC Pipe? Glue a cap on one end and a threaded plug receptacle on the other. Attach buckle straps with small bolts and glue. Insert the threaded plug. The straps would be designed and positioned to meet the challenges of your specific bike. We use something like this, large 8" pipe, to...
  17. EditorOne

    Motorcycle Club

    No, not really. I sold the bike rather than run the risks of what seemed to me, a New Jersey traffic veteran, to be passive-aggressive behavior expressed vehicularly (is that a word?) through crowding and ugly looks. Plus a lot of the roads were bad, with no place to escape the folks who just...
  18. EditorOne

    Motorcycle Club

    I used to ride, had a Yamaha 650 Special Edition. Note the wire spokes; tough to keep clean, yup. I believe the idea was to produce something like an old Indian motorcycle. It could really go. My most memorable ride was going home after a late night as the shut-down-the-paper copy desk...
  19. EditorOne

    Hello! Nice to meet you all!

    Oh, that's why I bite my nails. Now I know. :ahh04:
  20. EditorOne

    Speechcrime Laws

    Not that it really matters after all that, but in most states "assault and battery" breaks down into two parts, "assault" and "battery." Assault is any kind of threat to commit harm when coupled with the ability to carry out the threat. "Battery" is when physical violence actually occurs...
  21. EditorOne

    @Architect and everyone else... How do you study/learn?

    Notes always helped me pin things down because the process of converting material into my own words and sentences kind of forced an understanding of the material. This is even at the very basic level, like spelling. I can futz around trying to spell a new, unfamiliar word like Peleliu, or an...
  22. EditorOne

    How much would you spend on your rights?

    And under free speech exceptions, let's not forget "no freedom to shout "fire!" falsely in a crowded theater, where the intent would be to create chaos. Although we had a slightly different version of that when I was a young men and yippee Abbie Hoffman said that free speech does include the...
  23. EditorOne

    How much would you spend on your rights?

    Just a belated footnote: In the US Bill of Rights, there is no separate "freedom of the press," it's freedom of speech, period. Newspapers and other media have absolutely no separate rights beyond what is available to any individual. I'm making the belated footnote because failure to discern...
  24. EditorOne

    Thoughts on How to Shut Down a Salesperson

    Just ask for a business card from one of them and say "not today, but when the time is right I'll call you."
  25. EditorOne

    Never thought this would happen to me.

    PS "Squandering of gifts" is judgmental, cut that crap out! There's no pressure. You've been listening to people who give you straight A's on class content but add comments like "could try harder." D'oh. If you are self sufficient most of the time and haven't done anything to hurt anyone...
  26. EditorOne

    Never thought this would happen to me.

    I see no reason not to share what you've learned and experienced, especially with INTP personalities who have enough of a hill to push the rock up. While self-awareness of this stuff is much higher than it was when I was as young as many of the posters on here, it still helps to hear someone...
  27. EditorOne

    INTP in retirement

    OK, not 2,000 a day: 2,000 whenever you sit down to write. :-) Don't set yourself up for failure. That's why editing the last 2,000 words is so important, it primes the pump and gets you back to where you were the last time yout sat down to write, even if it was a week ago. It is probably...
  28. EditorOne

    Successful INTP's, what career has made you happy?

    Additionally: A field which is constantly changing due to new technology, new opportunities, new challenges, is never going to get too terribly repetitive. It could be anything. I changed jobs (rather, roles) WITHIN journalism about every two to three years and that kept me happy for quite a...
  29. EditorOne

    Anyone else overreacted to a break-up?

    Could be it hits INTP personalities harder because we have fewer and deeper relationships. You're not alone. I went through the same thing as a teenager, lacking any self-awareness of INTPness and without any input that would have "normalized" what happened. Went through the whole...
  30. EditorOne

    INTP in retirement

    I'm retired, now 67, started at 59. So far I've learned a new occupation (public insurance adjuster), written a couple of books, and done home improvement after home improvement. Recently I built a boat. I also started a blog on one of my ongoing interests, the American Civil War. I've also had...
  31. EditorOne

    Guys, how to know for sure if a (female) INFJ is interested ?

    Jesumachristos, will you just ask the woman if she'd like to go out for coffee after work some time? You'll get a clue real fast. Stop dithering; act; do not go over the top; act intelligently. A query about the acceptability of having coffee is about as small an emotional investment as you...
  32. EditorOne

    Forum Change in Direction

    Just as a footnote for moderators: I used to have to moderate a daily newspaper Web site's discussion forum. One of the concepts I found useful and easily understood was "tiresome." I'd always announce when someone got bounced and it took no time at all for the community to grasp and appreciate...
  33. EditorOne

    Overeducated unemployed

    Additionally, and this is for everyone, sometimes the traditional fill-out-the-application-and-hope process is just never going to work, especially for political or public employee jobs. There's an alternative. The basics: 1. Write letters to as many community leaders as you can identify and...
  34. EditorOne

    Overeducated unemployed

    Unfortunately it's all about networking, at which INTPs usually suck. Just a tip: If you want one of the many service jobs out there just to get some money coming in, leave most of your college credentials off the application. You could change the name of your thread to "overeducated means...
  35. EditorOne

    Mike Pence

    All I need to know about him is his desire to criminalize abortions. Here ya go, scores of quotes from Mike Pence.
  36. EditorOne

    happy new year binches

    16-foot sailing skiff, "Uncle Gabe's Skiff," from a book of backyard-boats by Sam Rabl, first published back in the 1940s. Design was modified to make it trailerable, mostly by the addition of fiberglas cloth. The original was supposed to be kept in the water so the planks would stay swollen...
  37. EditorOne

    happy new year binches

    1. What is a binch? 2. My plan for the year is to finish the boat I'm building and go for a sail, plus a vacation in the Dominican Republic with my wife while she's still able to travel and then work in a right knee replacement before Medicare gets destroyed for us old timers. I almost said...
  38. EditorOne

    Do debates actually change anyone's mind?

    "As with being 29, I was not raised with cold war propaganda being shoved down my throat. I learn from books and the tv than Vietnam was a lie and that duck and cover was retarded. The nuke shield never worked. The nuke sites had keys that could be hacked so a loose general could start a war...
  39. EditorOne

    Do debates actually change anyone's mind?

    Wouldn't you like to know why they each take their position? And somewhere in there I lost you, as I'm not seeing being 29 years old as anything but a nonsequitor.
  40. EditorOne

    Do debates actually change anyone's mind?

    I'm not sure what each of you is calling a "debate." Some of it sounds like a discussion. Other comments sound like deciding a policy at work. I'm thinking more of something like the Lincoln-Douglass debates, which helped a lot of people see the dominant issue of the era in different ways from...
  41. EditorOne

    Donald Trump Must Earn His Mandate

    Because Trump seems well on his way to creating an inept kleptocracy? Could the revolution of disappointed expectations take place before he's even inaugurated?
  42. EditorOne

    Just a quick hello

    Welcome. I had a late epiphany also. For years I thought I was broken, up to my mid 30s.
  43. EditorOne

    Mentally Traumatizing Movies

    My first wife and I went to see "Last House on the Left", the original version, back in the 1970s. We were both extremely upset. I haven't bothered with the new version (2009), but I seriously recommend against seeing the original. It was Wes Craven's first movie as director, and it was...
  44. EditorOne

    Hi. :)

    Cat-boy Arthur wasn't in my class. I was far from weirdest. Weirdest was the fellow who ripped the wings off greenhead flies (big ones) and then electrocuted them with a rig he made. Another weird one had sex with his sister, and also, when he was adult, went to jail for murdering his friend...
  45. EditorOne

    Hi. :)

    I actually knew someone who thought he was a cat until high school. Mewed in class and everything. But he wasn't the weirdest kid in his class. Welcome, btw. We occasionally go off on what at first glance appear to be tangents. They appear that way later, as well.
  46. EditorOne

    Hi. I'm RAG.

    Can't fool me, you're Sheldon Cooper.
  47. EditorOne


    It's only apparently quiet right now, folks are enjoying the silence after some rancorous U.S. Presidency discussions. I know I'm smarter than most - top one percent. However, just in the United States that top one percent amounts to 3.3 million people and within that one percent are as many...
  48. EditorOne

    MBTI: Donald J. Trump

    Cripes. I've dealt with the man intermittently as a journalist since the early 1980s, I'm not sure how "charmer" comes into it. And he doesn't leave his statements open ended to avoid judgment, he does it to avoid culpability. Very, very often his statements are suggestive, not definitive...
  49. EditorOne

    I just thought I was really weird.

    Yes, we are here. You've found your actual home, which is defined as the place, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. :-)
  50. EditorOne

    Rushing mind at nights

    I read. It's a good use of time. Usually takes 10 minutes to an hour and I fade away. Very occasionally I've had success emptying my mind by forcing myself to see nothing but the color grey. No matter where my mind starts to go I diligently reel it back in and visualize greyness. Kind of...
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