English by far. I learnt literally nothing in the 6 years of the subject at secondary school, despite getting pretty much straight A's. Total joke.
@Wolf18 I'm curious if gym class is similar to P.E. (physical education) in Australia. In Australia P.E. actually covered some parts of biology and had theory work, stuff about plyometrics, different types of weight training for different results etc.
I actually learnt heaps about optimal training and how to target different types of fitness.
I always find it strange when people complain about 'gym' class, it makes me wonder if in the states it's anything like what I was taught in school, which had a decent amount of theory work and was all about how to practically apply what you learnt. In one point we had to choose a specific attribute that we wanted to improve in ourselves, I can only remember four of our choices which were:
- vertical leap
- sit and reach flexibility
- max push-ups in 1 min
- 1.6km (1 mile) run best time
We had to implement a program based on 3 exercises that would improve our ability. I chose vertical leap and actually improved by 18cm (roughly 5 inches) in only 4 weeks. The class had homework which was pretty much based on following set routines (of your own choosing) and then hypothesising as to why (or why not) they weren't successful etc.
Is 'gym' class in the U.S. anything like that? I have a feeling the answer is no to be honest, but for me it was by far my favourite subject.